IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.29.11 Features Hogan's "Major Announcement"

Say what you want about this show. It worked. They don't give a fuck if you like the storylines they chose or not. At this point their job is to build them and they definitely did that.
Keep it in the context it was presented, gaping. Before the choice is made they care, probably not about the opinions of individuals, but they do care. After the choice is made their job is to build it up. As far as I am concerned there is nothing more moronic than complaining about them featuring Roode heavily on this show.
They should make people care through out the build not just in the begining.

Bottom line is if people don't care they won't watch.

They could build up to one of the best matches in the history of pro wrestling but if people don't care and have stopped watching they won't tune in/Order the PPV
You really are misinterpreting what I am saying badly.

Furthermore, these LDs are testament to the fact that people do watch even though they supposedly don't care.
You really are misinterpreting what I am saying badly.

Furthermore, these LDs are testament to the fact that people do watch even though they supposedly don't care.

You should probably try typing in plain English so people could understand you. You and I have gone back and forth plenty, but you tend to speak in vague, easily misinterpreted sentences. You think you are making a great point while everyone reading what you wrote thinks you are a baffoon spouting out nonsense that makes no sense.

Just go directly to the point and maybe you'd have some validity.

As for what I think you said, Roode wins the BFG series which means that is the storyline going into BFG. Yes, they are building that story and building it a lot, but that doesn't mean they are building it well. As KB pointed out earlier, it's a lot of repetitive promos and until that video, nothing really made you interested in the match more than just "it's Roode vs. Angle which we haven't seen."

I know you are an ardent TNA supporter and all, but it's ok to admit when something is less than awesome. In this case, we all know the end result will be a solid BFG match and no one is disagreeing on fact that time hasn't been put in to building the match. What people are saying is that the time that has been put in hasn't been especially exciting, memorable, or really that good for Roode in all honesty. I commend TNA for giving this match a lot of TV time for build, but I just don't think that time has been used very effectively. I have been a Roode supporter for a long time now, even have gone as far to say as Storm was holding him back (I stand by that and have gotten shit for it over the years), but these last few weeks have regressed him I believe. He went from being a totally awesome guy (in my view) that was underutilized, to being thrust in the spotlight and losing everything that made him awesome. I dunno, but this story just isn't doing it for me and I don't think it's fair of you to tell people that they should be satisfied with the fact that it is getting build when the build itself isn't making you want to see the match any more.
You should probably try typing in plain English so people could understand you. You and I have gone back and forth plenty, but you tend to speak in vague, easily misinterpreted sentences. You think you are making a great point while everyone reading what you wrote thinks you are a baffoon spouting out nonsense that makes no sense.

Just go directly to the point and maybe you'd have some validity.

As for what I think you said, Roode wins the BFG series which means that is the storyline going into BFG. Yes, they are building that story and building it a lot, but that doesn't mean they are building it well. As KB pointed out earlier, it's a lot of repetitive promos and until that video, nothing really made you interested in the match more than just "it's Roode vs. Angle which we haven't seen."

I know you are an ardent TNA supporter and all, but it's ok to admit when something is less than awesome. In this case, we all know the end result will be a solid BFG match and no one is disagreeing on fact that time hasn't been put in to building the match. What people are saying is that the time that has been put in hasn't been especially exciting, memorable, or really that good for Roode in all honesty. I commend TNA for giving this match a lot of TV time for build, but I just don't think that time has been used very effectively. I have been a Roode supporter for a long time now, even have gone as far to say as Storm was holding him back (I stand by that and have gotten shit for it over the years), but these last few weeks have regressed him I believe. He went from being a totally awesome guy (in my view) that was underutilized, to being thrust in the spotlight and losing everything that made him awesome. I dunno, but this story just isn't doing it for me and I don't think it's fair of you to tell people that they should be satisfied with the fact that it is getting build when the build itself isn't making you want to see the match any more.

Where do you see me referring to anything aside from the program this week? The same program that aired a video that you seem to be saying increased your interest in the story they have going. So I fail to see what is so completely incomprehensible about me saying that this show built that story up further, thus it did exactly what it is supposed to.

People act like there is an obvious right and wrong way to do things. If this was true nothing would ever fail and the business would constantly be increasing in worth. In reality all you can do is try and the only truly wrong thing to do is not try.

Toddler anus, once they pick a story they have already considered who is likely to enjoy it and who isn't. You can't please everyone and trying to do so is a good way to actually please nobody. Thus, sticking to the plan is important. Therefore, they stick with the plan unless there is overwhelming evidence that it is failing. So the focus is much more heavily on executing the story that was planned out than worrying about the people that they already likely knew were not going to enjoy it as much.

Too many people fail to realize that what they might like, two other people might dislike and so on. This has been a slow build that hasn't really captured my imagination but I know it is headed for a good match and I think tonight they showed the story they want to tell. It isn't a bad one at all. To get Roode where they want him it seems clear to me that the simplicity of the story is a necessity. The more bullshit you add in the less the focus is on him. That isn't how you make a star.

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