IMPACT Wrestling LD for 09.15.11

What a damn good match. That's probably the best TV match you will ever see from two guys whose age combine to be over 100.

Hell, that's one of the best TV matches you'll see of any age this year.
I thought it was him eating all the cookies with his son? Not trying to knit-pick.

I own the book so I'll look it up and get back to you. I know that it had to do with his son and not wanting to die. I think there was a thing where he passed out on the couch and fell on the way to his bed after he realized that he missed his chance to tuck in his son though. I could be wrong, but I'll check.
The match was no where near as bad as advertised but at the same time I wouldn't go out of my way to tell anyone to watch it unless you wanna laugh at flair.
The match was no where near as bad as advertised but at the same time I wouldn't go out of my way to tell anyone to watch it unless you wanna laugh at flair.

What wasn't good about it? It was solid execution, good story, had a couple big bumps, the right guy won, and it was exciting.

How was this anything other than a good TV match?
Flair/Sting didn't turn out to be as much of a comedy match as I expected, but it was still a fun, old school match between two of the greatest to ever step in the ring.

The only problem with it was that idiot Gunner not getting to the ring on time to interrupt the 3 count after the superplex (which I was shocked they did in the first place). Besides that though... if you're a real pro wrestling fan, then there's not much you should bitch about with that match. It was fun, and both guys gave it their all.
I assumed those reports were bullshit once they started talking about being worried about Flair's health based on his cardiowhateverathy. A condition he has been wrestling with for about 10 years, which is now suddenly a huge issue. Amazing how dirtsheet stories and bias build on one another.
Yeah, none of which were wrestlers. it's also the textbook definition of a rub.

That was the first time I ever saw Sting wrestle. I remember watching it and being pissed at myself because I was enjoying something other than WWF. Phenomenal match.

Even though I didn't know much about the guys involved they told such a good story that I felt Sting got robbed for not winning. There was also a really 80's hot chick judge. I wonder what happened to her?
I was and I wasn't impressed very much.

Then one of three things happened:

1) You weren't watching closely enough

2) You had unrealistic expectations of a TV match

3) You don't know nearly as much about wrestling as I thought you did

This had a VERY old school feel to the match, with elements of new school thrown in. The run-in was perfect and made sense, and yet, didn't affect the match one bit. The match had you on your toes the entire time, and the crowd was obviously very into the match. Not sure what you were looking for, but not really seeing how you can say it wasn't a good TV match.
That was the first time I ever saw Sting wrestle. I remember watching it and being pissed at myself because I was enjoying something other than WWF. Phenomenal match.

Even though I didn't know much about the guys involved they told such a good story that I felt Sting got robbed for not winning. There was also a really 80's hot chick judge. I wonder what happened to her?

It was the first time a lot of people saw Sting wrestle which was the entire point. The chick was Penthouse Pet of the Month at one point.
What a damn good match. That's probably the best TV match you will ever see from two guys whose age combine to be over 100.

Hell, that's one of the best TV matches you'll see of any age this year.

Someone's starting to show his age a little bit here, just sayin'.

All kidding aside, that was actually better than I expected. Flair taking a superplex at his age was impressive. I could have lived without the run ins, but that's fine.

I think , though, that referring to it as one of the matches of the year may be a gross overstatement. Match of the year? No way. Great match, not so much. A passable nostalgic match which was not deserving of the negative reporting it received, now that sounds about right.
What wasn't good about it? It was solid execution, good story, had a couple big bumps, the right guy won, and it was exciting.

How was this anything other than a good TV match?

Exciting? Exciting? You found that exciting? Maybe I missed something. Their was nothing interesting about that match except the way Flair sold.
Then one of three things happened:

1) You weren't watching closely enough

2) You had unrealistic expectations of a TV match

3) You don't know nearly as much about wrestling as I thought you did

This had a VERY old school feel to the match, with elements of new school thrown in. The run-in was perfect and made sense, and yet, didn't affect the match one bit. The match had you on your toes the entire time, and the crowd was obviously very into the match. Not sure what you were looking for, but not really seeing how you can say it wasn't a good TV match.

Well my first problem (and this is more personal taste than a criticism of the match) was there was no real reason to believe that Flair was going to win as Sting vs. Hogan or some form of it seemed set in stone. That's the biggest problem I can have with a match but again, personal preference.

The run-in does make sense, although I'd rather see a clean ending. Either have the run-in or the weapon shot. The on your toes part I'd disagree with for the first thing I said.
I own the book so I'll look it up and get back to you. I know that it had to do with his son and not wanting to die. I think there was a thing where he passed out on the couch and fell on the way to his bed after he realized that he missed his chance to tuck in his son though. I could be wrong, but I'll check.

I remember the passing out on the couch part, but it's been a while since I've read the book. I got the cookie part from the Heartbreak and Triumph DVD. Meh, my mind is too hazy to remember.
Someone's starting to show his age a little bit here, just sayin'.

All kidding aside, that was actually better than I expected. Flair taking a superplex at his age was impressive. I could have lived without the run ins, but that's fine.
The run ins make sense, and is consistent with the same fear Hogan showed back '97 about facing Sting.

I think , though, that referring to it as one of the matches of the year may be a gross overstatement. Match of the year? No way. Great match, not so much. A passable nostalgic match which was not deserving of the negative reporting it received, now that sounds about right.
I didn't say it was a match of the year, I said it was one of the best TV matches of the year. Big difference.

TV matches and PPV matches are much different, and they should be, especially for your main-eventers. Only on the rarest of occasions do you give a PPV style match on free TV, and a month away from your biggest PPV of the year is not the time to do it.
Exciting? Exciting? You found that exciting? Maybe I missed something. Their was nothing interesting about that match except the way Flair sold.
Considering how the crowd was into the match the whole way through, I dare say you are wrong. :shrug:
The run ins make sense, and is consistent with the same fear Hogan showed back '97 about facing Sting.

Until the PPV when he smiled and strutted out to the ring and didn't show any fear at all and proceeded to beat up Sting like he was Lenny Lane.

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