Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Will Smith
Toby Keith

IC, I told you before I could not have URL in my name, and it says that no bbcode is allowed. I was wondering if it ...ped.[/QUOTE] In your name? Or your sig?
I don't know, we were trying to do what sam has and it didn't work. We believe it is because of our member status. Like admins can have more than seven lines of text and such. We were trying to promote the sfac, do you know why we can't do that in our sigs?
Yes my sig, and yeah, the SFAC was what we were looking to do it for, and for me just to have links to threads in mine now would be swell.

In the SFAC, we wanted links on pictures, I just want to be able to link the word Will Smith now to the thread.
just a few questions...

who is gomer pyle(sp)?

amd, how do you tell how many pixels a picture is? i know it said someting like 120x240 or something close to that. but that still doesnt tell if it's less than 800 pixels
on photobucket can you download pics to a size that is just right? i used the smallest one, and its smaller than a "thumbnail"
it must have someting to do with camera quality, but, how can i make my sig bigger without exceeding sig size? anything like the sig's ive seen would be perfect. (Like the size of a credit card)
i know, you guys are not tech support, but and help would be appreciated.
local newwbie,
just a few questions...

who is gomer pyle(sp)?
A famous character that originated on the Andy Griffith show.

amd, how do you tell how many pixels a picture is? i know it said someting like 120x240 or something close to that. but that still doesnt tell if it's less than 800 pixels
Right-click on the picture and select "Properties". The 120 x 240 is your width x height of the picture. Add them together, to find the total number of pixels that your picture is.
on photobucket can you download pics to a size that is just right? i used the smallest one, and its smaller than a "thumbnail"
Yes, I believe you can use Photobucket to upload a picture to a certain size. You can also use MS Paint and reduce pictures that way, not to mention if you have any graphic software like Photoshop.

it must have someting to do with camera quality, but, how can i make my sig bigger without exceeding sig size? anything like the sig's ive seen would be perfect. (Like the size of a credit card)
Camera quality only matters when you take the picture. You can shrink the pictures after you transfer it to your computer.

i know, you guys are not tech support, but and help would be appreciated.
local newwbie,
Next time, try using the following thread.
I was wondering if I could post articles about professional wrestling written in academic journals into a thread for people to read. I'm not sure if that would violate copywrite or leave the forums at fault for anything. If the answer is no, that is all good.
I would say yeah, as long as you say where you got it from, who wrote it where credit is due.
ok i couldnt find a suitable thread to post this so sorry if its in the wrong place.

i have two of the same posts on this forum:

and i dont want 2 get an infraction for spamming as i will get "teddy harted". i have no idea why it has done this as one of the posts is an answer to another post but is listed before it....

ok thanks
ok i couldnt find a suitable thread to post this so sorry if its in the wrong place.

i have two of the same posts on this forum:

and i dont want 2 get an infraction for spamming as i will get "teddy harted". i have no idea why it has done this as one of the posts is an answer to another post but is listed before it....

ok thanks

1. I moved this to the Ask a Question thread.

2. I deleted the duplicate post. That's not your fault at all, so don't sweat it. Thanks for being proactive and letting us know.
Admins do all the 'behind the scenes' work, in a way. They appoint the Mods and G-mods, as well as make and delete forums, ban IPs, and make sure everything is working properly. They actually do a lot more, but I'm sure one of them could tell you more.
Ok get it the Global Moderators moderate all the forums while the Moderators moderate specific forums. But whats an Administrators job?
To piss off the moderators. ;)

The administrators are the badasses of the forum. Well, kind of. Basically they set the rules, can overturn infractions/warnings, and have the ability to add/change/delete forums. The administrators here are kind of limited (unfairly so in my opinion) as these forums are owned by Crave Online, and they are very protective of their property.
Admins do all the 'behind the scenes' work, in a way. They appoint the Mods and G-mods, as well as make and delete forums, ban IPs, and make sure everything is working properly. They actually do a lot more, but I'm sure one of them could tell you more.

Ok one more question. How do I get one of those pictures by my name?
To piss off the moderators. ;)

The administrators are the badasses of the forum. Well, kind of. Basically they set the rules, can overturn infractions/warnings, and have the ability to add/change/delete forums. The administrators here are kind of limited (unfairly so in my opinion) as these forums are owned by Crave Online, and they are very protective of their property.

Thanks that about covers it. By the way who is heavy metal? Is he a wrestler? I've never heard of him?
Thanks that about covers it. By the way who is heavy metal? Is he a wrestler? I've never heard of him?
This is the type of question that belongs either in the Live Discussion Forum, or the Old School Ask a Question forum.

But that answer is: He's bad ass. That's who he is. And he's the guy you should vote for in the WZ Tournament.
possibly a rather shit question that will make me look like an anus but what the hell,

how can i change that 'Registered User' jiggy under my name.....
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