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Can someone give me a brief overview of how the Rep system works? Not HOW to do it, just like the facts of it, like how many pts equal another green block, what is gray rep, etc. Thanks.
You have grey rep, because you do not have enough rep to give... like when you gave me your horrid grey.

now to get another bar, you need 100 points. To get a bright bar, you need 200 more points.
100- 2 bars
200- 3
300- 4
400- 5
and then 200 for another bar.

If you mouth of Sly, you will get red, not by him, but by those who know he is right:)

once you get more rep and posts, your rep will be worth something.
So if I rep someone else, am i giving them my Rep pts? And if someone red reps me, how many pts do i lose, or how many pts can i gain? And what does gray repping someone actually do?
You don't lose any. Your rep is worth a certain amount, which right now is fairly low. That'll go up over time due to posting and your rep. You don't lose any at all if you rep someone. They gain more. Each person's rep is worth varying amonts.
under peoples usernames there is a sentence in red.How does that work

If you look in the top left corner of the forum, there is a link for "User CP." "CP" is "Control Panel." Hit that. On the left, you'll see a header for "Settings and Options" and a list below it. Click on "Edit Profile." There, you can type your "red sentence" and even adjust your age, location, etc.

Also, if you use the "User CP," that is how you create a "signature" that goes at the bottom of your every post.
What is the exact algorithm for determining how much your rep is worth? I have figured out that, without any rep but the 10 points you start with, once you hit 50 posts, your rep is worth one point. Additionally, for every 100 points of rep you have, your rep increases by one point. So, how do post counts beyond 50 and your user status affect your rep power?
This was just something I was wondering, hopefully I never get either of these but if you get an infraction or a warning where does it show up at? How do you know if you got one? Do you just get sent a PM letting you know or is it something that shows up somewhere under your UserCP?
For the infractions, they show up in your profile and on your User CP. You'll receive a PM about either of them.
What exactly is 'being mentored'? Is it a good thing, and, if so, can I be 'mentored'?

Also, what aer the exact rules on posting videos on this site. I have an idea for a thread in which I'll post a funny promo done by a fav wrestler, then encourage others to do the same by finding/posting their own funny promos of thier fav wrestlers. Is that allowed?
What exactly is 'being mentored'? Is it a good thing, and, if so, can I be 'mentored'?

If you want a 'mentor' the best place to look is the Bar Room, although all it is having someone claiming to be your mentor.

Also, what aer the exact rules on posting videos on this site. I have an idea for a thread in which I'll post a funny promo done by a fav wrestler, then encourage others to do the same by finding/posting their own funny promos of thier fav wrestlers. Is that allowed?

As long as you post reasons on why you like that promo then it should be fine.
What is the exact algorithm for determining how much your rep is worth? I have figured out that, without any rep but the 10 points you start with, once you hit 50 posts, your rep is worth one point. Additionally, for every 100 points of rep you have, your rep increases by one point. So, how do post counts beyond 50 and your user status affect your rep power?

Robyn's rep is worth 8 I believe and she only has 30 posts.
Robyn's rep is worth 8 I believe and she only has 30 posts.

All right, so what is the algorithm then? She currently has 900+ points of rep right now, but her reputation is only worth 8 points now, correct? Will she be able to rep at 10 points once she gets to 50 posts?
I have another question regarding posting videos. How exactly can I post a video into a thread? I dont wanna just post the link, I'd like to just post the whole video over if i can. Ive seen it done before and im just wondering exactly how its done. Thanks in advance.
If it's off of youtube you take this keU5TQ7nkuM

put it in between these [youtube*]keU5TQ7nkuM[/youtube] (without the *)

and you get this

All right, so what is the algorithm then? She currently has 900+ points of rep right now, but her reputation is only worth 8 points now, correct? Will she be able to rep at 10 points once she gets to 50 posts?

When she gets to 50 posts we will test it out. I have also wondered if red repping someone takes less points away then green repping gives them.
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