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I'm new to the forums and have a question. I've seen several guys with quotes in their signatures (i.e.: Originally posted by john smith - "blah blah") and I can't seem to find where or how I can quote someone. Thanks to whoever can help and please don't flame me for being a noob lol.
right under the post on the bottom right is a button named "QUOTE" You may click this, and then copy and paste it into your signiture.
Noob question #2 for me lol. Can someone tell me how to get a custom avatar? I have the pic found and saved it, but all that I can find on the edit avatar part of the control panel is to pick ones that WZ already has.
WrestleZone Forums doesn't allow custom avatars. We usually have a wide array of avatars available, but do to an issue that has arose, many are missing. Sorry for the let down.
i have a question how do you create a sig and do you need a certian amount of posts to make one

To make a signature, use a program such as Photoshop, and upload them using Photobucket. Then take the IMG tag, and go into your User CP, and click on Signiture, and post the IMG tag into there.
There is a Movies/Television section in the Non Wrestling forums, toards the bottom of the forum home page. It's a non-spam zone, so make sure if you post something it's nto spam :)
Is it acceptable to just vote and not post in the WZ Tournament? I know it is frowned upon here,but many times I find the points or arguments that I would have said to already be posted, also do Spam Rules apply?
Yeah that's fine, we prefer you give an input, but if you look at say Undertaker v Great Hali there was over 50 votes with maybe 10 people voicing their opinion. Also spam rule applies in the the tournament.
I've tried using the search function, and haven't found anything, so...
What do the blue/grey rep bars mean?
I've tried using the search function, and haven't found anything, so...
What do the blue/grey rep bars mean?

Red means someone didn't like your post, as KB explained grey means that someone tried to rep you who doesn't have enough rep points yet, this is neutral rep. Green is obviously good.
Can anyone tell me how to get a custom signature, like if I was to make a picture how would I get it onto the site as my sig?

Thanks in advance

Can anyone tell me how to get a custom signature, like if I was to make a picture how would I get it onto the site as my sig?

Thanks in advance


If you already have an image saved on your computer or from the web, then you right click the image, go to properties and copy the image address. On this website, at the top left corner in white writing there is a link called "User CP". Click on that. You will be directed to a page where you will see a left hand column full of options, click on the top link that says "Edit Signature". Then in the text box paste your image address and place it in between these brackets:

Then click save signature.

I hope that helps.
Would I be able to use this picture a s my sig? I'm unsure about calculating the pixels etc. Any help would be appreciated. The link to it is

Thanks in advance
Would I be able to use this picture a s my sig? I'm unsure about calculating the pixels etc. Any help would be appreciated. The link to it is

Thanks in advance


To know how big a picture is, right click on the picture then click on properties & you'll see the image dimensions
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