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It means that the person doesn't have enough posts yet. It's considered neurtral.

Red means someone didn't like your post, as KB explained grey means that someone tried to rep you who doesn't have enough rep points yet, this is neutral rep. Green is obviously good.

KB said it's grey becuz the person duznt have enough POSTS yet.
Lee said its becuz they dont have enough REP POINTS.

can someone help me out and tell me how many posts or points i need to red & green rep like a big boy?
I think its a little from column A and a little from column B. get posting, you will be repped and after about 50 posts you should be ok. (just don't Spam)

EDIT: It don't really matter if you have grey rep. Its the thought that counts, as long as you explain why your repping them.

Minus the rep fans. but they don't matter. to be honest I prefer grey rep. Cos its almost always a non barroom rep.
So I has question. I've been wondering this for a while. Anyone know what referrals are in a person's profile?
So I has question. I've been wondering this for a while. Anyone know what referrals are in a person's profile?
I don't know what the benefit to them are, but when a member signs up, they have the option to credit a current member with a "referral". Basically, it means that a current member signed up a new member for the forum.

As far as I know, there's no reward for having referrals to the forums.
there's a person who signed up about a month ago and he still hasnt recieved his verification email. his sign up name is KeithLearmonth and his email is [email protected].

can anything be done for him? thanks
vCash is meant to be spent in the vBookies section. You go in there to bet on sporting events, WWE and TNA matches, etc. It's in the Sports Section, check it out.
Is someone going to fix the Avatars that are down?

And is there some process in which Avatars are added, say I make a whole bunch that are the same kind of thing the forum has featuring wrestler, could they be submitted?
Is someone going to fix the Avatars that are down?
We'll fix the avatars as soon as you learn how to read a thread.

Why isn't the WZ Avatars 2008 Collection working on User CP?

I'm a bit tired of the old avatars available... :P

Because the people from Crave haven't put the avatars where they are supposed to be.

And it's likely they will do it?

I believe Buffaloed put in a work order to have it done. So, supposedly, they'll get around to it at some point.

Don't hold your breath though.


And is there some process in which Avatars are added, say I make a whole bunch that are the same kind of thing the forum has featuring wrestler, could they be submitted?
Avatars have to be uploaded to the server. None of the active members on this site have the rights to upload to the sever. We rely on a couple of outside people from Crave to do that, and like I told the last person, don't hold your breath.
Can someone tell me if I could use this picture as my sig?

So let me make sure i am interpreting this rule correctly...

I can't say "look at my twitter for x reason here is my sn" in my sig then?
I have a question.... some people have two titles under their names rather than just one. Do you have to be a moderator to be able to have two or something? I cannot figure out how to make the second one, could someone please clear that up?

Those are the new rankings system. The higher your rep, post count and I think vcash, the more prestigeous title you have. They're assigned, so you can't make them.
Those are the new rankings system. The higher your rep, post count and I think vcash, the more prestigeous title you have. They're assigned, so you can't make them.

Oh.... is there is list somewhere of how many points/posts you need to get each title, or can only the moderators see that? I would like to know, just curious is all.

Oh.... is there is list somewhere of how many points/posts you need to get each title, or can only the moderators see that? I would like to know, just curious is all.

As far as I know, only the administrators can see it. I'm a G-Mod, and if there's a way for me to see it, I don't know it.
Oh.... is there is list somewhere of how many points/posts you need to get each title, or can only the moderators see that? I would like to know, just curious is all.

Shocky posted this awhile ago I decided to find it for you.
Post: 0-1000 (Jobber Status)
0-200 No Image
201-400 Santino Marella (Comedy Jobber, never will amount to anything
401-600: Diva's Champion (Image of Divas Belt)
601-800: Knockout Champion
801-1000: WWE Womens Championship

Post 1001-2000 (Lower Mid Card Talent)
1001-1200: Hardcore Champion
1201 - 1400: Million Dollar Champion
1401 - 1600: WCW TV Champion
1601 - 1800: ROH Pure Wrestling Champion
1801 - 2000: WWE European Champion

Post 2001-3000: (Solid Mid Carder)

2001-2200: Money In the Bank Briefcase
2201-2400: ECW TV Champion
2401-2600: X-Division Champion
2601-2800: US Champion
2801-3000: IC Champion

3001-4000 (Upper Mid Carder)

3001-3333 (ROH Champion)
3334-3666: (ECW Champion
3667-4000: TNA Champion

4001-5000: (Main Eventer)

4001-4333: (NWA Champion)
4334 - 4666: Big Gold Belt
4667 - 5000: WWE Champion

5000+ worry about it when we get there.

So how do we incorporate VBookies:
Say you become a WWE Champion, and we give you the current title as the default version. Say you have 1,000,000 points in the bank. Say you want to use the Smoking Skull title as your championship, well, you can buy alternate versions of that title for whatever we determine the price to be...(something I would do later) Obviously the more valuable a title is, the more you will spend.

What's that, you're VBookie is at 0 from stupid bets, no problem, transfer your rep into Vbookie credits...
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