WZ Tourney Semi Final: The Undertaker vs. Edge

The Undertaker vs. Edge

  • The Phenom

  • The Rated R Superstar

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I honestly and respectfully disagree with you, I think Edge came out of that feud looking great, he proved to me then that he could hang with the main eventers. So you feel that this is Undertakers prime, even though he can't wrestle for more than say 3 months at a time before having to have months of time off due to being so beat up? Undertaker is at the tail end of his career, if it took him this long to get this good then Edge has an even brighter future to look forward too.

Way to make Edge look worse. If Taker is/has been in the tail end of his career for the last year or so...how does that make Edge look? Assuming that Edge's prime was during his feud with Taker or the time leading up to his prime...that means that a very ripe Edge got dominated up and down the ring when facing a wasting Undertaker one on one.

Just sayin.
I'm pretty new to this whole argument thing, especially in this tournament, but here it goes.

While I can agree that Undertaker, recently, has taken off some time here and there, I don't really see how it affects this matchup since it's a kayfabe tournament.

As for Undertaker's prime, even I can't quite pick which one it truly is, but I believe that even further cements his status in the WWE. If we can't decide on a prime for the Undertaker that clearly shows that he has been extremely relevant throughout his whole career and there was no downpoint for him. As for Edge, his prime is now and that is clear because he has not been main-event player his whole career.

When you say that Undertaker was Austin's lackey I don't see it that way. I saw it as Undertaker helping Austin go over with the fans and to help him stay over as the face of the company. Austin was fghting the leader of the biggest heel stable at the time, so it was essential to have him go over in that fued. I find it similar to Edge and Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy has been a thorn in the side of Edge and Hardy got his biggest push of his career when he gained wins over Edge. It's kind of the same way as how Undertaker was used to keep Austin elevated on the roster.

It's true that the WWE has a stacked roster now, but the difference is that they are spread across 3 brands now. When Undertaker was feuding for the belt, it was on one show with everyone on it. They were all fighting for one belt and they didn't have the luxury of going to another brand and fighting for their title. They had to insert themselves in an ongoing fued.

I believe that the argument for Undertaker over Edge is that he has had a clear advantage over him throughout their careers. He has controlled Edge during the ministry days and dominated him in their most recent feud. The thinking that Edge is going to main-event the WWE for 10 more years is all well and good, but he hasn't done so yet so it can't be attributed to this match.

The fact that Undertaker has time off here and there has everything to do with this tournament, this match take place right towards the very end and if Undertaker is the Undertaker of recent years then he is never going to be able to survive against a younger, fitter and quicker (only just) opponent like Edge. His stamina would be shot and his injuries would plague him so much that the ultimate opportunist would be able to take him down easily. He has never been like John Cena or Triple H who the more they get beat down the stronger they come back, sure he sits up, but after a while Edge would most certainly have his number.

You could also look at Undertaker not having a moment of pure prime as a downfall. He has less titles than Edge, name me one time where he had a long title run that was memorable, that he really came across as the top star. When Edge has the title, when you see just how far he'd go to get it back... I say again, Edge in his prime in a match with the Undertaker, at the end of a long tournament would get the win.

The difference between Edge/ Hardy and Taker/ Austin is this, Jeff can't hold a torch to Edge, when Hardy gets wins over Edge we get behind him because he is a complete underdog, we want him to do well sure, but he never quite gets there. The fact that Undertaker had a whole ministry at his command and still got beat down every week by one guy makes him look exceedingly weak. With La Familia behind him recently, Edge still looked good enough to beat anyone. Edge holds some big wins over the Undertaker too. Heck, Undertaker lost clean to Vladamir Koslov on free TV earlier this year.

The fact there is 3 brands makes it even harder to shine though. John Morrison is doing an exceptional job on Smackdown, as is Shelton Benjamin, but they hardly cross my mind when it comes to wrestling because I mainly stick to Raw these days, Edge however transcends that divide, everyone knows who he is and he is in the top 3 in the company at the moment with Triple H, Orton and Cena too, (but not Cena in the last two months)
Way to make Edge look worse. If Taker is/has been in the tail end of his career for the last year or so...how does that make Edge look? Assuming that Edge's prime was during his feud with Taker or the time leading up to his prime...that means that a very ripe Edge got dominated up and down the ring when facing a wasting Undertaker one on one.

Just sayin.

I honestly don't thin Undertaker dominated the feud as much as you guys are making out. Edge looked extremely good coming out of the feud. Undertaker sent him to hell... great! That wouldn't happen in this tournament. This is the exact type of match Edge would want to face the Undertaker, with Undertaker huffing and puffing, his injuries hurting him. If this tournament was real, then Undertaker would have wrestles more in the last few weeks than in the entire last 3 years.
I honestly don't thin Undertaker dominated the feud as much as you guys are making out. Edge looked extremely good coming out of the feud. Undertaker sent him to hell... great! That wouldn't happen in this tournament. This is the exact type of match Edge would want to face the Undertaker, with Undertaker huffing and puffing, his injuries hurting him. If this tournament was real, then Undertaker would have wrestles more in the last few weeks than in the entire last 3 years.

Again...this makes no sense. We're talking Taker in his prime physical condition. Furthermore, Taker had far more wins than Edge in their feud when Edge was seemingly coming into his prime and Taker was seemingly in his twilight. Just think what Taker would do to Edge when he was in tip-top shape.

And how do you know Taker wouldn't send Edge to hell? It's quite possible that he would. I'm sure he's very ticked about the injustices done to Raven, Lesnar, and Austin.
Again...this makes no sense. We're talking Taker in his prime physical condition. Furthermore, Taker had far more wins than Edge in their feud when Edge was seemingly coming into his prime and Taker was seemingly in his twilight. Just think what Taker would do to Edge when he was in tip-top shape.

And how do you know Taker wouldn't send Edge to hell? It's quite possible that he would. I'm sure he's very ticked about the injustices done to Raven, Lesnar, and Austin.

Answer me, when was Undertakers physical prime, I've already run through all of the possible dates a few posts back and explained my reasons, if his physical prime was from 2001 onwards, when he has been getting his most wins, then he can barely go three months without needing to take time off!

If you think his physical prime was 1997 - 2001 then Edge in his current condition is more talented than him.

if you mean 1990 - 2001, Undertaker would have been long gone ages ago.
Undertaker's physical prime and his actual prime are very different. The way Undertaker wrestles today, it's a shame he didn't do that when he was younger. Unfortunately, his actual prime has been his current run in the WWE, when he was kicking ass and taking names.

One ass he kicked and one name he took multiple times was Edge.
The fact that Undertaker has time off here and there has everything to do with this tournament, this match take place right towards the very end and if Undertaker is the Undertaker of recent years then he is never going to be able to survive against a younger, fitter and quicker (only just) opponent like Edge. His stamina would be shot and his injuries would plague him so much that the ultimate opportunist would be able to take him down easily. He has never been like John Cena or Triple H who the more they get beat down the stronger they come back, sure he sits up, but after a while Edge would most certainly have his number.

You could also look at Undertaker not having a moment of pure prime as a downfall. He has less titles than Edge, name me one time where he had a long title run that was memorable, that he really came across as the top star. When Edge has the title, when you see just how far he'd go to get it back... I say again, Edge in his prime in a match with the Undertaker, at the end of a long tournament would get the win.

The difference between Edge/ Hardy and Taker/ Austin is this, Jeff can't hold a torch to Edge, when Hardy gets wins over Edge we get behind him because he is a complete underdog, we want him to do well sure, but he never quite gets there. The fact that Undertaker had a whole ministry at his command and still got beat down every week by one guy makes him look exceedingly weak. With La Familia behind him recently, Edge still looked good enough to beat anyone. Edge holds some big wins over the Undertaker too. Heck, Undertaker lost clean to Vladamir Koslov on free TV earlier this year.

The fact there is 3 brands makes it even harder to shine though. John Morrison is doing an exceptional job on Smackdown, as is Shelton Benjamin, but they hardly cross my mind when it comes to wrestling because I mainly stick to Raw these days, Edge however transcends that divide, everyone knows who he is and he is in the top 3 in the company at the moment with Triple H, Orton and Cena too, (but not Cena in the last two months)

Whenever Undertaker takes time off from the WWE is after a feud is over. Right now in this tournament the Undertaker is a feud with the three other guys to win. If he's going to take time off, it's going to be after he wins the tournament because Undertaker wins the majority of his feuds.

I don't see how Hardy doesn't hold a torch to Edge, but has beaten him twice, both for the belt. Edge beat Hardy after Matt came and attacked him. Hardy took out Edge in a Triple Threat Match and then in a Ladder Match, which Edge has a vast amount of experience in. (btw, Undertaker has beaten Hardy in a ladder match)

The brand split is a fickle thing. People state that it's harder to win championships while other say it's easier. I'm with the latter. I don't see how 1 championship is easier to win than 2. Even with the brand split now we see wrestlers on each brand go on the other show and ignore the split completely. You don't win on one brand, just go to the other one and insert yourself in the title picture.
Now again I've been having alot of thinking and firstly I wanted to get this off my chest. Clearly in the King of the Ring situation, Bret Hart can still keep ahead of a fresh Jericho, so clearly if that is the case, Edge is fresh against Taker, must be a Smackdown vs. Raw KOTR match, sorted.

Now I've been thinking about this, and been thinking alot. Firstly, who to vote for, now in my opinion, it's an evenly matched situation. We have two guys who are multiple World Champions, decade plus careers, trusted with the face of the company, two guys with the ability to control the fans with their promo skills and ring abilities, masters of their speciality matches (Hell in a Cell/Ladder), adaptable movesets, ring generals, company players, among others.

Right lets get some issues out of hand. Firstly everyone, Wrestlemania issue. Yes Taker is unbeaten and taken Edge out as one of them, but Edge gave one hell of a match. Since the issue of the streak became a feature at Wrestlemania, after Randy Orton, Edge has been the only realistic person who actually made you believe he could Taker. Countering his moves, bouncing out of pin attempts, we knew Taker would win, but Edge lost with alot of respect because he gave it his all. With the issue of 0-3 in his last 3 Wrestlemanias, in two cases one was a submission loss and two were not involving him being involved in the decision. While Taker has not lost at Wrestlemania, Edge has never been pinned, which is credible enough as it is, yes, I know it's about wins and losses for people, but more people remember the pin wins as opposed to the submission, which gives more credit for his loss against Taker, people would write him off quicker had he lost by the 1-2-3. Even ground in my opinion.

With the speciality matches, I would think that where Taker/Mankind's Hell in a Cell is remembered for being a top match of all time, in short it is down to two spots in the match where Mick Foley was the star of the moment, as opposed to Taker. Yes, without Taker, it wouldn't be as remembered, but it was really Mick's moment. The problem I feel is where Taker in HIAC is great, you know that Taker will kick some ass and beat the crap out of guys, I just feel there's some limitation and gets abit of the same old, same old. Just the difference is the ending. Whilst equally people may argue that's the same case for the ladder match with Edge, yes we get some same spots, but there is something fresh that happens with the Ladder matches, hell, if Edge wasn't that good, how the hell was he allowed to win so many ladder matches? Because he always delivers and provides variety, much like how he can win/steal a championship, I think the only variety we've seen for Taker is through a steal via a fastcount by Shane O'Mac, but even then it wasn't about the title, it was about Austin and the Corporation.

I think one point that Will argues rightly is that Taker has little to provide except a guaranteed great Wrestlemania match, the same occurs for Edge, but how many times can Taker do a match, get injuried, comes back, beats the crap out of the guy who injured him, gets to Wrestlemania, repeat. Problem is, unless the opponent for Taker is a serious contender, you know Taker will win, yes, all credit due for having the streak, but it could get dull for many people at some point, although the moment he does lose, we'll regret it, it doesn't help with Taker being a face all the time since coming back as the Deadman, something new and fresh needed?

Fortunately for Edge, where he's had big injuries, he's still put his body on the line in big matches, taking the pain spots where Taker's body would only be able to about a few years back. Edge offers new things to say on the mike, promoting things up to the max, he did manage to carry alot of the Taker feud through his promo skill when Taker wasn't around as much. Edge can make you like him or hate him from the things he says.

If I had to be honest, I am trying not to think about how many wins or losses Taker and Edge have had against each other, especially on the 2008 feud, purely because one was MITB, the other was for the sake of a feud. Wrestlemania, Backlash, Judgment Day, One Night Stand & Summerslam, all of these were based more on the whole idea of Edge & Vickie keeping the World Title off of Taker, it became that more than Edge vs. Taker, it makes the wins and losses nullified except for Wrestlemania which is basically a Taker wins situation, just how. The wins and losses were set to keep kayfabe instead of who was the better wrestler. If I had to go with honesties, I think that they would give a match much like Wrestlemania 24, but I think Edge would win, simply because he can go on for much longer and isn't afraid to put as much of his body on the line, where as Taker can't as much these days bar Old School and his trademark over the top rope leap.

I think I lost myself along the way partly because I semi-distracted by a film I was watching. But I think both Taker and Edge are about equal, albeit what their gimmicks make them different about each other, but I would say that Edge would be able to go over Taker, even in his Ministry, Lord of Darkness, Badass and Deadman phase, had he not been in a feud where the wins and losses were part of the story as opposed to who was better, Edge would be on top. Yes the Deadman is the Deadman and I have alot of respect for him, but I just think that Edge does have what it takes to reach the final. Hell if everyone thinks a deflated Bret Hart can against a fresh Jericho, then surely Edge can beat Taker ;)
Kayfabe tournament. Wins are wins, regardless of why they were booked.

Don't know what else to write. Hey everyone, look at this quote:

I've managed to look up every match that Undertaker and Edge had one-on-one together during their recent feud, where I think most people would agree they were both pretty much in their primes.

Match One: WrestleMania 25, Regular Match - The Undertaker defeats Edge emphatically, taking two spears and finishing with a reversal of one into his patented choke hold. I don't really know if it is actually patented, but that's beside the point.

Match Two: Backlash, Regular Match - The Undertaker defeats Edge once again.

Match Three: Judgment Day - The Undertaker defeats Edge, taking him to the outside and beating him back to the ring to win by count-out. A win's a win, y'know? It'd be perfectly valid in this scenario.

Match Four: One Night Stand, Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match - Edge wins after quite honestly the most interference and cheating I have ever seen in one match. To this day, this is Edge's only one-on-one victory over the Deadman.

Match Five: SummerSlam, Hell in a Cell - atrocious match, in which Edge just jumps around holding objects for twenty minutes. Doesn't seem to phase Taker, who kicks the fuck out of him and chokeslams him through the ring afterwards... just to prove a point.

So yeah, there is no existing precedent to suggest Edge wins here. In its place, there seems to be the overwhelming suggestion that Edge could only beat The Undertaker in "his" match, after an incredible amount of interference, where The Undertaker was put through four tables and where there was no submission or pinfall required.

So yeah, The Undertaker unquestionably wins this one.
Whenever Undertaker takes time off from the WWE is after a feud is over. Right now in this tournament the Undertaker is a feud with the three other guys to win. If he's going to take time off, it's going to be after he wins the tournament because Undertaker wins the majority of his feuds.

So does Edge, in fact they gave him time off after his feud with Taker!

I don't see how Hardy doesn't hold a torch to Edge, but has beaten him twice, both for the belt. Edge beat Hardy after Matt came and attacked him. Hardy took out Edge in a Triple Threat Match and then in a Ladder Match, which Edge has a vast amount of experience in. (btw, Undertaker has beaten Hardy in a ladder match)

Simply because Edge would put Hardy over whilst Triple H didn't first time around, and second time was to push CM Punk's heel turn, Edge will put people over. Taker did for Hardy in his run up to the championship, but then you say Taker's beaten Hardy in Ladder Matches, so has Edge, albeit in tag team matches, but it's still a win in a ladder situation!
Undertaker's physical prime and his actual prime are very different. The way Undertaker wrestles today, it's a shame he didn't do that when he was younger. Unfortunately, his actual prime has been his current run in the WWE, when he was kicking ass and taking names.

One ass he kicked and one name he took multiple times was Edge.

In this case, he isn't healthy enough to beat Edge after a tournament this long.... ORRRR he isn't good enough to beat Edge whose physical prime and actual prime is now. Combine the two undertakers of which we speak and I might actually take this as a satisfactory argument.

Whenever Undertaker takes time off from the WWE is after a feud is over. Right now in this tournament the Undertaker is a feud with the three other guys to win. If he's going to take time off, it's going to be after he wins the tournament because Undertaker wins the majority of his feuds.

I don't see how Hardy doesn't hold a torch to Edge, but has beaten him twice, both for the belt. Edge beat Hardy after Matt came and attacked him. Hardy took out Edge in a Triple Threat Match and then in a Ladder Match, which Edge has a vast amount of experience in. (btw, Undertaker has beaten Hardy in a ladder match)

The brand split is a fickle thing. People state that it's harder to win championships while other say it's easier. I'm with the latter. I don't see how 1 championship is easier to win than 2. Even with the brand split now we see wrestlers on each brand go on the other show and ignore the split completely. You don't win on one brand, just go to the other one and insert yourself in the title picture.

Undertaker takes time off after a feud ends with one guy, he doesn't have the luxury of winning, taking time off before his next opponent here, its one after the other, Edge is the ultimate opportunist- he will make the most of Undertakers poor stamina, he is as quick as the Undertaker, Undertaker is more powerful, but after a succession of matches Undertaker would have to have an entrance that lasts about 3 weeks for him to even stand a chance.

Hardy isn't in this match, we can debate this some other place, but I get your point. All I will say is Hardy needs to jump off things to beat Edge. In a standard one on one wrestling match Hardy stands no chance. Undertaker couldn't beat Austin at all. Edge beat Austin in the last tournament of this match.

The brand split is a fickle thing, it is easier to win a title, there's something wrong if you don't hold a title in the WWE over the course of the year atm. But to shine is different. Edge really stands out, he main events most PPVs. It's difficult to comment without hindsight, but you have to believe people will look back on the brand split and say it was Edges time, not the Undertakers.
In a standard one on one wrestling match Hardy stands no chance.

Yet Hardy had Edge beat untill Matt Hardy interfeared. Anyways this is not about Hardy this is about Edge vs Taker and I'm backing Edge. The reason I'm backing Edge over Taker is simple, Edge has Takers number. Not 1 man has put Taker through the hell that Edge put him through and Taker being fragile and significantly older than Edge would need at least 2-3months time off after beating Benoit, he doesnt have that amount of time, yes Edge would be a little tired after fighting through SCSA but Edge is a former KOTR he is no stranger to endurance and he's been in every brutal match there is from TLC to HIAC. Yes Taker may have beaten him at Mania but thats only because Taker doesnt lose at Mania. Is this match taking place at Mania?
If I had to be honest, I am trying not to think about how many wins or losses Taker and Edge have had against each other, especially on the 2008 feud, purely because one was MITB, the other was for the sake of a feud. Wrestlemania, Backlash, Judgment Day, One Night Stand & Summerslam, all of these were based more on the whole idea of Edge & Vickie keeping the World Title off of Taker, it became that more than Edge vs. Taker, it makes the wins and losses nullified except for Wrestlemania which is basically a Taker wins situation, just how. The wins and losses were set to keep kayfabe instead of who was the better wrestler. If I had to go with honesties, I think that they would give a match much like Wrestlemania 24, but I think Edge would win, simply because he can go on for much longer and isn't afraid to put as much of his body on the line, where as Taker can't as much these days bar Old School and his trademark over the top rope leap.

This tournament is in kayfabe. So if Undertaker constantly beats Edge in kayfabe matches, then he would here also.

Undertaker takes time off after a feud ends with one guy, he doesn't have the luxury of winning, taking time off before his next opponent here, its one after the other, Edge is the ultimate opportunist- he will make the most of Undertakers poor stamina, he is as quick as the Undertaker, Undertaker is more powerful, but after a succession of matches Undertaker would have to have an entrance that lasts about 3 weeks for him to even stand a chance.

Hardy isn't in this match, we can debate this some other place, but I get your point. All I will say is Hardy needs to jump off things to beat Edge. In a standard one on one wrestling match Hardy stands no chance. Undertaker couldn't beat Austin at all. Edge beat Austin in the last tournament of this match.

The brand split is a fickle thing, it is easier to win a title, there's something wrong if you don't hold a title in the WWE over the course of the year atm. But to shine is different. Edge really stands out, he main events most PPVs. It's difficult to comment without hindsight, but you have to believe people will look back on the brand split and say it was Edges time, not the Undertakers.

Yes I realize that Undertaker doesn't take time off in between each match in the feud. He's going to finish this feud (aka the tournament), win the feud (tournament), and then take if he must, take a break.

I agree, Hardy doesn't need to be talked about here. What's been said is done and leave it at that.

Let's go with what you said about shining in the brand split era. You say Edge has been able to shine for this long even with up and comers, but Undertaker has been doing the same thing. He's been able to stay in the spotlight and stay incredibly over with the crowd even after being away for a couple of months here and there. Undertaker was able to be at the top when everyone on the roster was vying for the one top spot and the Undertake is able to stay at the top of the roster now even with new wrestlers coming in and shining.
This tournament is in kayfabe. So if Undertaker constantly beats Edge in kayfabe matches, then he would here also

Not correct at all, when referring to the kayfabe of the 2008 feud, the purpose was to keep Taker away from the World Title through the GM's involvement. This is a tournament where the GM cannot get involved and this isn't about keeping the kayfabe of a story, but rather match ability!
Not correct at all, when referring to the kayfabe of the 2008 feud, the purpose was to keep Taker away from the World Title through the GM's involvement. This is a tournament where the GM cannot get involved and this isn't about keeping the kayfabe of a story, but rather match ability!

Ok, I'll go with that. This match is a one-on-one contest, no DQ, regular wrestling match, fought under kayfabe. Whenever Undertaker and Edge have met in a one-on-one contest, no DQ, regular wrestling, fought under kayfabe, the Undertaker has won each and every time.
What I don't understand is If 'taker beat Edge at Wrestlemania, the biggest wrestling show in the world when Edge had outside interference to aid him, how would Edge beat The Undertaker in match where the winner goes to the finals of a 200+ man tournament to name the greatest wrestler ever alone.

If Undertaker doesn't lose at Wrestlemania because its the biggest show of the year. He wouldn't lose now, especially not Edge.
Ok, I'll go with that. This match is a one-on-one contest, no DQ, regular wrestling match, fought under kayfabe. Whenever Undertaker and Edge have met in a one-on-one contest, no DQ, regular wrestling, fought under kayfabe, the Undertaker has won each and every time.

Yeah but it's the second round of a KOTR style tournament, Undertaker has NEVER won a second round KOTR match, including getting beat off Mabel. Surely Edge is greater than Viscera.
The Undertaker who used to not sell ANYTHING and would sit up after taking the other guy's finisher; back in the 1990s would absolutely destroy either present day Undertaker or ANY Edge you can think of. The fact that Edge is still around is a complete sham. Anyone who honestly tries to tell me Edge would win this match doesn't know JACK about wrestling and/or are being COMPLETELY biased in voting for their favorite wrestler. Take all of your arguments and shove them because no version of Edge would beat any version of the Undertaker; especially when you put them in his prime. Edge would probably beat "Mean Mark Calloway" and that's about it.
This is an abomination.

Really? Edge constantly getting dominated by the Undertaker has no bearing on this match-up? That's a big pile of dog crap.

Undertaker beat Edge at Backlash, Judgement Day, and Summerslam- last time I checked those aren't Wrestlemania.

This argument is like saying the 90's Bills would beat Dallas in the Super Bowl if you went by all-time teams. The fact is they were in their prime years and couldn't beat them, so how would they feasibly beat them after the fact?

I'm ashamed in the voters for this absolute mockery.
Ok seriously, WTF?!?!?, I have a challenged for anyone of the fucking n00bs that has voted Edge, that is if you fucking can with out listing some lame ass bullshit like "I like Edge better" or "Edge is awesome", the fact that you don't see all that many post supporting Edge should kinda show you that the guy is shit compared to the Undertaker, I fucking challenge you all to pull your heads out of your asses and use common fucking sense for just once in your fucking life
Ok seriously, WTF?!?!?, I have a challenged for anyone of the fucking n00bs that has voted Edge, that is if you fucking can with out listing some lame ass bullshit like "I like Edge better" or "Edge is awesome", the fact that you don't see all that many post supporting Edge should kinda show you that the guy is shit compared to the Undertaker, I fucking challenge you all to pull your heads out of your asses and use common fucking sense for just once in your fucking life

So, where exactly in this post is any type of logic on why the Undertaker should win, again? Just curious? I mean.. you call people out, when you aren't even following your own advice there, Justin.

Now don't get me wrong, you have that there spiffy sig-picture of Edge being choked (illegal choke, mind you) by the Undertaker, and thats just.. well its cheating, but I'll ignore it for now.

I'd love to see people post why they want to see whomever win, as well. But on this note, I'd like to see those backing Taker.. to do so, without the simple argument of "But he's won more matches against him in the past."

Unless this is the past, or someone can give me solid, 100% proof that Edge will lose here and now, in the present, then that argument is tiresome and not valid anymore so than saying "But Edge's beat the Undertaker twice, winning Two Heavyweight Championships from him, and retiring him."

SO, Justin.. where should we go from here? I'm hoping Edge moves on to the finals, well, because I really do like him and think he's better. Gosh, its so hard to move away from that argument, especially with it being irrefutable.
So, where exactly in this post is any type of logic on why the Undertaker should win, again? Just curious? I mean.. you call people out, when you aren't even following your own advice there, Justin.

Yeah perhaps you should read the thread before making anymore of these stupid fucking comments, I've posted a couple times as to why Taker would win

I'd love to see people post why they want to see whomever win, as well. But on this note, I'd like to see those backing Taker.. to do so, without the simple argument of "But he's won more matches against him in the past."

Why? it's the fucking truth, and certainly better than any bullshit argument I've read for Edge yet

Unless this is the past, or someone can give me solid, 100% proof that Edge will lose here and now, in the present, then that argument is tiresome and not valid anymore so than saying "But Edge's beat the Undertaker twice, winning Two Heavyweight Championships from him, and retiring him."

You do realize any fucker on here could say the same exact thing about any post you've made in favor of Edge in any previous match in this tournament?, kinda funny how you suddenly change the way you look at these matches when all the evidence supports the other guy

SO, Justin.. where should we go from here? I'm hoping Edge moves on to the finals, well, because I really do like him and think he's better. Gosh, its so hard to move away from that argument, especially with it being irrefutable.

Which explains why so many posts have refuted it already:rolleyes:
Really Will? It's undeniable? Really?

He won two belts off of him? (Actually only one, ONS had a vacant belt)
He retired him?

Does he have 5 people out there to help him in this match? No.
Does he have a half-conscious World Champion Undertaker laying in the ring with the MiTB? No.

This is the single most flawed reasoning I've ever seen. If you vote for him because he's your favorite, cool. Just don't insult everyone's intelligence with this fluff.
If I may speak for Will, he said that him liking Edge is irrefutable. If that insults your intelligence, then you don't have a very high level of intelligence. Why should I not vote Edge because I like him more? Thats the way I choose to vote and will continue to. And besides, the fact that it pisses you off so much is more than enough reason to vote. I have a challenge for you. you still have some time, make an actual argument without sounding like a 13 year old who just discovered cuss words. You up for it?
my avatar should tell you who i voted for :icon_razz:

we love edge because he's ALWAYS willing to "do the right thing" by always WILLING TO BE THE ONE pinned/loser of the match without letting his ego get in the way! would undertaker/HHH want to give J.hardy his 1st Title run by taking the title from them? we all know the anwser to that....

have you ever heard of edge playing the backstage politics? No i havent!

are we forgetting the way edge put his ego away, and gave us priceless "scared looks/faces" while they were fueding? how edge made a man who made his career off an enterence, look scary/dominate?
that is not to say undertakers not a bad-ass dude, we all know that too... but, he sure looks a lot better when in a fued with edge, as a matter o' fact, who doesn't edge make look like gold? he's the ultimate dude to put in a match where they (wwe) want the face to look like he's great. he get's ANY face cheers, without the face even being over!

yeah, HE'S BEEN BOOKED TO LOOK WEAK, what heel hasn't? we can look at individual win/lose records, but i'd bet my paycheck 99% of heels are on the short end of ANY heel/face win/loss record. thats another thing we all know!

i KNOW the undertakers is one of the best of the "big men" that wwe has ever had if not the best, but edge is special too. i wish others would notice that if they could get over the fact that WWE BOOKS edge to have to win with interference, thats just the heel way! im sick of it too....
but edge spears his way to victory in this match

thats my opinon, feel free to quote me, just dont expect me to get into an arguement over it,

if you think edge sucks, i got 2 words for ya :suckit:

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