Sounds perfectly reasonable and good to me Will, responding to your post was an epic task man, who wants to write an hour long wrestling post when we could be talking about boobs in the Bar Room?
X, you're the only man to respond to my initial post thus far - so you're the only person I give full credit to, for trying to defuse my hit-points.
And yes, boob talking is a very nice conversation. You know who else loves Boobs? Edge. Let this be a reminder to everyone who hasn't yet voted. A vote for Edge is a vote for boobs.

Sorry, had to.
Seriously though.. onto the good stuff.
Really? Damn, well then I apologize, I did mention though that I didn't read your entire first post, lol. You gotta come up with some cliff notes or something.
lol At the very bottom of the post, I gave one big paragraph on what I felt everyone would've learned from my post. And I swear I tried breaking it down into sections. Why else would I make a separate headline title for each individual topic?
I'm confused here though Will, because one moment you're calling this a kayfabe contest and the next you want us to take into account events that happened outside of the ring? Granted they incorporated those events into a storyline, but I really don't think stealing someone's girlfriend is something new in the wrestling world.
X, I have to admit I am really confused on whether half the people vote based off kayfabe, real life, or overall accomplishments in the Industry. So I mix and match a lot of the time. Sorry if that sways what I say, I'll always try to make it understandable though.
I bring this up, because his real life is what made him (Edge) a Superstar. If it wasn't for the fans and their willingness to have so much personal, real-life hatred for the guy - the Rated R gimmick may of never been born.
But on the same token of note, if it wasn't for the fans love of attitude; Austin's "Stone Cold" gimmick never would've took off. So you do have to mix real life with character to understand some things.
Quite honestly I'm not sure why we're talking about controversy still. Controversies in a wrestlers career shouldn't come into play when judging this contest, or else we'd all be voting against Benoit now wouldn't we?
Well, on the Benoit note - isn't everyone voting against him because of what happened in real life? I mean, fuck, one of the mods even brought up the point of not voting for a murderer. You, yourself said something along those lines too, did you not?
As for Edge/Austin, I'm not entirely sure where we got off on this big controversy kick, but I'd agree that controversy doesn't or shouldn't play that big of a role in determining a winner. But only on the same note that Austin being in the Hall of Fame, or being Vince's pet, shouldn't have any barring either.
Especially since Edge has accomplished more through accolade's and Championships that will unquestionably put Edge into the Hall of Fame, not to mention, make McMahon love him on the shear note that the W.W.E purely created Edge.. whereas Austin was already forming himself before he ever came to the Company.
I never brought up the fake gun angle so I'm not sure why you're addressing this. I did briefly mention the Pillman angle.
I wasn't entirely replying to you with everything, X, I was replying to anyone voting or siding in Austin's favor. Consider my most recent post, a start from scratch in a smaller form to try and re-explain what I tried explaining to begin with, in the post that scares people, apparently.
Ya know, on that note in a personal level - if people aren't going to take the time to read it, long or not, I think thats already a bit biased. Ya think? Granted, when I noticed you replied to even half of it - I thought to myself, if this is half - I wonder what a full reply from X would've looked like.
We'd be border-lining the text-characters limit.
But Austin's character itself was what made him so controversial. He was the first real case of an anti-hero as a company's top face. Before that, you'd never see a face attacking announcers and being cheered on for doing so. Austin revolutionized what it meant to be a face in wrestling, something Edge can't say.
I'm not entirely certain Austin can say that either. Most people will disagree, but only because most people reading this can't think of anything that's happened in the Business since before the mid-90's.
Randy Savage, Ted DiBiase & a couple other top heels from the 80's, early 90's did much of what you're talking about now. Attacking officials, fans, threatening announcer's and such. Savage was a wild cannon, and his most recent DVD proves that much.. but as a heel, the fans cheered him somewhat as well.
And what about Hogan? Hogan turned heel before Austin was a bad-guy being face. So to say Austin revolutionized wrestling is a vast over-statement. He merely carried on what was being started, and added to it - much like Edge has.
...Actually Will I'd say that probably is some of the things he does in his spare time

. He is afterall an alcoholic redneck who's been arrested numerous times. I'm willing to bet he's got all kinds of off-road vehicles and stuff too. Not that any of this is relevent though.
I think I only mentioned this stuff, because someone brought up Austin's character being who he really was, and not just a character - in claiming Edge is only a character.
So I merely pointed out that Austin is likely not the entire "character" he played. Obviously, considering his entire character was that of someone who constantly went against the boss.. and if he truthfully did that in
real life he'd of been fired. lol Just like I'm sure a lot of his lesser minded fans have done - and found out the hard way.
It made Edge "huge"? How? He was no more popular then before, and the backlash from the fans for the Lita thing was shortlived at best.
How would you consider it short-lived? It carried on for a good year, and formed into the entire character that was the Rated R Superstar. Before that character, what was Edge? A cocky, 5-second poser?
He began forming an attitude and feuding with Shawn Michaels before the Rated R gimmick, and he won Money in the Bank before that gimmick as well, but it wasn't until the night he dawned the new Rated R tights, did he actually become Heavyweight Champion for the first time.
And I'd argue that when everyone found out about Lita, was right around the time of the MITB match - when he began getting even more heat, which likely pushed him to win that match, and later several Heavyweight titles.
Doesn't matter if Edge was the most over man in the entire sport of wrestling right now, because it still absolutely pales in comparison to Austin at his prime. The guy is almost single handedly responsible for the WWF's resurgence during the Attitude Era, one of the most popular eras in the history of wrestling. Edge isn't exactly rolling in the viewers right now though is he?
No he is absolutely NOT. This is the single worst thing you could've ever said, and I will flat out defend this being BS to the end.
Steve Austin was
part of the reason the Attitude Era was a success, but never under any circumstance be mislead into believing the McMahon's, their Corp., the Undertaker & his Ministry, Triple H, and DeGeneration X, or The Rock didn't each carry a piece of their own in forming and making the Attitude Era every bit of what it was.
I won't compare Edge's viewers to the Attitude era's viewers, but that is by no solo act in Austin's favor, and anyone who believes that is being without a shadow of a doubt very naive.
D-X brought in a ton of viewers. McMahon and his "I'm the owner and control everything" gimmick brought in tons of viewers. Undertaker and his dark side personified brought in tons of viewers. And each one of them helped Austin become what he is.
Without them, Austin would've failed, because he would've had nothing to do - and in the end, people would've gotten bored with a guy who made a living out of everything OUTSIDE the ring, and kicking, punching, stomping, and stunners inside the ring.
Austin was at his best, because of everything that happened on the outside of the ropes, not the inside.
How did he "corner the market"? Are you still talking about that incredibly tame and unentertaining "Live Sex Show"? Seriously? I can think of about five different Sable promos right off the top of my head that were more scandalous then that (Fully Loaded 1998 for example). Yeah it showed off some T&A, but so what? That was hardly the most sexual thing the WWE has ever shown. I mean Jesus, Mae Young has shown more T&A then that man.
No, not just that - the entire sexual presence of Edge and Lita, of their relationship and of how Edge added so much raunchiness to his character. That segment was a ratings grabber, and no one can dispute that. Tame or not.
But it wasn't just that, and my comment of cornering the market as far as selling sex.. how can you say he hasn't? Once again, he made an entire character become one of the most watched Heavyweight Champions in years, all because of the sexualness that surrounded him - to match the controversy and the attitude. (not trying to bring controversy back up, but just tossing it in there)
Glad to see you agree with me that controversy shouldn't really be much of a factor in judging this here.
LOL Once again, yeah - controversy is not what should win anyone this match. But only on the understanding that neither is a HoF spot, or claiming to be the sole individual who carried the Attitude era, which Austin most certainly was NOT.
So your argument for Edge having the advantage in a match with rules is that he would find a way to break those rules? Doesn't make very much sense. If you want to judge on absurd hypotheticals such as that, what's to stop Austin from bashing Edge's face in with a crowbar while the referee's back is turned?
Because Austin isn't as opportunistic as Edge. If this is the Austin everyone is claiming it would be, it'd be the same guy who'd only use a chair if it was brought in by his opponent - because this Austin would be the type to assume he could win with kicks and punches.
The thing is though, it might not be a chair. It could be knucks Edge's stored in his tights, or even undoing the turnbuckle to surprise Austin then hit a spear.
Relying on hypothetical situations like that is pretty low.
Isn't that what this tournament is all about though? Hypothetical situations? You have to try and assume what would happen between these two individuals, who've for the most part never met when each was at their best. So you'd have to take what each can do, and attempt hypothetically putting it against the other.
...Of course Edge is going to appear much more over and popular in his HOME TOWN Will, that doesn't say very much. Kurt Angle got massive pops when he defeated Austin at Unforgiven 2001, but you wouldn't say that makes Angle a more popular wrestler then Austin would you?
No, X, you misunderstood. Edge defeated Cena.. in CENA'S hometown. Everything was AGAINST Edge in that match-up, and he found a way to come out on top.
Besides, we both know that John Cena has been the hottest man in the biz for well over four years now. Edge will always be second fiddle to Cena. If he can't even be the top guy in the promotion now a days, how's he going to stack up against a man that was the top guy in the entire industry (when there was ACTUAL COMPETITION from two different promotions) during his time?
BINGO! Thank you, because you just answered your own Question. Cena
IS more popular than Edge.. but this isn't a popularity contest, or at least it damn well shouldn't be.
My point, that you just proved, is that Cena
IS the top guy in this business, and has been for the previous Four years, plus.. Cena will continue to make Mr. McMahon a boatload of money, and arguably just as much - if not more, than Steve Austin ever did.
YET - Edge has still defeated John Cena in half, if not more of their encounters. So that proves, Edge - while he might not be the top guy - can defeat and win over the top guy.
Thank you, game over.
Look at this point Will I don't think either of us are going to change the others mind. I promised to hear you out, and I did just that. Unfortunately you haven't really given me any reason to vote for Edge. So yeah, I did vote for Austin, but I can still appreciate how passionate you are about Edge. I wish half of the posters we had here had that kind of a passion for what they posted on.
lol I just said Game over, good day to you Sir. LMAO
No, seriously though.. I respect anyone who gives their own valid reasoning behind why Austin should win. YOU, have done that. No one else has. Some have posted in Austin's favor, but nothing that can touch you and your beliefs. Now, thats not to say they won't perk up and say
"Oh, but we side with what he's saying". Well, no shit. lol
However, when it all comes down to it - you're right, I will back Edge until the very end, and I'd like to feel and see that I've proven to you why I've explained some very valid, strong points on Edge winning. Thank you, for debating with me - and by all means, just because your vote is a lock, you don't have to stop.