Show me how he was, then. You can't claim he was carrying the show. And half the time Bret Hart wasn't even ON the damn shows.
What do you mean, show you have Hart was leading the company? He was the biggest fucking draw on the show! Do you not read?
Which is obviously why they're doing so great right now.

You know, because Bret Hart laid the foundation and it had ZERO to due with the fact that each of those Countries just wanted to see the overall Product that was the billion dollar Company that was the W.W.F.
Please. EVERYONE knows that Hart helped to open the International WWF business. Sure, the WWF had a presence before, no one denies it, but Bret Hart is when the business started becoming very profitable.
As far as today? The International business is a huge part of the WWE's wrestling income. Say thanks to Bret Hart.
Sly, you run your mouth about how I can't claim Edge was carrying anything - yet you turn around and foolishly run your's in claiming Hart has. Please.
How is truth, facts and logic foolish? Will, where did you go to debate school?
Once again, it was obviously because Hart took his ball and went home.. instead of the power-house that was the New World Order over on W.C.W revolutionizing things in a whole new way, right.
LOL! Took his ball and went home? He was due for time off. Jesus Christ Will.
And Will, you can't deny facts. Bret Hart left, the company went in a downward spiral, and did so hard. He came back, turned heel, made Steve Austin a star, and the company started its meteoric rise to the top.
Try and deny it all you want Will, but we BOTH know it's true.
Uhh, yes he does, actually. That's why I mentioned it.
Edge gets a pop each and every time his music hits. I'm not saying Hart doesn't, and I won't even say in some places Hart might not get a bigger one.. but you watch the reaction and ovation Edge got in Toronto, and it rivals that of any ovation Hart's ever received.. including (and I can't wait for NorCal to flip on this one) the reaction Hart got at the Canadian Stampede Pay per view.
I love how you just make stuff up. Why bother with truth when lying works so much better?
Edge is a victim (and a cause, I believe) of the atrocious selling of today, where moves hurt for 2 seconds, until it's time to go the next spot.
Edge's selling is atrocious and unbelievable. Hart would sell a fucking leg injury for 2 and a half hours (Wrestlemania 10). Edge won't sell it for 7 seconds (every Edge match).
Wait, so let me get this straight. You want me to go read a self-titled book, written in part by the man himself.. on why he's the best draw? Sly, have you lost your fricken mind?
So, let ME get this straight. You ask for proof, and then when given proof, you just toss it aside.
Will, do you have an honest bone in your body?
So, because Bret Hart can cut a taped promo/segment, that makes him better? Okay.. here's a couple taped and live promos/segments that make Edge better..
[youtube]*video here*[youtube]
[youtube]*video here*[youtube]
[youtube]*video here*[youtube]
Will, you're just not very smart are you? You should try and figure out what you're talking about before you post it. Here, let me help you.
NorCal said:
Damn fine face promos, fucking GREAT heel promos.
Will said:
Video proof? I'm not looking it up, if you say it.. back it up with something I can watch.
Me said:
No one said a damn thing about Edge in that exchange. NorCal goes on to compare, but YOU asked for Video proof of great Hart promos.
And, by the way, thanks for agreeing that promo was great. I appreciate you helping me support Hart.
Its funny you should say that, considering I haven't once said anything thats a lie. If I have, I greatly invite you to prove to me what I've lied about.. please, by all means.
I thought I already had...
You said:
Watching Hart cut promos was like watching one and rewinding it to watch it over again. Its like the guy was reading from a book.. the same paragraph, from a book, that is.
Me said:
I guess when the truth is against you, it's best to just make shit up and lie.
Unfucking believable Will. You have more class than to just flat out lie.
Huh, would you look at that. I already did.
Instead, no, whats happening here is you think just because you're who you are, that you can run your mouth, call people out, claim they're this name or that name for voting for Edge.. and thats how you expect Hart should beat Edge? By some type of verbal beration.
The difference between me and those other people is I have the balls to support who I'm voting for. And, while you're completely wrong, at least you have the balls to do so as well.
But, look at the number of responses in this thread supporting Hart and those supporting Edge. The people who are voting Edge are ashamed to justify their reasons, because they know they are sucky reasons, and don't want to justify it.
Well, I guess when all else fails.. turn to moderate flame baiting.
Death Is a Right? Is that you?
I suppose if you get enough Edge supporters banned, they can't vote, huh.
Umm, Will...they're not going to get banned before they post, and they probably won't post before they, pretty shitty point really.
So, wait. You're saying the only big time matches are Wrestlemania matches? Okay..
No, I'm saying there is NO bigger match than a Wrestlemania World Title match. But hey, it was worth a shot to twist things around. Of course, now that you got caught, you just look foolish.
Edge is 0-2 at Wrestlemania in title matches.
I know.
And yet Bret Hart wasn't even on most of the shows back during this so-called dominate point in which he was suppose to be carrying something. How can you carry something, when you aren't even on the show most of the time to begin with?
How was Hart not on most of the shows? Outside of his time off in 1996, when the company began bleeding money and falling like a rock, when was Hart not on the show?
See, this is what I'm talking about Will. You're lying like a dog. Go to Wikipedia. Type in Wrestlemania 8. And then go through EVERY PPV show the WWF had, and find one until Wrestlemania 12 that Bret Hart wasn't on.
Good luck.
Sly, I'll go in with you on the fact that a person can carry a show with or without a Championship. But you're out of your mind, and completely lost it, if you think a person can carry a show without even being on it - to begin with.
When was Hart not on the show Will?
Lying dog.

So wait, are you contradicting yourself now? Isn't Bret Hart the so-called top face that put over everyone else? He made Steve Austin, he helped create Owen Hart into being something more than a no-name. He lead the Company.
Well, if all that's true.. he didn't do it with an undefeated streak, now did he? No, in fact I'd wager to guess he lost just as much as he won.
Except Bret Hart winning was to propel the company forward. When Bret Hart would win a title, he'd carry it for a while. Hart's first three reigns last 174 days, 248 days, and 133 days.
Edge's 9 reigns combined don't equal Bret's first three reigns, in terms of length (Edge's 9 reigns - 434 days, Hart's first three reigns - 555)...and Bret still had 4 more World Title reigns after the first three.
Edge wins a title just to further a storyline. Bret won titles to be a champion.
And as far as Edge being the drawing force on Smackdown, and a major drawing force in the entire Company.. don't take my word for it.. look up what Paul Heyman wrote the week C.M. Punk cashed in on Edge.
Heyman went on to state that Edge is such a credible heel, such a valuable asset to the Company, that Edge laying motionless while Punk cashed in as a face got Punk the greatest reaction he's ever gotten as Champion.
Edge, being the "non-drawing" individual you claim he is.. is now being showcased on not just 1, but 3 shows. They gave him a Championship that allows him to be shown on all 3 Brands. But wait, why isn't Cena, or Triple H, or the Undertaker on all 3 Brands? Oh.. could it be, because Edge is a big hit with the fans, maybe? Nah.. couldn't be, right Sly?
Just keep telling yourself that.. maybe you'll get some sleep tonight.
Will, you have officially done the forum equivalent of jumping the shark with this part of your post.
You're trying to argue that Edge is a bigger draw than John Cena. Seriously. This PROVES you're lying out of your ass just to try and make some gullible poster believe half of what you say.
Edge isn't even in the Top 5 of drawing power in the WWE. You know it, I know it, and everyone else knows it. Triple H and Undertaker were carrying Smackdown, those were guys that fans bought tickets to see.
But, if lying to yourself helps you sleep at night, then just keep telling your that.
Edge is every bit of the Franchise player for the W.W.E, similar to how Sting was to the W.C.W and in fact he's more or less the Dark version of Sting.
Except that Sting was actually the top guy and top draw of WCW...Edge has never even been in the top 5 for the WWE.
Why should I compare those things, when times change? When you add 4 Televised shows a week, and add on 12-15 Pay per views a year.. comparable to 1 televised show a week, and barely even 5 Pay per views a year, I'd say Edge holds his own to stay on top where he is.. with a title of some sort constantly around his waist.
Exactly my point.
Look at all those opportunities Edge has to win titles. Look at all the titles he can win. The fact of the matter is that Edge only defends his title on PPVs (except for when he got shipped to Smackdown), and he loses the title as much as he gains it.
He's terrible in title matches. But he's got 9 of them because he has 12-15 chances a year, 4 shows, a 3 World titles to give him the opportunity. Not to mention 53 title changes in 3 and a half years.
Hart can't hold the same claim, now can he.
Uhh, the WWF was running PPVs every month when Hart was there, yes. And Hart still could hold on to a title.
On the contrary, Edge is superior. Bret Hart was over for all in about 3 years. Edge has been over since 2004. If not before that, even.
Bullshit, and you know it.
Bret Hart was over with fans way back at Royal Rumble 1991, when he was the first entrant and the crowd loved him. And Bret Hart was over with the fans all the way up until his retirement in early 2000. You seem to think Hart's career ended in 1997 when he left the WWF. It didn't. He went on to win two World titles in WCW as well. He was considered the biggest free agent acquisition in the Monday Night Wars at the time he came over.
That's at LEAST 9 years of overness with fans. Don't give me that bullshit.
And your whole argument is a case of opinionated theories, and non-fact related statements.
Wrong again.
I've given you plenty of facts on Hart's drawing abilities, Hart's title reign length, Edge's lack of title reign length. You, on the other hand, have just lied repeatedly, which I have pointed out several instances of in this post.
Slyfox's facts > Will's lies.
I've given you solid evidence that proves why Edge is every bit as good as I claim him to be.
You have? Where?
I already did, Will, I already did.
maybe we dont write our reasons because
You know you're wrong?
we know that douche-bags like slyfox, (yeah you) will tell us our OPINONS are shit
If your opinion is that Edge is better than Hart, then it is shit, and you deserve to know it.
The cowards are the ones who are too scared to support their position.
because we dont think his favorite(prob)
My favorite is Sting...he's not in this match.
HOW MANY VOTES for hart are from his "fanboys?"
I don't know, but I DO know that most of the posts in this thread have come from those supporting Hart.
yeah, are you sure your not voting cause your a bret hart fan/fanboy?
No, I'm voting Hart because I like Pepperoni Pizza...and because Bret Hart is clearly better.
do i have the right to call you out on that?
Sure you do. You'll make yourself look like an ignorant ass, but that's ok.
wait doesn't that mean you shouldn't assume we are voting because we are fanboys?
Actually, I assumed you voted Edge because you either hate Hart, or are clueless about wrestling. See, look:
People who vote for Edge understand NOTHING about wrestling, and are only voting because they're either Hart haters, or just clueless wrestling fans.
So, which are you? Are you a Hart hater or just clueless? Post in this thread, and I'll be more than happy to identify for you. Either way, quit being a coward and actually try to defend your position.
Told you.
maybe we actually believe edge is better
Then you are a clueless wrestling fan, like I said.
Thanks for making my point.
go ahead bring up the technical bologna, (wait if thats true, where is kurt angle, chris benoit?)
Angle sucks, Benoit killed people, and was called a vanilla midget for most of his career.
Of course neither of them would be here.
And, actually, Hart didn't really work much of a technical style in the WWF. Of course, if you knew anything about wrestling, you'd know that.
LONG TITLE REIGNS- if thats what we are basing voting on, wheres John cena and his long title reigns? what good did that do him?
I believe the Edge people are the ones who bring up title reigns. So, if we're going to talk title reigns, then let's talk title reigns.
But, blame your own fanboys for that.
thats why it an opinion. look up the definition. my opinion doesn't matter anything to you, and yours doesnt matter to me.
I know what an opinion is...doesn't change the fact your opinion is wrong.
yeah, i think that edge is better. (my opinion) go ahead call me a "clueless fan"
I already have...a couple times I think.
im not here to make friends! besides who'd wanna be friends with guys who cant let people have their opinions? without trying to convert them?
Why would you rather be ignorant than be educated?
i think edge will/should win because he'll find one mistake and act on it(ultimate opertunist) he's speedy,powerful, and just sleazy enough to pull out a victory against a better technical wrestler(yeah i said it)
You're right, because Hart was never sneaky...
Seriously, have you ever actually watched Bret Hart work?
go ahead give me red rep, like those green/red boxes really mean the world to me
They obviously do, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it.