Yeah perhaps you should read the thread before making anymore of these stupid fucking comments, I've posted a couple times as to why Taker would win
Justin, just because you use a lot of foul language, doesn't really mean it forms to make an actual reason why Edge should lose. Or better yet, why Taker should win.
I've also replied to your only legitimate post, at which point I think the most you could reply with was.. "fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck, shit, bitch, fuck".
I suppose looking on the bright side, knowing how to properly say the word fuck will come in quite handy if Edge does end up winning this. I'm sure you'll be doubling it at that point.
Why? it's the fucking truth, and certainly better than any bullshit argument I've read for Edge yet
Once again, Justin, just because I don't use foul language doesn't mean what I have to say isn't better than your bitch fest of an argument.
You do realize any fucker on here could say the same exact thing about any post you've made in favor of Edge in any previous match in this tournament?, kinda funny how you suddenly change the way you look at these matches when all the evidence supports the other guy
Justin, here's an idea - its wild, its crazy, it just might work. Why don't you tell me what evidence best suits this match-up.. and I'll take that evidence, and prove why Edge should win. That way you don't think I'm manipulating the system, or trying to use what works for Edge, then turn around and say it can't work for Taker.
Have I
ever said the Undertaker wasn't a good opponent? No. Have I
ever said the Undertaker hasn't beaten Edge in the past? No. Does it matter, now? Not to the likes of which you want it to.
This isn't Wrestlemania. This isn't Backlash or Judgment Day. This isn't One Night Stand. This isn't Summerslam. All of those wins and loses mean nothing, other than to say each man has won and lost against the other. Wow, what a stalemate, Justin.
Oh wait, I suppose this is where you'll argue that Taker's won more. So let me just give you some research on the subject, Justin. In the entire record that is Edge/Undertaker, Edge has won more than just twice.
Hes defeated the Undertaker on multiple occasions, by actually pinning him, in Tag team matches, and other various types of matches that have taken place on Smackdown.
So, this is where you reply with..
"But this isn't Smackdown, this isn't a handicap or Tag match."
Well, I'm glad you brought that up, Justin, because I know this. Which is why I also said.. this isn't Mania, Backlash, Judgment Day or any other random Pay per view in which you want to argue Taker's defeated Edge at.
So to say because Taker's won 4-1 in Pay per view matches from 2008.. has ZERO barring on whether he wins here. Why? Because Edge's won just as much, through other matches on regular television shows, in different match types throughout. So I could argue the
exact same silly minded, ever so tireless, argument.
Which explains why so many posts have refuted it already
Really, Justin? Really? Show me
ONE post thats refuted my opinion of why I think Edge should win.
Even stupidly saying someone has refuted what I was referring to, is basically saying
"Will, you can't form your own opinion, unless someone gives you one and tells you thats what you should think."
Really, and honestly, Justin.. just stick to flaming people in the bar room. Thats what you really (think) you do best.
Really Will? It's undeniable? Really?
Yes, yes I quite honestly believe my opinion is undeniable. Because its
MY OPINION. Holy shit I wish you people would read what I actually say, instead of just assuming you know what I said.
He won two belts off of him? (Actually only one, ONS had a vacant belt)
Uhm, yes, actually. He's won Two Championships off him. Because he's defeated him twice, in Championship matches to win the title. Regardless whether the title is vacant at the time or not - he still defeated Taker to win the title, so he won the title BY defeating Taker, thus "off" him.
Once again, yes. And that one
IS actually indisputable. The stipulation of the match, was "If the Undertaker loses, he's retired/banned/fired". And.. he lost. So you tell me.
Just because he came back, doesn't mean Edge didn't do it. It just means the Undertaker is like every other Wrestler that leaves. He comes back.
Does he have 5 people out there to help him in this match? No.
Does he have a half-conscious World Champion Undertaker laying in the ring with the MiTB? No.
This is the single most flawed reasoning I've ever seen. If you vote for him because he's your favorite, cool. Just don't insult everyone's intelligence with this fluff.
I'm not insulting anyone's intelligence. If anything, I think you're trying to insult mine by asking such ridiculous questions that you should've already very well known the answers to, especially since I've explained this several times before in this very thread.
Your passion for Edge on a realistic level from this post is well applauded by me. But that doesn't change the fact that nothing you said has ANYTHING to do with a kayfabe tournament between these two competitors. If you need to understand the meaning of kayfabe, you should look it up.
D-Man, I know you weren't replying to me.. but the reply you did give me was basically you just randomly saying you wanted me to step up, and quit acting silly. So here you go.
You want to base this off of Kayfabe, right? Well first let's just address what Kayfabe really is - to those who don't know.
Kayfabe Definition said:
In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of events within the industry as "real." That is, the portrayal of professional wrestling as being genuine or not worked. Referring to events or interviews as being a "work" means that the event/interview has been "kayfabed" or staged, and/or is part of a wrestling angle while being passed off as legitimate.
Kayfabe is often seen as the suspension of disbelief that is used to create the non-wrestling aspects of promotions, such as feuds, angles, and gimmicks, in a similar manner with other forms of entertainment such as soap opera or film. In relative terms, a wrestler breaking kayfabe during a show would be likened to an actor breaking character on camera.
So, with this said.. how can you say the Undertaker would dominate and win in a kayfabe situation, when the very definition of Kayfabe is said to be staged, fake, and all together a suspension of disbelief?
Isn't a kayfabe situation helping Edge more, because based on facts of the Undertaker never winning a KOTR second round type of match.. it shows odds that he'd continue to never win one?
Sure, you can use the argument that the Undertaker has defeated Edge more, but thats not to say Edge can't defeat the Undertaker in general. He has. And can do so, multiple times, again.
But why not, Will?? Oh, I know why... because it completely destroys any defense argument you have in favor of Edge defeating the Undertaker. How convenient that you want to take this extremely important factor out of the picture?
Just like I told Justin, I'm telling you.. I have
NO CLUE what people base these stuff off of. Some base it off entire careers. Some base it off high-points in 'said' careers. Some even base it off the Superstars tights.
So, D-Man, please inform me what logic and information you're using - so I can dispute it, and prove you wrong. I'd be way more than happy to. That way, you don't feel jaded, cheated or wronged in thinking I used info for Edge, but said it couldn't be used for Taker.
In a kayfabe world, Undertaker owns Edge.
Once again, this is an opinion, and not even a very good one. (Sorry, it's just not) You're biased in saying the Undertaker would "own" Edge, when the simple truth is.. Undertaker hasn't even dominated Edge, in any of their contests. Much less "owned him".
And before you, or anyone else for that matter, tries to say he has
dominated Edge.. I urge you (all) to look up the definition of
that word.
Better yet, let me give you a rough definition. It means to completely control. Something, Taker hasn't done.
Each of their matches have gone back and forth, with the Undertaker (in Pay per view matches, mainly and only) getting the victory in the end. He hasn't controlled or dominated any of those matches, however, and one could even say in the Hell in a Cell match, the Undertaker was heavily beaten and only barely came out on top - largely in part to needing to end the feud, alone. (there's your kayfabe logic, D-Man)
He's owned him during MANY encounters in the past that have already been researched throughout this thread.
And Edge has "owned" the Undertaker in MANY encounters in the past, that people don't wish to count - because it doesn't fit their format. Whats your point again? This is yet another biased, one-sided argument of the same "smoke and mirrors" logic you believe I'm using.
The difference between you & I.. I've fully explained the Undertaker's victories and explained each one. You won't even acknowledge Edge's, and instead choose to give off the false belief that the Undertaker has "owned" Edge. Which is a fabrication and a very big one, at that.
Many posters can sit here, pull the wool over out eyes, kick up the dust, and whip out their smoke and mirrors to distract everyone from the eminent truth (just like Will has done above and continues to do so)... the Undertaker has been victorious in most of their one-on-one encounters.
I never once said he wasn't. You're now placing words in my mouth, and trying to make people believe I've lied. Show me, any one of my 16 (+) posts that I've made in this thread.. where I'd said the Undertaker hasn't won in most of their one-on-one encounters.
All I've ever said, that even comes remotely close to this argument, is that Edge has won one-on-one encounters as well. (which he has) And people try to use the claim that he cheated, or had help.
Well, duh, he was a heel. What do you expect a heel to do? Play fairly? Follow the rules?
This is kayfabe history between the two, and it is undisputed.
How is it undisputed? In kayfabe, the Undertaker has won at Wrestlemania, (which surprises NO ONE) retained his Championship a couple weeks later, wrestled to a count-out or draw, lost a month later and was retired, was brought out of retirement from a vengeful Wife, and won a feud ending gimmick match.
In kayfabe, the Undertaker hasn't won ONE actual match that doesn't mean anything. This contest, if put in kayfabe logic, is a meaningless match that only advances the winner in a Tournament. It doesn't add to a feud, or end a feud. It doesn't win or lose anyone a Championship.
And in kayfabe, the Undertaker has never advanced in these style tournaments, further than the 2nd round. Which is what this would be considered to be.
Congrats, you just helped me prove through kayfabe logic, the logic YOU want to use, why Edge should never lose this match.. and why the Undertaker should never win this match. Well done.
Other posters like Will (sorry to call you out, bro) try to pull this ridiculous defense out of their posteriors, stating that this matchup should never be determined by past encounters between the Taker and Edge.
All you calling me out is doing, is gaining my attention enough to put you back in your place, which is what I'm currently doing, in my opinion.
Once again, find me one post in which I've said people
can't use that argument? I've merely said I'd rather they didn't.. because Edge has won, just as much, especially since you'd then have to count television matches. Fuck all, you might as well start grabbing House show results too.
But here is the end-all, be-all question.. to this stalemate of logic.
"If someone wins in the past, does that mean they're guaranteed to win in the present?" Yes or No. No grey area.
The answer you'll come up with, 100% of the time, is No. Because you can't logically prove that just because the Undertaker won before, that he'll always and ever win again.
Once again... smoke and mirrors. They're afraid that people will look at facts and make a decision from there the way that they should... by looking at the past in a way that history should repeat itself.
So look at the past, Edge - in 2000 & again in 2001, when he was a mere Tag team Wrestler.. defeated the Undertaker, when he was a Main Eventer. Why has no one ever brought this up? It was on an additions of Monday Night Raw, and Smackdown.
I suppose those don't count though, because Edge wasn't yet in his prime, right?

So a guy not yet IN his prime, defeats a Main Event "so-called Legend", and it should be blatantly ignored. Okay then.
If the readers of this thread do not look at things that way, they are just kidding themselves.
No, D-Man, you're kidding yourself if you think your one-sided biased logic in thinking the Undertaker is doing all this "owning" is real.
When someone bets on a football game, a horse race, or some other sports event, they do their research before betting on anything. They determine their bets by looking at how their team (or horse) has done in the past against their current opponent and they make a bet from there. No one in their right mind would stick with their team if they already lost to their opponent 3 times already.
Those are
ALL great examples.. for sports that don't have scripted winners and losers. Congrats, now go back and look at what I replied to Ricky with.
Explain to all the people who've lost thousands, of millions on betting on the "sure-fire" winner, just because those individual teams have won more in the past. This is the worst logic you could've used, because it shows the holes in your argument.
Just because you've won before - DOES NOT MEAN you'll always win in the present and future. How hard is that for you to understand, just curious? Because you're doing a great job at being oblivious to it.
So why are all of you sticking with Edge?!?
I'm sticking with Edge, because even with him being my All-time favorite - NO ONE has proven to me why I shouldn't even think for a moment that he could or should lose. And until someone proves me something, that I can't with a shadow of a doubt dispute or argue.. I'll continue to back Edge, and prove why he is the better guy, in my opinion.
If prime goes by when your was pushed the most I would say Taker's was 1990-1994 he had an undefeated streak that was one year long won and if edge's cheap shots still count as wins in your book Will then so does Taker beating prime Hulk Hogan(he was heel at the time after all).
Edge's Prime is right now because he is bieng pushed to the moon as a heel so I'd say original Taker, who kicked out of 2 DDT's by Jake the Snake Roberts and that was what he did he just sat up after everything and even survived a visocus assault with Chloroform (this is Kayfabe remember), would destroy Edge and probably take 3 spears atleast (since current old taker, who took 2 and won, is weaker than he was in 1990-1994)then Tombstone him and win.
Vote Taker.
There I did it.
This was one big cluster, you should really use the space bar - it can be your friend.
So, firstly when was this mysterious 1-year Undefeated streak. I need proof of this. I'm not going to say it isn't true, but until you prove to me that it actually is by giving me a date to a date. I think its a bit fabricated.
Secondly, if the Undertaker's prime was between 1990-1994, then how could you not just instantly give Edge the win right here, right now?
From the dates you listed of Taker's prime.. he beat all of
WHO exactly? Hulk Hogan. Thats honestly it. Ric Flair, maybe? Yokozuna, sure. Outside of that.. he had Mania matches against a who's who of weaker opponents who had no business being in the ring with him.
Snuka: Past his prime, on his way out. In fact, wasn't this Snuka's last real Pay per view match in the Company? So how much of a threat could he have really been, if they never used him elsewhere?
Jake Roberts: Yet another individual who was on his way out of the Company, and before he left he put over the Undertaker in a meaningless match.
Giant Gonzales: Another side-show attraction, brought in specifically because no one else in the business could make the Undertaker look worth a damn at the time. Gonzales didn't even lose by pinfall to the Undertaker at Mania, and this is one of the first victories Taker has added to his "streak" that I still think is bogus.
In 1994, he was out for over half the year. Some prime.
Now, as for Edge.. his prime, if you're using it by the logic of being pushed heavily.. started back in 2004. Thats 5 years and counting for a prime w/ Edge, to 4 years (with one of those years, showing him to have missed the majority of the time) to the Undertaker.
Don't you think it speaks volumes to say Taker only had 4 years worth of a prime, when Edge has had 5 and is still going?
It really shouldn't matter who you like better, you're auppose to be voting for who you think is the better wrestler, whether you like them better or not, and in this match (as well as the last) Edge is clearly not better, people are just voting based off of blind love instead of looking at all the facts which point toward a Taker victory,
Holy shit, Justin, just stop its becoming pathetic at this point.
Your whining and complaining is one thing in the bar room, but now you're crying in here, too. Its sad and pathetic. It truly is.
You're also being the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen. You begin in saying it shouldn't matter who your favorite is, when you yourself voted for your favorites over others in this tournament.
You then go on to claim Edge isn't better than Austin, Lesnar or Taker.. when its a pure opinionated statement. No pure fact to it. So to say we're voting off our blind love.. is to look like a fool in not admitting to you, yourself, voting with your blind hatred.
So quit whining, bitching and moaning already.
Further more it's rather insulting IMO that so many people can't bother to even make one post in favor of their favorite wrestler, personally for next years Tourny, I'd like to see something done differently with the voting, I'd like to see the people who post and make an argument for who they are voting to have their votes count double (there vote from the poll will get counted, plus their post will get counted as a vote as well) I realize this would make a lot more work for Shocky, but I think it would also lead to lot more people posting instead of just waiting a few days for the polls to open up adn then blindly voting for whoever is popular at the moment, also I should add that I think this should just be done starting with the final 8
I sincerely hope this is you calling out
EVERYONE and not just the individuals who've voted for Edge. Because let me give you a little research note.
In the Edge/Austin match, I think it came to 173 people that voted. Out of those, 28 people from each side voiced their opinion on who should win. One of those individuals even accidentally voted Austin, but meant it to be Edge.
So obviously, Edge has more active supporters than his opponents have to this point. I'm not saying more people haven't voted and voiced for Taker, but I'll conclude that once this round ends.
Win or lose, I do agree that more people should get in on the arguments and the debating. But if they don't, they don't.
This tournament is meant to be fun.. and people (like you, ironically) who bitch and moan about someone not winning, or someone else losing.. ruins the mood and puts everyone else in a down mood.