TNA Region Finals: Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

  • Lionheart

  • RVD

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Yes, just because he doesn't go out and wrestle technical master peices doesn't mean he isn't capable of doing so

I'm not stating RVD isn't capable of using technical moves, wasn't trying to come off that way. But Jericho is simply a better technical wrestler. You stated RVD was better in every facet of wrestling, when in fact it isn't true.

It is when that is the reason for Jericho going over RVD, perhaps you should go back and watch the four matches I posted in my first post in this thread, Jericho has never beaten RVD clean in a one on one match

Which means absolutely nothing to me. This is a tournament to determine the best wrestler right? Isn't that the point of this tournament? I'm pretty sure it's not a "Who won a few matches against who" tournament. If you want to judge Jericho's entire career on about 0.001% of his work, be my guest.

The two have wrestled eachother countless times, and mpore often than not RVD came out on top, RVD moves Jerichos move set because he's seen it first hand on numerous occasions and has beaten Jericho in the majority of those meetings

I'm confused. One minute you're judging Jericho based on his present status, the next you're judging him from years ago?

RVD pretty much has one style: high flyer with an offense heavy on kicks. Jericho on the other hand can go from brawling with RVD to bringing him to the ground and mat wrestling him to throwing a moonsault off the top rope to making him tap with various submission moves. You never know which style from Jericho you're going to get, so it would be impossible for RVD to pigeonhole Jericho's offense and win easily.

Fucking Christ dude, in my first post I posted all the singles matches I could find on youtube that these two have had, two of those matches had RVD beating Jericho clean, one was a title match one was a KOTR match, the other two were random matches on RAW and SD!, Jericho won one of these matches after Stone Cold ran down and clocked RVD in the head with a fucking chair, and the other Jericho won after Bischoff ran down and distracted the ref while RVD was in the ropes, I highly doubt Stone Cold or Bischoff are going to be around to help Jericho win this match so that would mean the advantage leans more toward RVD the guy who doesn't need help to beat Jericho, adn has proven this on multiple occasions

Again, if you want to judge Jericho's entire career based on an absolutely microscopic sample of his work, be my guest. It's rather close-minded if you ask me.

Who gets put over on what particular night has little to do with the quality of the actual wrestler if you ask me. If it did, we would have Randy Orton in the final 8.

I don't understand how you can also criticize Jericho for not winning matches cleanly. He was a heel. That's what heels do.

He's been saying that he see's his prime was the Jericho we see today, perhaps you should re-read what he's been saying

Well then I apologize if thats the argument he was making, I only read the post of his that you responded to and he didn't come off as making that argument in that post.

No the first time he won the the big one he defeated the Rock for he WCW title at No Mercy, that fact that you forgot about that shows you just how forgettable his reign was

Didn't forget, just didn't count it. Are you actually counting that faux title as a legit World Title? It was barely a step above the IC title when it was used in it's very short run.

the second he defaeted Rock and Austin with the aid of Booker T, and nobody cared, this is evident by the fact that after he dropped the title he was dropped back to the midcard again feuding for IC and Tag titles, adn didn't recieve another one on one match for the title for years

Oh so now we're judging a popularity contest? Didn't realize this was a "Who was More Over?" tournament.

Well technically two if you count the ECW title, and had he not got busted for possesion the reign would likely have lasted longer and been much more memorable, though seeing as how that never happened we'll never know

But he didn't get a long reign did he? The reasons why are irrelevent, backstage politics shouldn't be used to judge here.

RVD has beaten Y2J clean more times than Y2J has beaten RVD clean. Why is that ridiculous to bring up?

Because that represents about 0.001% of Jericho's matches. Do you listen to ten seconds of one song and judge a band's entire career and worth on that?

I remember it. It's not something I'm likely to forget either. RVD Vs John Cena at an ECW event. That match was one if the best I've ever seen.

Too bad to the majority of wrestling fans it was a minor and completely forgetable win for RVD. You have to remember that most wrestling fans aren't ECW fans or internet smarks.
I think he did beat Jericho during Y2J's prime. I know people think differently and that's fine.

Thanks for understanding that people will think differently of when Jericho's prime is.

He's facing a worse Jericho than the one he beat. If he can beat Jericho in what I think his prime his why wouldn't he be able to beat a worse Jericho now?

This is your opinion and you're entitled to it but I completely disagree. This Jericho is more entertaining and is better than he ever was before in my opinion.

Beating RVD and Austin is the only thing people talk about.

I think you mean The Rock, right?

No feuds afterward nothing.

Didn't he feud with Triple H leading up to their Wrestlemania match? It might have been a short and forgettable feud but at least it still was a feud.

He's a lackluster Main Event wrestler which is why he gets shoved back down to the mid card after every short stint in the main Event. Give me RVD title win against The Golden Boy of the WWE John Cena at ONS and his 3 week reign any day of the week.

I'd rather take the Winning the first Undisputed title by defeating Austin and Rocky and then headlining Wrestlemania with Triple H any of the week than defeating John Cena in an environment he has never been in nor is he used to.
I think you mean The Rock, right?
Yes I did
Didn't he feud with Triple H leading up to their Wrestlemania match? It might have been a short and forgettable feud but at least it still was a feud.
forgettable is the key word. That feud sucked balls and ended with Jericho getting squashed by Triple H. Had it not been such a lopsided feud maybe I would give it to him. RVD's 3 week feud with the likes of John Cena & Edge is better than a lopsided feud that Jericho lost.
I'd rather take the Winning the first Undisputed title by defeating Austin and Rocky and then headlining Wrestlemania with Triple H any of the week than defeating John Cena in an environment he has never been in nor is he used to.
Had Jericho done anything with that title reign I may be inclined to agree with you. however that reign sucked balls and outside of who he beat it is very forgettable. RVD cashed in the MITB at ONS. Anyone cashing in is going to use it to their advantage so of course he's gonna do it in a ECW style match at and ECW PPV it would be have been stupid if he did it in any other environment.
I almost have to agree with the idea that they're evenly matched. ertainly they're very close in-ring. They've fought each other plenty of times and they've each won their fair share of matches, but I have to go Jericho. Really, there aren't many people I consider better than Jericho as an in-ring performer. Other than the first few weeks after his return, where he (understandably) had some ring rust, he's consistantly been one of the best wrestlers on the roster of whatever organization he's been with at the time. You could say the same for Van Dam, but overall I feel Jericho is just the tiniest bit better. At this point I'm voting Jericho, but a strong argument for Van Dam could easily sway me because I feel both of these guys are great wrestlers and almost evenly matched.
Jericho would just plain beat RVD. Jericho is a better wrestler, a smarter wrestler, and his moveset is more lethal. There's no realistic way that RVD could take Jericho. If he went for a frogsplash Y2J is smart enough to simply roll out of the way. If he tried to outwrestle Jericho he'd end up being schooled. And he's definantly not going to out power Chris. On the other side Jericho could beat him via submission with the Walls of Jericho, He could roll him up for a quick pin, or he could hit the codebreaker on him for the pin. Chris Jericho is simply better than Rob Van Dam.

Vote Jericho
The problem with bringing up the fact that Jericho's reign as Undisputed Champion sucks and that RVD's reign as WWE champ was better, is the fact that Jericho has 3 other major title reigns to use: a WCW title reign and 2 World Heavyweight championship reigns. RVD, on the other hand, has an WWECW title reign that wasn't that impressive, and an ECW TV Title reign. He may have held that belt for nearly 2 years, but it was still the #2 belt in an indy fed. I don't care how long the reign was or how popular ECW was: And WWF/E World Title > ECW TV Title. You may not find the reign memorable, but the fact that Jericho beat 2 other members of the final eight in a single night to become Undisputed Champion is much, much more impressive than RVD beating a man who was out of his element with help from outside interference.
forgettable is the key word. That feud sucked balls and ended with Jericho getting squashed by Triple H. Had it not been such a lopsided feud maybe I would give it to him. RVD's 3 week feud with the likes of John Cena & Edge is better than a lopsided feud that Jericho lost.

It really, really wasn't. Jericho had a feud with HHH, that he lost. RVD someehow managed to be the world champion and still be the third wheel in a championship feud. He won the title because Edge handed it to him, and then he lost the title almost immediately.

Had Jericho done anything with that title reign I may be inclined to agree with you. however that reign sucked balls and outside of who he beat it is very forgettable. RVD cashed in the MITB at ONS. Anyone cashing in is going to use it to their advantage so of course he's gonna do it in a ECW style match at and ECW PPV it would be have been stupid if he did it in any other environment.

But that's precisely the point. RVD cashed it in at a time most suited to him, and yet he still needed Edge to win it for him. Bear in mind now that RVD was at that point reduced to a pawn in Edge and Cena's feud and you see the problem. At least Jericho was on top for his reign, his feud was at the forefront. RVD played second fiddle completely then lost the title quite unspectacularly on Raw.
I have no idea how RVD got this far. He was good, but to be in the finals of the region? Never woulda thunk it. Kudos to most likely Milenko/Justinsayne/RVDGurl for getting him this far.

However, I'm pretty sure I'm going with Jericho here. I almost went with RVD simply because of the picture Shocky used for Jericho, lulz, but I'm leaning towards Jericho.

Why? RVD is a greater aerial dude than Jericho. Jericho is a better ground fighter than RVD. RVD has that awesome splash, Jericho has the Codebreaker, the Lionsault, and the Walls of Jericho...or Liontamer, whichever you please.

In order for RVD to land his splash, he'd have to keep Jericho down for a while. And while it's more likely RVD can keep Jericho down for that long than, say, Benoit could keep The Undertaker down for his Headbutt, it'd take a lot to keep Jericho down. And while RVD is attempting to keep Jericho down Jericho can hit the Codebreaker or lock in the Walls of Jericho at any opportunity.

The splash and Lionsault both suffer from the same shortcoming. Both require the other man to stay down, and stay down for a while. Jericho has to run to the ropes, RVD has to climb the turnbuckle and jump. That takes a while. And what it would take to keep the other person down for that long? RVD and Jericho are no slouches. Not at all.

I'm voting for Jericho, mainly because I see the Liontamer and Codebreaker as moves he can pull out of no where and that can legitimately put RVD down. Maybe not the first one, but they'll get him down. It's a crapshoot, but I give this one to Jericho in a helluva match.
Razorback, I've never disagreed with you before, but I do here. Shame. I still love you though.

Why? RVD is a greater aerial dude than Jericho. Jericho is a better ground fighter than RVD. RVD has that awesome splash, Jericho has the Codebreaker, the Lionsault, and the Walls of Jericho...or Liontamer, whichever you please.

If you mean to say that Jericho is a better striker and brawler than Rob Van Dam, then you are sorely mistaken. If you're saying he's better at fighting on the mat, that's a non-factor. Neither of these men has movesets tailored to mat-wrestling.

If we're voting by who has more signature moves, then Van Dam wins this match. He has a 450 splash that has been used as his finisher in AJPW, the Five-Star Frog Splash, Hollywood Star Press, Van Daminator (although he cannot use it here), Van Terminator, Air Van Dam, and, of course, Rolling Thunder. Jericho has used Breakdown, The Codebreaker, Walls of Jericho/Liontamer (they only count as one), Lionsault, and the Jericho Spike. That's seven for RVD and five for Jericho.

In order for RVD to land his splash, he'd have to keep Jericho down for a while. And while it's more likely RVD can keep Jericho down for that long than, say, Benoit could keep The Undertaker down for his Headbutt, it'd take a lot to keep Jericho down. And while RVD is attempting to keep Jericho down Jericho can hit the Codebreaker or lock in the Walls of Jericho at any opportunity.

Chris Jericho isn't a big man. He's not a particularly strong or tough man. I don't see why people seem to think that RVD can't keep him down. Van Dam can put Jericho down with his mutltiple kicks, legsweeps, a bridging nothern lights suplex, gorilla press drop and a standing moonsault... Rob Van Dam has never.... eeeeeeeeeeevvvverrrrrrr had problems with keeping people down. He's put Cena down to hit the splash, who is considerably harder to put down. (He's even put Jericho himself down.) I don't see why you and everyone else seem to think that kicks to the head and slams, suplexes, etc. won't be able to put Jericho down.

If Jericho can some how hit the Codebreaker or lock in the Walls any time, then Rob Van Dam has the ability to put and keep Jericho down and get froggy.

The splash and Lionsault both suffer from the same shortcoming. Both require the other man to stay down, and stay down for a while. Jericho has to run to the ropes, RVD has to climb the turnbuckle and jump. That takes a while. And what it would take to keep the other person down for that long? RVD and Jericho are no slouches. Not at all.

Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho are both very, very quick in the ring. There will be no issue of not being able to keep the other down for a move like those.

I'm voting for Jericho, mainly because I see the Liontamer and Codebreaker as moves he can pull out of no where and that can legitimately put RVD down. Maybe not the first one, but they'll get him down. It's a crapshoot, but I give this one to Jericho in a helluva match.

I can't argue with that much. I've given Jericho all the credit in the world in some previous posts. I'll stand by my vote for RVD, though.
If you mean to say that Jericho is a better striker and brawler than Rob Van Dam, then you are sorely mistaken. If you're saying he's better at fighting on the mat, that's a non-factor. Neither of these men has movesets tailored to mat-wrestling.

I'll give you that RVD is better at brawling and striking. But mat wrestling will be huge. In WCW and now, he did do his best work when he kept his opponent grounded. He hit some higher spots, but it was mostly attacking the back preparing for the Liontamer.

If we're voting by who has more signature moves, then Van Dam wins this match. He has a 450 splash that has been used as his finisher in AJPW, the Five-Star Frog Splash, Hollywood Star Press, Van Daminator (although he cannot use it here), Van Terminator, Air Van Dam, and, of course, Rolling Thunder. Jericho has used Breakdown, The Codebreaker, Walls of Jericho/Liontamer (they only count as one), Lionsault, and the Jericho Spike. That's seven for RVD and five for Jericho.

I saw that he has a 450 on Wikipedia, but I've never seen him use it. The Van Terminator would also be illegal. Van Dam does have the quantity advantage in flashy moves, but that is because Jericho's moveset builds up to the Liontamer/Walls, and if that doesn't work, he uses the Breakdown or Codebreaker. RVD just goes out and does whatever until he can attempt the 5 star.

Chris Jericho isn't a big man. He's not a particularly strong or tough man. I don't see why people seem to think that RVD can't keep him down. Van Dam can put Jericho down with his mutltiple kicks, legsweeps, a bridging nothern lights suplex, gorilla press drop and a standing moonsault... Rob Van Dam has never.... eeeeeeeeeeevvvverrrrrrr had problems with keeping people down. He's put Cena down to hit the splash, who is considerably harder to put down. (He's even put Jericho himself down.) I don't see why you and everyone else seem to think that kicks to the head and slams, suplexes, etc. won't be able to put Jericho down.

He will put Jericho down at some point, but Jericho is a very smart wrestler and can just as easily play possum. Jericho always comes out with a plan, and avoiding the frog splash will be #1 priority. That move usually causes a lot of punishment to RVD also, so a miss would be the opening that Jericho can use to lock in the Liontamer.

If Jericho can some how hit the Codebreaker or lock in the Walls any time, then Rob Van Dam has the ability to put and keep Jericho down and get froggy.

The Liontamer doesn't take too much time to attempt. He usually just pulls the legs out if the opponent is standing or grabs them if they are down. The time factor comes in when the opponent fights to prevent Jericho from turning him over. You can't compare the Codebreaker to the 5 star. The Codebreaker can come out of just about anywhere and takes about 2 seconds to execute. To do the splash Van Dam has to go to the corner, jump up, aim, and finally leap. Jericho can easily play possum or recover during that time and reverse the splash into either of those moves.

Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho are both very, very quick in the ring. There will be no issue of not being able to keep the other down for a move like those.

The problem is that Jericho doesn't need the Lionsault. It is an important piece of his offense, but it isn't a match killer if he misses. The frog splash, on the other hand, is life or death. If RVD misses, he will be down for awhile and probably also missed out on an opportunity he needed to take advantage of.
If you mean to say that Jericho is a better striker and brawler than Rob Van Dam, then you are sorely mistaken. If you're saying he's better at fighting on the mat, that's a non-factor. Neither of these men has movesets tailored to mat-wrestling.

That's where versatility comes in. Jericho can mat wrestle, observe some of his feuds in WCW if you want to see it. RVD has one style and that's it, Jericho can do just about anything. Even now, he is power wrestling Mysterio, and that is surely an advantage.

If we're voting by who has more signature moves, then Van Dam wins this match. He has a 450 splash that has been used as his finisher in AJPW, the Five-Star Frog Splash, Hollywood Star Press, Van Daminator (although he cannot use it here), Van Terminator, Air Van Dam, and, of course, Rolling Thunder. Jericho has used Breakdown, The Codebreaker, Walls of Jericho/Liontamer (they only count as one), Lionsault, and the Jericho Spike. That's seven for RVD and five for Jericho.

If we're dragging up moves from the past, what about the flashback? Or even the springboard dropkicks? These are as common as RVDs, to say the least. This only serves to emphasise Jericho's versatility. His list has moves from the front, moves from the back, moves against grounded opponents, springboard moves and running moves. RVD's list contains a move he can't do, 5 aerial moves and rolling thunder, the easiest move in the world to move out of the way for.
Chris Jericho isn't a big man. He's not a particularly strong or tough man. I don't see why people seem to think that RVD can't keep him down. Van Dam can put Jericho down with his mutltiple kicks, legsweeps, a bridging nothern lights suplex, gorilla press drop and a standing moonsault... Rob Van Dam has never.... eeeeeeeeeeevvvverrrrrrr had problems with keeping people down. He's put Cena down to hit the splash, who is considerably harder to put down. (He's even put Jericho himself down.) I don't see why you and everyone else seem to think that kicks to the head and slams, suplexes, etc. won't be able to put Jericho down.

I'm sure he could put him down, but Jericho is wiley enough to stay down until RVD commits himself to an aerial attack and then move and RVD is fucked. Jericho can bide his time more easily than Van Dam.

If Jericho can some how hit the Codebreaker or lock in the Walls any time, then Rob Van Dam has the ability to put and keep Jericho down and get froggy.

The flawed logic in this is unbelievable. I have a one year old neice. I could quite easily put her in the walls of jericho. She could not do any move to me at all. Absurdity? Yes. Read what you've put though and you'll see the same argument.
Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho are both very, very quick in the ring. There will be no issue of not being able to keep the other down for a move like those.

Except there will. Jericho has the lionsault countered all the time, just like RVD has people move out of his way all of the time. Howver, countering any of Jericho's other moves does nothing detrimental to him. Countering the aerial attacks of RVD spells disaster.

I can't argue with that much. I've given Jericho all the credit in the world in some previous posts. I'll stand by my vote for RVD, though.

You really shouldn't.
Holy shit, how did this thing get so one-sided?! 36-9, in Jericho's favor?! Seriously people.. no.

I'm caught up in my own mini-struggle to push Edge through this tournament, but a travesty of justice is taking place right before my eyes in this thread. Chris Jericho is in no way, shape or form better than Rob Van Dam. And it's been explained before, how Jericho - coming off his Undisputed Championship reign, had an opportunity to get a title shot right back - and blew it, losing to Rob Van Dam in a VERY SIMILAR situation as this.

I'm asking one Jericho fan to support a rightful claim in why he's winning by such a large margin. This is ridiculous.
I voted Jericho for a couple of reasons.

the Facetious one first. Jericho is wearing a Journey T-shirt making him cool.

The real reason is because Jericho's won numerous championships. Under the WWE, he beat The Rock and Austin in a Triple Threat match, and he has beaten the best for the title, where as RVD beat Cena, not discrediting Cena, but that is one Wrestler, not a range of wrestlers that Jericho has faced and beaten. The versatility of Jericho as a wrestler is also a big part in this as RVD has his style Jericho gets to match it with an appropriate counter.
It's a fucking travesty that RVD is even in a Regional Finals, regardless of what match types he's been in. With that being said, Chris Jericho deserves to win this match. He's a far superior wrestler, far superior on the mic, plays far superior characters, and is just overall much better.

Chris Jericho wins.

I am SOOOO happy Sly posted this. Now I don't have to post some long, drawn out reply explaining all 900 reasons why Chris Jericho is completely superior to RVD in every way.

However, I will say this... I would have chosen RVD has Jericho not begun utilizing his new finisher, the Code Breaker. I see this match being high flying, agile, and quickly paced. It won't be won on submission. One of these two men need a big finisher that will pulverize their opponent. Without the use of weapons, I don't see RVD keeping Jericho down for long enough to hit the frog splash. But Jericho is going to catch RVD with the codebreaker as RVD is flying through mid-air.

1-2-3, you're winner is Chris Jericho.
Holy shit, how did this thing get so one-sided?! 36-9, in Jericho's favor?! Seriously people.. no.

I'm caught up in my own mini-struggle to push Edge through this tournament, but a travesty of justice is taking place right before my eyes in this thread. Chris Jericho is in no way, shape or form better than Rob Van Dam. And it's been explained before, how Jericho - coming off his Undisputed Championship reign, had an opportunity to get a title shot right back - and blew it, losing to Rob Van Dam in a VERY SIMILAR situation as this.

I'm asking one Jericho fan to support a rightful claim in why he's winning by such a large margin. This is ridiculous.

Jericho is simply better. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy RVD's work, but he's just not as good. Jericho can work many different styles, from high-flying to technical and can even brawl if need be. Van Dam, on the other hand, relies solely on kicks and high-flying moves. Someone posted a match earlier with Jerry Lynn where he wrestled a more technical style, but those are definitely the exception, not the rule. In addition, he wasn't even ever the number one guy in the company he most famous for working for. A nearly two year reign with a title is impressive, but the ECW TV Title was still their version of an Intercontinental Title. But Jericho became legendary by becoming the first ever undisputed champion. All RVD will be remembered for is a really long reign with an indy fed's number two belt.

As for an actual match, Jericho is too smart of a wrestler to not take advantage of the high-risk styles used by Van Dam. I take his prime to be either now, when he wrestles the smartest, or in WCW when he wrestled a whole bunch of guys with similar styles to RVD. So, either way, Jericho will have a leg up right there. All it will take is one missed 5 star and Van Dam will be vulnerable to a Liontamer and/or a Codebreaker. I'm happy for RVD that he made it this far, I even voted for him last round. But there is no way he beats Jericho.
It really, really wasn't. Jericho had a feud with HHH, that he lost. RVD someehow managed to be the world champion and still be the third wheel in a championship feud. He won the title because Edge handed it to him, and then he lost the title almost immediately.
Jericho was on the same level RVD was champ when Jericho feuded with Triple H for the Undisputed Championship, if not lower. Jericho was in that match and feud as a male pawn for Stephanie McMahon in her storyline breakup with Triple H. That feud was more about the McMahon family dog than it was about Chris Jericho. The previous month, Steph was involved in Angle vs. Triple H. Jericho was a second stringer and the feud wasn't about him at all.

[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho]As for an actual match, Jericho is too smart of a wrestler to not take advantage of the high-risk styles used by Van Dam. I take his prime to be either now, when he wrestles the smartest, or in WCW when he wrestled a whole bunch of guys with similar styles to RVD. So, either way, Jericho will have a leg up right there. [/QUOTE]
But that's bullshit because he can't and he's never had a leg up. He still can't handle a high flier like Mysterio today, having been defeated clean at Judgement Day and resporting to mask pulling to get one up on Mysterio at Extreme Rules. RVD's beaten a better Mysterio than the 2009 version without sinking to those lows.

As for the WCW Jericho, not a chance. Jericho had improved since WCW when he lost on a bi-monthly basis to Van Dam for the majority of 2001-2003.
Jericho was on the same level RVD was champ when Jericho feuded with Triple H for the Undisputed Championship, if not lower. Jericho was in that match and feud as a male pawn for Stephanie McMahon in her storyline breakup with Triple H. That feud was more about the McMahon family dog than it was about Chris Jericho. The previous month, Steph was involved in Angle vs. Triple H. Jericho was a second stringer and the feud wasn't about him at all.

He may have been a pawn in that feud, but he earned that title. Beating the Rock and Stone Cold in one night is a lot more impressive than beating John Cena, who was out of his element, with outside interference. He may have only had a 3 or 4 month reign, but it wasn't about the reign, it's about how he won it.

But that's bullshit because he can't and he's never had a leg up. He still can't handle a high flier like Mysterio today, having been defeated clean at Judgement Day and resporting to mask pulling to get one up on Mysterio at Extreme Rules. RVD's beaten a better Mysterio than the 2009 version without sinking to those lows.

As for the WCW Jericho, not a chance. Jericho had improved since WCW when he lost on a bi-monthly basis to Van Dam for the majority of 2001-2003.

Jericho has also beaten a better version of Rey. From wiki:

Wikipedia said:
Jericho began his WCW heel run when he won the title a third time, defeating Rey Mysterio, Jr. at Souled Out 1998 by forcing him to submit to the Liontamer. After the match, Jericho assaulted Mysterio's knee with a toolbox.

Wikipedia said:
The next night, however, Jericho regained the Cruiserweight Championship from Mysterio after he interrupted J.J. Dillon, who was at the time giving the championship to Mysterio. Jericho was again awarded the championship.

This was not watered-down, injured knees Rey Mysterio. This was high-flying, bringing lucha libre to the masses Rey Mysterio Jr. You can choose either Jericho: The WCW Jericho will be familiar with RVD's style from wrestling men with similar styles and know counters. The Jericho from today will wear down Van Dam until he can lock in the Liontamer/Walls or pull a Codebreaker out of nowhere. The time when RVD was beating Jericho was a time when Jericho wasn't equipped to beat him. He didn't come from WCW as far as WWF was concerned, and he didn't wrestle a wear down style at that point. A Jericho from before or after that time would be able to beat RVD.

As for the mask pulling, a guy who hasn't taken a beating can easily prevent that from happening. Jericho had to wear down Rey to get to a point where he could pull the mask off. If you look at the Smackdown where Jericho came out of the crowd, he tried to pull it off but Rey still had enough energy to prevent it. It takes a lot to be able to pull a mask off, especially if you factor in how much it means to the luchadores. They will do whatever it takes to keep that mask on.
Jericho was on the same level RVD was champ when Jericho feuded with Triple H for the Undisputed Championship, if not lower. Jericho was in that match and feud as a male pawn for Stephanie McMahon in her storyline breakup with Triple H. That feud was more about the McMahon family dog than it was about Chris Jericho. The previous month, Steph was involved in Angle vs. Triple H. Jericho was a second stringer and the feud wasn't about him at all.

No, Jericho was on a higher level as Undisputed Champion than Van Dam was as WWE Champion. Jericho had to beat Stone Cold right after he had just defeated The Rock. He defeated 2 of the biggest stars of the 90's, the WWE, and the Attitude Era on the same night. Then in the next 2 pay per views after he he became the first Undisputed Champion he overcame the odds again by defeating The Rock in the 1st pay per view and defeating Stone Cold in the 2nd pay per view. He later went on to lose it in the Main Even of Wrestlemania 18 to Triple H. All Van Dam did of note in his title reign was defeat John Cena for the title and then lose it to Edge in a triple threat match a few weeks later.

But that's bullshit because he can't and he's never had a leg up. He still can't handle a high flier like Mysterio today,

Jericho has defeated Rey Mysterio when Rey was at his best. So how is this relevant when he has defeated him before?

having been defeated clean at Judgement Day and resporting to mask pulling to get one up on Mysterio at Extreme Rules.

Chris Jericho is a heel. He is suppose to use dirty tactics in order to win his matches. That’s what heels do in their matches just in case you haven’t noticed yet.

RVD's beaten a better Mysterio than the 2009 version without sinking to those lows.

So has Jericho in WCW.

Again see my previous statement on this. I would also like to include that him pulling Mysterio’s mask was a smart thing to do. He basically guaranteed himself the match by pulling Mysterio’s mask.

As for the WCW Jericho, not a chance. Jericho had improved since WCW when he lost on a bi-monthly basis to Van Dam for the majority of 2001-2003.

Him losing to Van Dam is completely and utterly irrelevant if you believe Jericho’s prime to be at a different point in time other than those times he was losing to Rob Van Dam.
52-21 !?! (at the time of my viewing of course) Wow that's a lot more lopsided than I thought it would/should be. I mean I still think Y2J should win... So to paraphrase the man himself upon his debut in the WWF:

...I will jump up off my chair, raise my filthy fat little hands in the air and scream Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go! Go Jericho Go!......
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1133394]He may have been a pawn in that feud, but he earned that title. Beating the Rock and Stone Cold in one night is a lot more impressive than beating John Cena, who was out of his element, with outside interference. He may have only had a 3 or 4 month reign, but it wasn't about the reign, it's about how he won it.[/QUOTE]
Do you even remember how he won it? He want over Rock after Vince came down to cause a huge distraction, and in the Austin match it took Vince and Flair brawling at ringside to cause a distraction and Booker T's involvement to put Jericho over the top. It was far more pathetic than RVD's win over Cena.

Jericho has also beaten a better version of Rey. From wiki:

This was not watered-down, injured knees Rey Mysterio. This was high-flying, bringing lucha libre to the masses Rey Mysterio Jr. You can choose either Jericho: The WCW Jericho will be familiar with RVD's style from wrestling men with similar styles and know counters.
That wasn't Rey at his peak though. Rey at his peak was around 05/06, when he was able to go over Eddie (at his peak), JBL (at his peak), Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels. Different animal completely. And at that peak, Van Dam pinned Mysterio. WCW Jericho couldn't beat that Mysterio. Current Jericho needs to pull a mask to beat that Mysterio.

As for the mask pulling, a guy who hasn't taken a beating can easily prevent that from happening.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Rey was on offense when it happened, and it the middle of a move the took away the use of his arms. It's not about being worn down. Jericho got a lucky move in.


If you look at the Smackdown where Jericho came out of the crowd, he tried to pull it off but Rey still had enough energy to prevent it.
Oh, you mean when Rey had use of his arms?

Anyway, Van Dam won't be wearing a mask. Edge to Van Dam. :)
When I made my original Top 100 list, RVD was #1 and Jericho was #2. So, obviously this is even a tough match up for me. When it comes down to it, these guys are very evenly matched. They have similar strength, speed, agility and they could go toe to toe in mat wrestling, high flying and hardcore wrestling.

So how does one make a decision? Process of elimination. First of all, you can throw out homefield advantage because this match takes place Texas- RVD is from Michigan and Jericho is from Canada. Second, the TNA doesn't mean shit because, to my knowledge, neither man has ever wrestled for TNA. Throw out anything hardcore, because both ECW vets can't use weapons in a match with straight TNA rules.

So we're left with 2 guys who the crowd absolutely loves, who can both mat wrestle and can both fly around the ring like a bird. When it comes down to it, they are both fast- but RVD is a step quicker, making him more equipped to avoid the Codebreaker. RVD is more flexible, therefore weakening the effects of the Walls of Jericho. The Lionsault is simply a set up move which is very similar to RVD's Rolling Thunder, therefore these moves should cancel each other out. By my account, RVD has just taken combatted Jericho's 3 best offensive moves.

Since most people have referenced the Codebreaker, as I did, then we are considering right now to Jericho's prime. Currently, Jericho is not in the best physical shape. He has lost some of his quickness, agility and stamina. RVD would have to rely on his quickness and ring awareness to pull out the victory here. I think RVD is able to avoid all of Jericho's signature moves. The longer this match goes, the more it favors RVD because has always been fantastically conditioned. Look for RVD to hit the Frog Splash around the 50 minute mark in this match to secure the win.
Do you even remember how he won it? He want over Rock after Vince came down to cause a huge distraction, and in the Austin match it took Vince and Flair brawling at ringside to cause a distraction and Booker T's involvement to put Jericho over the top. It was far more pathetic than RVD's win over Cena.

He was also worn out during the Austin match. As soon has he beat Rocky, Austin's music hit and they were both attacked. Austin at least had the benefit of some rest. And at least the match was competitive until the refs got knocked out. Cena was clearly in control when Edge showed up.

That wasn't Rey at his peak though. Rey at his peak was around 05/06, when he was able to go over Eddie (at his peak), JBL (at his peak), Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels. Different animal completely. And at that peak, Van Dam pinned Mysterio. WCW Jericho couldn't beat that Mysterio. Current Jericho needs to pull a mask to beat that Mysterio.

This is a case where we have differing opinions on peaks. I think Rey was much better in WCW then he ever was in WWE. And Jericho pinned that Mysterio many times, including twice for the Cruiserweight Title. You may complain about the removing of the mask, but there is nothing illegal about it, as far as I know.
Do you even remember how he won it? He want over Rock after Vince came down to cause a huge distraction, and in the Austin match it took Vince and Flair brawling at ringside to cause a distraction and Booker T's involvement to put Jericho over the top. It was far more pathetic than RVD's win over Cena.

Both cases involve outside interference for the win, but who's the more impressive opponent list? The Rock & Stone Cold, or John Cena? I think the answer is pretty obvious.

How many Wrestlemania main event's has RVD headlined? None.

That wasn't Rey at his peak though. Rey at his peak was around 05/06, when he was able to go over Eddie (at his peak), JBL (at his peak), Randy Orton, and Shawn Michaels. Different animal completely. And at that peak, Van Dam pinned Mysterio. WCW Jericho couldn't beat that Mysterio. Current Jericho needs to pull a mask to beat that Mysterio.

...ARE YOU INSANE?! As I was reading that I literally burst into laughter at my computer screen and said out loud "WHAT?!".

You actually consider 05/06 to be Rey's prime? Seriously? How? Wouldn't his prime be the time when his body was still in top working condition and he was at the height of his wrestling ability? Rey's prime was in WCW, his WWE run has been completely lackluster. If you consider his abortion of a title reign to be his "prime", then good for you. But the truth is that Rey hasn't had a match even half as good as one of his, say, 1997 matches during his WWE run. His match against Guererro at Halloween Havoc blows every match he's had in WWE completely out of the water.

And as for Jericho "struggling against high-flyers" like Mysterio, that's beyond absurd. Jericho beat Mysterio several times in his prime and was a Cruiserweight champion more then once. You know, that title in the most talented and deep cruiserweight/luchador division in American wrestling history? Yeah, he sure struggles with high-flyers.

This is all irrelevent though because Mysterio has nothing to do with Jericho and RVD. Sorry RVD marks, but there's only so far you can blow his (minimal) accomplishments out of proportion. As it's been said before, his most impressive feat was holding onto a second place belt in an indy fed for 2 years. Why that practically makes him Bruno Sammartino!

RVD is just not as good of professional wrestler as Jericho is, by any standard. If he were then he'd have several world title reigns instead of one of if not the most lackluster reign of the last decade.
Jericho is better than RVD on the mic. By a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG shot.

In the ring? I'll go with RVD. Too bad RVD was never good on the mic but he could out wrestle basically anyone in this tournament. It's too bad he's losing this because he shouldn't be.
Jericho is better than RVD on the mic. By a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG shot.

In the ring? I'll go with RVD. Too bad RVD was never good on the mic but he could out wrestle basically anyone in this tournament. It's too bad he's losing this because he shouldn't be.

:lmao: You're joking right? RVD's moveset was made up of kicks and high-flying moves. He is a martial artist, not a wrestler. A better striker or brawler, yes. Wrestler, no. Jericho, on the other hand, kept up in a feud with one of the greatest pure wresters in recent memory, Dean Malenko. Saying that RVD could out-wrestle anyone in the tournament is absolutely ridiculous.

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