TNA Semi-Finals: Monster's Ball: Randy Savage vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H

Savage vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H

  • Savage

  • RVD

  • HHH

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I'm not necessarily saying that RVD is an amazing ring psychologist, Tasty. Hell, I'm not even saying that he's that smart of a wrestler. But you cannot deny the fact that Triple H is going to want to kill Macho and it doesn't take a genius to know to avoid that, or just use hit and run attacks.

Then Macho will take Triple H on and give him back what he gets tenfold. Then, once the Game is incapacitated, Savage will take out of his left over aggression on RVD's face. Unlucky.

I'm not saying that RVD is a ring general, I'm just saying that he has enough common sense to let his opponents beat the shit out of each other until he can sneak in and pin one of them.

They're not going to just forget about the third guy. This is Randy Savage and Triple H - not two average morons.
I can deny that Triple H will want to kill Rob Van Dam. You see in The Big Show vs Andre the Giant vs Vader match Shocky brought up a very good point. The point he made was that:

This is professional wrestling, and often times, when two guys go at it, revenge is often the name of the game. Take a look back at the Rumble of 92, Sid eliminates Hulk Hogan. So what does the Mega Baby Face do, he goes back to the locker room of course. No, that's not what happened, Hulk Hogan, the biggest babyface of them all, yanked Sid out of the ring, costing him the WWF title. Look at Summerslam 2000, Kane and the Undertaker battle each other to a No Contest in a nasty fight. One month later, both are involved in a fatal fourway title match with the Rock and Chris Benoit. The Rock has Chris Benoit beaten in the middle of the ring, and the Undertaker was clearly within reach of breaking up the pinfall. However, Kane stopped this from happening, chosing revenge over glory.

This is wrestling, and often times when two men are involved in a heated affarir that goes nowhere, one or the other is bound to cost the other the match, simpy out of spite.

So what would be the most likely scenario is that Randy Savage will go after Rob Van Dam because he wants revenge because of the tie in the previous match. Then knowing the smart man Triple H can be he will help Randy Savage beat down Rob Van Dam because he knows that he might not be able to take Savage down all by himself. After a while during the beating of Rob Van Dam, Randy Savage the smartest man in the match will turn on Triple H and start beating on him. You See, Randy Savage is a smart sadistic crazy man. He knows if they beat down Rob Van Dam and it is left down to just both Randy Savage and Triple H there's a possibility that he might lose. That's why he would betray Triple H and catch him by surprise with a chair shot or some other weapon. After he betrays Triple H with whatever weapon Randy Savage will start beating on him and pin him before Rob Van Dam is able to get back up and stop the pin.
So what would be the most likely scenario is that Randy Savage will go after Rob Van Dam because he wants revenge because of the tie in the previous match.

If he knows that RVD is a formidable opponent that he could not beat in the previous round, then why would he go after him at the start of this one? Randy Savage was not a stupid person. He knows that he has two opponents and knows there is a 66.6% chance he will not walk out of this match the victor. Randy Savage wouldn't go into the match with the mindset of wanting revenge for his tie in the previous match with Rob Van Dam.

Then knowing the smart man Triple H can be he will help Randy Savage beat down Rob Van Dam

Sure, he's going to help the guy that he hates more than any other, the man that slept with his wife. That's such a good point.

because he knows that he might not be able to take Savage down all by himself.

So, he'd help a man that he thinks he can't beat by himself take out the other opponent who he has beaten before and knows that he can beat so that once Rob Van Dam is out of the equation, he and Randy Savage, the man you said he thinks he couldn't beat by himself, can go one on one? Another good point for you, sir!

After a while during the beating of Rob Van Dam, Randy Savage the smartest man in the match will turn on Triple H and start beating on him.

Hasn't it been said that Randy Savage rides his emotions and puts his heart ahead of his mind? In the case you're proposing, he'd be so bent on getting revenge on RVD that he wouldn't be thinking about Triple H. Besides, Triple H is the smartest man in this match, not Savage. Neither should win though.

You See, Randy Savage is a smart sadistic crazy man.

I haven't seen anything sadistic from Savage. He's a pretty clean-cut guy. And smart/crazy don't go well together.

He knows if they beat down Rob Van Dam and it is left down to just both Randy Savage and Triple H there's a possibility that he might lose.

But you said Triple H thinks he might lose to Savage one on one earlier, and since Triple H is smarter and Savage is crazier, wouldn't he be the one to turn on Savage?

That's why he would betray Triple H and catch him by surprise with a chair shot or some other weapon.

That's a pretty heelish thing, cheap shots. Sounds like something Triple H would do...

After he betrays Triple H with whatever weapon Randy Savage will start beating on him and pin him before Rob Van Dam is able to get back up and stop the pin.

Unfortunately, that would never happen. Triple H will be beating Savage's face in for banging his wife and the focus will most definitely not be on RVD. Thus, he'll be the one to take advantage of the situation and take the angry men out with a chair.

Rob Van Dam wins this because he's calm, cool, collected and there is a lot of bad blood between Trips and Machooooo.
If he knows that RVD is a formidable opponent that he could not beat in the previous round, then why would he go after him at the start of this one? Randy Savage was not a stupid person. He knows that he has two opponents and knows there is a 66.6% chance he will not walk out of this match the victor. Randy Savage wouldn't go into the match with the mindset of wanting revenge for his tie in the previous match with Rob Van Dam.

You realise that he has a much lower chance of losing than that don't you? The chances arent evenly spread in a match like this, they are shared according to ability, of which Savage has the most and Rob Van Dam has the least. He probably wouldn't want to avenge his draw, to be honest, but he'd go after RVD as he is clearly the weakest combatant here.

Sure, he's going to help the guy that he hates more than any other, the man that slept with his wife. That's such a good point.

You realise that this is almost certainly ficticious. Savage left WWF and was wished farewell. Do you really think that Vince would have wishe d him the best/ ever forgiven him enough to put him on a DVD if he committed paedophilia with his daughter? The truth is, is that Savage made Vince look likea bell by walking out without even telling him he had a WCW offer. These Stephanie rumours are just IWC wet dream fantasies.

If anything, Savage and HHH will share the bond that people think the reason Vince holds them in the esteem he does is because they sleep with his daughter.

Hasn't it been said that Randy Savage rides his emotions and puts his heart ahead of his mind? In the case you're proposing, he'd be so bent on getting revenge on RVD that he wouldn't be thinking about Triple H. Besides, Triple H is the smartest man in this match, not Savage. Neither should win though.

RVD is the dumbest in this match, and he definitely wouldn't win.

I haven't seen anything sadistic from Savage. He's a pretty clean-cut guy. And smart/crazy don't go well together.

Show me a more saistic wrestler from his era. There isn't one, putting someone through a table in 1984 is pretty callous.

That's a pretty heelish thing, cheap shots. Sounds like something Triple H would do...

Or you know, maybe WWE's first ever long term heel champion? That's Savage by the way.

Unfortunately, that would never happen. Triple H will be beating Savage's face in for banging his wife and the focus will most definitely not be on RVD. Thus, he'll be the one to take advantage of the situation and take the angry men out with a chair.

If this scenario was true, then maybe it would make a difference, but it isn't.

Tastycles said:
If this scenario was true, then maybe it would make a difference, but it isn't.

Actually, wait no it wouldn't. Just like when Matt Hardy helped Edge win the world title, even though he shagged his missus.

Rob Van Dam wins this because he's calm, cool, collected and there is a lot of bad blood between Trips and Machooooo.

Yes, RVD the calm and collected individual who never makes any mistakes. What's that you say? He's done a flip and someones moved out of the way and he's nailed himself because he got lost in the moment? Surely not!

Face facts, RVD is out of his depth here. HHH and Randy Savage have beaten the biggest names in their day time and time again in just about every match type, going. It's kind of like when Kaz fought Scott Steiner and Samoa Joe for the TNA title. He was there, but he wasnt ever going to win.
If he knows that RVD is a formidable opponent that he could not beat in the previous round, then why would he go after him at the start of this one? Randy Savage was not a stupid person. He knows that he has two opponents and knows there is a 66.6% chance he will not walk out of this match the victor. Randy Savage wouldn't go into the match with the mindset of wanting revenge for his tie in the previous match with Rob Van Dam.

Randy Savage’s chances of losing are way lower than 66.6%. I’d say that the chances of RVD losing are 66.6 but not Savage’s. Savage is a way better wrestler than RVD would even dream of being and Savage is also a better wrestler than Triple H. So it is obvious that Randy’s chances of winning are way higher than both of his opponents.

Sure, he's going to help the guy that he hates more than any other, the man that slept with his wife. That's such a good point.

That story about him sleeping with Vince’s daughter is complete bullshit. Many stars have gone on the record and said that the reason there is bad blood between Savage and Vince is because Randy called Vince a few minutes before show time and told him he was going to WCW. He didn’t even tell him face to face that he was leaving and moving down south to the competition. That is more likely to have happened than Randy sleeping with Stephanie.

Hasn't it been said that Randy Savage rides his emotions and puts his heart ahead of his mind? In the case you're proposing, he'd be so bent on getting revenge on RVD that he wouldn't be thinking about Triple H. Besides, Triple H is the smartest man in this match, not Savage. Neither should win though.

It has already been said but I’ll say it again, from all 3 men in this match RVD is the dumbest out all of them and Randy Savage is the smartest. RVD is the one man who shouldn’t win this match.

I haven't seen anything sadistic from Savage. He's a pretty clean-cut guy. And smart/crazy don't go well together.

Have you seen any of his matches during the 80’s? If so you would know that from all of the guys in that Era he was the most sadistic one.

That's a pretty heelish thing, cheap shots. Sounds like something Triple H would do...
It also sounds like something Savage would do. You know throwing you woman in front of yourself so your opponents don’t attack you. Or constantly getting out of the ring in order to escape getting attacked by your opponent. Those 2 things sound like something a heel would do.

Unfortunately, that would never happen. Triple H will be beating Savage's face in for banging his wife and the focus will most definitely not be on RVD. Thus, he'll be the one to take advantage of the situation and take the angry men out with a chair.

It has already been proven that the scenario of Savage sleeping with Stephanie isn’t true. Other wrestlers have said that nothing like that ever happened. I’d rather believe something that multiple people have said is what happened than something no one has ever said happened.

Rob Van Dam wins this because he's calm, cool, collected and there is a lot of bad blood between Trips and Machooooo.

We all know who RVD likes to go to the top ropes and jump on someone. All it takes for RVD to be injured or hurt for the rest of the match is him trying to do something off of the top rope to only have his opponent move out of the way and he goes through a table (or multiple tables) or he lands on a bunch of chairs where the fans are. Either ways he is going to be hurt.
Randy Savage’s chances of losing are way lower than 66.6%. I’d say that the chances of RVD losing are 66.6 but not Savage’s. Savage is a way better wrestler than RVD would even dream of being and Savage is also a better wrestler than Triple H. So it is obvious that Randy’s chances of winning are way higher than both of his opponents.

That's obviously biased. You think that Randy Savage is a better wrestler, but what is that based on? Is it based on win/loss ratio? If so, Triple H is better. Is it on entertaining matches? If so, for me at least, Rob Van Dam is the winner. There is no criteria to judge the better wrestler. Anyway, statistics would tell you that there is only a 33.3% chance that Savage wins. That's not debatable.

That story about him sleeping with Vince’s daughter is complete bullshit. Many stars have gone on the record and said that the reason there is bad blood between Savage and Vince is because Randy called Vince a few minutes before show time and told him he was going to WCW. He didn’t even tell him face to face that he was leaving and moving down south to the competition. That is more likely to have happened than Randy sleeping with Stephanie.

Sources, or your claim has no backing. I've also heard it said that Randy Savage stole Stephanie's virginity like a thief in the night. No, I don't have sources. But, if you find some, I'll do the same.

It has already been said but I’ll say it again, from all 3 men in this match RVD is the dumbest out all of them and Randy Savage is the smartest. RVD is the one man who shouldn’t win this match.

It was also said that Mick Foley is the smarter man in his match against Warrior, yet Warrior is the one that doesn't make mistakes and Foley is the one that rides his emotions and doesn't use his head in matches, thus being thrown off of cages and such. I don't think it's debatable that Triple H is the smartest man in this match. He's proven to use his head time after time.

Have you seen any of his matches during the 80’s? If so you would know that from all of the guys in that Era he was the most sadistic one.

For his era, he was sadistic. In the current era, the era that Triple H and RVD compete in, he would be considered soft. He may think he's one bad dude for putting a guy through a table, but then Triple H will pedigree your face onto some thumbtacks and RVD will dropkick a chair into your face from across the ring. Savage is the soft one in this match.

It has already been proven that the scenario of Savage sleeping with Stephanie isn’t true. Other wrestlers have said that nothing like that ever happened. I’d rather believe something that multiple people have said is what happened than something no one has ever said happened.

I've yet to see any proof at all. If there is some, I'll gladly take a look. Until then, I'd like for you to stop using words like, untrue, proven, never, multiple, and said. Thanks.

We all know who RVD likes to go to the top ropes and jump on someone. All it takes for RVD to be injured or hurt for the rest of the match is him trying to do something off of the top rope to only have his opponent move out of the way and he goes through a table (or multiple tables) or he lands on a bunch of chairs where the fans are. Either ways he is going to be hurt.

When have you seen one top rope miss take him out for the entire match? Besides, isn't Randy Savage's finisher a top rope move? I'd say that he is at equal risk of missing and putting himself through a table.
That's obviously biased. You think that Randy Savage is a better wrestler, but what is that based on? Is it based on win/loss ratio? If so, Triple H is better. Is it on entertaining matches? If so, for me at least, Rob Van Dam is the winner. There is no criteria to judge the better wrestler. Anyway, statistics would tell you that there is only a 33.3% chance that Savage wins. That's not debatable.

Yes it is debatable, to say it isn't is beyond ******ed. If the New York Yankees play the Holywell Town Under 7s rounders team, do they only have a 50% chance of winning? No. If a 6 time world champion is facing a career midcarder who got a title run for 3 weeks, then the odds are obviously in the favour of the better guy. His win/loss ratio won't be more than Triple H. His win/loss ratio in TNA is 100% victory, the other two guys have never wrestled there, clearly, he has more going for him entering this match.

Sources, or your claim has no backing. I've also heard it said that Randy Savage stole Stephanie's virginity like a thief in the night. No, I don't have sources. But, if you find some, I'll do the same.

You want me to find sources for something that didn't happen? Yeah sure, I'll get them when you get me a source saying I've never shagged the entire divas locker room up the arse.

It was also said that Mick Foley is the smarter man in his match against Warrior, yet Warrior is the one that doesn't make mistakes and Foley is the one that rides his emotions and doesn't use his head in matches, thus being thrown off of cages and such. I don't think it's debatable that Triple H is the smartest man in this match. He's proven to use his head time after time.

I was the one who made the point that Warrior was no less smart than Foley. HHH may be smarter, but I'm not so sure. but Savage has never made any massive mistakes to my knowledge, and he was pretty resourceful. HHH isn't very resourceful, but he plays mind games. The fact that everyone is locked away here renders mind games useless.
For his era, he was sadistic. In the current era, the era that Triple H and RVD compete in, he would be considered soft. He may think he's one bad dude for putting a guy through a table, but then Triple H will pedigree your face onto some thumbtacks and RVD will dropkick a chair into your face from across the ring. Savage is the soft one in this match.

Right, so if there's a hardcore match between Necro Butcher and Hogan, who do you have to win? Savage has done absolutely nothing in his career that suggests he is in anyway shape or form afraid of weapons or unable to use them. For all the big time moves RVD does, he also ends up missing and getting hurt, unecessary risk. The same reason Jeff Hardy rarely wins ladder matches is the same reason RVD won't win here: unnecessary risks.

I've yet to see any proof at all. If there is some, I'll gladly take a look. Until then, I'd like for you to stop using words like, untrue, proven, never, multiple, and said. Thanks.

You can't prove a negative, but the onus is to prove the positive. There's no proof that you aren't completely ignorant of wrestling, but the onus is on me to prove that you are, not for you to prove that you aren't. Your chosing to believe hearsay evidencde from absolutely nobody within the industry, I'm choosing to stick to what the peopel who matter say. It's never come up in a wrestling book, and why would anyone leave that out if it were true?

When have you seen one top rope miss take him out for the entire match? Besides, isn't Randy Savage's finisher a top rope move? I'd say that he is at equal risk of missing and putting himself through a table.

The fact that Savage misses less than RVD is a huge factor. Thanks for pointing that out. The fact that RVD has nothing but high flying moves is also quite important.
RVD is winning this match? Seriously? What a fucking joke. OK, the votes are close and its time for me to share my thoughts on this match and try to sway some votes towards The Game Triple H.

The first thing I would like to address is the fact that many people voted RVD because he would remain cool and calm during the 24 hour lockdown and because he was a top star in ECW, which automatically makes him a Hardcore God. But I have a question: What is RVD's best weapon? The answer is obviously his aerial offense, but think about this: How well would RVD perform high flying moves without food, water or sleep for 24 hours? The answer is simply that he will not be able to jump around as much as he would normally want to. That right there easily eliminates RVD.

As for the Macho Man, I will admit that he has a chance at winning this match because he is overall a very dynastic wrestler and could thrive in any match, but he wouldn't excel in this match as much as Triple H, that's for sure. Savage may be the better veteran when it comes to normal singles matches, but Trips has been in more bloody and dangerous matches than Savage. Triple H has beaten Mick Foley on more than one occasion and Foley is 100x more hardcore than Rob Van Dam(Sorry RVD fans, but it is true). A lot of Savage supporters like to mention The Macho Man's sadistic tendencies, but The Game also proved he could do unthinkable things like hiring Rikishi to run over Steve Austin and(dare I say it) the whole Katie Vick ordeal with Kane just to name a few. If gold is in front of HHH's eyes, he will do anything(and I mean anything) to get it which goes to show he has one of the best mindsets going into this match.

Everybody knows Triple H should win this match, but some are blinded by their dislike/hatred of him to give the man credit where credit is due or they are an RVD/Savage fanatic. Do the right thing people, vote for Triple H, there isn't much time left!
RVD is winning this match? Seriously? What a fucking joke. OK, the votes are close and its time for me to share my thoughts on this match and try to sway some votes towards The Game Triple H.

I think the votes between Savage and Triple H are split pretty well.

But I have a question: What is RVD's best weapon? The answer is obviously his aerial offense, but think about this: How well would RVD perform high flying moves without food, water or sleep for 24 hours? The answer is simply that he will not be able to jump around as much as he would normally want to. That right there easily eliminates RVD.

Who says that you can't sleep? Every single one of these wrestlers will spend time sleeping. Why wouldn't you? Who's honestly going to stay awake for 24 hours in a locked room with no light? RVD would sleep and meditate, so he'd be very rested. And when you're doing something that requires all of your attention, you don't think much about hunger or thirst. I would know. I've gone 15 hours without food or water and I don't think about any of that. I'm focused solely on shooting the bad guys. Besides, if anyone suffers from lack of water, it's Trips. ;)

(Also, when have you seen competitors look gassed and sloppy at the beginning of a monster's ball? They aren't. They come out aggressive and full of energy.)

As for the Macho Man, I will admit that he has a chance at winning this match because he is overall a very dynastic wrestler and could thrive in any match, but he wouldn't excel in this match as much as Triple H, that's for sure.

RVD has excelled in ladder, hardcore, standard, tag-team, etc. matches. He's been in the most outrageous matches you can think of and I haven't ever seen Rob Van Dam look out of place. If anyone can excel in any match, it's none other than R... V... D... Besides, this is essentially a hardcore match. He's been in plenty of those.

Savage may be the better veteran when it comes to normal singles matches, but Trips has been in more bloody and dangerous matches than Savage.

They've all been in hundreds of normal singles matches. No one has the experience edge there. Where as, if experience actually means anything, Rob Van Dam has been in the most extreme matches of these three.

Triple H has beaten Mick Foley on more than one occasion and Foley is 100x more hardcore than Rob Van Dam(Sorry RVD fans, but it is true).

I'd agree. Rob Van Dam is too smart to start matches on top of cells and such and what not. He's smart and just hits people with devastating chair attacks and the like. Sure, he doesn't bleed as much as Foley, but I wouldn't hold that against him.

A lot of Savage supporters like to mention The Macho Man's sadistic tendencies, but The Game also proved he could do unthinkable things like hiring Rikishi to run over Steve Austin and(dare I say it) the whole Katie Vick ordeal with Kane just to name a few. If gold is in front of HHH's eyes, he will do anything(and I mean anything) to get it which goes to show he has one of the best mindsets going into this match.

None of that matters in this match. They have all put someone through a table, which is apparently the most sadistic thing Macho Man has done, and Triple H can't run over anyone prior to this match. They're all locked in a room.

Everybody knows Triple H should win this match, but some are blinded by their dislike/hatred of him to give the man credit where credit is due or they are an RVD/Savage fanatic. Do the right thing people, vote for Triple H, there isn't much time left!

I really like Triple H, especially the Triple H of 2000. In fact, I've given him my vote in every match thus far. I've given him plenty of credit, saying that he's the smartest man and the strongest man in this match. Unfortunately, for reasons that I've already shared and others have shared, he doesn't win this match. Rob Van Dam wins this match.
The fact of the matter is, Triple H should win this match. He is the best out of all of the 3 wreslters and the stipualtion favors him. He has twice as many titles as RVD and Savage combined, has been the top guy in the company for years, and has competed in tons of big matches.

Triple H is also the smartest man in this match and would spend his 24 hours before the match calculating every move he would make. RVD would be too relaxed and Savage would be too crazy, HHH was come out aggresive but under control.

Triple H and RVD have competed in similar amounts of hardcore type matches, but HHH is much better than RVD and has beaten him several times, so there is no way RVD is winning here. Savage is almost as good as HHH, but doesn't have the same hardcore experience and is outstrenghted and outsized by Triple H.

This is the type of match I would see the heel "Cerebral Assasin" winning for sure, Triple H should get your vote.

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