TNA: Ultimate Submission Match, Randy Savage vs. Rob Van Dam

Randy Savage vs. Rob Van Dam

  • Macho Man

  • RVD

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In all actuality, there isn't really a reason to vote for RVD here, except for the fact they you are a big fan of his.
The same thing could be said for those voting for Savage.
I'm voting for who should win, and that is the Macho Man.
The thing is we really don't know who should win. It's been stated many times neither man were known for their submission moves. Yeah Savage won more titles in his career but how many did he win using a submission? Let me answer that for you, 0. Theo nle time he used a submission he did a horrible job using it. RVD o nthe other hand has been in the ring with guys much better at Submission than Savage (Benoit, Angle and Y2J just to name a few) It seems to me you're voting for Savage just beacuase you like him more .
How the hell is Rob Van Dam winning this? The arguments are pitiful:

1. He'll use weapons Err. no he won't he'll get DQ'd if he does
Agreed. However as in other Ultimate Submission matches the ref could take a bump and temporarily get knocked out long enough for a someone to get a chair. Were that the case I'd put my money on RVD to either get the chair himself and use it or counter Savage's use into a Van Daminator.
2. He could come up with something better than a boston crab Like what exactly? The Boston Crab may look like shit, but it's won Jericho world championships ad has been a legitimately devastating submission hold for about 30 years. Jericho beat someone with it at Wrestlemania. I challenge anyone to find an older submission move still in use. I do believe that Jericho actually beat Van Dam with the boston crab in 2005. Despite that, it's not as if Rob Van Dam is some sort of chain wrestling extraodinaire is it?
Here I also agree. RVD doesn't need to use or apply anything better than a Boston Crab. I would assume he'd use any standard submission like a crossface, stf, or even cloverleaf. Knowing RVD he would probably add his own flare to it's execution but you right he wouldn't need anything better, just something equally effective and quick.
3. RVD is trained in martial arts Well, kickboxing is the ony one he holds any sort of distinction in, and the none of the others that he's even attempted: Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Aikido and Kendo, are in any way, shape or form of submission sports. Should I bring up Savage's baseball career? It's about as relevant.
Well here I may have to disagree. First I have to correct a point about Aikido and Karate. As a former practicioner I have to say that there are many techniques that end in joint lock manipulations similar to wrestling submissions that causes either verbal or physical submission of your opponent. Second the majority of the other arts mentioned above including the art you say RVD hold distinction in -Kickboxing- have a variety of moves that are specifically used to KO someone, which as determined by the referee can be counted towards submission.
4. Rob Van Dam is better in a TNA environment Hmm, yeah because Randy Savage definitely never went to the top rope. He definitely wasn't the first main eventer in North America to do that, and he definitely didn't have two finishers that were hit from on top of the turnbuckle. Oh wait, I appear to be mistaken.
True again, yet Savage's generational gap may be a set back as he didn't really contend much with the modern aerial style that later wrestlers would use in an environment such as TNA's six sided ring. Van Dam not only contended in and regularly countered the aforementioned aerial style, but also innovated his own which would in all likelihood catch Savage off guard (At least for this first match if not a few subsequent ones). While both were innovators (see below) I personally believe RVD would adapt to the ring faster as it's closer to his style than Savages.
5. Rob Van Dam is more of an innovator Yup, again, learn your wrestling history. Van Dam invented about 4 moves with a chair and popularised rolling thunder as a move. Savage was the first main eventer to go to the top rope, the first to have the kind of interaction he did with his female manager, the most innovative in his promos in his time, one the most distincitve wrestlers visually of all time, and he put somebody through a table in 1985, which I believe is the earliest anyone has ever done so. Savage is ten times the innovator Rob Van Dam is.
Debatable, by I definitely see your point. However most things you mentioned will not help him in the ring. Also while he was the first Main Eventer to employ the use of the top rope, he didn't invent it either. Moot points aside, RVD's innovations have more to do with his execution of moves, and uniqueness of technique in the ring. He makes standard moves visually more impressive and/or more deadly and directly damaging. So I'll say they were both very innovative, but I think RVD's style of innovation will be more beneficial during an actual match.
So, we've looked at the reasons why RVD won't win, lets look at the reasons why Savage will. Firstly, Savage coud work a crowd as good as anybody, and the Impact Zone is in his hometown too, remember. In a submission match, having the crowd willing you to the ropes is immensly important.
Well I see where you're going but I have to say that RVD is a crowd favorite in his own right and may just turn the home town with his flashier and more innovative in ring techniques. I don't think a modern TNA crowd would care about elbow drops like crowds did back in the 80's, at least not as much as seeing 5* frog splashes, split-legged moonsaults, rolling thunders, cartwheels, Backflips etc etc.
Secondly, Savage fought submission guys like Flair on numerour occaisions and wasn't made to submit. Van Dam was made to submit by submission wrestlers on numerous occaisions.
Neither man is a submissions guy so to say that because RVD lost to a submissions guy he would lose to non-submission guy Randy Savage when he applies a submission doesn't quite add up. In addition Savage's record against submission guys won't come into play as greatly when he's against someone who has different strengths and weaknesses than standard wrestling submission guys. RVD has a background that favors strikes powerful enough to cause long term injury and outright unconsciousness, which can be quite effective in regards to softening up Savage enough to have him submit via even basic submissions. He also has the potential to be versed in submissions that are uncommon in wrestling that Savage will not be trained to counter.
Clearly, neither of them is Benoit or Hart, but Savage is a more resiliant and more innovative competitor, and immensly more succesful during his career, and he surely has to have the upper hand as a result.
Erm the resilient issue is somewhat erroneous; I've already touched upon the innovative competitor aspect, and as for success I think we can all acknowledge that when left to flourish RVD was very successful. RVD was a ECW/WWE champion and a damn successful wrestler by most anyone's definition... but so what. I don't see how the past success levels of Savage in direct comparison to that of RVD's would factor into a current match up in enough of a way as to be meaningful.

I'll probably vote RVD
Technically, this is a no-disqualification match. I think, anyway. You can only score a point by submission, right? If that's the case, then I see Van Dam, since neither of these guys ever use submissions, going outside and incorporating some weapons. It's a toss though, really. I'm voting RVD.

In a submission match I don't think you're aloud to leave the ring. So that wouldn't work out for RVD's favor. Savage would win this, with ease imo. Savage made it through the figure four for several minutes what does RVD have in his arsenal quite as good as the figure four? Savage wrestled in a time where submission moves were dominant finishers. Hes got more experiance in the field. Taking into consideration RVD's prime being in ECW. How many ECW originals use submissions? Exactly...It would work out for savages advantage in the end.
RVD did SFA in wrestling outside a bingo hall in Phillie. He won a few WWE titles but big deal. So did Eddie Guerrero and they were actually going to trust him to hold the title for more than one occassion, which was in order to promote the return of ECW and sell a few PPVs... not how good he was.

Savage is easily the greatest guy to never hold the big one. RVD couldn't kick it with the Flairs, Steamboats, Hogans of the wrestling world. Hell, he only won his title because Edge screwed Cena and because it made economic sense to have RVD win a belt at an ECW PPV, in an ECW arena with ECW fans.
Once that was done and the new fans were introduced to WWECW, RVD, Sandman, Sabu, FBI, Mamaluke, Jazz, Mahoney... they all joined the unemployment line.
RVD did SFA in wrestling outside a bingo hall in Phillie. He won a few WWE titles but big deal. So did Eddie Guerrero and they were actually going to trust him to hold the title for more than one occassion, which was in order to promote the return of ECW and sell a few PPVs... not how good he was.

Didn't do shit outside of a bingo hall? Really? Really?? Well most of the people on here hold the WWE as the gold standard of wrestling. Here's what RVD accomplished there: 6 time IC champion, European Champion, 4 time Harcore champ, 3 time Tag Team champ and lets not forget that he held the ECW and WWE championship simultaneously. I'd say that's a damn good list of accomplishments. Name some other wrestlers that have held 2 major WWE titles at the same time.

Savage is easily the greatest guy to never hold the big one.

Seriously, please tell me this was just a typo. Savage did hold "the big one". Yep, twice in the WWE and a few time in WCW as well.

Look, I'm not saying that RVD has a cake walk here. Randy Savage was a great, great wrestler. But it's simply ignorant to discount all of RVD's accomplishments just because he once wrestled in a bingo hall. Newsflash: everyone starts out somewhere other than the WWE. RVD matches Savage's credentials pretty evenly.
Figured I would throw this out there

RVD has faced the likes of Angle, Benoit and Jericho. All are former World Champions, all are submission based wrestlers and all have been beaten by RVD at some point. We can even throw in Chris Masters if you want.

The only person who used a Submission on a regular basis that Savage has beaten is Ted Dibiase.

RVD has more experience with Submissions even if he doesn't use them himself.
The only person who used a Submission on a regular basis that Savage has beaten is Ted Dibiase.

I think you seem to be forgetting one Nature Boy Ric Flair. Even when Flair beat him for the WWE title, Savage didn't submit. Savage would never submit in my opinion, unless it was cowardly NWO heel Savage. But that was far from his prime, so I am still saying that RVD wouldn't be able to get the Macho Man to give up.
You're acting like RVD hasn't also defeated Ric Flair. He has. And to add to the list of submission wrestlers RVD has one-upped, I offer up William Regal and his Regal Stretch. A much better list than the two on Savage's.

Oh, and don't forget John Cena and his STFU. RVD can survive some serious submissions. I sure as heckfire haven't seen Savage come into contact with a submission as powerful as John Cena's STFU and survive the match.
I find it interesting that people mention the one of the times Savage lost by Submission was him passing out from the Flairs figure 4, I recall an episode of RAW where RVD came to Flair aid, and after beating the hell out of the opponents both Flair and RVD locked them in figure 4s, so RVD does know at least one effective submission move and not only that it happens to be the same submission move that Savage passed out from
I'm to how a ******ed spot monkey with horrible wrestling ability is neck and neck with arguably the most complete overall wrestler of all time?

Jesus fucking Christ, I know people can use any criteria they want for this thing, but the level of "kayfabe" arguments are just sickening. How about just voting the best wrestler to go ahead? Which would be Duke the Dumpster Droese if he was in a match with RVD. But, since it's Savage, there shouldn't even be a dispute who should advance.

RVD sucks, and he always sucked. Just because he could do some flippys, doesn't make him a good wrestler. "But Slyfox, he knows martial arts"...who gives fuck? So do I, doesn't mean I could make Randy Savage tap out.

Vote Savage, and help preserve some sanity in this tournament.
I'm to how a ******ed spot monkey with horrible wrestling ability is neck and neck with arguably the most complete overall wrestler of all time?
Because this match doesn't really favor either man
IJesus fucking Christ, I know people can use any criteria they want for this thing, but the level of "kayfabe" arguments are just sickening. How about just voting the best wrestler to go ahead? Which would be Duke the Dumpster Droese if he was in a match with RVD. But, since it's Savage, there shouldn't even be a dispute who should advance.
If people thought this way then the same people would be in the finals every year. What's wrong with all the Kayfabe arguments I thought that's how people were supposed to base their vote in the first place
RVD sucks, and he always sucked. Just because he could do some flippys, doesn't make him a good wrestler. "But Slyfox, he knows martial arts"...who gives fuck? So do I, doesn't mean I could make Randy Savage tap out.
RVD doesn't suck, If he sucked then he would hav never been given the WWE title no matter if it was an ECW crowd the fact that he's a good wrestler is what makes him good.
Vote Savage, and help preserve some sanity in this tournament.
Vote RVD because he would win this match
I just want to address SlyFox's anti-kayfabe argument for a moment. We're going to decide the greatest professional wrestler of all-time, correct? If not by kayfabe, then how do we vote? Do we vote for merch. sales? Hogan wins. Do we vote on technical ability? Congrats Bret. Congrats Kurt. Do we vote for the best matches? Good job, Shawn. Kayfabe is the only way that these tournaments are interesting. If we simply voted for the reasons that you do, Hogan and Cena and Hart and Savage would be in the finals every year. There would be no point in home town advantage, seeding, gimmicks... It'd be boring and pointless.

Oh, and vote for RVD. He knows martial arts and stuff.
Because this match doesn't really favor either man
So you vote for the better wrestler. Hence, a vote for Savage.

If people thought this way then the same people would be in the finals every year. What's wrong with all the Kayfabe arguments I thought that's how people were supposed to base their vote in the first place
If you vote kayfabe all the time, then Andre the Giant or Hulk Hogan should be in the finals every year.

What's your point?

RVD doesn't suck
Yes he does. He's spotty as hell, routinely botches horribly, can't work the stick, has the worst punches in wrestling history, and incorporates zero storytelling into his wrestling.

He sucks.

Vote RVD because he would win this match
No he wouldn't. There isn't a single wrestling company on Earth that would have RVD go over Savage in both of their primes.
So you vote for the better wrestler. Hence, a vote for Savage.
Enough people agree with you to make it a tie. Then again that also means the same amount of people disagree with you.
If you vote kayfabe all the time, then Andre the Giant or Hulk Hogan should be in the finals every year.

What's your point?
I never said vote Kayfabe all the time where did I say that?
Yes he does. He's spotty as hell, routinely botches horribly, can't work the stick, has the worst punches in wrestling history, and incorporates zero storytelling into his wrestling.

He sucks.
I guess we have different definitions of the word suck. I don't think he sucks. I also think he would beat Savage in a Submission match.

A vote for RVD is a vote for the better man.
I'm to how a ******ed spot monkey with horrible wrestling ability is neck and neck with arguably the most complete overall wrestler of all time?

This is why I love you. Absolute babble. Gibberish. The key word here in your statement is "arguably". To which I could argue that anybody is the most complete overall wrestler of all time. How about Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, or dare I say...Bryan Danielson.

Jesus fucking Christ, I know people can use any criteria they want for this thing, but the level of "kayfabe" arguments are just sickening. How about just voting the best wrestler to go ahead? Which would be Duke the Dumpster Droese if he was in a match with RVD. But, since it's Savage, there shouldn't even be a dispute who should advance.

Isn't wrestling about kayfabe? If you would like me to vote for the better wrestler, than I did: RVD. Kayfabe or no kayfabe.

RVD sucks, and he always sucked. Just because he could do some flippys, doesn't make him a good wrestler.

RVD is not all about his "flippys". Yes, that is his forte and that's what puts asses in the seats. People paid to see RVD's aerial attack. But he can also mat wrestle and incorporate his martial arts into matches. The way I see it, RVD matches Savage blow for blow, with the exception of the martial arts. RVD adds one more dimension to his offense that Savage does not. If it makes you feel better, Savage does win hands down in one category: his manager was way better looking.

"But Slyfox, he knows martial arts"...who gives fuck? So do I, doesn't mean I could make Randy Savage tap out.

I don't know, are one fiesty motherfucker. I may just vote Slyfox in a match against Randy Savage. Especially at his age, I think you can take him. ;)
Sigh.... I'm somewhat doing this at the behest of RVD-Aholic, plus I somewhat believe in this.

Over Randy Savage's entire career, Randy's been susceptible to submission holds. I can count on more than one hand how many times Ric Flair and Lex Luger alone have forced Savage to tap out in his stint in WCW. Savage has had a history of back issues, even relating now to modern day Macho Man, gray beard and all. His back issues have to come into play, especially when you consider Savage's pathway to this match. Savage has had to go through Nailz (a tough wrestler, and a grinder), Kenta Kobashi (one of the all time bests, and in my opinion, better than Savage), and CM Punk. RVD has gone through Jamie Noble, Rhyno, and Scott Hall. All midcarders. All whom have never even gotten close enough to main event status. The fatigue has to play some sort of role.

Besides that, and I think Norcal will agree when I state this.... Macho Man Randy Savage has never won a major match without assistance from Hulk Hogan, Elizabeth, or any other form of cheating.

Let's recap all of Savage's major world title wins in his career:

First WWF Title: Obvious help from Hulk Hogan. Without that help from Hulk, DiBiase wins that match.

Second WWF Title: Had a hand full of tights. Lost the title to Ric Flair by (surprise, surprise) submission

First WCW Title: Won in a sixty man battle royal, in which Hulk Hogan wasn't even eliminated from. Lost the title to Flair by submission yet again.

Second WCW Title: Help from Hulk Hogan, as well as ill-advised help from Arn Anderson

Third WCW Title: Kevin Nash assisted yet again, and he lost the title one day later.

Fourth WCW Title: Won during a WCW title in a Tag Team match. Yes, a tag team match. Sid Vicious wore down Nash for a majority of the match, and Savage scored the pinfall. Lost the title one day later to Hogan.

Savage is an amazing worker. However, without Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage doesn't amount to more than RVD. RVD was the face of a promotion that, in WCW's waning days, was the second most popular federation in the business. He has a historic background in martial arts, and has studied amongst all of the best in Japan. You don't think he can throw out a few submission moves when the time calls for it?

Savage is a great wrestler, but is also probably the most built up wrestler by the IWC in the entire history of professional wrestling. Savage has absolutely no advantage over RVD. Aerial ability? Sorry, RVD has that pretty much covered. Speed and agility? Sorry, I'm giving that to RVD any day. Strength? RVD is a man that legitimately invented an accepted weight training technique, The Van Dam lift. Stamina? I'm still giving it to Rob.

At the end of the day, Savage is a good wrestler. But he goes home here.
How did RVD win his world title again? It was an extreme rules match, which this is not, and he got help from Edge and a pinfall count from Heyman. There is a reason that Savage has won those titles. Sure he may not have won them all fairly, but he won them. Also, in your advantages that you said you had I see you didn't include submissions, which this match is.

Be smart: Vote for Savage!
Also, in your advantages that you said you had I see you didn't include submissions, which this match is.

Be smart: Vote for Savage!
You want an advantage I'll give you one. Savage has passed out from the Figure 4. RVD knows how to apply the Figure 4 so why wouldn't he do that here knowing Savage has passed out from it before? He would which would give him the victory.

Will someone please Vote RVD
Who has RVD made pss out with the Figure Four though? Ric Flair's Figure Four is a lot better than RVD's. Do the right thing, vote Savage!
Who has RVD made pss out with the Figure Four though? Ric Flair's Figure Four is a lot better than RVD's. Do the right thing, vote Savage!
Who do you think taught it to Van Dam? Flair would teach him how to do it properly. The fact that RVD hasn't made anyone pass doesn't mean anything the point is he knows it.
How did RVD win his world title again? It was an extreme rules match, which this is not, and he got help from Edge and a pinfall count from Heyman.

Still within the rules. More so than Randy Savage.

Also, in your advantages that you said you had I see you didn't include submissions, which this match is.

Be smart: Vote for Savage!

I'm pretty sure we've both described that they are equally poor at submissions. Therefore, I go on using about everything else to decide a winner. Hence, RVD.
Just because Flair taught it too him, doesn't mean he's good at it. HBK could teach me how to do Sweet Chin Music but it would probably suck. Nonetheless, this will be a draw.
Flair was terriable at locking in the figure 4, half the danm time he would grab their leg, WOOO, strut while holding their leg for like 5 mins., then Wooo again, then he'd slowly start to lock it in, RVD would bother with all that he'd just put the hold on and keep it locked in until Savage either tapped or passed out, and he'd prolly do this after hitting the five star frogsplash knocking the wind out of Savage

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