Poor CM Punk, he has no chance at getting past the second round now 
Anyway, I thought Scott Hall was fairly overrated and wasn't as great as what people say he was. Rob Van Dam is ranked 8th!? I know he won the WWE and ECW World Championships but the guy wasn't that great. In the WWE he was an upper mid-carder/lower main eventer at best. Savage is in his hometown here, and can certainly beat RVD in his prime.
Rob Van Dam will get to the final because he is a name known to basically everyone. But the Macho Man will easily win that match though. He was simply awesome in his prime, and I don't think the TNA ring here favours anyone. Savage wins this against RVD in the final, but it could be a close vote considering that more people know Van Dam than they know Randy Savage.

Anyway, I thought Scott Hall was fairly overrated and wasn't as great as what people say he was. Rob Van Dam is ranked 8th!? I know he won the WWE and ECW World Championships but the guy wasn't that great. In the WWE he was an upper mid-carder/lower main eventer at best. Savage is in his hometown here, and can certainly beat RVD in his prime.
Rob Van Dam will get to the final because he is a name known to basically everyone. But the Macho Man will easily win that match though. He was simply awesome in his prime, and I don't think the TNA ring here favours anyone. Savage wins this against RVD in the final, but it could be a close vote considering that more people know Van Dam than they know Randy Savage.