TNA: Orlando Sub-Regional

Poor CM Punk, he has no chance at getting past the second round now :(

Anyway, I thought Scott Hall was fairly overrated and wasn't as great as what people say he was. Rob Van Dam is ranked 8th!? I know he won the WWE and ECW World Championships but the guy wasn't that great. In the WWE he was an upper mid-carder/lower main eventer at best. Savage is in his hometown here, and can certainly beat RVD in his prime.

Rob Van Dam will get to the final because he is a name known to basically everyone. But the Macho Man will easily win that match though. He was simply awesome in his prime, and I don't think the TNA ring here favours anyone. Savage wins this against RVD in the final, but it could be a close vote considering that more people know Van Dam than they know Randy Savage.
Macho Man vs Rob Van Dam. That's what it will come down to. As good as RVD is though. He is no match for the Macho Man. Savage is a high flyer just like RVD. But he is way stronger. Savage has been in TNA. RVD has not. He is in the home of the Impact Zone. I think RVD will beta Hall but he won't beat Savage. Van Dam is resiliant from being in ECWso he will probably kick out of the Elbow Drop. But after missing a Five Star Frog Splash because Savage's veteran instincts will tell him to move out of the way at the last second. Savage will capitalize and roll him up for the win.
I love that everyone is putting RVD in the final. It'll make it so much sweeter when Rhyno gores him through the ring post.

RVD is a great performer, but not a great wrestler. I enjoy watching him, but that, in now way, makes him a better wrestler than Rhyno. RVD has the advantage of using the ropes, but Rhyno is already experienced in the 6-sided ring. His strength is too much for RVD to overcome, and he's agile, and quick, enough to counter a lot of RVD's offense.

I'm not saying Rhyno will squash him, but he'll win. Or, should win. Unless people vote for their favorites over the better wrestler.
Wow, we might be getting Punk vs Kenta here. Now that would be interesting. It'd be a great contest, they have similar styles. And no I'm not confusing Kobashi with Kobayashi :lmao:

I still think Savage will take this bracket. But there's alot of good competition.
I'll echo the sentiment many posters already seem to have: it will be Savage vs. RVD in the finals of this sub-region. Savage may have a challenge with C.M. Punk, but I am pretty sure many members of the current staff would be stunned if Punk went over Savage. Punk has the advantage of having a cult following and currently being somewhat over in WWE, but he can't hold a straw to Savage's greatness. RVD, however, has some die-hard (and esteemed) fans on these boards. It will be a tough match, but Savage will and should win this one.
Juvi Juice v. The Hammer, to decide who loses to Scott Hall. Should be an interesting match, but will probably end up one sided for either wrestler.

Much like the Duggan v. Kidman match, it'll come down to what people like to see more. This match takes place in TNA though, so between the advantage of more ropes, and more turnbuckles, and being a ton faster in the ring, Juvi should win. Valentine was a good brawler, but he'd have to get to Guerrera early to slow him down enough to stand a chance.

Hall should still beat Juvi though. He's not as slow as Valentine, and has a much wider offense. He's also accustomed to the ring already, so it shouldn't be a difference in the 2nd Rd.
The name Nailz definitely rings a bell, but I don't remember anything about him. I don't think it'll mean much, especially facing Savage. Savage is a favorite to not only win TNA, but win the whole damn thing, so it'd take a major miracle to get the upset.

I doubt he'll even be a bump in the road for Savage.
16. C.M. Punk
49. Val Veris

Val Venis was a decent guy in the ring, but he won't beat Punk. Punk will probably have to resort to the submission move, as Venis may be too big to get up for the GTS.

17. "Lord" William Regal
48. George Hackenschmidt

I'll have to do some research on Hackenschmidt. Regal was very impressive in the ring during his prime, and is very under-rated. As long as people don't vote based on Regal's recent history, he should still pull off the win, or at least keep it close.

8. "Mr. Monday Night" Rob Van Dam
57. Jamie Noble

Noble is one of my all-time favorite cruiserweights, and he'd adapt to the 6-sided ring well. But, he won't be able to pull off this upset. He'll probably even get my vote, but that won't change the outcome. He made his career as a "wrestler" in a flier's division. He should be able to handle most of RVD's offense, and may even have some moves to ground him. RVD is simply too fast and too strong for Noble to win though.

25. "The War Machine"Rhino
40. Gorgeous George

Rhyno is one of my favorites to win this bracket, so I don't see him getting upset this early. George wasn't bad, but he doesn't have the power to compete with Rhyno. Add in that Rhyno is at home in this ring, and the outcome becomes clear.
From what I've seen, Robert Roode gets some love from around here, and it's a shame he has to face Savage in Round 2. He's great in the TNA ring, and could defeat a number of people in this bracket, but he's got too big of a hill to climb to get over Savage.

If facial hair could decide the match, I'd pick Roode. But, wrestling will ultimately win out, and it'll end with a Flying Elbow to the solarplexus...Or, however Gorilla spelt it.
1. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
64. Nailz

Oh well Nailz, we had a good run. I got you to the tournament, maybe next year buddy. It's like World Cup qualification. Only problem is you're Saudi Arabia in a group with Brazil. Tough break. You don't deserve to get the beating you're about to get. Against anybody other than Savage I might even have helped you out.
I am fully supporting a Savage/RVD final here. I think Savage is a lock and he has a chance to win it all. RVD on the other hand will have some trouble getting there. Alot of people find him to spotty and choregraphed, but I love his style.

He is very, quick, and fast and I think the TNA enviroment helps him. I think he should defiently go over Rhino. I am a fan of Rhino but RVD trumps him. He's guick but not as quick as RVD. And his strength might over power Dam, I think RVD could easily sneak out a win. I hope RVD supporters assure he makes it to the sub-region final, where Savage can pick up the victory at the end.
Round 1 Results:

Savage vs. Nailz: 37-0. Randy Savage scores a shutout against a monster in Nailz, pretty impressive.

Kobashi vs. Roode: 27-7. Even with the Territorial advantage, Roode is no match for Kobashi.

Punk vs. Venis: 31-11. Punk is like the damn energizer bunny, he's everywhere and he keeps going.

Regal vs. Hackenschmidt: 26-2. This is no detriment to the pioneer, it's simply an impossible match to do fairly.

RVD vs. Noble: 39-4. Mr. Pay Per View has no problem taking out the Pitbull.

Rhino vs. Gorgeous George: 29-3. The War Machine brutalize the pretty boy in round 1 with ease.

Scott Hall vs. Ivan Koloff: 21-7. I'm shocked how a career mid carder manage to win this match, but I digress. I suppose a drunk squirrel can find a win every once in a while.

The Hammer vs. Juvi juice: 19-9. Guerrera must have been jumped backstage, that's the only logical explanation as to why the Mexican Rock didn't make it out of round 1.

Round 2.
Orlando, Fl.

1. Randy Savage
32. Kenta Kobashi

16. CM Punk
17. William Regal

8. Rob Van Dam
25. Rhino

9. Scott Hall
24. Greg Valentine
Round 2 Results:

Savage vs. Kobashi: 38-2. Kobashi is good, Savage is just that much better. Savage wins in a walk against a talent such as Kobashi, speaks only good things of the Macho Man.

Punk vs. Regal: 34-28. Easily the most hotly contested of this grouping. Punk edges out the man from England in a tough fought and debated match.

RVD vs. Rhino: 45-11: Simply put, RVD has been in the TNA Region all three years, and RVD has dominated this region all three years. RVD is going to be tough to beat in this environment.

Hall vs. Valentine: 34-4. Scott Hall dispatches of the Hammer with relative ease. Scott Hall was sober enough to get the pinfall.

Round 3.

Orlando, Fl.
1. Randy Savage
16. CM Punk

8. Rob Van Dam
9. Scott Hall
I'll say it.

Randy Savage in his prime and RVD in HIS prime = the most epic battle we could have in the entire tourney. Their personalities are so opposite. They both finish off the top rope, they both will put their bodies in danger, and they will more than likely bleed.

It boils down to these two. Savage has no trouble with Punk. However, Scott Hall could sneak in there, but I just don't see him getting the votes over RVD. Get ready for a monumental battle of the Five Star versus the ELBOW DROP YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
I can't wait to see where Punk is in five or ten years' time. But Savage walks over him this year.

RVD was the only real ECW creation (something Austin, Mysterio, Jericho, Eddie, and Benoit were NOT; they would have made it without being ECW guys) to succeed majorly in the WWE. Pinfalls over top guys, six IC titles, a world title, and a stirling win-loss record for somebody who the company supposed HATED so much. RVD is not just some indy God from the slum company of the 90s. He was actually a force on the big stage and is not to be fucked with, and I don't think Hall has this win in him.

RVD-Savage, as the poster above me said, is the logical final in this region.
Final results from Orlando

Savage vs. CM Punk:46-7. Randy Savage continues to role in this tournament. Last years runner up will be faced with his toughest challenge yet next round.

RVD vs. Scott Hall:51-12. People simply love RVD, and him being inside of the six sided ring certainly doesn't hurt his cause. However, the RVD express might be running to a stop.

Round 4:
Same City, new venue. The matches move to teh Impact Zone, in Orlando, and this will be The Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Rob Van Dam, in a to be determined Gimmick Match.
So, while watching some more older ECW tapes, I've seen that RVD actually used some halfway decent submission moves. He never used them often, and rarely for a long period of time, but he did use them. And almost entirely before he won the TV Title.

He used a Boston Crab, and a Camel Clutch. The brilliance of both of these, is that any prolonged use of these, will take away Savage's aerial game, and make him a mat wrestler, which is probably not his best area. Unless someone can come up with something for Savage to limit RVD's offense, and pissibly make him tap or submit, I'm voting for RVD.

I can still be swayed...
Meh, Savage has used both of those moves, moreso with the Boston Crab as well. I don't think that RVD has the strength to effectively keep that locked in on someone like Savage for a prolonged period. Again, I'm not saying Vote Savage at this point, but both of these guys simply aren't known for submissino style wrestling.

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