The TNA Region: General Discussion

Interesting region and I would think this would favour Chris Jericho and Rob Van Dam very well because both of them like using the ropes and high flying moves and I think those two will have a good chance, Savage could also have a shot, I'll support Savage providing he doesn't meet Jericho.

Triple H doesn't really appeal to me as a wrestler who'd be able to do Ultimate X so it'll be interesting to see what match and opponent he gets, if he gets that far to begin with. The Triple H supporters better hope he draws Monsters Ball.

AJ Styles would also be someone to look out for, it's his home environment after all and he'd be very used to performing in the 6 sided ring, which I don't think it would affect Jericho or Rob Van Dam that much though, they'd be able to adapt I think fairly easily.

I'm going with Chris Jericho on this one. No suprise, really.
I definitely think Chris Jericho is the favorite to take the TNA Region. Macho Man will do fine, but there's a lot of chances at upsets. CM Punk and RVD both match-up well against him, and have a good amount of fan backing.

The only potential for a Jericho upset will be Bam Bam Bigelow. He'll do great in the ring, and can prove to be too powerful for Jericho to take out. The Codebreaker is a great equalizer, and it could be the difference.
If there is any justice, HHH won't get past Billington. Potentially that matchup could cause an upset due to Billington being an IWC darling and HHH being HHH.
We now come to round 4 and round 6, and the TNA Regional matches come to the Impact Zone, in Orlando FL.


The Impact Zone is the home of TNA, and houses somewhere around 1000 wrestling fans at live events. While not the meanest of crowds, they can be loud. How much of a factor will the six sided ring have in these matches?


This Year we have done the wrestling world a favor and removed one Vince Russo from control of the TNA Region, and given it to a man that might be the best wrestling mind alive today. Jim Cornette is the host for this years TNA regions. Known for his old school love, and love of traditional wrestling, will Cornette be a bystander, or make sure a traditionalist makes it out of the TNA Region?

TNA Regions Matches:

Orlando Finals:
#1. Randy Savage vs. #8 Rob Van Dam

Hartford Finals:
#4. Triple H vs. #12 AJ Styles

Charlotte Finals:
#2. Ric Flair vs. #7 Bam Bam Bigelow

Winnipeg Finals
#3. Chris Jericho vs. #11 Scott Steiner
van Dam. Savage. Bigelow. Triple H. Jericho.

What the hell happened!?

This region, more than any other, hinges on the gimmick selections. One match will get Monster's Ball, and the other will get Ultimate X. I cannot underscore enough just how different these matches are, and how each both favors and dooms a competitor.

If RVD or Jericho get Ultimate X, they've got an easy win. Savage is agile, sure, but RVD and Jericho are far more adaptable to the 6-sided ring and the heights. Savage didn't participate in many high gimmick matches with ladder and such. van Dam and Jericho have THRIVED in those situations.

If Monster's Ball comes up, you have to give the nod to HHH and Bigelow. Bigelow was made for this type of match - we learned that last year when Vader annihilated Austin. You take an SHW and lock him up with no food, he's not only going to beat you, he's going to gnaw off your limbs and beat you to death with them.

The matches will be Jericho vs Bigelow and Triple H vs Savage vs RVD. Here's the prediction:

Jericho vs Bigelow

if Monsters Ball, Bigelow wins easily.
if Ultimate X, Jericho wins easily.

Triple H vs Savage vs RVD

if Monsters Ball, Triple H wins easily, Savage 2nd and RVD maybe gets 2 votes.
if Ultimate X, RVD wins narrowly, edging out Savage, Triple H distant third.
Jericho vs Bigelow

if Monsters Ball, Bigelow wins easily.
if Ultimate X, Jericho wins easily.
Can't argue with you here so i won't. I'm hoping it Monster's Ball because i want bam Bam to tear Jericho a new one. That also means the other one is Ultimate X
Triple H vs Savage vs RVD

if Monsters Ball, Triple H wins easily, Savage 2nd and RVD maybe gets 2 votes.
if Ultimate X, RVD wins narrowly, edging out Savage, Triple H distant third.
While you may be right about the Monsters ball here I'm going to be voting RVD either way. I honestly think RVD can win in a monsters ball match. I'll save my reasons for the thread but I'm going to seriously push for RVD to win either match
I have one discrepency with IC's picks. In the Monster's Ball match, I'm not sure if HHH dominates or even wins against Savage. Now I won't argue about RVD. He's simply not cut out for a match like that as the lack of food would drain his energy and take away his speed and leaping ability, not to mention he's simply outclassed by both of the other men.

However, Savage and HHH would be a war. Savage is known for having the never say die attitude as well as the intensity that is hardly if ever matched in wrestling. I think his will to win and insanity would put him on equal footing with the game. HHH is known as the Cerebral Assassin. While he can brawl, he's more of a power guy at heart with the big muscles etc. Now I don't know much about muscles, but if I remember right without water, they'll cramp up. HHH is a muscle guy while Savage is far more average in build. If it comes down to endurance, Savage has proven he can go all night as he showed at Mania 4. HHH can as well though, but I don't think as well. I'm completely split on those two at the moment.
However, Savage and HHH would be a war. Savage is known for having the never say die attitude as well as the intensity that is hardly if ever matched in wrestling. I think his will to win and insanity would put him on equal footing with the game. HHH is known as the Cerebral Assassin. While he can brawl, he's more of a power guy at heart with the big muscles etc. Now I don't know much about muscles, but if I remember right without water, they'll cramp up. HHH is a muscle guy while Savage is far more average in build. If it comes down to endurance, Savage has proven he can go all night as he showed at Mania 4. HHH can as well though, but I don't think as well. I'm completely split on those two at the moment.

Ok, if you want to take on the kinesiology argument, that's cool, but according to science it still benefits HHH. The reason? Triple H has more muscle mass, and during a 24-hour starvation period the body has to burn calories in order to complete it's normal functions. The usual source for energy during this state of catabolism is muscle, which is broken down and used as a sort of stored carbohydrate source once glycogen stores are exhausted.

Since Triple H has more muscle mass, he'll be able to withstand that catabolism more than Savage will, and Triple H's decrease in strength heading into the match will be less than Savages in terms of percentage.

So, physiologically Triple H has an advantage.
RVD vs. Triple H vs. Randy Savage

Ultimate X: No matter what happens, RVD wins this match. Triple H and Randy Savage are surely able and athletic enough, but RVD is as quick as a cat, and clears such a great distance with his leaps, that he has such a huge advantage in this matchup that it's beyond ridiculous. RVD excels in this environment, and it's going to be hard for him to lose this matchup.

Monster's Ball: This is an interesting one as well. I see Savage and Triple H splitting the votes. All of the argument for Triple H and Savage are well and good, if it were just the two of them in the match, however, you have one of the craziest wild cards of them all involved in this match. I honestly like RVD to win both of these matchups myself.

Bam Bam vs. Jericho:

I really can't elaborate much more then Irish has on this match. The gimmick will absolutely determine the winner. If this is Ultimate X, then without question Jericho will win. However, I don't think it's as much of a lock for Bam Bam and the Ball as you'll be inclined to believe. Jericho is a resourceful fucker, and if anyone can pull something off, Y2J can do it.
Ultimate X, I'd give it to RVD. The match in and of itself is designed to favor smaller men, granted Van Dam isn't THAT much smaller than Savage or Triple H, I think he's able to pull his weight with more ease. Savage and Triple H are in fine condition, don't get me wrong, but they have more muscle mass to lug around than RVD. As Shock said, RVD also has those amazing jumps that have become something of a signature for him. If it's a Monster's Ball, I'm leaning towards Triple H though it wouldn't surprise me at all to see himself and Savage splitting the votes.

As for Bigelow and Jericho, I also think it depends on the match. If it's Ultimate X, Jericho for sure. Even if it's Monster's Ball, Jericho is resilient and he's resourceful. There's always a chance for the smaller man with weapons involved. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Bam Bam did win it, but he wouldn't run right over Jericho as if he wasn't there. Not by any stretch.
TNA would drown in it's own drool if they had a chance to put Bam Bam v. Jericho in either of these gimmick matches. Jericho would obviously excel in an Ultimate X, but it's not like Bam Bam wouldn't get his share of spots either. In a Monster's Ball, I think I'm voting Bam Bam. He'd come out nasty, and looking to maim. Jericho would put on a match of a lifetime, but I think Bigelow scores the pinfall.

If the triple threat ends up being an Ultimate X, I think I'll be voting Savage. RVD would be the spot monkey in this match, meaning he'd equal Shelton Benjamin in his annual "fall off a ladder and make it look good at Mania". He'd be the one everyone wanted to win, and would make a whole new highlight reel, but Savage is better than him in big matches like this. RVD had big matches in ECW, but they were still for a mid-card title. Savage has fought Hogan at Mania, and won the title at Mania. It doesn't get much bigger. HHH is too out of his element to win, but I'm sure he'll get close. In a Monster's Ball, this is HHH's match, and it isn't close. RVD would be used to wipe up Savage's blood. Savage was too much of a headcase to come out of confinement in any condition to wrestle, while HHH would come out meaner than ever.
Okay, so the triple threat is interesting. RVD has the edge in agility and speed, HHH has the edge in power striking, and Savage has the edge in, well, being f'ing crazy and taking a beating without going down. Three very different, yet fairly evenly matched individuals. I'll save who I'm voting for here.

Bam Bam shouldn't have gotten through Flair, regardless of stipulation, and I really don't see him getting through Y2J either, regardless of stipulation. I guess if it were a hot dog eating contest maybe, but Bigelow is just outclassed here. He was at best an upper mid carder. Y2J is a main eventer, and has beaten the best in the world.

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