TNA: Winnipeg Sub-Regional

I would love to see a Jericho/Storm matchup and I believe it will happen. Most will vote for Jericho as Storm is considered boring but he has great if not greater wrestling ability than Jericho. I see this coming down to Jericho v. Steiner and I haven't decided yet who I will pick.
I'm gonna fully be backing Lance Storm in this thing. He doesn't have any shocking finisher that can come from out of nowhere, but he has all the skills that he doesn't need one. He can wear you down, and he has great endurance to stay in a fight all the time.

You're kidding me, right? Are you forgetting he has the SuperKick?

The top half definitely comes down to Jericho v. Storm. Jericho is better all-around, and has a bigger fanbase on the forums, so he'll go over easy. Storm could pull an upset, but that won't get him any further.

JBL. Please tell me he won't win a match. Even if he does, any incarnation of Steiner in the second round will dispatch of him easily. He's nothing but a brawler, and won't be able to use the ring to any advantage.

McMahon - :lmao:

I was shocked to see he even made the bracket, and then legit laughed until I was crying that he landed in TNA. He'll lose in the first round. He'll spend the whole time complaining about the ring, and then complaining about where the announcers are seated, and then complaining about the lighting. He'll get a surprise roll-up from whoever to end his run.

The bottom half is still up to Steiner v. DiBiase. In my opinion, DiBiase can't keep up with Steiner, or out-power him. Jericho still takes the bracket, and it isn't getting any tougher.
The addition of Ahmed Johnson doesn't change the tournament at all. The match-up with Steiner should be a tragic brawl though.

Johnson was pure power in the ring, and is one of the few that could go blow for blow with Big Poppa Pump. Steiner still wins, and most likely in a blowout, but the match would still be interesting to watch.

And, if people vote based on the high-flying, technical Scott Steiner, he'd still win. He still had a power game, but was much more agile in the ring, and there's no way Ahmed would keep up with him.
So we have Chris Jericho, Ted DiBiase and Scott Steiner.

That is very interesting. I can't believe Jericho is ranked as high as Number 3 actually. That's a surprise to me. Ted DiBiase was one of the best heels in the business from what I've seen. He was also a terrific wrestler. I heard he used to pay his way into many victories, and since this is TNA we are talking about, he could probably buy the TNA World Title ;)

However, Scott Steiner has the experience of wrestling in TNA, and still does to this very day. While he may suck now, he can put on decent matches with guys like Styles, but he was much better back in the day. Steiner is stronger than the other two and would probably win this match. But this is Wrestlezone Forums we are talking about here. Chris Jericho is our second God.

Do you actually think any of these new posters are going to vote for Ted or Scott over Jericho? I don't think so. So while I may vote Steiner here, I think Jericho will eventually win this region, but only just.
We are going to run into some interesting matchups here such as: Jericho/Zbysko, Jericho/Backlund, DiBiase/McMahon and DiBiase/JBL. In the end I'm pretty confident Jericho will beat DiBiase and advance. Alot of posters won't know enough about Zbysko and Backlund and while the point of this tournament is for them to do some research and then make unbiased decisions. They won't. So Jericho should coast by a little easier than he would have. I would say Jericho would get by them anyway. But not without a little fight. I had trouble with DiBiase he had a tough road to get through. But TNA fans hate McMahon and DiBiase has a bigger following than JBL considering the IWC hates JBL. I think Jericho will win the region here. Smarks love him plus he's all around one of the most talented men in this tournament. He is a high flyer. But he can sure wrestle as well. He is cunning and he brings an intensity. DiBiase wouldn't be able to keep up. So Jericho wins.
I like Chris Jericho, but I love me some Bob Backlund. Unfortunately, much to the chagrin of all the Jerichoholics, I will have to pull for Bob Backlund throughout this region. However, should Jericho fall to Backlund, I will support him throughout the rest of this sub-region without any hard feelings.
Being an old-school fan of Zbyszko, the AWA success, and not the WCW announcer, I was really hoping he'd at least win his first match, and then lose gracefully to Y2J.

With the naming of Low-Ki as his first opponent, I'm doomed. Low-Ki will get my vote. He's miles ahead of Zbyszko in athleticism and stamina, and has too much offense to come at Zbyszko with.

The old school fans may keep it close, maybe 60-40, but Low-Ki will get the win. There's no way he beats Jericho, and almost no way he'd beat Backlund or Storm if he did pull off the upset.
I'm waiting anxiously to see who Chris Jericho's first round opponent is, hopefully he will be revealed real soon.

Anyway, as for Vince McMahon, well it's really touch and go with Vince for me because it really depends on who he draws first because I'm 50/50 with him. If he gets someone I don't like, I'll have no problem voting for him but if it's someone I like, then sorry Vince.

I also think Zbyszko will be in trouble from the start and the majority of his support will come from the old school fans and possibly the older posters and if Low-Ki is his first round opponent then it's not looking good for Zbyszko. Most of the posters here are relatively young and I think atleast, will be choosing Low-Ki who one would think would have the advantage in a TNA ring.

Vote Jericho
I had Lance Storm pencilled into my bracket as a darkhorse to take this sub-region, and now I may be very wrong. Carlos Colon will definitely have the old school fans voting for him, and it wouldn't be a big surprise to see him win.

A Round 2 match with Backlund would be entertaining, but Backlund would probably get the win. The winner of Colon v. Storm definitely changes the dynamic of the bracket. Storm could pull off some upsets and get through some matches, while Colon may get an easy win over Storm, and then lose in the next round.
27. Vince Mcmahon
38. Jumbo Tsuruta

I have no idea who Jumbo is. But, hopefully he can dispatch of Mr. McMahon in the first round, and save us having to vote someone else over him in the second round.

As far as a possible match-up with DiBiase, I'm still giving the advantage to the Million Dollar Man. Unless I find something very convincing to sway me, DiBiase's got to get to at least Steiner.
It would be nice to see Ted DiBiase do well in this tournament (Ted Jr, take some fucking pointers from your old man please) but I cant see him beating the likes of Jericho and Steiner, he was a great heel in his day and while I never got to watch it first time round I have a lovely video collection and it's not all porn. However Jericho's beaten almost every big star he's come across, The Rock, Austin, Batista and HHH to name a few, and sadly I wouldnt put Ted DiBiase over any of those guys. So I cant vote him over Jericho.

Scott Steiner is a guy I like, while I am more of a Poppa Pump fan than a Steiner brothers fan this guy is a fucking beast. Although he has Ahmed Johnson in the first round I'll still be voting Steiner, could I see him past Jericho? I'll probably side with Y2J again but it'll be a tough choice.

As for the longest reigning champion in Smackdown history, well I'll be giving him the same support I'll be giving Ron Simmons, knowing full well that most people will be against those two I'll back them against most of their opposition.
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22. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
43. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

My full support will go to Chavo here. For anyone that views him as Vickie's lacky, or Eddie's nephew who got a push when his uncle died, take a look back at his stuff in WCW...Pre-M.I.A.

He's a very agile cruiserweight, and can come off the turnbuckle as well as anyone. He's also a good mat-wrestler, and isn't so small, that JBL will simply toss him around. If he tries to go blow-for-blow against Bradshaw, he'll lose, and it won't be pretty. But, if he turns it into a wrestling match, he has a clear advantage.

If/when he advances, there's not much of a chance for him to beat Steiner, but he could use the same tactics against Ahmed Johnson, that he used against JBL to pull off an upset.
Round 1 Results:

Chris Jericho vs. Bobby Eaton: 38-1. No problem for the King of the World. Jericho destroys the Blue Blood in round 1.

Larry Zybszko vs. Senshi: 17-13. Nabisco manages to beat down a TNA original in the TNA region in round 1, setting up a match of Legends.

Bob Backlund vs. Ed Lewis: 22-4 It's howdy Doody time. Mr. Backlund takes down the Strangler with relative ease.

Lance Storm vs. Carlos Colon: 33-2. If I can be serious for a minute, I would like to let you know that the Canadian dominates in this bout.

Ted DiBiase vs. the Barbarian: 29-3. Everyone has a price for the Million Dollar Man, and then others just get their ass whipped like the Barbarian

Vince McMahon vs. Jumbo Tsuruta: 15-30. Team Japan rolls on as the Chairman of the board has no idea what he's doing inside of a TNA ring.

Scott Steiner vs. Ahmed Johnson: 29-7. In a battle of pure power, the man that made Goldberg pass out in the Steiner Recliner does that and more to the Pearle River Powerhouse.

JBL vs. Chavo Jr.: 19-6. Ole Jiggly Boob Layfield himself takes down the gopher in this much not cared about first round match.

Round 2 Matches:

Winnipeg, MB.

3. Chris Jericho
30. Larry Zybszko

14. Bob Backlund
19. Lance Storm

6. Ted DiBiase
38. Jumbo Tsuruta

11. Scott Steiner
22. JBL
Round 2 Results:

Jericho vs. Nabisco: 35-2. Jericho smashes the self proclaimed living Legend. Larry Legend drifts mindlessly away into irrelevance once again.

Backlund vs. Storm: 25-15. There will be no battle of the Thrillseekers in roudn 3. Bob Backlund gets passed the canadian mainstay in Canada.

DiBiase vs. Jumbo: 22-14. The Japanese are falling hard and fast in htis round, and the Million Dollar Man adds another to that list.

Steiner vs. JBL: 31-7. Mercifully, Big Poppa Pump takes care of us having to deal with JBL anymore ni this tourney.

Round 3 Matches:

Winnipeg, MB
3. Chris Jericho
14. Bob Backlund

6. Ted DiBiase
11. Scott Steiner
Tesults from Winnipeg, MB.

Jericho vs. Backlund: 63-11. Y2J continues to advance in the tournament, taking out the former multi year world champion, Bob Backlund.

Ted DiBiase vs. Scott Steiner: 38-39. What started out as blow out, became a tie, and in the end, Big Poppa Pump manages to move on by the Million Dollar Man.

Round 4.
We leave Winnipeg and Canada, and go south to Orlando in the Impact Zone. Chris Jericho will face Scott Steiner in a to be determind Gimmick match.
While I've always been a fan of Steiner's blend of power and athleticism, I don't think there's enough here to beat Jericho. AJ Styles has become a legend in TNA, and he's basically Y2J-Lite. Jericho will have a tough time defeating someone of Steiner's abilities, but in the end, he'll be victorious.
This match could be interesting, but I think Jericho will most likely come out the winner, though at the same time Steiner has beaten Jericho at least once before, but that was on Raw right after Steiner debuted and was in the middle of his feud with Triple H over the title so the gimmick could be what ultimately determines this one, however i still see Jericho winning

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