It would be nice to see Ted DiBiase do well in this tournament (Ted Jr, take some fucking pointers from your old man please) but I cant see him beating the likes of Jericho and Steiner, he was a great heel in his day and while I never got to watch it first time round I have a lovely video collection and it's not all porn. However Jericho's beaten almost every big star he's come across, The Rock, Austin, Batista and HHH to name a few, and sadly I wouldnt put Ted DiBiase over any of those guys. So I cant vote him over Jericho.
Scott Steiner is a guy I like, while I am more of a Poppa Pump fan than a Steiner brothers fan this guy is a fucking beast. Although he has Ahmed Johnson in the first round I'll still be voting Steiner, could I see him past Jericho? I'll probably side with Y2J again but it'll be a tough choice.
As for the longest reigning champion in Smackdown history, well I'll be giving him the same support I'll be giving Ron Simmons, knowing full well that most people will be against those two I'll back them against most of their opposition.