TNA Winnipeg, Round 3, Match 1: #3 Chris Jericho vs. #14 Bob Backlund

Jericho vs. Backlund

  • Y2J

  • Bob

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place int he TNA Region, inside of the six sided ring, from Winnipeg, MB.

#3. Chris Jericho


#14. Bob Backlund
I think I have to go with jericho here. Backlund is indeed an underrated legend of the sport, but Jericho could go move for move with him. Backlund would have to be at his best to beat Chris, but Backlund rarely was at his best in his frist matches of a feud. Backlund was at his best when the heel made it personal against him in maybe the third match in a feud and Backlund laid it all out to beat him once and for all. Jericho can wrestle any style and at the end of the day, I think he's too much for Backlund. This would be a classic though.
This is a tough match. Backlund was underrated as a wrestler mainly because he had the look of a 12-year-old school boy. But he could roll. He's layed out Bruno, Bret Hart, Superstar Billy Graham, and his crossface chicken wing is a very tough move to break once it's applied.

HOWEVER, Chris Jericho is a different sort of athlete. Jericho is quick, very wrestling savvy, and can psyche you out. This will be a great wrestling match with some chain wrestling and even some great submissions.

But Backlund's going to fall to the Walls Of Jericho.

Vote Jericho
Backlund could probably mat wrestle better than Jericho, but that's his only edge. Jericho has a ton of moves he could use, and the ring will be a big help. I don't remember Backlund ever wrestling someone as quick as Jericho was either.

This match will end with the old school Lion Tamer making Backlund black out.
Bob Backlund was WWF champion for like 6 years straight! He is the ultimate submission master. Even after his prime was over, he was able to best Bret Hart in a submission match. He used to put EVERYONE in the Cross Face Chicken Wing.

I'll never forget when he was "Mr. Backlund," and he'd go around and try to prove how stupid everyone was. Then at Wrestlemania XII, I think, Jonathan Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement was there. Backlund was asking him these obscure questions like, "Who is the senior senator from the state of Oklahoma?" and JTT kept getting all the answers right. "Who is the 4th Supreme Court Justice?" and he got it right. Backlund's face would turn a bright red.

The guy was great, even post his prime. If he got into a submission match with Jerichoin his prime, he would win. It would be a great match though. I really like Jericho too, but Backlund was unbeatable for a number of years.
This might be a weak argument, but we are comparing the first Undisputed Champion with the guy that Nash beat in less than 10 seconds, right? I got the right guys?
This might be a weak argument, but we are comparing the first Undisputed Champion with the guy that Nash beat in less than 10 seconds, right? I got the right guys?

Okay, lets take your argument ... just for argument's sake.

(A) Bob Backlund was FAR past his prime when he lost his title to Diesel/Kevin Nash.

(B) The night before he had JUST gone through a hellacious submission with Bret "Hitman" Hart that he won.

(C) Let's consider styles. Clearly, Diesel was a bad match up for Backlund. Let's even concede that he's bad at wrestling the big monster types. He beat Bret Hart in Bret Hart's prime, however, and I'm sorry, but Bret is a better wrestler than Jericho is. Jericho's really good, but he's not as good as Bret and Backlund beat Bret past his prime. Bret and Jericho's styles are very similar; both Canadian wrestlers; both very technically sound wrestlers.

Backlund tore Bret's arm to pieces and put him in the Chicken Wing until he passed out. He'd do the same to Jericho. If Backlund wins and draws the Big Show in the next round, I'll vote Big Show. But Backlund was the master at this time of match against this type of wrestler.
If a past it Backlund can beat Bret Hart, he can sure as hell beat Jericho. I've voted accordingly.
This might be a weak argument, but we are comparing the first Undisputed Champion with the guy that Nash beat in less than 10 seconds, right? I got the right guys?

If you are going to use that Backlund in this argument, then you are not going to go anywhere with that. Backlund was one of the best in the 80's and I believe he can go move for move with Jericho. What makes Jericho great is that he doesn't do one particular thing spectacular but he does everything good and for that I will pick him slightly over Backlund.
There may be only one person in this tournament I would vote to beat Chris Jericho and Bob Backlund is definately not it. I respect Backlund's abilities in the ring, but he just can't hold a candle to the talents of Jericho. Jericho excels in so many areas. He can beat you so many different ways. Not to mention that this match takes place in a TNA ring, which is much more suited for Jericho's style of wrestling. Jericho will be faster and more saavy and will be moving on to the next round.
I'm going with Jericho in this one, Backlaund was great in his time however I think Jericho has the edge over him in agility, with his speed and also with some of the quick moves he can pull off. If this match was a pure submission match I'd go with Backlaund but due to Jericho being able to hit the codebreaker, shining wizard, breakdown or moonsault basically from anywhere I'm going to give him the edge here and go with him.
This match appeared to have passed me by, but I got here in time to keep my 100% voting record in tact. Anyway, I think Backlund has been dealt an unfair blow here, he had one of the longest WWE title reigns ever, possibly the longest, I'm not sure how Sammartino's are split.

However, Jericho has been succesful in ECW, WCW and WWE and has consistently put on excellent performances. His return to the sport last year is partly what made me take up watching current wrestling regularly once again. Jericho would be more adaptable to this ring, certainly, and he has beaten most of the huge names of his era quite spectacularly.

My head is still telling me that Backlund would win, but my heart is telling me to vote Jericho, and that is what I have to do.

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