TNA: Charlotte Sub-Regional

There you have it. The match to see of the 1st Rd.

The All-American American Jack Swagger v. The Shaman Of Sexy John Morrison. Wow.

They're both active, both very athletic, both young, and both with huge fanbases. Originally, I had Morrison winning this Sub-Region. I'm changing that with the addition of Swagger. Everything Morrison can do, Swagger can do. Morrison can't do everything Swagger can. If Swagger keeps Morrison grounded, and turns this in to a mat wrestling exhibition, Morrison loses quickly. It'll be one of the closest votes of the first round, and should be. I wouldn't be upset if Morrison won, but Swagger has my vote.

It's a shame we haven't seen it main event an ECW yet.
7. "The Beast From the East" Bam Bam Bigelow
58. "The Road Dogg" Jesse James

At least we know for certain, that Bigelow is winning his first round match. He's got the advantage in athleticism, and has the size and strength advantage by a mile. Road Dogg wasn't terrible in the ring, and might have one a match or two elsewhere, but he won't get the upset here.

Bigelow against the winner of Swagger v. Morrison should be an interesting debate.
2. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
63. Blackjack Mulligan

31. Giant Baba
34. Nikolai Volkoff

Very old school set-up here. Flair v. Blackjack would be an entertaining match to see live, but I'm sure it'll end in a squash here.

Volkoff is one of the all-time great heels, and he'll make it tough on me, deciding who to vote for. I don't think either man beats Flair, but either one could win, without it being a total upset.

23. The Big Bossman
42. Road Warrior Animal

Animal was the only career tag team wrestler to make it on my list. He's a powerhouse with a decent mat-wrestling game, and should win here, even in a singles match. Bossman was great, don't get me wrong, but he's going into this match as the weaker man, and the smaller man. He did it a lot during his career, but never anyone with the "rush" Animal gets in the ring. Bossman may have a shot at the win, but I'm pretty sure my final vote will go to Animal.
Bossman vs. Animal should be easy. If any membber of LOD was worthy of being a singles star it was Hawk. Both LOD & the Bossman have taken Hogan to the limit. But Bossman did it almost single-handedly.

I also think people forget just how large Bossman way. Look at him in 1988 or so. He's almost as big as Akeem, and very agile.
First Round Results:

Ric Flair vs. BlackJack Mulligan: 30-0. The first skunk of this tournament belongs to the Nature Boy. Flair moves on with impressive ease.

Giant Baba vs. Nikolai Volkoff: 13-5. Baba advances in a match that most looked not to care about.

Dean Malenko vs. King Kong Bundy: 34-19. The man of 1000's holds has enough in him to slay the mammoth that is Bundy to move on.

Matt hardy vs. Antoninio Rocca: 21-12. Well, it's simply a case of people not knowing who Rocca is. Hardy moves onto round 2.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. The Road Dogg: 47-4. Bam Bam dispenses the career jobber with ease in round 1.

John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger: 43-23. John Morrison moves on in a controversial first match, sending the rookie home.

Jake Roberts vs. Frankie Kazarian: 41-5. The six sided ring isn't enought o help Kaz get past the Snake.

The Big Bossman vs. Animal: 34-7. The Bossman takes down the career tag wrestler with relative ease in round 1.

Round 2 Matchups.
Charlotte, NC.

2. The Nature Boy Ric Flair
31. Giant Baba

15. Dean Malenko
18. Matt Hardy

7. Bam Bam Bigelow
26. John Morrison

10. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
23. The Big Bossman
I can't believe Matt Hardy won with such ease, it seemed like quite a few people voted too, which is strange.

This second round is fairly interesting. In a match that shouldn't be close, Malenko will go over Matt.

Flair v Baba is similar to the Austin v Santo match, in that if everyone on the boards were equally savvy about Mexican, Japanese and American wrestling it'd be a lot closer than it will be in this easy win for Flair.

Morrison's controversial win would suggest he has support, but I can't see that being enough to dispatch Bam Bam Bigelow.

The last match is interesting, and I imagine they did actually fight at some stage. I can't really pick a clear outcome, but I'm going to have a pop and say Bossman wins.
10. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
23. The Big Bossman

I'm not sure weather to unleash my little nugget of useless Jake Roberts trivia in this round or the next. But I want Bossman to go far so I'll write it here and then repost it when the thread is up.

Jake ''The Snake'' Roberts doesn't win. This is a fact I've found out. Using my archives, my WWE ones, I've come to this conclusion by looking at WWE PPPV results.

I've only worked out singles matches as this is a singles match tournament. No point adding all those Survivor Series or tag matches. So here it goes, the complete Jake Robers on PPV, singles match edition:

WrestleMania 2 vs. George Wells (Won)
WrestleMania 3 vs. Honky Tonk Man (Lost)
WrestleMania 4 vs. Rick Rude (Draw)
SummerSlam '88 vs. Herculese (Won)
WrestleMania 4 vs. Andre The Giant (Won via DQ)
WrestleMania 5 vs. Ted Dibiase (Lost via DQ)
SummerSlam '90 vs. Bad News Brown (Won)
WrestleMania 6 vs. Rick Martel (Won)
Tuesday In Texas vs. Randy Savage (Lost)
WrestleMania 8 vs. Undertaker (Lost)
King Of The Ring '96 vs. Vader (Lost via DQ)
King Of The Ring '96 vs. Steve Austin (Lost)
SummerSlam '96 vs. Jerry Lawler (Lost)

There you have it. Roberts is a loser in life AND in the ring. I'll elaborate more when the thread is up.
Round 2 Results.

Flair vs. Baba: 32-4. It was a match where a Legend was goign to go home. The Nature Boy takes quick work of Giant Baba, woooo.

Malenko vs. Matt Hardy: 33-20. In a match that was highly debated, the Iceman has enough to take care of any version of Mattitude.

Bigelow vs. Morrison: 42-6. Eww, squash match for the Beast from the EAst against an IWC darling in John Morrison. Bam Bam is quickly becomming a dangerous threat in this years tournament.

Jake Roberts vs. the Bossman: 21-14. Somehow Roberst manages to pull the victory out against the bigger and stronger Bossman. The DDT neutralizes everything.

Round 3 Matches:

2. Ric Flair
15. Dean Malenko

7. Bam Bam Bigelow
10. Jake Roberts
Final Results from Charlotte, NC.

Ric Flair vs. Malenko. 44-17. In the battle of the 4 Horsemen, the founding father is able to take down a later recruit to the stable with relative ease.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jake Roberts:41-9. How do you beat a man with a flaming skull tattoo when your finishing maneuver focuses on the head? Well the answer is here, you can't.

Round 4.

The matches move to Orlando, in the Impact Zone. Ric Flair will face Bam Bam Bigelow in a to be determined Gimmick Match.
I know Flair has, and can, take down men the size of Bam Bam, but this could be interesting. Bam Bam is an agile big man, and is as tough as they come. He didn't tap out to the Tazmission, so I don't think he will to the Figure Four. I'd vote Flair 6 times out of 10, so the type of gimmick could sway this one dramatically.

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