TNA Region Finals: Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

  • Lionheart

  • RVD

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I think he's under rated because whenever someone brings his name up there's someone right to shoot him down for smoking a joint, which of course makes all his accomplishments mean nothing. :rolleyes:

There you go again, using the fact that some people criticize him for smoking to get sympathy votes. Wee or no weed, he wasn't ever that great.
ou mean the Jericho that couldn't make it in Main Event so they pushed him back down to the mid card. Granted Jericho was in the Main Event scene a lot longer than Jericho but as a Mid card wrestler in any era Y2J doesn't hold a candle to RVD.

That's why I choose to use main event scene Jericho, which would beat RVD everytime.

I'd post matches but today's Jericho won't ever wrestle RVD so look at Justin's post full of matches for reference. evertytime they met in a 1-on-1 match with no interference RVD won

Again, not during Jericho's prime so not really relevant.

talk about it or smoke it either is fine with me. I'm defending the man because there are people who bring it up like he's gone out and wrestled blazed out of his skull on a nightly basis.

I could care less if RVD smoked, either way there is not reason he should win this match.
There you go again, using the fact that some people criticize him for smoking to get sympathy votes. Wee or no weed, he wasn't ever that great.
Actually not what I had in mind
That's why I choose to use main event scene Jericho, which would beat RVD everytime.
Which Main Event Scene Jericho are we talking about? The one where he was getting his ass handed to him by Triple H (you know one of the men RVD beat last round), or the more recent one where he had ot punch a woman in the face ot get heat because no one cared about him?
Again, not during Jericho's prime so not really relevant.
This is where we differ.

I Think Jericho's Prime was during the Invasion Angle when he was getting routinely beaten by RVD. But no matter what Y2J era you choose there is no way he can beat RVD
I could care less if RVD smoked.
I'm glad to see you have a brain
either way there is not reason he should win this match.
I think I've proven this wrong
Which Main Event Scene Jericho are we talking about? The one where he was getting his ass handed to him by Triple H (you know one of the men RVD beat last round),

Nope, his better one

or the more recent one where he had ot punch a woman in the face ot get heat because no one cared about him?

Yes, but I think a lot of people cared about him for beating HBK in a Ladder match, beating Batista in a Steel Cage, and overall having a very successful and somewhat lengthy stay atop the main event, something RVD never did.

I Think Jericho's Prime was during the Invasion Angle when he was getting routinely beaten by RVD. But no matter what Y2J era you choose there is no way he can beat RVD

No, the current Chris Jericho is far superior to the Invasion Jericho and is immensely better than RVD.
Yes, but I think a lot of people cared about him for beating HBK in a Ladder match, beating Batista in a Steel Cage, and overall having a very successful and somewhat lengthy stay atop the main event, something RVD never did.
Had HBK actually wanted the title there is no way Jericho would have won that match. As for beating Batista in a steel cage who hasn't?

You seem to think the recent M.E. jericho is so good lets look at it them.

He won the title in a match he wasn't even supposed to be in and spent most of that match on the outside before getting the last pin. (yay for him he's a heel. that's not my point) He lost the title to Batista at Cyber Sunday. He won the title back 8 days later by beating Batista in a steel cage (nothing to write home about Batista sucks at steel cage matches). That is the extent of his recent M.E. run. After that he got shipped back down to the mid card where he belongs.

i would also like to point ot somethinge Jake said earlier. People are going to be talking about RVD time in the Main Event Scene a lot more often and a lot longer than Chris Jericho's time i the Main Event Scene.
No, the current Chris Jericho is far superior to the Invasion Jericho and is immensely better than RVD.
No dude, just no. The current Jericho is reduced to stealing masks from midgets and being IC Champion. Which brings another point to mind. There's a reason h's held the IC title 9x and the Undisputed/World title 3x he sucks as a Main Eventer (which you are claming is his prime). He will be nothing more than an above average Mid Card wreslter who gets put in the main Event when there isn't anyone else available

RVD wins this
you mean the Jericho that couldn't make it in Main Event so they pushed him back down to the mid card.

Seriously? You're going to use THAT argument? How many years was RVD a midcarder? Oh yeah, the majority of his career.

Granted Jericho was in the Main Event scene a lot longer than Jericho but as a Mid card wrestler in any era Y2J doesn't hold a candle to RVD.

Doesn't hold a candle? Excuse me? Are we talking about the same Jericho who delivered countless classic matchs on the midcard?

Explain to me how Y2J doesn't hold a candle to RVD. I'd love to hear it. Anything RVD could possibly come up with, Y2J could counter. Y2J is a better brawler, a better technician, a better high-flyer even. He puts RVD's mic skills to asbolute shame. There's literally no area of wrestling in which RVD is above Jericho. Not one.

I'd post matches but today's Jericho won't ever wrestle RVD so look at Justin's post full of matches for reference. evertytime they met in a 1-on-1 match with no interference RVD won
talk about it or smoke it either is fine with me.
I'm defending the man because there are people who bring it up like he's gone out and wrestled blazed out of his skull on a nightly basis.

Well to be fair, RVD has freely admitted he pretty much was stoned on a nightly basis. That's was we stoners do---we smoke. Hate to vote against a fellow smot poker, but Jericho is simply better.

I love me some RVD, don't get me wrong, but Jericho is simply better.

Hopefully someone can present me a good debate here on this one. Have a crack at it Milenko.
I enjoy both men, and am still on the fence as to where My vote goes in this match. Now bold statement of the evening, I take RVD's one ECW TV title reign over anything that Chris Jericho has done as a 9 time Intercontinental Champion. Hell, half the time Chris jericho and the Intercontinental Title are rarely, if ever, seen with each other. The word Lackluster in association with jericho as IC champion goes hand and hand. RVD at least made the ECW TV title feel like the #1 title in that company.

As far as world title reigns go, Chris Jericho and RVD are at a standstill with me. Both men have done absolutely nothing impressive as far as I'm concerned as world champions. Both men are deserving to be champions, but no one made a memorable moment come from either of their reigns.

I tend to lean with RVD in this match, considering it is a tournament and I distinctively remember RVD going over Jericho at King of the Ring 2002. RVD went over Jericho who was just coming off his Undisputed Title Reign, with the giant Golden Carrot of #1 Contender for Summerslam on the line as well.
Have to give it to Jericho here. RVD's whole game is based on him hitting one big move: one splash. Jericho has three moves he can hit and they could all come from a different place: Codebreaker from any standing position, Liontamer from standing, laying or a counter, and Lionsault from any laying position.

Clearly you aren't understanding on what Rob Van Dam can accomplish through his technique. Van Dam doesn't just rely on the Frog Splash, which by the way - nice job on trying to discredit it by claiming it's just some minor "big splash". :thumbsup:


Van Dam is better than Jericho through almost every advantage, except mic-skills. And thankfully, these two aren't having a verbal debate.

Van Dam clearly has more than just a big splash, Klunker. He has several big splashes, that can connect at any point in time, based on a series of other moves that Van Dam can hit Jericho with, when he's least expecting it.

The Five Star Frog Splash, Split-Legged Moonsault, and Rolling Thunder all come from different points in the match. Through different set-ups in the match. And Van Dam has defeated people using all three of those "splashes".

As for other techniques, why would Van Dam need to use anything else? No one has seemed to counter his so-called simple splashes before; including Jericho. What makes you think they'd no longer work now?

Both men can fly and while RVD is a better aerial guy, Jericho can keep up with him and throw in a ground game that would have Van Dam all messed up. While the 5 Star is something that truly has to be seen to appreciate, one great move can't stop three very good ones. Jericho wins but he's spent and therefore out next round.

At least in this portion you give a bit more credit to what you threw off as a big splash, earlier. Anyways, regardless - I'm sticking on that too much, and there's no need. Moving on.

Jericho has a decent ground game, but hardly something that'd keep Van Dam messed up. Proof? Oh, okay..


Now, let's even keep in mind this is the only match to my knowledge in which Jerry Lynn actually defeated Rob Van Dam - and it only came that way, because he had help that he was unaware of, by Scotty Anton. The bigger point I'm proving with this video, is to me, it's one of Van Dam's best matches in the series against Lynn, and it showcases and proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Van Dam has all the technical ability and skill to not just keep pace with a lesser man in Chris Jericho (lesser by way of saying Lynn was better than Jericho) but also match him, and counter everything Jericho could throw at him.

Rob Van Dam truly doesn't get the credit he deserves for being a technical genius inside the ring. He hits so many kicks and flying attacks, that it's hard to notice he's matching even the most technically skilled Superstars hold for hold, counter for counter. So yeah, he has more than enough skill to best Jericho for a ground game.

When these two met in W.W.F, Van Dam (arguably - because I don't know for sure, but believe) won the higher count of matches. And this was at a time, when Jericho was also on top of his game.
Van Dam is better than Jericho through almost every advantage, except mic-skills. And thankfully, these two aren't having a verbal debate.

I’ll agree that Van Dam is better than Jericho in some things. But to say in every advantage is a little bit far fetched in my opinion. I would rank Jericho as better than him in a lot of things and in my opinion they are even in some other things.

Van Dam clearly has more than just a big splash, Klunker. He has several big splashes, that can connect at any point in time, based on a series of other moves that Van Dam can hit Jericho with, when he's least expecting it.

Chris Jericho has some moves that he can hit at any point in time too and some of them Van Dam won’t be expecting.

As for other techniques, why would Van Dam need to use anything else? No one has seemed to counter his so-called simple splashes before; including Jericho. What makes you think they'd no longer work now?

I think that there would be a slight possibility that Jericho might be able to counter them. He is facing a different Jericho (remember I consider Jericho’s prime to ever since he turned heel and started his program with Shawn Michaels). The Jericho of today is much smarter than the Jericho of before in my opinion. So he would obviously use his smarts to try and counter some of Van Dam’s splashes.

When these two met in W.W.F, Van Dam (arguably - because I don't know for sure, but believe) won the higher count of matches. And this was at a time, when Jericho was also on top of his game.

But this is arguable. Many don’t consider Jericho’s prime to be when he was facing Van Dam. It all depends on the way you look at things. If you think that Jericho is in his prime now then the times he lost to Van Dam are irrelevant since Van Dam wasn’t facing Jericho when he was in his peak.

Had HBK actually wanted the title there is no way Jericho would have won that match.

How is this relevant when the tournament is suppose to be kayfabe?

As for beating Batista in a steel cage who hasn't?

The only people to ever defeat Batista in a steel cage match are Edge, MNM with help from Mark Henry, and Jericho.

He won the title in a match he wasn't even supposed to be in and spent most of that match on the outside before getting the last pin.

At least this proves that he is smart.

He lost the title to Batista at Cyber Sunday. He won the title back 8 days later by beating Batista in a steel cage (nothing to write home about Batista sucks at steel cage matches).

He defeated a man who has only lost 3 times in a steel cage match and one of those matches was with Chris Jericho.

There's a reason h's held the IC title 9x and the Undisputed/World title 3x

Actually he has held a World Title 5 times. He held the WCW world title 2 times when it was under the WWF/E during the Invasion angle if I am correct and you know the rest.

he sucks as a Main Eventer (which you are claming is his prime).

And RVD was any better?

He will be nothing more than an above average Mid Card wreslter who gets put in the main Event when there isn't anyone else available

At least he gets put into the main event more times than RVD can say he was in it.

RVD wins this

I’d say Jericho does.
This is my first ever time of taking part in the tournie, so I hope I do well. Will be doing posts on the all of the Finals.

When I think of RVD and Jericho, we know it's going to be a great match and people have provided great arguments so far in this match regarding RVD and Jericho and I like both of these guys.

But when I think about this situation, in a TNA ring, neither of which they've fought in (RVD may sooner or later), I would nail an edge to Jericho, why? Because he can adapt himself to any situation.

The Lionheart has fought in Calagary, Mexico, Germany, Japan, ECW, WCW & WWE. He's adapted his style and method to fit in and yet stand out. He's not afraid to try new things, as a whole Jericho has literally done it all. The only companies and places RVD has been known to fight in is ECW and WWE. I think that Jericho goes over purely because that were RVD has skill, ability and can do some massive spots but Jericho has the ring mind and can play his A game in any situation.

If this was in an ECW ring, RVD would go over no doubt, but it's not a special match with hardcore rules, it's standard rules. Jericho is better a technical wrestler and can do so much more in a standard match, I just feel that RVD is limited without the ability to use weapons.

Had this been a ladder match, boy that would be a classic with these two. But I'm going Jericho for this for the reasons stated. I'm a fan of RVD, but Jericho is going through.
RVD has gone over Jericho many times, a lot of those wins being clean. Jericho, to the best of my knowledge, he NEVER (EEEEEVERR) beat RVD clean. That match you showed where Bischoff helped Jericho win? RVD was granted a rematch in a cage right after that match on the same night and won. RVD beat Jericho in all their PPV matches, straight up clean at the KOTR. RVD beat Jericho clean on Raw in the summer of 2002 and 2003. RVD beat Jericho at the end of an elimination four way in 2002... CLEAN. Jericho beat RVD on SmackDown in the fall of 2001 and on Raw in the fall of 2002... after Steve Austin and Triple H, respectively, got involved on Van Dam's behalf. Too bad Jericho won't have Austin, Bischoff, or Triple H to save him in this match.

As for those of you saying Jericho is in his prime now... RVD beat Rey Mysterio when Rey was world champion. And he did it on his own. Jericho gets beat by the 2009 Mysterio unless he chooses to resort to mask tugging.

Vote RVD.
It's a fucking travesty that RVD is even in a Regional Finals, regardless of what match types he's been in. With that being said, Chris Jericho deserves to win this match. He's a far superior wrestler, far superior on the mic, plays far superior characters, and is just overall much better.

Chris Jericho wins.
I’ll agree that Van Dam is better than Jericho in some things. But to say in every advantage is a little bit far fetched in my opinion. I would rank Jericho as better than him in a lot of things and in my opinion they are even in some other things.

Other than Mic skills what does Jericho have on RVD?, in every other department RVD either has the edge or the two of them are pretty even, the only thing I would say Jericho has a clear advantage over RVD in would be mic skills, but as has been said this match isn't about who can cut the best promo now is it

Chris Jericho has some moves that he can hit at any point in time too and some of them Van Dam won’t be expecting.

Like what? Stone Cold running down and whacking RVD with a chair?, Bischoff running in an distracting the ref so he doesn't see RVD get to the ropes?, RVD knows every move Jericho has, the only way Jericho has shown that he can beat RVD is with help, RVD on the other hand has no prbolem beating the fuck out of Jericho clean
I think that there would be a slight possibility that Jericho might be able to counter them. He is facing a different Jericho (remember I consider Jericho’s prime to ever since he turned heel and started his program with Shawn Michaels). The Jericho of today is much smarter than the Jericho of before in my opinion. So he would obviously use his smarts to try and counter some of Van Dam’s splashes.

No, the only difference between the Jericho you see today and the Jericho of then is his hair is shorter, he no longer wears tights, and he bores the fuck out of the crowd, and only wins matches against old men, other than that Jericho is basically the exact same fucking wrestler, he does the exact same fucking things in the ring, with the exception of maybe the Codebreaker, also he did counter one of RVD's frog splashes with his knees, didn't do much good though because the match still continued and RVD nearly beat Jericho, even with countering the spalsh Jericho STILL needed outside help

But this is arguable. Many don’t consider Jericho’s prime to be when he was facing Van Dam. It all depends on the way you look at things. If you think that Jericho is in his prime now then the times he lost to Van Dam are irrelevant since Van Dam wasn’t facing Jericho when he was in his peak.

Dude really this argument is just getting tiresome, Jericho really has never changed much since being in WWE, if you honastly think he didn't reach his prime until after taking a five year break, cutting his hair, switching to tights to trunks, and then going on a mission to take out wrestler faaaaar past their primes, then so be it, but I fail to see how I guy who got his ass handed to him by a past his prime HBK, then went on and beat a POS like Batista in a cage by escaping, then got his ass handed to him by a returning Cena in his first match back, then went on to feud with a bunch of retired legends and and old ass actor (who knocked the fuck out of him BTW) and has since been dropped back down to the mid card as being his prime, if that's his prime then his prime then he was better before it

The only people to ever defeat Batista in a steel cage match are Edge, MNM with help from Mark Henry, and Jericho.

Batista is slower than shit, and all you have to do in a steel cage match to win is escape, if you are even a little quick you should have little problem beating a guy like Batista in a steel cage

He defeated a man who has only lost 3 times in a steel cage match and one of those matches was with Chris Jericho.

And all th eguys he lost to had speed on their side, which proves my point

Actually he has held a World Title 5 times. He held the WCW world title 2 times when it was under the WWF/E during the Invasion angle if I am correct and you know the rest.

So this right here proves Jericho is the single most forgettable champion in WWE history, hardly anyone remebers any of his reigns, in fact Kane's one day Reign was more memorable than and of Jericho's 5

And RVD was any better?

We'll never know, he wasn't given much of chance, the whole getting busted for possession kinda killed any long term ME push it looked like he may be receiving

At least he gets put into the main event more times than RVD can say he was in it.

Only when he's a heel though, and it never last very long, they throw him in there then realize what a flop he is and decide to have him feud for the IC title for the 89th time

RVD > Y2J, Don't be stupid vote RVD
I say RVD so what if most of his finishers use a chair he doesn't need a chair to do most of them they just make the move more effective so i think Van dam can still hit the Van Daminator it would be less effectiv ebut he could still do it same with the van terminator and his other chair aided moves. The only time RVD was beat cleanly by Jericho was at the Royal Rumble this year and RVD had just decimated everyone in the ring.
Chris is good but RVD is better. You want proof
here it is :robvandam: see Jericho doesn't have his own emocon
Other than Mic skills what does Jericho have on RVD?, in every other department RVD either has the edge or the two of them are pretty even, the only thing I would say Jericho has a clear advantage over RVD in would be mic skills, but as has been said this match isn't about who can cut the best promo now is it

So you're going to tell me that RVD is as good of a technical and submission wrestler as Jericho is? Ridiculious. The only time RVD was a technical wrestler was for a brief moment in ECW when he faced guys like Lynn. And even then Jericho's technical ability outshines RVD's.

Like what? Stone Cold running down and whacking RVD with a chair?

...Because clearly bringing Austin into this argument is relevent. All he was trying to say was that Jericho has just as many lightning-quick moves as RVD does.

RVD knows every move Jericho has

He does? He's been studying every match Jericho has ever wrestled? Man if he watched all that footage then I really would give him my vote for shere persistence. Jericho is far more eclectic of a wrestler, he can go from a high flyer to a mat wrestler to a brawler within the same match. RVD has one single style. Granted he's great at that style, one of the best, but his game is far easier to figure out and work a strategy for then Jericho's. It's not hard to ground a high-flyer, you take out their legs. And what a coincidence that Jericho's finisher is a submission to the legs.

the only way Jericho has shown that he can beat RVD is with help, RVD on the other hand has no prbolem beating the fuck out of Jericho clean

I'm getting kind of sick of people bringing this up as an argument. "Well Wrestler A beat Wrestler B one time so he automatically wins duh!!!!"". That's absolutely ridiculious, if that were the case then we'd be putting Shelton Benjamin over Trple H in the tournament.

No, the only difference between the Jericho you see today and the Jericho of then is his hair is shorter, he no longer wears tights, and he bores the fuck out of the crowd, and only wins matches against old men, other than that Jericho is basically the exact same fucking wrestler, he does the exact same fucking things in the ring, with the exception of maybe the Codebreaker

I'd strongly disagree there Justin. The Jericho of today is a far different in-ring wrestler then the Jericho of ten, or even five years ago. His career path has gone from starting off as a high-flyer, to turning to a technical and submission wrestler, to his present very toned-down approach in the ring. He's not doing half of the things he used to do anymore. Not sure why any of that is relevent though.

so he did counter one of RVD's frog splashes with his knees, didn't do much good though because the match still continued and RVD nearly beat Jericho, even with countering the spalsh Jericho STILL needed outside help

Key word there is RVD nearly beat Jericho. As in, he didn't. But again, I think it's pretty stupid to judge these matches based on who won more matches against the other in real life.

Dude really this argument is just getting tiresome, Jericho really has never changed much since being in WWE, if you honastly think he didn't reach his prime until after taking a five year break, cutting his hair, switching to tights to trunks, and then going on a mission to take out wrestler faaaaar past their primes, then so be it, but I fail to see how I guy who got his ass handed to him by a past his prime HBK, then went on and beat a POS like Batista in a cage by escaping, then got his ass handed to him by a returning Cena in his first match back, then went on to feud with a bunch of retired legends and and old ass actor (who knocked the fuck out of him BTW) and has since been dropped back down to the mid card as being his prime, if that's his prime then his prime then he was better before it

Justin you should re-read what he said. He never claimed the present was his prime, he said that choosing someone's prime is very subjective and up to interpretation.

So this right here proves Jericho is the single most forgettable champion in WWE history, hardly anyone remebers any of his reigns, in fact Kane's one day Reign was more memorable than and of Jericho's 5

That's ridiculious, the first time Jericho won the title by defeating The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night. If that isn't the very definition of a memorable title victory then I don't know what is. That was one of the biggest upsets in wrestling history.

Besides, how many world titles reigns has RVD had again? Oh yeah, one. And no one remembers it.

This RVD love is getting ridiculious. It's a fucking travesty that he wasn't eliminated by Triple H and Randy Savage, and really shows me the idiocy of some of our posters here. Jericho is better then RVD on basically every criteria you could use to judge a wrestler.
At this point this is clearly a popularity contest as I think most people believe these men are relatively evenly matched. In my younger days I even had the sneaking suspicion that WWF's HBK, ECW's RVD, and WCW's Y2J were all just different shades of gray and always wanted these guys to wrestle. Upon seeing said matches my suspicions were more or less confirmed. That said, I personally believe out of the three mentioned that Chris Jericho is the hands down, flat out, best of them and therefore will be voting for CHRIS " don't call me Y2J" JERICHO.
So you're going to tell me that RVD is as good of a technical and submission wrestler as Jericho is? Ridiculious. The only time RVD was a technical wrestler was for a brief moment in ECW when he faced guys like Lynn. And even then Jericho's technical ability outshines RVD's.

Yes, just because he doesn't go out and wrestle technical master peices doesn't mean he isn't capable of doing so

...Because clearly bringing Austin into this argument is relevent. All he was trying to say was that Jericho has just as many lightning-quick moves as RVD does.

It is when that is the reason for Jericho going over RVD, perhaps you should go back and watch the four matches I posted in my first post in this thread, Jericho has never beaten RVD clean in a one on one match

He does? He's been studying every match Jericho has ever wrestled? Man if he watched all that footage then I really would give him my vote for shere persistence. Jericho is far more eclectic of a wrestler, he can go from a high flyer to a mat wrestler to a brawler within the same match. RVD has one single style. Granted he's great at that style, one of the best, but his game is far easier to figure out and work a strategy for then Jericho's. It's not hard to ground a high-flyer, you take out their legs. And what a coincidence that Jericho's finisher is a submission to the legs.

The two have wrestled eachother countless times, and mpore often than not RVD came out on top, RVD moves Jerichos move set because he's seen it first hand on numerous occasions and has beaten Jericho in the majority of those meetings

I'm getting kind of sick of people bringing this up as an argument. "Well Wrestler A beat Wrestler B one time so he automatically wins duh!!!!"". That's absolutely ridiculious, if that were the case then we'd be putting Shelton Benjamin over Trple H in the tournament.

Fucking Christ dude, in my first post I posted all the singles matches I could find on youtube that these two have had, two of those matches had RVD beating Jericho clean, one was a title match one was a KOTR match, the other two were random matches on RAW and SD!, Jericho won one of these matches after Stone Cold ran down and clocked RVD in the head with a fucking chair, and the other Jericho won after Bischoff ran down and distracted the ref while RVD was in the ropes, I highly doubt Stone Cold or Bischoff are going to be around to help Jericho win this match so that would mean the advantage leans more toward RVD the guy who doesn't need help to beat Jericho, adn has proven this on multiple occasions

I'd strongly disagree there Justin. The Jericho of today is a far different in-ring wrestler then the Jericho of ten, or even five years ago. His career path has gone from starting off as a high-flyer, to turning to a technical and submission wrestler, to his present very toned-down approach in the ring. He's not doing half of the things he used to do anymore. Not sure why any of that is relevent though.

If it's not relevent then why are you responding to it?

Key word there is RVD nearly beat Jericho. As in, he didn't. But again, I think it's pretty stupid to judge these matches based on who won more matches against the other in real life.

Yes nearly beat Jericho as in would have had Jericho not had Bischoffs helped

Justin you should re-read what he said. He never claimed the present was his prime, he said that choosing someone's prime is very subjective and up to interpretation.

He's been saying that he see's his prime was the Jericho we see today, perhaps you should re-read what he's been saying

That's ridiculious, the first time Jericho won the title by defeating The Rock and Stone Cold in the same night. If that isn't the very definition of a memorable title victory then I don't know what is. That was one of the biggest upsets in wrestling history.

No the first time he won the the big one he defeated the Rock for he WCW title at No Mercy, that fact that you forgot about that shows you just how forgettable his reign was, the second he defaeted Rock and Austin with the aid of Booker T, and nobody cared, this is evident by the fact that after he dropped the title he was dropped back to the midcard again feuding for IC and Tag titles, adn didn't recieve another one on one match for the title for years

Besides, how many world titles reigns has RVD had again? Oh yeah, one. And no one remembers it.

Well technically two if you count the ECW title, and had he not got busted for possesion the reign would likely have lasted longer and been much more memorable, though seeing as how that never happened we'll never know

This RVD love is getting ridiculious. It's a fucking travesty that he wasn't eliminated by Triple H and Randy Savage[/QUOTE]

TBH I agree, I think both those guys are far far superior to RVD, however that being said I still think RVD is better than Jericho, as it stands now this match would just be closer than it would have been had either Triple H or Savage won and made it here instead

and really shows me the idiocy of some of our posters here.

I would say idocy, blind bias support yeah, but not idiocy... well maybe a few

Jericho is better then RVD on basically every criteria you could use to judge a wrestler.

Umm No, but I've already given my opinion on this before
RVD is known for his kicks and his high-flying moveset. Now, to me, that sounds pretty much like what the WCW cruiserweight division that Jericho was a member of was all about: High-flying and innovative offense, such as various kicks. That doesn't even mention who/what he faced in ECW, including some guy named Rob Van Dam. Jericho has seen pretty much everything that Van Dam can throw at him, and he will prepare for it. Jericho, on the other hand, can vary his moveset and choose to use a high-flying style himself or a technical style to keep RVD grounded. Jericho is the smarter wrestler, and will come out with a game plan and defeat RVD. Vote Jericho.
I'm getting kind of sick of people bringing this up as an argument. "Well Wrestler A beat Wrestler B one time so he automatically wins duh!!!!"". That's absolutely ridiculious, if that were the case then we'd be putting Shelton Benjamin over Trple H in the tournament.
RVD has beaten Y2J clean more times than Y2J has beaten RVD clean. Why is that ridiculous to bring up?
Key word there is RVD nearly beat Jericho. As in, he didn't. But again, I think it's pretty stupid to judge these matches based on who won more matches against the other in real life.
Why RVD has actually beaten Jericho numerous times. It's a valid argument that he would do it again here.
Besides, how many world titles reigns has RVD had again? Oh yeah, one. And no one remembers it.
I remember it. It's not something I'm likely to forget either. RVD Vs John Cena at an ECW event. That match was one if the best I've ever seen. Jericho's victory over The Rock & Austin not so memorable
This RVD love is getting ridiculious. It's a fucking travesty that he wasn't eliminated by Triple H and Randy Savage, and really shows me the idiocy of some of our posters here. Jericho is better then RVD on basically every criteria you could use to judge a wrestler.
Everyone needs to get over RVD winning the last 2 rounds. I'm not saying the right wrestler won the Monster's Ball but RVD cam out victorious and people need to deal with it
Other than Mic skills what does Jericho have on RVD?, in every other department RVD either has the edge or the two of them are pretty even, the only thing I would say Jericho has a clear advantage over RVD in would be mic skills, but as has been said this match isn't about who can cut the best promo now is it

You’re statement of RVD having the clear advantage is ignorant and ludicrous. Jericho is a better technical wrestler than Van Dam will ever be. He is also a better brawler and a better submission based wrestler which will help him tons in this match since RVD is a high flyer. It has been proven time and time again that High Flyers don’t usually do good when they are facing wrestlers that are more submission based especially if the submission move or moves target the legs.

Like what? Stone Cold running down and whacking RVD with a chair?, Bischoff running in an distracting the ref so he doesn't see RVD get to the ropes?, RVD knows every move Jericho has, the only way Jericho has shown that he can beat RVD is with help, RVD on the other hand has no prbolem beating the fuck out of Jericho clean

I’m not sure if you read my post but what I was trying to say incase you didn’t read I’ll repeat my statement: Chris Jericho has some moves that he can hit at any point in time too and some of them Van Dam won’t be expecting. Those moves have nothing to do with any of the people you mentioned. And plus how is bringing them in relevant at all.

No, the only difference between the Jericho you see today and the Jericho of then is his hair is shorter, he no longer wears tights, and he bores the fuck out of the crowd, and only wins matches against old men, other than that Jericho is basically the exact same fucking wrestler, he does the exact same fucking things in the ring, with the exception of maybe the Codebreaker, also he did counter one of RVD's frog splashes with his knees, didn't do much good though because the match still continued and RVD nearly beat Jericho, even with countering the spalsh Jericho STILL needed outside help

When it comes to the Jericho of today he is a way different wrestler than he was before. First of all, before he was using a different style of wrestling than he is using today. He changed his game up and is now using a more technical way of wrestling. Second of all, he is actually using ring psychology. Third of all, if you contrast the Jericho from before to the Jericho of today you will notice that he has become more and more experienced as the years have gone by and he is a smarter wrestler today.

So this right here proves Jericho is the single most forgettable champion in WWE history, hardly anyone remebers any of his reigns, in fact Kane's one day Reign was more memorable than and of Jericho's 5

I’m I the only one who remember all 5 of his reigns? I hope not. I’d also say becoming the first Undisputed Champion in the WWE by beating Stone Cold and The Rock on the same night is way more memorable than holding the WWE champion for a mere 3 weeks. Also, another on reason Jericho becoming the first Undisputed Champion in the WWE is way more memorable is because right after he beat The Rock and Stone Cold came out no one expected him to get the win over Stone Cold.
RVD has beaten Y2J clean more times than Y2J has beaten RVD clean. Why is that ridiculous to bring up?

Because this is only relevant if you consider Jericho's prime to be when he was facing RVD. Since some don't then it is completely irrelevant to count him beating Jericho before. It all just depends on when you think Jericho's prime is.

Why RVD has actually beaten Jericho numerous times. It's a valid argument that he would do it again here.

It's not a valid argument because he isn't facing the same exact Jericho (that is if you consider Jericho's prime to be at a different time period) and again because of the time he was facing Jericho.

I remember it. It's not something I'm likely to forget either. RVD Vs John Cena at an ECW event. That match was one if the best I've ever seen. Jericho's victory over The Rock & Austin not so memorable

How is defeating 2 of the biggest stars of the WWE and the Attitude Era back-to-back not memorable? Especially when everyone was counting him out. He might not have had the most memorable reign ever but him winning the champion the way he did alone is more memorable than RVD's win and 3-week reign.

Everyone needs to get over RVD winning the last 2 rounds. I'm not saying the right wrestler won the Monster's Ball but RVD cam out victorious and people need to deal with it

Congratulations to him then.
RVD has to be the luckiest participant in this whole tournament. He was lucky to even get this far, and I wouldn't be surprised if he beats Jericho too.

My vote goes to Jericho for one simple reason: He is the better wrestler. While RVD specializes in high flying moves and kicks, Jericho specializes in nearly every aspect of wrestling, he can go technical on your ass, he can fly around with the best of them, he can be an hardcore lunatic like Foley, or just simply make you tap out to the Walls of Jericho.

Jericho is also excellent at playing possum(the evidence is in nearly all of his matches), once RVD thinks it is a safe bet to do the Frog Splash, Y2J will roll out of the way and eventually lock in the Walls of Jericho on a stunned RVD for the victory. Be smart, vote Jericho.
I’m I the only one who remember all 5 of his reigns? I hope not. I’d also say becoming the first Undisputed Champion in the WWE by beating Stone Cold and The Rock on the same night is way more memorable than holding the WWE champion for a mere 3 weeks. Also, another on reason Jericho becoming the first Undisputed Champion in the WWE is way more memorable is because right after he beat The Rock and Stone Cold came out no one expected him to get the win over Stone Cold.
Yes you are. Why, because they sucked. I don't know why he was chosen to be the first Undisputed Champion bu it was a bad idea. The Rock or Steve Austin as champ wouldn't have bombed like Jericho's reign did. The fact he beat both Rock & Austin is the only thing people remember. The way RVD won his first title is more memorable and better than the Way Jericho won his first title.
I'm getting kind of sick of people bringing this up as an argument. "Well Wrestler A beat Wrestler B one time so he automatically wins duh!!!!"". That's absolutely ridiculious, if that were the case then we'd be putting Shelton Benjamin over Trple H in the tournament.
This point was addressed by my last post. But in case you overlooked it, I'm more than willing to restate the important most important point in the kayfabe argument.

RVD didn't just beat Jericho once.

He did it consistently.

Over the course of three years.

Before and after Jericho had won and lost world titles.

While Van Dam was indeed a midcarder for life, he was consistently better than Jericho unless Jericho had Austin, Triple H, or Bischoff to help him get the win.

RVD could even beat todays Chris Jericho. RVD didn't have to resort to mask pulling to beat a much better Rey Mysterio than the one Jericho beat a week ago.

Kayfabe-wise, it's not a fluke "Shelton Bejamin has beat the Game!!" victory that RVD got over Jericho. RVD was, every single time they faced over their three years together, proven to be Jericho's superior.

Knock kayfabe all you want, but if people thought it was a good idea to use it to justify picks earlier in the tournament then there's no reason it shouldn't be used here as this is the match with the strongest case based on kayfabe in the entire tournament except for perhaps Lesnar vs. Hardy.
Yes you are. Why, because they sucked. I don't know why he was chosen to be the first Undisputed Champion bu it was a bad idea. The Rock or Steve Austin as champ wouldn't have bombed like Jericho's reign did. The fact he beat both Rock & Austin is the only thing people remember. The way RVD won his first title is more memorable and better than the Way Jericho won his first title.

Again, this prompt the question: How is Jericho defeating 2 of the biggest stars of the 90's, the WWE, and the Attitude Era back-to-back not more memorable than Van Dam defeating John Cena after he received help from a spear by Edge and then going on to lose the title less than a month later to none other than Edge. It still baffles me that people still say RVD winning his first title was more memorable then the way Jericho became the first Undisputed Champion of the WWE.
Because this is only relevant if you consider Jericho's prime to be when he was facing RVD. Since some don't then it is completely irrelevant to count him beating Jericho before. It all just depends on when you think Jericho's prime is.
I think he did beat Jericho during Y2J's prime. I know people think differently and that's fine.
It's not a valid argument because he isn't facing the same exact Jericho (that is if you consider Jericho's prime to be at a different time period) and again because of the time he was facing Jericho.
He's facing a worse Jericho than the one he beat. If he can beat Jericho in what I think his prime his why wouldn't he be able to beat a worse Jericho now?[/quote]
How is defeating 2 of the biggest stars of the WWE and the Attitude Era back-to-back not memorable? Especially when everyone was counting him out. He might not have had the most memorable reign ever but him winning the champion the way he did alone is more memorable than RVD's win and 3-week reign.
Beating RVD and Austin is the only thing people talk about. No feuds afterward nothing. He's a lackluster Main Event wrestler which is why he gets shoved back down to the mid card after every short stint in the main Event. Give me RVD title win against The Golden Boy of the WWE John Cena at ONS and his 3 week reign any day of the week.

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