Who are you talking about? I don't remember him ever beating Rock or Hogan in their hometowns...Yeah,cause Edge hasn't won a match against a hometown favorite, in their hometown - with popularity just as large as Austin, when the match was a regular match - or with a large disadvantage against Edge.
Oh, you know, like say for example when the rules stated if Edge got DQ'd or counted out, he'd still lose the title.. and he found a way to win, by finding an opportunity and taking it.
Yeah, Sly, he's never done that - has he..
You said popularity as large as Austin's, those are the only two guys you could name.
OKOkay, this is the last straw - this exact bit is what I'm sick and tired of. PROVE IT!
No, I speak the truth, because I actually watched wrestling back in 1998. You should have too, it was fun.You say this crap, like Austin was the only individual carrying the entire Company on his back.
But, I know you're wanting some kind of proof, so here you are...
Austin won the WWE title for the first time on March 29, 1998 at Wrestlemania 14. Excluding one 24 hour period, he was champion until September 28th. Allow us to look at ratings before and during his run as champion:
5-Jan-98 3.312-Jan-98 3.4
19-Jan-98 4
26-Jan-98 3.5
2-Feb-98 3.5
9-Feb-98 3.2
16-Feb-98 Not On
23-Feb-98 3.2
2-Mar-98 3.8
9-Mar-98 3.6
16-Mar-98 Not On
23-Mar-98 3.6
30-Mar-98 3.8
6-Apr-98 4.7
13-Apr-98 4.6
20-Apr-98 4.4
28-Apr-98 5.7
4-May-98 5.5
11-May-98 4.3
18-May-98 5.3
25-May-98 4.2
1-Jun-98 4.4
8-Jun-98 4.3
15-Jun-98 4.3
22-Jun-98 4.3
29-Jun-98 5.4
6-Jul-98 4
13-Jul-98 4.7
20-Jul-98 5
27-Jul-98 4.9
3-Aug-98 4.9
10-Aug-98 4.5
17-Aug-98 4.2
24-Aug-98 4.7
31-Aug-98 Not On
7-Sep-98 Not On
14-Sep-98 4
21-Sep-98 4
28-Sep-98 4
So, what you see there is that we went from the low 3s, to peaking in the mid 5s. You're going to tell me that's not a substantial improvement? And then, whenever Austin lost the belt, that's when his feud with McMahon started heating up. As proof of this, I direct you to the 1999 Royal Rumble, when Rock vs. Foley was the afterthought to the McMahon vs. Austin encounter in the Rumble. When this feud started heating up, so did the ratings again...
5-Oct-98 4.55
12-Oct-98 4.8
19-Oct-98 5
26-Oct-98 4.5
2-Nov-98 4.8
9-Nov-98 5
16-Nov-98 5.5
23-Nov-98 4.9
30-Nov-98 5
7-Dec-98 5.15
14-Dec-98 5.2
21-Dec-98 4.7
28-Dec-98 4.9
4-Jan-99 5.7
11-Jan-99 5.5
18-Jan-99 5.6
25-Jan-99 5.5
1-Feb-99 5.9
8-Feb-99 Not On
15-Feb-99 5.9
22-Feb-99 5.5
29-Feb-99 6.3
8-Mar-99 6.4
15-Mar-99 5.8
22-Mar-99 6.4
As you can see, the ratings began to grow larger and larger towards Wrestlemania...guess what the Wrestlemania draw was...Steve Austin regaining his World Title from the Corporation. Steve Austin wins the title on March 28, 1999, and holds it until May 23, 1999. The ratings were as follows:
5-Apr-99 5.8
12-Apr-99 6.3
19-Apr-99 6.1
26-Apr-99 6
3-May-99 6.4
10-May-99 8.1
17-May-99 6.4
So, during Austin's surge of popularity, WWE Raw went from low 3s to low 6s, peaking with an 8.1 at one point. And that doesn't include Austin's original rise to popularity in 1997, in which we saw ratings go from 2s to 3s.
And you're going to tell me that Austin didn't revolutionize the business? C'mon Will, you're smarter than that. Steve Austin WAS Attitude. It worked because he worked. I'm as big of a Rock and Foley fan as anyone, but even I know that Hogan is 1, Austin is 2, and Rock is 3, and there is no debate about it.
Being picked to win one of three World titles during lean ratings years now makes you great?If Austin revolutionized the business.. then Edge is the 3rd greatest World Heavyweight Champion in Wrestling history - because he's behind only Ric Flair and Triple H for as many reigns as Champion.
How the fuck does that work?
The fuck he didn't revolutionize. Hogan and the nWo created the cool heel...Austin made it standard. Austin was Attitude, he DID double the wrestling audience, he made Vince a billionaire, and is one of only a handful of wrestlers whose name is known in the mainstream.Austin didn't single handedly revolutionize shit.. he helped, just like Edge has helped. Austin didn't revolutionize anything alone though, so quit making it sound like he did. This argument is so beneath you, it's disgusting and revolting.
I'm sorry Will, I can only embarrass you so much in one post. Feel free to reply to this post, so I can do it some more.I thought you were some type of good debater, Sly? Is this all you have?
No, I'm not scouring the thread looking for bullshit. Hell, your post is more than enough bullshit to read.Maybe you should.. at least then you wouldn't of just came in here, and looked like a lot less than what I ever thought you were.
Like I said, feel free to list the reasons in a nice neat order, and I'll be happy to scoff at and ridicule them.
Once again, he went 5-0 at Wrestlemania, before losing by pinfall to the Undertaker, and being taken out of the MITB match, and the odd man out (not being pinned) at this year's version.
Yeah.. 5-1-2 is more like it.

He was 5-0 at Wrestlemania? Against who? His first two wins were tag team wins with Christian, which means nothing in a singles match. His win at Wrestlemania 18 was in his hometown was against perennial upper card jobber Booker T. His win at Wrestlemania 21 wasn't in a 1-on-1 match, and according to you, that doesn't really count.

And Will, I'm sorry to tell you this, but in wrestling, a draw is when there is no winner. When there is a winner, that means that everyone else is a loser. So Edge is 0-3 in his last three Wrestlemanias, two of which were for World titles.
You're just going to have to accept that.
Not when there are THREE World titles to be passed around, and 6 hours of TV to do it in. Austin won 6 World titles, when there was only ONE World title and only 2 hours for Raw.Winning NINE Heavyweight Championships, regardless of length, is a pretty big accomplishment.
Austin's 1998 reign > every World title that Edge ownsEdge's 9 titles > Austin's longer reigns.
Try actually reading what I responded to. It'll help you not sound so ignorant.This tournament bounces in and out of Kayfabe it's so ridiculous. And the same statement you just said against someone voting for Edge, I could also use against Austin.
Not even close. Way to completely butcher the entire concept of what wrestling is about.Say for example, all the people (ie. you, included) who claim because Austin sold a ton of t-shirts and made movies and is a recognizable name because of it -- he should win. Riiiggghhtt..
He sold t-shirts and is a recognizable name because he's GOOD. You don't do those things if you're not good. You know...like Edge.
Lists, Will...give me a trim list.Maybe he isn't, but I am. And unlike almost (excluding xfear, only) every single Austin supporter - I've pointed out both individual's accomplishments.. and explained in great detail why Edge should, could, and would win.
Already did.VOTE Austin