Yay, debate with Will. Will, I'm pretty sure that you and I are going to lose everyone else in our ramblings back and forth, so bare with me.
It's okay.. I've been looking forward to this.
What I'm saying is that Edge had a chance to win the WWE Championship from Brock lesnar, by not having to beat Brock lesnar. All Edge had to do was beat Paul Heyman, which in reality shouldn't have been that hard to do. Lesnar was good enough to keep heyman from being pinned by Edge. A 2 on 1 with Heyman as your partner is more like a handicap match in favor of Edge.
The only problem with this is, how many Handicap matches that involve managers - do YOU recall the individual with the odds against him (1 against 2, that is) pinning the Manager to gain the victory? Very few, if any.
Why? Because it's the Wrestler's job to protect his interest. So naturally, he's never going to tag out if ever.. yet when he does, he's constantly with one foot in the ring, waiting and almost knowing the time will come when he needs to jump into the ring on a split second's notice, to stop the inevitable 3-count from happening.
Had Paul Heyman
not of been in the match, at all.. Lesnar would've lost. Obviously anything could've went differently, but the reason I firmly believe this is because Edge controlled Lesnar more in that match, than Lesnar controlled Edge. (this also factor's in for everyone saying Edge can't handle Lesnar's power, or Lesnar will man-handle and squash Edge -- Anyone who's seen this match, knows that isn't true, and wouldn't happen.)
It was only when Edge focused on the opportunistic moments he had with Heyman, that Lesnar capitalized more. Was that a downside for Edge? Back then, when he wasn't as smart, yeah I'd say so.
But that is also another factor I'm trying to point out. Edge wasn't at his best, mentally, back then. He was young, and all gunge-ho at trying to rush and deliver everything he had all at once, win, lose or draw. I'd say the prime version of Edge, is the version that's won 9 Championships in 3 year's time.. (Lesnar's never done that) the guy that finds every single possible (even cheap) way to win a match, yet still does it no matter what.
As far as Edge and his prime, I would say his physical prime would have been back in the early parts of his decade. Edge in 2002 was about as good as he was, before the injuries started. I'm sure you remember, that even back then (2003-2004) Edge couldn't stay healthy and could have very easily became a Kennedy or Ahmed Johnson. Edge's body was his glass jaw, and the physical wrestling side of him faded. He became a better mental wrestler, but I think less of a physical threat since then. Again, my opinion, you probably see it differently.
I'd agree that Edge's had his fair share of injuries, but outside of when he had to forfeit the Championship due to the injury he suffered in the segment with Kane, (back when Khali took over as Champion) he hasn't had any since.. and it's now been 2 full years, the arguable best years, for Edge. (I don't count his trip to
hell as an injury)
As for the
He became a better mental wrestler, but less of a physical threat comment.. Of course he did, but only because when you can win matches with your mental mind-games, and opportunistic ways.. why should you use power? Reserve it, save it, for when it's needed.. in situations like this.
Look at his victories against the Undertaker, in the T.L.C match.. John Cena, in the Last Man Standing match.. or even his victory in the Elimination Chamber, earlier this year.. all of which, he had to use his power and abilities, to stay in the match.. and in some cases, win. (yes, he's had help with some, but he didn't just have someone instantly come out and help him win - he had to maintain his stay in each match, which means he had to put up a great enough fight against each opponent, or opponents.)
I still fail to see how Lesnar failed to use his surrounding. He was tossing the Undertaker around ragged from pillar to cage in that match. Undertaker was destroyed by Lesnar and everything Lesnar literally threw at him. Remember the chair shots to break the cast of the Undertaker's arm? Remember the Steel Steps being driven into the side of his head and making him bleed like a stuffed pig? Remember lesnar climbing to the top of the turnbuckle, grabbing the top of the cage, and then pjutting everything into kicking the Undertaker. If that is Lesnar not using his srurroundings, then I'm pretty damn scared of what will hapen when he uses the surrounding.
Using steel steps, isn't using the Cell. Using a chair, isn't using the Cell. Jumping up and playing hang-man off the Cell, is only barely using it to your advantage.
By this understanding, Lesnar would attempt using steps, or chairs in a barbwire match.. but the most he'd do with the actual barbwire, is attempt using it to hold leverage against, to kick or attack Edge in another form or fashion. That is what I mean, by way of how he acted scared of his surroundings. Also, while I can't personally say one way or another - cause I haven't seen the full match.. if what Marquis posted was true, Lesnar
was scared of the HIAC, especially if he tried escaping it.
So, just like Marquis said, I'm backing.. if that's true, why on earth wouldn't Lesnar shit himself when he's surrounded by Barbwire?
Everyone talks about Edge doing it to himself, but the fact is.. Edge felt barbwire (maybe not a ton, but more than Lesnar) so he knows what it's like.. and wouldn't fear it as bad as he first did, not knowing. Yet on the flip side, Lesnar doesn't know it.. so the mental aspect already falls in Edge's court.. and Lesnar's head won't even be fully on Edge, as he'll constantly question the barbwire in the back of his mind.
Hell, even in the stretcher match, Brock ended up using a forklift to secure the victory over the Big Show. The guy will use his environment to win.
Once again, he uses everything
but the actual gimmick involved. My point on that aspect has been proven, and you proved it further by this.
Not to mention, the forklift he used was ideally the
only way he felt he could win against the Big Show. Which also goes to show you, he doubts his own strength, despite knowing he's lifted Big Show for an F-5, countless times.
Palumbo, Will did you seriously compare the Undertaker to Chuck Palumbo, come on man you are way better then that.
You gotta admit though.. they do look similar.

American Badass, and well.. whatever the fuck Palumbo was during that time. (And I'm not even comparing the fact that Palumbo was being managed by the same chic Undertaker's fucking - that's just
PURE coincidence.
The Undertaker may not have liked the American Bad ASs Gimmick, which from 2000-2001 was a terrible gimmick,b ut it doesn't change the fact that the man had his best year (arguable with 1997 I will admit) of his career.
I was more referring to 2003. While he also had his fair share of decent victories, over the likes of John Cena, (not yet the Cena we've come to know) Big Show, and Albert.. the fact is.. he lost the Rumble, dispite being the last entry, or at least one of the very last entries. And most importantly, he lost to Mr. McMahon.. MR. McMAHON!
That's not the Undertaker we know, who's a real bad ass.. that's a worn down, drained, and pathetic version. The same version, Lesnar faced.
When The Undertaker turned heel and became Booger Red or whatever the hell JR calls him, his pay per view record was damn near one of the best ever.
win vs. RVD
Loss vs. The Rock
Win vs. Ric Flair
Win vs. Steve Austin
Win vs. Hulk Hogan
Win vs. Triple H
Loss vs. Rock and Kurt Angle (wasn't pinned)
Win vs. Test
Draw vs. Brock lesnar
Loss vs. Brock Lesnar
He may not have liked the gimmick or what not, but I dare anyone to find a four month run of anybody that defeated the names in bold in back to back pay per views. In the end though, as great of a year that was for the Undertaker, he was dominated by Brock Lesnar, int eh Undertakers' own match. Edge was sent to hell by an Undertaker well into his 40's at that point.
Once again, that's quite an impressive list of victories to losses. (not even going to dispute how tainted the victories may have been, because it's neither here, nor there)
Yet the fact is.. come year's end, when Taker faced Lesnar.. he wasn't the same Taker that was the
Deadman. He wasn't the same Taker, that was the Undisputed Champion earlier that year. He was a shell of his former self, a beaten, broken, and arguably injured and hurting -
old man.
I won't discount Lesnar's victories against him completely.. it still takes balls to do what Lesnar did to Taker, in HIAC.. but it wasn't against the same Undertaker that Shawn Michaels faced in HIAC, or that Mick Foley was damn near killed by in HIAC.. so there was quite a bit of difference..
And one that Edge has faced, as well.
You say Edge faced a Taker in his 40's.. but if you're going by kayfabe, age never mattered with the
Deadman gimmick.. because the guy had the ability to randomly NO-SELL anything, especially toward the end of matches. And Edge defeated the Undertaker, is what should've been considered (at that time, for Taker, especially) his most important match - ever.. one in which Taker's career was on the line. And Edge won.
See, this is what makes me so damn frustrated as a fan on the IWC. As fans, we tirelessly criticize the business, and the things that go on behind the scene. But what happenes. When a wrstler comes out and bashes a Triple H, you can damn sure bet that a big group of people will defend the guy and do everything in their power to discredit the source of information. I don't understand it.
Brock Lesnar spoke out against the business, and made a ton of valid points about the business. I fail to see why so many people think it is a sign of disrespect. The wrestling business has problems, and a ton of them. This guy is in a postition now where he is a bigger star then anyone in the WWE, and is bringing to light issues that the WWE wants to bury. I have no problem with Brock bashing the WWE and it's ridiculous road achedule.
Trying as hard as I can, to look at this match without knowing how Lesnar left the Company. (to go fail at playing Football, then whine that he couldn't go to an alternative Wrestling company)
I see this one way.. Lesnar will come in, unsure of the barbwire. Edge will come in, not wanting to be involved with it, yet knowing how it feels. Edge will bring with him back-up, and the ability to create an exit - to create space.
Lesnar will bring with him, the naive ways of a rookie, in which he'll throw everything he has at Edge instantly.. wearing himself down early, if he can't put Edge away quick.
Brock Lesnar would win because he is bigger, stronger, meander then Edge. All brock did in the WWE was win, and dominateing guys in the ring. Edge doesn't have the room to maneuver like he normally would Edge preferes flight to fight, and in this match, he has no where to go, at all. Both guys are going to do whatever they can to stay away from the Barbed wire, which plays into Brocksshands that much more. Edge doesn't have the strength to counter Brock when he's on the ground.
Eddie Guerrero, Hardcore Holly, R.V.D, Chris Benoit, and Kurt Angle.. none of them were bigger, stronger, or meaner than Lesnar.. and they've
all defeated him. Not in the same setting.. but once again, Lesnar's never been in this setting, so no one person can say he's a shoe-in to definitely win or lose, I suppose.
The fact is, being bigger, stronger and even meaner.. doesn't guarantee you a victory, when your opponent is a better mental master than you, and also knows how to use every possible gimmick known to man. (practically)
You might not like the way the match ends, it might end cheap and completely bogus and unfair.. but that's how Edge likes it. He loves to piss you off, and steal victories no one believes he should've got. This won't be any different.