Oh boy, so it’s a good thing I’m wearing boots, because after mucking threw the copious amounts of BS that has amounted in this thread, I don’t want to get my feet dirty. It’s amazing how a match between these two seemingly has started an all out NJPW/WWE war not so much in this thread, but in the bar room. This thread is sad. It’s not so much about being Pro-Liger as it is Anti-Lesnar. The Anti-Lesnar hate train has yet again reared it’s ugly head, and unfortunately it’s not about the match, it’s about making Lesnar look bad, and in turn, the Anti Lesnar regime has pretty much reduced their argument to name calling. So time to take the kid gloves off now.
Brock Lesnar received the typical monster push/ Lesnar only got over on his looks: See, this is the stupid arguments base right here. What is going on here is the Anti-lesnar camp is trying to play word association so you go on ahead and associate Brock Lesnar with these wrestlers. They will have you believe that Brock Lesnar was only pushed to the moon, but was set to have a fall from grace. That’s why they throw names like Umaga, Koslov, Khali, etc. out there on you. If they can get you to subliminally associate those wrestlers with Brock Lesnar, then you will begin to doubt Brock Lesnar.
I ask you this, how many world titles did Umaga win? How many times did Koslov close out Summerslam or Wrestlemania in a one on one match where he was a feature player? The answer to these questions, is of course zero. You know why, because Umaga, Koslov, or any other randomly thrown in big monster name were never meant to be Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar, from the get go, was never destined to be a mid carder. Brock Lesnar from the get go, was championship material.
Names like Shawn Stasiak have been out there because of his body, and the look of Lesnar. What they fail to tell you is, Shawn Stasiak had no where near the raw ability and skill that Brock Lesnar had. If wrestlers got over only based on look, then Chris Masters would be WWE champion. Brock Lesnar had look, but he also had intangibles. This is why guys like Stasiak and Masters failed, where a guy like Brock Lesnar thrived.
It’s all mind game at this point. The Anti-Lesnar camp plays guilty by association by trying to make Lesnar less then what the actual reality was. If you’re going to use names to compare him to, how about the Undertaker debuting and dominating everyone. That guy had a fairly successful career. How about Hulk Hogan returning to the WWE and going straight to the top. Yup, didn’t turn out to bad for him either.
Brock Lesnar supposedly had a bad second year in the WWE, by bad, that means holding onto the title for 9 out of 12 months. So if that’s a bad year, what’s a good year?
Not only are members of the Anti-Lesnar camp nothing more then name callers when it comes down to it, they also apparently read the future as well. So because they feel that Lesnar is like Umaga, then obviously Lesnar was going to have a down fall like Umaga. Um no, you don’t know that, I don’t know that. There are examples of guys that never lost the push. Brock Lesnar kept the push for two years, before he chose to leave the business. Umaga made it a year, Koslov, 9 months. Beware the Anti-Lesnar camp, not only are you inferior to their vast wrestling knowledge, but they also have the ability to see the future in alternate timelines.
Brock Lesnars amateur background is meaningless in this match:
Again, silly argument number two. So pretty much, we are supposed to pretend that Wrestling doesn’t exist. That the business you watch now, has nothing to do with wrestling. In fact, the company most of you watch isn’t indeed called World Wrestling Entertainment, instead, it is now the WSEE, or World Sport’s Entertainment Entertainment. The fact that two guys usually face off against each other, and the end result if for one to pin the other is irrelevant now. Glad that we now know what we are voting for.
So pretty much this is the argument, Brock lesnar is a superior mat wrestler to Jushin Liger, but since Brock did it as an amateur, and amateur wrestling has nothing to do with professional wrestling, then Brock’s knowledge on the mat is irrelevant since it’s completely different, um sure. So what exactly is Brock Lesnar supposed to do when he gets someone on the mat. Oh I know, maybe a people’s Elbow, or a five knuckle shuffle, maybe sell a T-Shirt, open a book or tell a story. It’s a silly argument, that is essentially baseless. Brock Lesnar wrestles people, because he is a wrestler, in a wrestling ring. Until the name of the game is change from Wrestling to Sport’s Entertainment on the Logo, then wrestling is the name of the game, and Jushin Liger can not out wrestle Brock Lesnar, period, end of discussion.
By this logic, we should not allow Jushin Thunder Liger to use all of the kicks that most of team Pro-Liger has been spouting off, because obviously a martial arts background is irrelevant as it has nothing to do with professional wrestling. Let’s go one step forward. All of that body building that John Cena did in his young days, completely irrelevant. I mean, just because Cena poses for the crowd and gets them fired up, it has nothing to do with the posing he did as a body builder. In fact, Steve Austin probably got into a fist fight at some point in his life, but since fist fighting has nothing to do with professional wrestling, we should take away the ability of Steve Austin to brawl. While we’re at it, rey mysterio may have trained to be a gymnast at one point or another, so we won’t allow Rey Mysterio to ever leave his feat again since gymnastics have nothing to do with pro wrestling.
See how silly this is getting.
Brock Lesnar wasn’t a draw…
When the going gets tough, let’s do what we do best, try to throw out a bunch of nonsensical bull crap to try and confuse people into voting against the guy. Sly will have you believe that Brock Lesnar didn’t draw, in fact. Sly would place the blame of Wrestlemania 19 and it’s buy rate solely on a rookie. Now as weak as that sounds, let’s take a look at Wrestlemania 19.
The Rock vs. Steve Austin (Billed as the meeting between the two)
Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. McMahon (20 years in the making, if Hogan loses he retires)
Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho (Shawn Michaels first Wrestlemania in 5 years, plus being an IWC wet dream match)
Triple H w/ Ric Flair vs. Booker T
The Undertaker and the Big Show in the same match
Rey Mysterios Wrestlemania Debut.
So… we’re blaming Brock Lesnar with a card stacked with the biggest names of the 90’s, 80’s and eventual big names of this decade, yup, makes sense to me. Wrestlemania 19 was a non anniversary Wrestlemania, as the business was coming to the end of it’s boom Cycle. On paper, the lineup for that Mania is about as solid as it gets. The problem, two many main events where no one knew what the main event was going to be. To blame Lesnar and Angle for the buyrate of this match is down right silly, if not absurd. With two title match, two huge under card matches, who knew what the main event was going to be? Only in hindsight is this pay per view judged based on Lesnar and Angle….
But you know what, that’s for the promoters to give a shit about. How buy rates have anything to do with a kayfabe match like this is beyond me. It’s brought up simply to confuse and make you question your decision of voting for Brock Lesnar. You know, Vince McMahon and the WWE were obviously so concerned about this, that they only decided to put Kurt Angle in a title match at the following Wrestlemania, and Brock Lesnar in a match involving both Goldberg and Steve Austin. Yup, those two must have really had Vince McMahon worried. Think about it. One match, Steve Austin, Bill Goldberg, and the WWE decided to put Brock Lesnar out of the entire roster in the ring with those two, you tell me whose a draw and whose not..
Oh, and to simply dispel the myth that Brock Lesnar isn’t a draw, a list of the top 10 pay per view buyrates of 2008.
Top 10 North American PPV buy rates, 2008
1. Boxing: Oscar De La Hoya vs. Manny Pacquiao, Dec. 6, 1,250,000
2. UFC: Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Couture, Nov. 15, 1,010,000
3. Wrestling: WrestleMania, Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Paul “Big Show” Wight, March 30, 670,000
4. UFC: Georges St. Pierre vs. Jon Fitch/Lesnar vs. Heath Herring, Aug. 9, 625,000
5. UFC: Lesnar vs. Frank Mir, Feb. 2, 600,000
6. UFC: Quinton Jackson vs. Forrest Griffin, July 5, 540,000
7. UFC: St. Pierre vs. Matt Serra, April 19, 530,000
8. Boxing: Felix Trinidad vs. Roy Jones Jr., Jan. 19, 500,000
9. UFC: Chuck Liddell vs. Rashad Evans, Sept. 6, 480,000
10. UFC: B.J. Penn vs. Sean Sherk/Tito Ortiz vs. Lyoto Machida, May 24, 475,000
Hmmm, notice anything there? Brock Lesnar fought 3 times for the UFC in 2008, and all 3 of those fights cracked the top 3 in pay per view buyrates for the year of 2008. Notice the WWE on there, yup that’s right, once, and their flagship show, with a bumped buyrate thanks to a flyweight boxer. If you’re going to bring in ability to draw, name value and recognition into this, then trying to say that Brock Lesnar isn’t a polarizing figure that gets people interested in a product, you’re out of your damn mine. There is a reason the WWE let the UFC use footage of Brock Lesnar on pay per view, because the WWE was hoping to get some sort of interest in it’s product based upon the popularity of Brock lesnar. Tob ad it seems that those Brock Lesnar Marks seemed to bump the UFC, and not the WWE, boy that Brock, can’t draw flies I guess.
Brock Lesnar’s Inexperience/Abandoned the Company/Shitty Worker, blah blah blah:
So we come to maybe the only field in which Jushin Liger might actually have a case to be made for him, experience in the business.
People tend to believe that Brock Lesnar is some giant one dimensional moron that couldn’t wrestle his way out of a box. One Dimension, I thought that was strong at one field of the business. I guess being a superior mat wrestler, striker and a power wrestler all constitutes as one dimension now? Okay.
Sly doesn’t like Kurt Angle, Sly doesn’t like Brock Lesnar. In fact, if you see a pro Angle or pro Lesnar thread being made on these forums, rest assured that Sly will be in their trying to tell you why both of those guys suck, even though one is damn near a lock to be a top five finisher in wrestler of the decade, and the other had the most dominate two year run in the history of the business.
Liger had 20 years of experience, good for him, but how often does experience matter, especially with someone like Brock Lesnar? Where the Hardy Boyz more experienced when they were demolished by the next big Thing? Was Rob Van Dam not more knowledge in the business before losing the King of the Ring? Was not Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair, the Undertaker, Big Show, or how many others you want to put in front of Brock not more experienced, but in the end left lying in defeat by the young monster.
Lack of experience has never cost Brock Lesnar a wrestling match, ever. If we’re going to vote for guys based on experience along, then why isn’t Lou Thesz still in this, he was far more experienced then Sting. In fact, next year I’ll make sure to vote for Tito Santana over John Cena, maybe Jim Duggan over Goldberg, or perhaps the Brooklyn Brawler over the Ultimate Warrior. In fact, all three of those guys wrestled much longer then their opponents here, and many more diverse opponents. This crap argument that Brock Lesnar didn’t wrestle a variety of guys is bullshit. Whether he was destroying a cruiserweight jobber in Funaki all the way up to a super heavyweight main eventer in the Big Show, Brock Lesnar beat everyone from every background, in every type of match.
This misconception exists that Brock Lesnar was a dumb wrestler, that relied only on his abilities to get him to the next level is a travesty to. I mean, this isn’t the guy that decided to play mind games with the Undertaker by putting his hands no only on Taker’s Wife, but on her stomach and the womb of the unborn child of the Deadman in side to piss him off and get him off his game. No, this wasn’t’ the same Brock Lesnar that completely isolated the Broken Arm of the Undertaker and destroyed it more in the Hell in the Cell. No, this wasn’t the same Brock Lesnar that intentionally got himself disqualified in an Iron Man match against Kurt Angle to cause damage, only to pick up two pinfalls at a time. Yup, sounds like a very dumb wrestler to me. The guy knew exactly how to get into the heads of his opponents, and that’s why he won so much.
Brock Lesnar was a great worker, and it’s the people that want to tell you that a wrestler isn’t good if he uses a suplex that is wrong. Brock Lesnar has been called, confident, cocky, unappreciative all of this, in this one thread. Congratulations, you’ve been worked by Brock Lesnar. So exactly how is a young mid 20’s wrestler that goes into the business, dominates everyone, and becomes champion supposed to act. Owe, cowardly, that’s correct I forgot. It seems that if you’re not a cowardly heel, then you don’t play a good heel. Brock Lesnar played the character he was asked to play perfectly, and you’ve all bought into it, hook, line and sinker. You think he’s a cocky asshole, good, you’re supposed to think he’s a cocky asshole. Obviously though he doesn’t know how to work, because using suplexes means he’s catering towards smarks, when in reality the suplexes wear down the entire torso of the opponent to set up for his finisher the F-5, but we’ll ignore that little factoid and just say he was an inferior worker even though there is no evidence to support that.
People simply hate Brock Lesnar because he left the business, nothing more, nothing less. He excelled at something that we all love, but decided in the long run, it wasn’t for him, so he left. So what happens, the people that watch and support him get pissed off, and decide to hijack the biggest pay per view of the year to get into the head of Brock Lesnar. Hurray Garden crowd, be proud of yourselves on that one. The fact of the matter is this, Brock Lesnar busted his ass for the time he wrestled for the WWE, and people loved to watch him. When he made a decision to risk it all, the guaranteed money, the push, the life so he could do something else in with his life, it all change.
Wrestling fans have an air of self righteousness about themselves. If a wrestler leaves the business prematurely, then he’s a no good bastard. The Rock left to pursue something else, he’s an asshole. A Wrestler leaves a small promotion to do what’s best for his family and make more money elsewhere, he’s a sell out. Give me a break. Brock Lesnar left the business because he wanted more, and in turn has become just a big of a name in sports as the WWE in the long run. It was a great risk, and it happened to be a great reward in the end.
Brock Lesnar wanted to come back in 2005 and give back to the business. He wanted a one time deal to have a match with Batista at Summerslam 2005 to put Batista over solidly as champion. The meeting went as far as a face to face in titan towers in 2005, before eventually negotiations fell apart. So to say he out right abandoned the company is a falsehood, considering the company let him out of his contract, and was willing to bring him back in 2005.
Brock Lesnar will not lose a Kayfabe match to Jushin Thunder Liger:
No way, no how does Jushin Thunder Liger match up with Brock Lesnar at all in a wrestling ring, with no rules. Lesnar is stronger, Lesnar is just as quick, Lesnar has just as much cardio training, and Lesnar is flat out meaner.
For all the weaknesses that Brock supposedly has, no one has been able to give one shred of proof as to how Liger would exploit it. Brock Lesnar’s big losses include a loss to Eddie Guerrero, after Bill Goldberg not only interfered before the match, but during the match. So effectively it took a 2 on 1 situation there to beat Lesnar. Brock lesnar lost a Wrestlemania match to Bill Goldberg, all the while feuding with the referee the week before hand, so really another 2 on 1 environment. Brock Lesnar lost to the Big Show, via a steal chair shot and a Choke slam. All well and good and perfectly legal in this environment, however, do you honestly believe Liger can swing a chair, and then hit a high impact move on Lesnar to keep him down, didn’t think so. And finally, Kurt Angle, making Lesnar tap to the ankle lock. Nothing wrong with that. You know for as an inferior worker that Anti-Lesnar Camp claims that Kurt Angle is, it was only two years prior to this that he made Steve Austin tap out to the Ankle Lock. Steve Austin, Tap, Ankle Lock, so you tell me how bad of a loss the match with Kurt Angle was.
When you cut away all of the crap, all of the BS in this thread the only valid arguments for Liger at this point have been, Strikes with Kicks (oh wait, he can’t use those since Martial Arts has nothing to do with Pro Wrestling…

and roll up. Pretty much when the basis of an argument and why a wrestler wins a kayfabe match comes down to kicking and roll up, the choice is obvious, Brock lesnar demolishes Liger in this match. Liger’s finishing maneuvers are a glorified Face Buster, and the Liger Bomb. Now, if you want to believe that Brock Lesnar is going to stay down to a power bomb from a 200 pound, 5’7” man, that’s all on you, my money is on Brock.
It comes down to this. If you wanted to vote for Liger, but sly convinced you otherwise because you would be a mark, so what. You know, I like the feeling for the first time I saw Brock Lesnar destroy both Hardy Boys. I liked the feeling of seeing a guy pick up men like Mark Henry and Rikishi on his shoulders, with ease. I liked standing in awe as I watched Brock Lesnar choke the blood out of Hulk Hogan and rub it on his body as a badge of honor. I liked marking out to Brock Lesnar becoming the youngest WWE Champion in history. I liked Marking out to watching Brock Lesnar destroys the Undertaker in a Hell in the Cell match and stand atop the Cell and gloat. I liked Marking out as Brock Lesnar lifted the Big Show on his shoulders and proceeded to give him an F-5. I liked marking out as I watched in horror as Lesnar missed a shooting star which would have killed most men, and then have the where with it all to still beat Kurt Angle. I liked Marking out to Brock Lesnar superplexing the Big Show and collapsing the ring on Smackdown. I liked Marking out to watching Brock Lesnar play the Smarky Madison Square Garden crowd at Wrestlemania 20.
You know what, I’m a mark, and damn proud of it, and my Marky ass is voting for a guy that wins this match with ease, Brock Lesnar. Don’t let the name calling detour you from voting for who you want. Don’t let Sly work you like you’ve been supposedly worked to believe that Brock Lesnar was good. You don’t supposedly stay in the main event for two years unless you are good, and Lesnar was good, and better then Liger.