ECW Regular Wrestling Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

ECW Rules Match - Jushin Liger vs Brock Lesnar

  • Thunder

  • Next Big Thing

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They may help him win most matches, but his overconfidnce and inexperience may cost him a few.

Didn't cost him many in the WWE. Or NJPW. The only one I can think of is Frank Mir, and I'm not really sure if that counts.

Yes, and it's a valid point. However, I think that Jushin Liger is completely differnt than the Undertaker.

So many things I could say here:
1) Yeah, Taker's better - Blunt, rude, yet kinda true.
2) Yeah, Taker's lost to fewer jobbers - still blunt, still true.
3) Yeah, Liger doesn't have a gimmick on his side - less blunt, still true.

I'll go for number three.

I know that Lesnar is certainly capable of hitting Liger with a powerbomb, but Liger is just as capable of rolling up and eager Lesnar or hitting a Liger Bomb.

Lesnar is a six foot, three inch, 265 pound monster that's matched Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit hold for hold. I reckon that Liger, with a lot of difficulty, could hit a Liger bomb, but I don't see the opportunity arising. If it did, people have kicked out of it before. And a roll up isn't going to worry him nearly as much as it would most big men.

Who's to say that Lesnar wouldn't roll Liger up? He's got leverage, weight and power on his side, after all. Though I'm making it seem a lot more even than I honestly believe it would be.
How about his shotei (palm heel thrusts)? How about his kicks? Oh, right, I forgot, he's smaller than Brock Lesnar, so obviously those can't do any damage to him. I'm about twice the size of Floyd Mayweather, Jr. I guess that means I can go in the ring with him, huh? :rolleyes:

I was typing up a reply to this post, but I accidentally exited out of it. I'll try again.

Brock Lesnar can take chair shots, superkicks, and 175 pound men falling onto him from ten feet in the air and not blink an eye. I've seen Liger's palm thrust and I was impressed. The guy that Liger hit sold the heck out of it. Lesnar has a tendency to no-sell things. That isn't unprofessional; it's just the way he is. Brock Lesnar is tough. He doesn't stay down for things like palm thrusts.

As for kicks, RVD is a black-belt martial artist. His kicks are much more devastating than Liger's. I'm not going to discount Liger in any way, but he can't kick like a Rob Van Dam.

As for the Floyd Mayweather comparison, I was going to say that you're not a trained fighter.

Nice try trying to act as if there are only two options. How about going into the ring and waiting for the ten count? Or, just standing back parallel to the ring so that you can get a good look on both sides of you? These would be smart strategies, but none that Brock Lesnar would employ, because maiming and going on the offensive are the only things he knows. Furthermore, why the hell would you ever want to consult with someone who bankrupted a veritable cash cow?

Regardless of what he did, there was no consequence for his actions. Lesnar still, even though caught off guard, recovered and turned Mysterio into a baseball bat.

This is laughable, man. Have you not read any of the posts that I have made for Liger throughout this Tournament? Feigning ignorance here straight-up doesn't work, as both LigerBomb and I have already discussed Liger's strategies. But, here, I'll mention two of them for you right now:

Feigning ignorance does work. It makes you spend time re-posting the information, and if you don't, then there will be voters who will not see that information and vote Lesnar. Though, they should vote Lesnar anyway.

Here's his match with Samoa Joe at Bound For Glory (23 October 2005):


Check out what happens between 3:00 and 3:31. Obviously, Samoa Joe is a hell of a lot stronger than Jushin Liger, and it shows in this series of shoulder blocks that they do here. But, what does Liger do? He lulls Joe into a false sense of security, as I already mentioned, and asks Joe to go to the ropes to initiate a shoulder block. Joe, thinking that it's going to be easy for him, gladly honors Liger's request. But, what happens? Liger ducks the block and takes Joe down with a toehold trip his next time around. So, from this, we know that Liger is more than capable of getting big men on the mat.

If you can make assumptions that Liger won't do this and Liger won't do that, then I can tell you that Lesnar won't be so kind as Samoa Joe. When Liger is yelling at Lesnar, Lesnar will punch him in the mouth. Of course, who's to say it gets to that point? I say that Lesnar doesn't bother with a shoulder block in the first place. I say that Lesnar catches Liger and suplexes him half-way across the ring.

But, for the sake of argument, say Liger trips Lesnar and gets him down. Lesnar is a former NCAA champion in wrestling, so he is very, very capable of wrestling on the mat. Before you say that we can't use his college background as an argument, I remember the announcers, on more than one occasion, bringing up his amateur career at the University of Minnesota. Liger cannot compete with Lesnar on the ground. He mat be well versed in mat wrestling, but Lesnar is stronger, larger, and more experienced on the ground.

Here's a match he had Keiji Mutoh sometime earlier this decade (if anyone can give me the exact date, I'd appreciate it):


Liger begins to work Mutoh's left leg all throughout this match at 5:06. How did Liger find the opening to work on Mutoh's leg? By lulling him into a false sense of security by pretending that he wanted to get into a battle of strength with him (although, oddly enough, Liger is probably just as strong as Mutoh, although Japanese booking would have you believe otherwise). Furthermore, look at the moonsault Liger does at 12:25. That's not poor aim; rather, that's a man dedicated to his strategy of taking out Mutoh's left leg. He would be just as tenacious with Lesnar.

That's a good argument. I won't pretend that Lesnar isn't susceptible to getting his leg, or arm, or shoulder worked over. Every wrestler is, including Brock Lesnar and Jushin Liger.

So, there you go. I've given you some proof. So, why don't you start talking about your man Lesnar, instead of talking shit about a wrestler you obviously know nothing about? Because, I can tell you right now, you aren't doing any favors for him with this talk about how he'll just pummel Liger into the mat.

What more is there to say about Brock Lesnar? He's strong as an ox, quick as a cat, clever as a fox, and tough as steel and as dangerous as Al Capone with an AK-47.

What the hell are you talking about here? The only thing that's going to remain constant with Liger is his ability to keep his cool in matches; he'll always switch things up, and tailor his strategies to the weaknesses of his opponents. I fail to see how this cancels out his ability to be more motivated to win.

I took what you were saying in the wrong way. I apologize. I understand that Liger may have this huge desire to win, but heart only gets you so far. Matt Hardy had a never say die attitude but he never got past the mid-card with that.

All this match does is prove that low kicks are quite effective in neutralizing Brock Lesnar. This was actually quite a good strategy on Van Dam's part.

Again, these low kicks are from a martial artist. Liger is no such thing. I have no doubt in my mind that he is capable of kicking Lesnar in the leg, but it won't have the same effect.

What lost Van Dam the match? Well, at 3:04, he tries to jump on top of Lesnar's shoulders in one of the corners. Why the hell would you ever do that? Liger would be smart enough not to do something like that. He'd keep to the ground and only go to the ropes when Lesnar was down. You could make the argument that Lesnar would get up and take Liger off of the top rope, but I think Liger would be too fast in the execution of any rope work for Lesnar to be able to get up and be alert by the time Liger flies down upon him.

You talk as though Liger never makes a mistake in the ring, as though he is so much smarter than all his opponents, and that he is perfect in the execution of everything he does. Everyone makes mistakes in the ring, some more than others. The slightest mistake could be detrimental to Liger.

Things actually pick up for Van Dam again at the end, but, he worries too much about Paul Heyman on the outside and he decides to jump off the ropes onto a standing Lesnar, which is another big no-no. As I already stated, Liger wouldn't be dumb (or prideful) enough to get into a position where Lesnar could either catch-slam or catch-suplex him.

Paul Heyman was in Brock Lesnar's corner for much of his career. Heyman is also the head of E.C.W. He can do whatever he wants to help out Brock Lesnar here. If, and I mean if, Brock Lesnar were in trouble, Heyman can pull the leg of the referee, hit Liger with a chair, begin refereeing himself, or do whatever really.

I don't want to use that argument, though. I believe that Lesnar can defeat Liger without any interference or help.

If anything, it seems that Van Dam lost this match for himself. Had he stuck to striking, he probably would have beaten Lesnar.

When has Rob Van Dam ever won a match by striking? He goes up top to finish off opponents. Whenever he tried that, Lesnar punished him for it.

I have a reason that Liger can win, and it has nothing to do with shitting on the business, John Cena, or anything like that.

Two things I see going against Lesnar in this match, inexperience and overconfidence.

Inexperience didn't stop him from defeating Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, John Cena, The Rock, Kurt Angle, The Big Show, and Jeff Hardy. Brock Lesnar is not inexperienced. Just becuase Liger has had a 20 year career does not mean he has this huge experience advantage over Lesnar. Brock Lesnar has faced and defeated the best wrestlers the W.W.E. has had to offer this decade.

Overconfidence may affect him some in this match, but if it does, I am confident that Lesnar can recover, if it were to hurt him in the match at all.

Like he has probably done for this whole tournament, Lesnar will go into this match assuming victory before it starts. Liger isn't an imposing figure to look at and Lesnar will think that he can destroy him just like he did Jeff Hardy, Elix Skipper and others. There is a problem though, Liger is a hell of a lot better than those guys.

Jeff Hardy is a former WWE heavyweight champion. Liger has never been a heavyweight champion in any promotion. He's been a large-ish fish in the cruiserweight pond. Then again, maybe he isn't that big a fish. He's lost to the likes of Brian Pillman and Juventud Guerrera.

The fact that Lesnar only wrestled for 2 years compared to Liger who wrestled 10 times as long is also a factor. Liger has seen almost every situation possible in his matches and has faced a wider variety of more diverse opponents than Lesnar.

But Lesnar has defeated better opponents than Jushin Liger and better than Jushin Liger has beaten. Brock Lesnar has been in Hell in a Cell, Ironman, Stretcher, Handicap, No DQ, Battle Royal, Triple Threat, and Biker Chain matches. He's defeated opponents of all shapes, sizes, styles, and colors. Brock Lesnar has seem plenty.

What is this all leading to in the end? Something that Liger could use to keep Lesnar down for 3 seconds, a roll up. Brock is sure to get cocky after throwing Liger around the ring for a little bit, and one false move could lead to a quick school boy and a win for Liger.

Show me one example of Brock Lesnar losing by roll-up.

Even if Liger is tired, the roll up will win it.

See: Above.

Jeff Hardy is comparable in size to Liger, but not speed. Liger is way faster than Jeff Hardy. I think a lot of people overestimate Hardy's speed, just because he jumps off of stuff doesn't make him fast. For a crusierweight, Jeff is actually kind of slow. Liger is way faster.

Even so, it shows that Lesnar can dominate someone the size of Liger. It's been said that he's had trouble with Light-Heavyweights. I beg to differ. The only match he lost to a Light-Heavyweight was due to a spear by Goldberg.

Wait...Liger is tired because he beat Batista and Shawn Michaels, but Lesnar isn't tired when beating a "top class competitor" and a former World Champion?

Magnum TA was a good wrestler. He had the talent and the look to be a world champion. Unfortunately, he was injured in a car accident that ended his career before he could get into the main event. Jeff Hardy is a good wrestler, but he wouldn't give Lesnar too much of a challenge. I'm just saying that Lesnar won't be unprepared.

Mark Henry was a lot stronger than the Undertaker, but that didn't stop Taker from winning at Wrestlemania.

Mark Henry is shit.

Lesnar has never been able to do this in any match, why would he suddenly be able to now?

What do you mean? He certainly stopped Rey Mysterio from executing his aerial moves. When Mysterio jumped off of something, Lesnar caught him and threw him.

You should vote for Liger. Most people here vote for Lesnar because Liger is from Japan, and because they are brainwashed into thinking that because Lesnar does well in UFC, he could beat one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the business.

:lmao: Most people vote for Liger because he is from Japan. Most people that vote against people like The Rock and Brock Lesnar is because they left the business and you're spiteful.

Don't be like them. Vote for quality over inexperience.

Brock Lesnar was the better professional wrestler. Vote Lesnar.


1) Mark Henry isn't a jobber. He has main evented ppv's, he is a legit force as "The World's Strongest Man". I will give you that he is in no way even close to being as good as Lesnar, but your argument is once again flawed.

:lmao: He hasn't ever been in the main event of a Pay Per View. He's been in the third match for the E.C.W. championship, but if you consider that the main event, then I shouldn't even bother to reply to this.

2) You completely missed the point of the "overconfident" post. Of course he wouldn't be trying to wrestle an aerial match. There is a long history in pro wrestling of big men who don't come out hard against smaller men. Even Brock, in his match against Eddie, wasn't overly dominant compared to his matches with larger, stronger opponents.

He was well on his way to winning that match, though, until Goldberg stuck his large nose into Brock Lesnar's business.

3) No, you cannot take his amateur background into account. If amateur skills had any relevance to the success of a pro wrestler, Charlie Haas would be a main eventer rather than an afterthought.

See: Kurt Angle.

4) I would say the Lesnar arguments are horrible. There have been few attempts to convince people that Lesnar is that good, it has just been counter attacks on why Liger isn't that good.

For a while, it was anti-Lesnar, not pro-Liger. The arguments that Liger should win because Lesnar left the company and flipped off the fans were horrible.

5) Calling someone a sheep because you haven't done a good job convincing them of your opinion is poor form.

He was convinced by a terrible argument.


I dont know, did this video come up?

Anyway, this is RVD beating Brock Lesnar clean, during Brock Lesnars huge KOTR winning, Rock/Undertaker beating, Royal Rumble winning push, even Heyman knows he's beat, which is why he pulls the ref out of the ring. Then later on the only thing that stops Lesnar's face from becoming even more ugly is once again, Paul Heyman.

Basically, Lesnar is and always has been susceptable to talented smaller, quick guys, RVD had this match won despite making stupid mistakes throughout the entire thing. Jushin Liger doesnt make stupid mistakes and possesses the high-flying and striking skills of RVD, as well as a great technical game.

Still not sure which way to go, but I think it's an interesting case for Liger.

Did Lesnar lose that match? I don't know, as I can't see the video. I would spend more time on this post, but my laptop is dying and I want to address LigerBomb.

Why I will personally be voting Jushin Thunder Liger:

I didn't expect different.

  • Kayfabe-wise I honestly believe Liger has a complete and unique enough set of tools to beat Brock Lesnar. I'm not naive enough to think he would/could beat him every time, but enough times that I feel my vote is justified.
  • Along these lines I think the Hardcore environment definitely favors Liger as he has great experience in these matches and when working his Black Liger heel gimmick or his Kishin gimmick is more brutal, unforgiving, and takes it to the level he would need to to beat the green monster Brock Lesnar.
  • Non-Kayfabe I respect what Jushin Liger has done for the business a lot more than what Lesnar has(n't) done for it.
  • He's my favorite foreign/Japanese pro-wrestler and has been for more than fifteen years.
  • Fan wise I have been vastly more entertained as a pro-wrestling fan by the Liger matches I've seen than the Lesnar matches I've seen. The few times I did enjoy Lesnar matches it's because he was being carried by the guy in the opposite corner. And yes I'm one of the "smarky" New Yorkers who boo'd and taunted both Goldberg and Lesnar live at Wrestlemania 20, and it was some of the most fun I've ever had at a wrestling show.

  • See, we're already disagreeing. I don't think that Liger has the tools to beat Lesnar.
  • Brock Lesnar, too, has experience. He's competed in Stretcher matches and in Hell in a Cell. I listed more above. Then again, I don't see why experience in hardcore matches matter. It's not hard to pick up a chair and swing it. I say that Brock Lesnar has the advantage in the hardcore department. He can take chair shots and keep on rolling.
  • Non-kayfabe, I respect Lesnar for following his dream. He had the world handed to him in WWE, but he didn't love the business. I applaud him for taking a chance to do what he's always dreamed of doing. You can't hold that against him.
  • Brock Lesnar is my favorite wrestler and has been since 2003.
  • I never had the opportunity to see Lesnar live. I went to my first live show in 2005. But, whatever. That doesn't matter. His match with Goldberg is what I remember most from my first WrestleMania. I cried when he left... Hey! I was like, 11.

If this is to determine the best Pro Wrestler ever I'm giving my vote to the one who has done more for the business, is the better worker, personally entertained me more; who I've spent money/time on seeing live by driving to other states for, who I've bought numerous tapes and later DVDs of; and not the guy who bored me to tears, perpetually made me want to change the channel, and keep my wallet closed.

I can't say anything here. That's how you choose to vote and it's fine by me. I tend to vote kayfabe, although I've made a few exceptions for my favorite wrestlers thus far. In this case, my favorite wrestler would win in a match.

If I were to vote with my heart, I'd vote Brock. I like Lesnar better, I've spent money on his shirts and I even bought a UFC PPV to watch him. He's entertained me more. I'm opposite of you. Liger is the one that I'm not entertained me. I haven't gone out of my way to see the guy and I haven't spent money on him. He doesn't do anything for me.

Vote Lesnar.
Didn't cost him many in the WWE. Or NJPW.

Yes, but it still is a disadvantage for him in this match.

The only one I can think of is Frank Mir, and I'm not really sure if that counts.

No, that doesn't count.

1) Yeah, Taker's better - Blunt, rude, yet kinda true.

Overall Taker may be better, but Liger is much different. Taker went into the match tryin to overpower Lesanr, something that Liger won't do.

2) Yeah, Taker's lost to fewer jobbers - still blunt, still true.

Like take, Liger has also beaten some of the best wrestlers in the world.

3) Yeah, Liger doesn't have a gimmick on his side - less blunt, still true.

Actually, the gimmick may favor Liger as he has been very effective with weapons.

Lesnar is a six foot, three inch, 265 pound monster that's matched Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit hold for hold. I reckon that Liger, with a lot of difficulty, could hit a Liger bomb, but I don't see the opportunity arising. If it did, people have kicked out of it before.

If Liger hits the Liger Bomb, it wouldn't be until after he had worn Lesnar down a significant amount, making a 3 count much more likely.

And a roll up isn't going to worry him nearly as much as it would most big men

The roll up is most effective when the opponent isn't looking for it.

Who's to say that Lesnar wouldn't roll Liger up? He's got leverage, weight and power on his side, after all. Though I'm making it seem a lot more even than I honestly believe it would be.

Lesnar would never go for a roll up on Liger because of his ego. He would want to overpower Liger, not make himself look weak by rolling up a smaller man.
Yes, but he has also lost to some of these guys, as well as Eddie Guerrero. I truly believe that Liger is as good as or better all of these guys and would have a very good chance of beating Lesnar.

Lesanr was dominating that match up until Goldberg Speared Lesnar, I highly doubt Goldberg is sitting at ringside for this match too, if he were than maybe this argument would be relevant

No, but that's what he has been doing for the last 3 weeks of this tournament, and I believe that he will be rusty and off of his game. I also think that while he may have faced those big names, Liger has faced even more big names many times in his career. I think that his experience definetly gives him an edge.

Please show me where Lesnar has ever gone into a match witha smaller guy and lost because he was rusty from squashing jobbers:rolleyes:

Lesnar knows that he has all of the tools to go into the match and beat Liger. I think he will be overconfident and that will hurt him. Much like the Lesnar supporters, who've admitted they've "half-assed" the matches so far, I believe Brock has done so too. He will certainly think that he can do the same thing facing someone like Liger.

While you're looking for the match Lesnar lost due to being rusty from a recent jobber squashing, perhaps you can also find one were he loses due to being overconfident, and the match with Eddie doesn't count, cause as has been pointed god knows how many fucking times by now, he only lost that match due to Goldbergs interference

No, he won't.

Yes, he will

Because I think that Liger is an infinitely better and more experienced wrestler than any of the people who Lesnar has faced thus far in the tournament, and he would be smart enough to realize that a roll up would be his best chance of defeated a cocky Lesnar.

Gonna be hard to get that quick roll up when Lesnar is pounding the shit out of him though, also it's not like Lesnar doesn't have to power to kick out of any kind of roll up that Liger would get him in

Lesnar wins this, I still have yet to see one single argument that would legitimately suggest otherwise

I've already had two of Lesnar's biggest fans on this board come in and say that I have put forward plausible arguments. Am I going to sway them? Hell no. But, have I made them see that arguments for Liger winning this match can be made? Yes.

So, please, explain yourself. There's nothing on this site that you have posted that makes me think that I should take your word as bond.

What's a horse laugh?

Wikipedia said:
Appeal to ridicule, also called the Horse Laugh, is a logical fallacy which presents the opponent's argument in a way that appears ridiculous, often to the extent of creating a straw man of the actual argument. For example:

* If Einstein's theory of relativity is right, that would mean that when I drive my car it gets shorter and heavier the faster I go. That's crazy! (This is, in fact, true, but the effect is so minuscule a human observer will not notice.)

* If the theory of evolution were true, that would mean that your great great great grandfather was a gorilla! (False, since the theory states that humans and gorillas evolved from a common early ancestor and clearly states evolution took many more than 5 generations.)

This is a rhetorical tactic which mocks an opponent's argument, attempting to inspire an emotional reaction (making it a type of appeal to emotion) in the audience and to highlight the counter-intuitive aspects of that argument, making it appear foolish and contrary to common sense. This is typically done by demonstrating the argument's logic in an extremely absurd way or by presenting the argument in an overly simplified way, and often involves an appeal to consequences.

I'm seriously contemplating whether I should add "90% of Uncle Sam's Arguments on The WrestleZone Forums" as a third example.

So you just ignored the part where I said about how you can show where Lesnar had moderate difficulty against smaller men but Liger has often lost to bottom of the barrel wrestlers in the States? I would've repeated the information about Lesnar being stronger, faster and, indeed, capable of smothering Liger, but I thought that it was getting used and then ignored too often.

No, I didn't ignore it all. It's something that I've already answered in a previous thread. But, I guess that I'll have to answer it again here. Yes, Liger has lost to what you refer to as "bottom of the barrel wrestlers" in the States. But, show me someone that he didn't either beat in return or initially. Almost every time, Liger beats his opponents in their initial match-up. Why should I think things should be any different here? I've already outlined how Liger would go about in a match with Lesnar and I've already discussed his motivation.

Well, no. Not really. You wouldn't have, would you?

Point was, when has RVD ever defeated anyone using only strikes? He may well have a couple of times in some obscure ECW matches, but he certainly hadn't in his WWE career, and couldn't have defeated Lesnar that way. Hence why he climbed the top rope, because going there was the only way he ever earned a victory.

Have no clue what you're saying with your first three sentences. And, actually, RVD wouldn't have needed to go to the top rope to beat Lesnar. As I already stated before, he was doing fine by just using strikes. Why should a smart, patient, and strategic wrestler like Liger go to the ropes like RVD? Because the WWE dictates that it be so? We're not in WWE...we're in ECW, where RVD might have had some of those "obscure matches" that you refer to.

Nothing in this Tournament says that matches have to be short and to the point. I know for a fact that Liger would never be able to beat Lesnar in a short match, as he wouldn't be able to dispose of him so easily without taking dangerous risks. If anything, this would be a long, drawn-out match, with a very wary Liger taking extreme precautions.

And, as I said before, you have posted nothing on this site that makes me think your word is bond.

Did you? I remember waiting for a response for what was maybe a day, then not bothering to check back after that. I certainly don't remember that post.

What, so there are deadlines here at WZ? It's not like I posted my response after an unreasonable length of time. You asked to give my reasons, and I did. You not checking back is on you, not me. My post is there, and refutes any points that you may have had quite well, at least in my opinion.

Most the time I post I get a response from you like "Oh my God, look who's being sarcastic again." You the stretch it for several paragraphs. There was that one time where I wasn't even sarcastic. I double checked. You had been though.

You mean this post?

2 Live tdigle said:
Uh oh, the sarcastic breakdown post is back! What do you actually know about Muta? All I see here is that you've essentially done nothing but try to make someone look like a fool by manipulating their post. How exactly does this prove that Joe is better than Muta?

Any possible argument for Joe that has been made so far has been refuted with an even stronger argument in favor of Muta. So, please, come in here with an argument that has at least a little bit of substance so that we can dismiss it.

Yeah, guilty as charged on this one. I don't know I if I've used the "sarcasm" card more than once on you, but, if I have, that still wouldn't mean that that's what most of my responses to you consist of. Why don't you go ahead and take a look at the post I responded to? If that wasn't sarcastic, then there's clearly something wrong with my head.
You guys are acting like Liger has never wrestled people Brock's size before. I hate to burst your bubble but he has. He spent a good portion of the year 2000 wrestling just Heavyweights due to New Japan not putting the spotlight in the Jr heavyweights for a while. He has wrestled people Brock's size in the past and he has beat them. This match would be no different and due to his experience Liger would win.

Vote Liger
You guys are acting like Liger has never wrestled people Brock's size before. I hate to burst your bubble but he has. He spent a good portion of the year 2000 wrestling just Heavyweights due to New Japan not putting the spotlight in the Jr heavyweights for a while. He has wrestled people Brock's size in the past and he has beat them. This match would be no different and due to his experience Liger would win.

Vote Liger

Firstly, tell me who these people that Liger has faced and beaten are, then I will tell you why they aren't near Lesnar's quality. Jushin Liger is good, but Lesnar is a beast of a man. Brock Lesnar is a better mat wrestler, a stronger wrestler, a tougher wrestler, and, dare I say, a smarter wrestler. Brock graduated from one of America's prestigious universities. Did Jushin Liger go to college? Who knows. Actually, that's a silly argument. I'm not going to bank on that one. But the fact of the matter is, Brock Lesnar is better than Jushin Liger in every single physical category, save for speed, but he hardly gives up anything there. Brock Lesnar is the perfect wrestler.

Edit: I missed where you said that Liger's experience would win him the match. Hulk Hogan had plenty of experience when he faced a Brock Lesnar that was only a few months into his career but the result was the same as all of Brock Lesnar's other matches up to that point. It ended with Hulk Hogan knocked out on the canvas and Lesnar standing tall. This would be no different.
Firstly, tell me who these people that Liger has faced and beaten are, then I will tell you why they aren't near Lesnar's quality.
You seem to think that Lesnar was actually good. That's where you keep making your mistake.

Edit: I missed where you said that Liger's experience would win him the match. Hulk Hogan had plenty of experience when he faced a Brock Lesnar that was only a few months into his career but the result was the same
You mean when Hulk Hogan was 51 years old?

Yeah, great point. :rolleyes:

We're talking about Liger in his prime here. There's no way you can compare a 51 year old in the twilight of his career to Jushin Liger in his prime, even if it is Hulk Hogan.
You mean when Hulk Hogan was 51 years old?

Yeah, great point. :rolleyes:

We're talking about Liger in his prime here. There's no way you can compare a 51 year old in the twilight of his career to Jushin Liger in his prime, even if it is Hulk Hogan.

Well then, what about The Rock? The Rock was 30 years old in August, 2002 when Brock Lesnar left him bloodied and beaten. The Rock had been in countless matches and had faced everyone the company had to offer. A green Brock Lesnar destroyed him.

Besides, it was a better Hogan than the one that defeated Shawn Michaels a few years later and it was a Hulk Hogan who had just defeated Triple H, clean, for the Undisputed Championship.
Well then, what about The Rock? The Rock was 30 years old in August, 2002 when Brock Lesnar left him bloodied and beaten. The Rock had been in countless matches and had faced everyone the company had to offer. A green Brock Lesnar destroyed him.
So what? Rock was getting ready to leave, so of course the WWE had Rock lay down for him.

But, that's not happening here. Liger's not going to lay down for Lesnar like Rock did, he's going to go in there, beat him with his speed, skill and experience. Oh, and the fact he's just infinitely better in the ring.
Liger shouldn't even have gotten this far, and his road definately stops here. This should be the easiest match to vote on in this round.

Becca, you know I love you, but stop hating on Liger because he beat HBK. I love HBK too. This is nowhere easy to vote on, and I'll have to disagree. Liger in his prime was certainly impressive enough to defeat Lesnar. People here seem to think that if someone can't dominate someone else, they can't win either. Sure, Liger wouldn't dominate. Far from it. But Jushin Liger would sure be good enough to beat Lesnar. You can count on it.

Vote Liger.
Edit: I missed where you said that Liger's experience would win him the match. Hulk Hogan had plenty of experience when he faced a Brock Lesnar that was only a few months into his career but the result was the same as all of Brock Lesnar's other matches up to that point. It ended with Hulk Hogan knocked out on the canvas and Lesnar standing tall. This would be no different.
I could have beaten Hogan in that match. Liger in his prime could beat Brock. Brock was only pushed because he had the look Vince loses his Shit over. He really wasn't that good. All Liger would have to do is watch some previous Lesnar matches and know what Brock would do and then he would come up with ways to block it and win.
So what? Rock was getting ready to leave, so of course the WWE had Rock lay down for him.

But, that's not happening here. Liger's not going to lay down for Lesnar like Rock did, he's going to go in there, beat him with his speed, skill and experience. Oh, and the fact he's just infinitely better in the ring.

The Rock actually stayed around for another eight months. We don't know that it was even decided that Rocky would be pursuing a different career yet.

Brock Lesnar faced The Rock. Regardless of his contract situation, it was still The Rock and The Rock did not lay down for him. Brock Lesnar just beat him. Like I've said before, Lesnar hardly gives anything up in speed and his inexperience didn't do a thing in his matches with Hogan, Rocky, and The Undertaker. Liger is infinitely better in the ring? Sure, he can do a better Shooting Star Press, but if he really was better in the ring, Liger wouldn't lose to the likes of Brian Pillman and Juventud in his prime.
Becca, you know I love you, but stop hating on Liger because he beat HBK. I love HBK too. This is nowhere easy to vote on, and I'll have to disagree. Liger in his prime was certainly impressive enough to defeat Lesnar. People here seem to think that if someone can't dominate someone else, they can't win either. Sure, Liger wouldn't dominate. Far from it. But Jushin Liger would sure be good enough to beat Lesnar. You can count on it.

Vote Liger.

Yet you, like most other Liger supporters, simply say that Liger is good and Brock is overrated. That is a terrible argument. Brock Lesnar is physically superior to Jushin Liger in every way. He's beaten higher quality opponents and lost far less frequently. This shouldn't even be close.

I could have beaten Hogan in that match. Liger in his prime could beat Brock. Brock was only pushed because he had the look Vince loses his Shit over. He really wasn't that good. All Liger would have to do is watch some previous Lesnar matches and know what Brock would do and then he would come up with ways to block it and win.

Hulk Hogan could still kick your ass.

Why does it matter why Brock was pushed? All that matters is that he was. It doesn't matter if Lesnar was boring in the ring or whatever. No matter what he looks like in the ring, he won his matches and he won them convincingly.

You act as if Lesnar can't scout Liger? Lesnar has a lot more tape to watch of Liger than Liger does of Lesnar. And if Liger were able to figure out Lesnar's strategy, it wouldn't matter. You cannot block brute force.
The experience argument doesn't really work here, pretty much every single guy Lesnar has faced has had years more experience than him, Hogan had like 20 years experience, Brock beat him, Taker had 12 years experience, Brock beat him, Angle had 5 years experience, Brock beat him, I could go one with guys like Rock, Benoit, Big Show Flair, RVD, Mysterio, and others, all of them had well over a decade of experience and Brock beat every damn one of them
Yet you, like most other Liger supporters, simply say that Liger is good and Brock is overrated. That is a terrible argument.
Proving that Liger is a far superior wrestler is a terrible argument? I hope all Brock supporters aren't like least give the guy a chance.

Brock Lesnar is physically superior to Jushin Liger in every way.
And Sean Stasiak is superior to Shawn Michaels in every way. Would you want to place your money on Stasiak over Michaels?

Why does it matter why Brock was pushed?
Because your argument is terrible, and the only, and I mean ONLY, thing you can argue is that Brock was chosen by the WWE to win matches. When your only argument is that someone else decided he should win, then it certainly matters why he was pushed.

It doesn't matter if Lesnar was boring in the ring or whatever. No matter what he looks like in the ring, he won his matches and he won them convincingly.
Yes, it does matter.

Not everyone is as narrow minded as you are in this thing. This isn't a "kayfabe only" tournament, we are also including overall ability and skill, and Liger is so far superior to Lesnar it's not even funny.

You cannot block brute force.
And there's no substitute for experience.

I can throw around cliches as well.
You cannot block brute force.
Wrestlers who use Brute Force against smaller opponents make stupid mistakes and lose the match. Brock would get cocky because he was facing a smaller guy and think he can push him around and win the match whenever he wanted to. He would make a mistake the Liger would then capitalize on and win the match
Wrestlers who use Brute Force against smaller opponents make stupid mistakes and lose the match. Brock would get cocky because he was facing a smaller guy and think he can push him around and win the match whenever he wanted to. He would make a mistake the Liger would then capitalize on and win the match

You're basing your whole argument on chance. Brock Lesnar might get cocky and if he does then he might make a mistake that Liger could be able to capitalize on and it might hurt Lesnar in the match. Have you thought about what happens if Liger makes a mistake? You may say that Liger rarely makes mistakes. I'll turn that one around on you. You guys seem to think that Brock Lesnar is this stupid guy that makes mistakes all the time and takes his opponents lightly. Please, I beg of you, give me an example. It does not happen often.
Proving that Liger is a far superior wrestler is a terrible argument? I hope all Brock supporters aren't like least give the guy a chance.

I have said multiple times in this thread that Jushin Liger is a good wrestler.

And Sean Stasiak is superior to Shawn Michaels in every way. Would you want to place your money on Stasiak over Michaels?

Maybe in a brawl.

Because your argument is terrible, and the only, and I mean ONLY, thing you can argue is that Brock was chosen by the WWE to win matches. When your only argument is that someone else decided he should win, then it certainly matters why he was pushed.

Jushin Liger was chosen to win matches in NJPW. It's no different.

Yes, it does matter.

Not everyone is as narrow minded as you are in this thing. This isn't a "kayfabe only" tournament, we are also including overall ability and skill, and Liger is so far superior to Lesnar it's not even funny.

What is the point of the hometowns, gimmicks, and such, then?

And there's no substitute for experience.

I can throw around cliches as well.

Brock Lesnar has experience beating some of the biggest names in the industry, far bigger names than those Liger has beaten. You're acting as though Brock Lesnar has never set foot in a ring.
You're basing your whole argument on chance. Brock Lesnar might get cocky and if he does then he might make a mistake that Liger could be able to capitalize on and it might hurt Lesnar in the match. Have you thought about what happens if Liger makes a mistake? You may say that Liger rarely makes mistakes. I'll turn that one around on you. You guys seem to think that Brock Lesnar is this stupid guy that makes mistakes all the time and takes his opponents lightly. Please, I beg of you, give me an example. It does not happen often.
No Brock will get cocky, he does it every time. have you ever seen a Lesnar match? he gets in the ring with a smaller guy than him, he gets cocky because they aren't as big as him and he makes a mistake that costs him.


I know this match was already posted but it proves my point. Brock gets cocky and it costs him. The only reason Mysterio didn't win is because they wanted to further the Lesnar Big Show feud they had going.

In closing Mysterio would have won, Liger WILL win
Brock Lesnar has experience beating some of the biggest names in the industry, far bigger names than those Liger has beaten. You're acting as though Brock Lesnar has never set foot in a ring.
Most every Brock Supporter is acting like American wrestling is the end all be all in the industry. Brok has beaten some of the best in the USA. Liger has beaten some of the best in Japan. They're pretty even in this regard.

I'm still voting Liger though
I have said multiple times in this thread that Jushin Liger is a good wrestler.
Well, I'm glad, because I've said many times in this thread that Lesnar is a mediocre.

We're both right.

Maybe in a brawl.

Jushin Liger was chosen to win matches in NJPW. It's no different.
I'm not the one basing his ENTIRE argument over who chose a wrestler to win the matches. That's you.

You're acting as though Brock Lesnar has never set foot in a ring.
And Brock wrestles like he hasn't. It works out perfectly.
Most every Brock Supporter is acting like American wrestling is the end all be all in the industry. Brok has beaten some of the best in the USA. Liger has beaten some of the best in Japan. They're pretty even in this regard.

I'm still voting Liger though

I'm eating dinner and I'll respond to the first part of your post afterwards.

To me, America is the be all, end all of professional wrestling. Japanese wrestling is almost entirely different. It's more of a sport to them, where as it's entertainment here. I don't care for Japanese wrestling.

I do realize that Liger has beaten some of the best Japan had to offer, but in his prime, he was restricted to fighting light weights. In Japan, they try to be more realistic. Small guys get squashed by big guys. Small guys aren't even allowed to fight big guys because they cannot compete with them. So, Liger became a big fish in the pond of cruisers, but never cut it in the heavyweight pond. Lesnar immediately became the biggest fish in the pond that Liger never was able to make it in once he went to Japan.
Brock Lesnar can take chair shots, superkicks, and 175 pound men falling onto him from ten feet in the air and not blink an eye. I've seen Liger's palm thrust and I was impressed. The guy that Liger hit sold the heck out of it. Lesnar has a tendency to no-sell things. That isn't unprofessional; it's just the way he is. Brock Lesnar is tough. He doesn't stay down for things like palm thrusts.
Ok first the strike is impressive... not because it's real, or because Liger a strong well versed martial artist executed it well but because the other guy Kayfabe sold it well... Then Lesnar is tough not because he kayfabe no sells but because he just really is tough... It's stuff like this that makes this tourney... difficult. In the very same paragraph if not sentence people are debating the damage strikes did/do/could do, and the punishment wrestlers can/could/did take back and forth in and out of kayfabe simultaneously... Which is it? Brock was booked to no-sell to build his monster character reputation. Either the palm thrust hurts cause it's a powerful strike connecting to a human skull or its a devastating move that gets sold well... either way your argument is it wont hurt Brock because either A. In Kayfabe Land his head is some kind of non-bone alloy thats impervious to applied force hence the no sell... or B cause he just no sells for real cause he's just that tough... with BS ike that he's damn near Superman in and out of the ring real or fake.... Problem is as Sly said eventuall monsters get less monstrous.... Kane, Show, Andre, Umaga, Khali, etc etc etc. You build up a monster to make money on the rise and then get a babyface over and make more money on the monster's fall. Liger is David Lesnar is Goliath especially in ECW where the booking was 180 degrees from normal... I wouldn't fly a guy in from Japan just to have him get squashed by the apparently superhuman, no selling green monster will do.
As for kicks, RVD is a black-belt martial artist. His kicks are much more devastating than Liger's. I'm not going to discount Liger in any way, but he can't kick like a Rob Van Dam.
And you know this because you have taken kicks from both men? As a martial artist who has fought black belts as a yellow belt I can say that while I lacked technique and finesse I was powerful enough to kick my opponents out of the ring -or circle as it were- countless times. That said this is to even assume that Liger is a know nothing white belt... The man studied in various dojos all throughout Japan... c'mon now, he knows how to execute a friggin' kick effectively.
If you can make assumptions that Liger won't do this and Liger won't do that, then I can tell you that Lesnar won't be so kind as Samoa Joe. When Liger is yelling at Lesnar, Lesnar will punch him in the mouth. Of course, who's to say it gets to that point? I say that Lesnar doesn't bother with a shoulder block in the first place. I say that Lesnar catches Liger and suplexes him half-way across the ring.
Ok lets play... I say Liger comes out as Kishin style, mists Lesnar in the face, kicks him in the nuts -he does have human nuts right? Or do his testicles no sell as well?- get Lesnar on his knees, does a running Shotei thrust, Liger bombs him and gets the 123...
But, for the sake of argument, say Liger trips Lesnar and gets him down. Lesnar is a former NCAA champion in wrestling, so he is very, very capable of wrestling on the mat. Before you say that we can't use his college background as an argument, I remember the announcers, on more than one occasion, bringing up his amateur career at the University of Minnesota. Liger cannot compete with Lesnar on the ground. He mat be well versed in mat wrestling, but Lesnar is stronger, larger, and more experienced on the ground.
Power is mainly a product of leverage, when you're both on the ground and/or when your opponent is above you you can be a power output disadvantage. Also lets not forget that Liger also wrestled free style for a number of years and was quite accomplished, in addition he has a long history in martial arts that Lesnar has no experience defending against, it would not be impossible for Liger to get Lesnar down with that drop toe hold and then applie a kimura, heel hook, key lock, choke, etc etc You yourself say " I won't pretend that Lesnar isn't susceptible to getting his leg, or arm, or shoulder worked over. Every wrestler is, including Brock Lesnar and Jushin Liger."
What more is there to say about Brock Lesnar? He's strong as an ox, quick as a cat, clever as a fox, and tough as steel and as dangerous as Al Capone with an AK-47.
...Ok and Liger is the Thunderous God of all Beasts... yay hyperbole
I took what you were saying in the wrong way. I apologize. I understand that Liger may have this huge desire to win, but heart only gets you so far. Matt Hardy had a never say die attitude but he never got past the mid-card with that.
Yea he also isn't nearly the worker Liger is, is held back mostly due to his minimal mic skills and more over brother etc etc... Apples and oranges.
Again, these low kicks are from a martial artist. Liger is no such thing. I have no doubt in my mind that he is capable of kicking Lesnar in the leg, but it won't have the same effect.
Why is he not a martial artist? What else do you call a man that has trained in various styles of martial arts in revered dojos all across Japan other than a martial artist?
You talk as though Liger never makes a mistake in the ring, as though he is so much smarter than all his opponents, and that he is perfect in the execution of everything he does. Everyone makes mistakes in the ring, some more than others. The slightest mistake could be detrimental to Liger.
And can be equally detrimental to Lesnar unless where adding perfection to his list of Kayfabe superpowers...
Paul Heyman was in Brock Lesnar's corner for much of his career. Heyman is also the head of E.C.W. He can do whatever he wants to help out Brock Lesnar here. If, and I mean if, Brock Lesnar were in trouble, Heyman can pull the leg of the referee, hit Liger with a chair, begin refereeing himself, or do whatever really.
Likewise Heyman was the guy who screwed over Brock a bunch too. So he may just want to do it again and give Liger the ol' 123 for pure spite.
Inexperience didn't stop him from defeating Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, John Cena, The Rock, Kurt Angle, The Big Show, and Jeff Hardy.
No we can thank WWE booking for those wins.
Brock Lesnar is not inexperienced. Just becuase Liger has had a 20 year career does not mean he has this huge experience advantage over Lesnar.
In what universe does 20 years of doing something successfully not lend itself to experience over doing something marginally well for 2? Oh I forgot, the WWE Universe. Whoops, good thing this match is in ECW. Your statement makes no sense.
Overconfidence may affect him some in this match, but if it does, I am confident that Lesnar can recover, if it were to hurt him in the match at all.
glad your confidence in his harmful overconfidence and recovery is strong. I'm confident Liger could use Lesnar's overconfidence to his advantage and get a win.
Even so, it shows that Lesnar can dominate someone the size of Liger. It's been said that he's had trouble with Light-Heavyweights. I beg to differ. The only match he lost to a Light-Heavyweight was due to a spear by Goldberg.
Actually that would be true if he lost immediately after the Goldberg spear... in actuality its more accurate to say that he didn't win because of a Goldberg spear -even though the ref was still knocked out long after Lesnar recovered from the spear-, and lost because Eddie reversed an F5 attempt into a Swinging DDT and then landed a Frog Splash to get the 123.
Brock Lesnar was the better professional wrestler. Vote Lesnar.
In no way shape or form is that true, whether we're talking drawing power, championships, number of fans, longevity, in ring ability, booking a division, etc etc etc
He was well on his way to winning that match, though, until Goldberg stuck his large nose into Brock Lesnar's business.
Actually as I said the ref took a large bump and was out for a long while before and after the Goldberg spear. And also as I said Goldberg's spear didn't beat Lesnar... Guerrero's DDT reversal and frog splash beat Lesnar
For a while, it was anti-Lesnar, not pro-Liger. The arguments that Liger should win because Lesnar left the company and flipped off the fans were horrible.
Actually not horrible just not what you like to see. This contest is based on whatever the voters want to base it on. Perhaps some don't want an ingrate and 2 year flash in the pan to not get voted as the best Pro Wrestler of all time -least till next years tourney-, and will make their choices based on something other than "never lose" booking (like match quality and career longevity for example)
Did Lesnar lose that match? I don't know, as I can't see the video. I would spend more time on this post, but my laptop is dying and I want to address LigerBomb.
Hooray now we get to speak -somewhat-directly.
I didn't expect different.
why ever respond to that part of my message? It was a such a non issue yet you address it like it was some bold proclamation of stupid loyalty in the face of certain defeat... I was just saying... I'm voting for Liger, and here's why.
  • See, we're already disagreeing. I don't think that Liger has the tools to beat Lesnar.
  • Liger has the best of both worlds he has all the strengths of a cruiser weight, yet he is also strong and powerful, has exceptional mat wrestling ability that cruiser weights normally don't, the strikes of a (powerful) martial artist, and non of the slowness and weaknesses of the big slow guys. He's basically the most complete guy you can find
    [*] Brock Lesnar, too, has experience. He's competed in Stretcher matches and in Hell in a Cell. I listed more above. Then again, I don't see why experience in hardcore matches matter. It's not hard to pick up a chair and swing it. I say that Brock Lesnar has the advantage in the hardcore department. He can take chair shots and keep on rolling.
    Yea but does he have experience with barbed wire, knives, forks, and all the other standard things that a Japanese hardcore match has? Wait I guess it doesn't matter cause he can rely on his good ol' power of no selling...
    [*] Non-kayfabe, I respect Lesnar for following his dream. He had the world handed to him in WWE, but he didn't love the business. I applaud him for taking a chance to do what he's always dreamed of doing. You can't hold that against him.
    Actually I could, in fact maybe I'm doing it right now, actually I could give a fuck about his dreams to fail at football, but like Stone Cold I can see he's a flash in the pan and not want him to go over someone who is more worthwhile to the business...
    [*] Brock Lesnar is my favorite wrestler and has been since 2003.
    Bully for you.
    [*] I never had the opportunity to see Lesnar live. I went to my first live show in 2005. But, whatever. That doesn't matter. His match with Goldberg is what I remember most from my first WrestleMania. I cried when he left... Hey! I was like, 11.
    I remember Eddie and Chris celebrating in the ring as champions but to each his own. And yea I would guess only an 11 yr. old could watch Lesnar's stuff and care about it like it mattered. Sorry that was a low blow but too easy to not do. Apologies once again.
I can't say anything here. That's how you choose to vote and it's fine by me. I tend to vote kayfabe, although I've made a few exceptions for my favorite wrestlers thus far. In this case, my favorite wrestler would win in a match.
Actually he just may lose.
If I were to vote with my heart, I'd vote Brock. I like Lesnar better, I've spent money on his shirts and I even bought a UFC PPV to watch him. He's entertained me more. I'm opposite of you. Liger is the one that I'm not entertained me. I haven't gone out of my way to see the guy and I haven't spent money on him. He doesn't do anything for me.
That's a shame he's one of the legends of the sport.

Vote Lesnar.

Or vote Liger...
Excellent post by LigerBomb, but there's no reason that Lesnar will fall to Liger. Brock Lesnar is a decorated athlete. Sure he didn't wrestle in the WWE too long and he was hyped through the moon, and some say he's a douche for the way he left wrestling. But it's like this. Lesnar is a man who can adapt to any situation. Last time I checked, he is the current UFC Heavyweight Champion. UFC is real fighting. Liger is dangerous. He's a skilled martial artist and can take you down with stiff strikes, but he's more prone to manhandle cruiserweights. Lesnar is nearly 290 lbs. Lesnar is agile, trained at numerous forms of combat, and is capable of beating up someone.

This match is ECW rules, which means weapons can be brought in to play. Another thing that will simply offset itself because both Lesnar and Liger are sadistic enough to use weapons on each other. Liger is a legend, and has experience in wrestling, but Lesnar is a pure athlete who can hang with anyone in any ring. Brock also wrestled in Japan, too. It's not like he can't adapt to Liger's wrestling style. Liger would go over HBK because the size difference isn't too fast. But there's no way Liger can man handle Lesnar and get him in a Liger Bomb.

Brock Lesnar will win this match because Lesnar is bigger, stronger, and can take shots, too. Liger had a great run, but it ends with Lesnar.
This match is normal rules that means that there is a DQ ability there is a ring count. It is a standard match not an ECW match. No weapons allowed, managers interfere they get ejected. I have been swayed by the striking argument for this match, I was leaning Lesnar in this match until the striking argument came up. Liger is quick enough to run that kind of offence/defense against Lesnar. Liger has also been portrayed as being smarter than what RVD was portrayed as at that time of the match at King of the Ring. The rey Mysterio match again gives a solid ground for Liger to have a chance in this match. Liger is far and away better than Rey and RVD. So With the striking style offense occurring throughout the match I can see a win etched out by Liger through a roll up of Lesnar.

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