ECW San Antonio, Round 2 Match 2: #15 Batista vs. #18 Jushin Liger

Batista vs. Liger

  • The Animal

  • Thunder

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Liger wins this because he is multidimensional. He has speed, stength, technical ablilty, and smarts. He can use all of these weapons, plus real weapons, to his advantage against Batista.

Batista is just a bunch of muscles rolled up into one body, and he won't be able to simply rely on strength to win this one.
People need to come at this more openly. Batista might be completely shit, but that doesnt mean he would necessarily lose a match, so I had to think long and hard about this one.

I looked at Batista's losses at PPV and the most common victors were Edge and Michaels, two smaller more technical guys, like Liger. It's as simple as that for me. Based on raw attributes, Batista beats most, but he wouldn't be able to power his way through a man easily as capable of outsmarting him as Edge. Liger wins.
Think about this match in another way. Sly voted for Liger to win. And if Sly isn't the poster boy for saying that Drawing ability makes the wrestler good, then I don't know who is. Liger is more impressive in terms of how his career has gone and the matches that he has put on with so many people over the years. Far and away a better wrestler. Combine in the fact that he has wrestled within the confines of similar fans to ECW, which Batista failed in.
I think this match would be alot closer than most people are giving Batista credit for. He is a big strong guy who, in an ECW ring, would not have to adhere to any rules. He could do some damage. However, Liger is more experienced and so much quicker than Batista. He would tire the big guy out in a very long and brutal match up. In the end, no rules and access to weapons would be in Liger's favor.

Liger wins in a very tough match.
LIger wins this.

While I don't think Batista sucks he would still lose. ECW or not Liger would be to fast for Batista to hit with any kind of weapon in order to slow him down. He wouldn't be able to catch him to do any damage with his pwer moves. Basically Liger would wear 'The Animal' down until he could pick up the win.

Edit: Wasn't paying attention and accidenty voted for Batista. Looks like Liger is going to win anyway so unless Shocky feels like changing it all I can say is oops.
Batista's a pussy when it comes to the ECW environment due to him crying like a little bitch when he competed in his only match in the ECW environment. Liger would be someone that the fans would enjoy more. Sure Batista may be more known here in the USA, but he is shit & Liger can get extreme & I think Liger will use the extrmeme environment to his advantage in this one.

Vote: Liger
While I'm fighting a hopeless battle now, I'll say this anyway.

Tell me the last time you saw Batista get pinned or made to submit by a guy of Liger's size.

Tell me the last time you've seen Batista lose a gimmick match. I think it was at WrestleMania 23 against The Undertaker.

Batista should win this one.

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