You're 100% spot on. Michaels was a favorite, and even would have been in TNA! He got a shitty draw, and I feel bad for him, because I am a fan.
If there is one thing I've learned, it's to never discount the abilities of Shawn Michaels. The guy can go, and finds ways to hang around longer than most give him credit for.
You talk about how this is the region that defines guys like Austin and Vader, but you're forgetting one very important issue that is Shawn Michaels, to a Tee.. and that's him being put in the underdog role. Almost every time that happens, he finds a way to overcome the odds.
He did it throughout his career. Shit, he came back from a back injury to defeat Triple H. in one of the greatest Unsanctioned brawls of all-time. DO NOT discount Shawn Michaels, or you'll be watching him walk all over your guy.
Vader won the TNA region last year en route to the Final Four, and dispatched Flair, Austin, and RVD in the process. Now he's actually in a region that plays to his strengths. It's not gonna be pretty for ANYONE in this bracket to get past the Mastadon, and I am glad you recognize that.
I understand exactly what you're saying, and I agree whole-heartedly. This is without question Vader's best region, because he's a brawler. He's a hard hitting, massive monster that will over power you to death.
But the one thing I'm counting on, is an Edge/Vader match-up, which to me will always favor Edge more. Why? Simple..
Edge doesn't go toe to toe with you. He understands he isn't going to overpower many people, so he out-thinks them. And Vader, no offense, is a moron. Vader is a fighter, not a thinker. That is his weakness.. and Edge's greatest strength counteracts that weakness.
Edge finds ways to go around the positives, and hit the negatives. Vader will come at you with full force and power, and as a result, sooner or later will tire and wear down. The only question is.. can Edge withstand the power attacks that Vader would lay down, if he got his hands on him.
In a hardcore setting, my guess is Vader won't be touching Edge long enough to do much, before Edge can grab something nearby and knock him off.
should win that battle 9 times outta 10, because he'll out-think and wait-out the monster.
Furthermore, you go into detail about how Edge barely went over a retired Foley, yet Vader defeated him in his prime. Well, Edge went over Vader once upon a time too.. so either your boy got weak, or Edge was just better.
There are only two men I am concerned about being placed in this region who could take Vader down, and I won't mention them until they are announced.
I think fortune favors Vader. You backing him doesn't hurt either.

But I'm hoping people look far beyond who backs who, and uses their own brains.
Stone Cold has got the luck favouring him. There is no one except Vader who can give him a fight under ECW rules. The rare few wrestlers who could match up to him in ECW arena have drawn to other regions.
I think you're being naive if you don't consider either Shawn Michaels, or Edge to be tough match-ups for Steve Austin.
Because Shawn Michaels is an overall great high-flyer and mat wrestler, you often want to overlook his ability to stay in a brawl. But yet he can, and he will.
Edge, as I stated above, isn't stupid enough to go toe to toe with someone who can out brawl him. But he will find ways to use him mind, and right now.. Edge is the best guy named thus far, who can out-think anyone else in this region.
Austin doesn't think, like Vader, he just goes all out in hope that he can end it early. That will be his downfall.
VADER simply does not loose in extreme environment until the ECW finals to the man who trusts no body and fears no one .
I'm pretty sure Vader has lost extreme battles before. Just because he's built like a tank, doesn't mean he is unstoppable. The best way to come to a fight, isn't with mass, it's with ability and logic.
EDGE will use the rules to his advantage and will beat anyone who comes in his way in the initial round quite easily unless it is someone who has a massive experience advantage of wrestling in the ECW arena and is hugely over with ECW fans (eg TAZZ or RVD). EDGEs story will end when he comes up against AUSTIN or VADER
The fans shouldn't play into effect until the final stages of this region's tournament rounds.
And the only thing I fear about Edge losing to Austin or Vader, is by receiving votes against him by people too naive and unwilling to believe Edge can out-think his opponent's and do what he does best. Find the Ultimate Opportunity to win.
HBK will find going difficult here than if he was drawn in any other region. He can potentially go past edge or vader depending on gimmick but no way in hell he beats Austin ( unless he draws three stages of hell with ladder, iron man and submission match being three stipulations)
It's like I said before, everyone is instantly wanting to discount Shawn Michaels. You should NEVER do that, as he can go in this setting. Just because he didn't make a living out of it, doesn't mean he can't.