a. Is not liked by ECW fans. ( for proof , coninue watching ONE NIGHT STAND 2005 and listen to HEYMANS shoot promo)
A year later, the E.C.W. crowd loved him for two reasons.
1. He went the limit in a great hardcore Tag team match with Foley, against Funk & Dreamer.
2. He helped R.V.D., defeat John Cena.
So this little tidbit of info is useless. The fans will cheer and boo anyone, any given day, depending the circumstances. Either way, Edge won't be effected by the crowd.
b. Isnt as big a draw as AUSTIN was.
How does
that have any remote setting on why Austin would defeat Edge? It doesn't.
"I draw more, lay down". Sorry, that's not how this tourney works.
c. doesnt ALWAYS win in gimmick matches which arent TLC. ( has lost to cena in TLC , Taker in HELL in a CELL, GOT a bad bump and was carried out on a strecher at MITB 2 ). not to mention edge has lost in ladder and cage matches to hardys and tables match to dudleys when part of tag team with christian.
Steve Austin, LOST, to Savio fricken Vega in a Carribean Strap match. Savio Vega.
Stone Cold Steve Austin, LOST, to Triple H. because of mind games on seperate occasions.
summary- edge wins some loses some. losses come when opponents are strong contenders. AUSTIN is a perhaps as strong a challenger as can be given the circumstances , hence AUSTIN wins
Replied Summary - Austin can be viewed as the exact same. It isn't hard to realize this is going to be a stalemate. You're simply not going to accept through your way of thinking that Austin could ever lose to Edge.
While I know in my mind, Edge can defeat Austin if they were in the same era together, with this Edge against THAT Austin.
Jericho defeated Austin, and that was when he was using a similar gimmick that Edge has now. So yes, Edge can very well and very likely defeat Austin.
before you start again on your EDGE WILL OUT THINK AND OUTSMART EVERYONE jargon again, read my previous posts where i have blown this myth away.
You can't blow something away that you don't know through mere opinion. You can only match them up, and by matching each other up.. Edge has out-smarted more individuals, to lead him to more overall success, than Austin has.
Conclusion.. Edge is better at doing it.
Thats because her plays a cowardly heel sometimes. ECW is no place for cowards
Steve Corino made a living out of that gimmick, and became an E.C.W. Heavyweight Champion! Mickey Whipwreck did the same exact thing as a face. I'm more than sure, it has it's fair share of "place" within the land of extreme.
Well, it is no holds barred, anything goes. So I guess that's just one more reason why Austin would lose. Thanks.
Thats debatable. he couldnt withstand the punishment dished by the undertaker inside hell in a cell and was injured and gone for about two months.
He withstood everything inside the Cell from Taker. He wasn't injured, he was IN HELL! Didn't you see him chokeslammed to hell, after the match?

And on that note, he fought his way OUT of hell, and directly right back into an opportunistic Championship match where he once again became Heavyweight Champion.
What's Austin ever done that can top that? Duck out of facing Brock Lesnar? Or maybe, Slap Debra around. Yeah.. that's extreme.
hardy finishes him with a quick move. he takes far less punishment than he can withstand but even then loses.
Savio Vega > Steve Austin, just sayin'
And Edge did later in that same night withstand the likes of Kane, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Mike Knox and John Cena to become a Champion, did he not?
STONE COLD stunner isnt a sloppy finisher at all.
It's very unprotected. Several ways to counter it, and he turns his back to his opponent to attempt delivering it. Horrible, horrible finisher.