ECW Semi-Final: Barbed Wire Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Edge

Lesnar vs. Edge

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Edge

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He beat Triple H for the IC title, Triple fucking H!!!!, he beat Big Show, he took RVD to the limit in two PPV hardcore matches, Jeff Hardy was doing just find in singles compititon at the time if you ask me

Triple H wasn't a big deal yet when he lost to Hardy. He still hadn't been a world champion yet and it was before the McMahon-Helmsley Era. Big Show, as was mentioned earlier wasn't being book strongly at all. Around the time he lost to Lesnar, he had just been beaten by Rey Mysterio. As for RVD, he was an upper-midcarder pretty much his entire career in WWE except for the short period when he was WWE Champ.

I'm coming to the conclusion that this may be the most overrated ladder match on this fucking forum, it really wasn't that great, so many missed spots, so many botches:disappointed:

It doesn't matter whether or not you think it was overrated, the important point in me bringing up that match is that it jump started Hardy's singles career by showing that he could take a main eventer to the limit, even if it was a gimmick match.

Funny thing is Helms and Benjamin are prolly more talented in the ring than Jeff, the only reason Jeff is in the ME is because of all the girls in the crowd screaming their little heads off when he climbs to the top of a ladder, rips his shirt off and jumps off

Once again, it doesn't matter what you think of Hardy, which clearly isn't much, because in kayfabe world, he is better than either of those men could dream of being. He is now a 2-time world champion (Save the stuff about the second reign being 10 minutes, it still counts. Remember Orton at No Mercy '07?) while neither one of those guys have come close to winning a world title, and won't for a while. Fact is that the Jeff Hardy that Brock Lesnar destroyed and the Jeff Hardy that Edge lost to on Sunday can't be compared, at least not for the sake of this match.
Triple H wasn't a big deal yet when he lost to Hardy. He still hadn't been a world champion yet and it was before the McMahon-Helmsley Era.

What the hell are you talking about, he beat Triple H during his run in the 2 man powertrip, after the McMahon-Helmsly Era was well under way, and after Trips had ME a WM and had several WWE titles reigns, Triple H was an established Main-eventer at the time, I have no clue as to what the hell you are thinking of
Triple H wasn't a big deal yet when he lost to Hardy. He still hadn't been a world champion yet and it was before the McMahon-Helmsley Era. Big Show, as was mentioned earlier wasn't being book strongly at all. Around the time he lost to Lesnar, he had just been beaten by Rey Mysterio. As for RVD, he was an upper-midcarder pretty much his entire career in WWE except for the short period when he was WWE Champ.

It doesn't matter whether or not you think it was overrated, the important point in me bringing up that match is that it jump started Hardy's singles career by showing that he could take a main eventer to the limit, even if it was a gimmick match.

Once again, it doesn't matter what you think of Hardy, which clearly isn't much, because in kayfabe world, he is better than either of those men could dream of being. He is now a 2-time world champion (Save the stuff about the second reign being 10 minutes, it still counts. Remember Orton at No Mercy '07?) while neither one of those guys have come close to winning a world title, and won't for a while. Fact is that the Jeff Hardy that Brock Lesnar destroyed and the Jeff Hardy that Edge lost to on Sunday can't be compared, at least not for the sake of this match.

Honestly I would say that the Jeff Hardy of 2002 was better than the one now. The Hardy of today has only beaten Edge and the Undertaker. Back then, he beat HHH who was the best heel at that time, Big Show, and gave RVD and Taker great matches. I don't know if I will consider the Big Show argument because the only few times I remember him booked strongly was around 2003 and he didn't even have the title then.

We know one of Orton's reigns lasted 10 minutes but I bet the WWE will remember Hardy's short reign more because Orton got to reclaim his title the same night. We still remember Yokozuna's and we will remember Hardy's just the same.
Triple H wasn't a big deal yet when he lost to Hardy. He still hadn't been a world champion yet and it was before the McMahon-Helmsley Era.

erm....MC-Helmsley Era was 99-01. Jeff Beat HHH in 2001, the MC-Helmsley Era was in full flow, Triple H main evented Wrestlemania in a fatal 4 way at mania 2000 and had just come of the back of a defeat to Undertaker at mania 17.

Big Show, as was mentioned earlier wasn't being book strongly at all. Around the time he lost to Lesnar, he had just been beaten by Rey Mysterio.

100% accurate plus Hardys win over Show came via count out, I dont think Jeffs ever pinned Show.

As for RVD, he was an upper-midcarder pretty much his entire career in WWE except for the short period when he was WWE Champ.

And Jeff took RVD to his limit in these matches, Jeff had only just started his singles path around this time and was still basically a tag team wrestler.

It doesn't matter whether or not you think it was overrated, the important point in me bringing up that match is that it jump started Hardy's singles career by showing that he could take a main eventer to the limit, even if it was a gimmick match.

again I 100% agree this is the match where the people took more notice of him, everybody who matters in WWE must have been impressed by this match as his push started from this point.

Once again, it doesn't matter what you think of Hardy, which clearly isn't much.

But thats becuz Harvey iz a spot munky and dose drugz. Even though he is much more talented than anybody his haters actually cheer for.

because in kayfabe world, he is better than either of those men could dream of being.

Even in the real world hes better, Shelton is way way way overrated, he might have a decent background but so far I aint seen shit to tell me he's this amazing wrestler.

He is now a 2-time world champion (Save the stuff about the second reign being 10 minutes, it still counts. Remember Orton at No Mercy '07?) while neither one of those guys have come close to winning a world title, and won't for a while.

Quoted for truth, Shelton and Helms probably wont ever see a world title because obviously they are not good enough to be champion. People dont care about them, and yes people didnt care about Benoit but he had the talent to make them care something that Benji and Greg dont have.

Fact is that the Jeff Hardy that Brock Lesnar destroyed and the Jeff Hardy that Edge lost to on Sunday can't be compared.

i agree they cannot be compared as Jeff now is alot more advanced than what he was back in 2001-2. But people refuse to see this as they prefere to see him as a spot monkey and meth head, even though 1) he's not just a spot monkey( Yes he can do spots but the wrestling aspect of his game has improved massively) and 2) there was never any evidence to support he did meth. He had a problem as people do get from time to time but he (so far) has overcome it.
Brock is in a ring where Edge can't sneak out and have a break easily. Being small and light will give you an advantage in a certain kind of match like ladders etc... sadly a Barbed Wire match isn't the type of match were the ability to be picked up and launched into the ropes is in any way advantageous.

Fact is that Brock will have no hesitations on launching Edge into the ropes, be it whipping him, picking him up and dropping him or... I can't really think of a third way, but you get the idea.

I like Edge, I really do, but his experience against an old, out of shape Mick Foley isn't exactly an acheivement. But he's not going to whip Brock easily, he won't pick him up and drop him, he can't manage to escape easily so he's pretty trapped with no other weapons. I can't see him doing it.
A barbed wire match requires that the participants are two things: Resilient and TOUGH.

Resiliency goes to Edge. The guy is like a cockroach... even after a nuclear war there would only be dust, cockroaches, and EDGE. But toughness goes to Lesnar... obviously.

Since both guys have one of the qualities, I still see Lesnar throwing Edge around like a rag doll in this match. There is no WAY that Edge can compete with Lesnars dominance.

Here comes the pain! My vote's for Brock.
Don't know about Edge's resiliency....sure he can jump off ladders and land on his back, but a normal FU from a far lower height has always been able to do him in quickly. lol.

Brock missed a shooting star press on Angle as Angle was laying down over halfway across the ring and Lesnar landed on his head a little concussion and still finished the match with a victory. That's resiliency.

Angle > Edge in all respects. Angle is stronger, quicker, meaner, more agile. Brock is just a scaled up Angle.
What the hell are you talking about, he beat Triple H during his run in the 2 man powertrip, after the McMahon-Helmsly Era was well under way, and after Trips had ME a WM and had several WWE titles reigns, Triple H was an established Main-eventer at the time, I have no clue as to what the hell you are thinking of

Sorry, I had my timeline fucked up. But, that doesn't change the fact that the Jeff Hardy Brock Lesnar defeated was a low-to middle end midcarder while the Jeff Hardy that Edge lost to was/is the top face on his brand.

Edge has the resiliency, the intelligence, and the will to beat Brock Lesnar in this match. Vote Edge.
Resiliency goes to Edge. The guy is like a cockroach... even after a nuclear war there would only be dust, cockroaches, and EDGE. But toughness goes to Lesnar... obviously.

Depends. In the event of a nuclear war, does it take the cockroaches two months to compose themselves? 'Cos that's Edge for you; losing two thirds of his matches and then hatching ingenious plans to win the other third.

It's the reason he's got so many title reigns. He's great at winning the occasional match, but for every one he wins, he loses two. Is he resilient? Yes. Is he resilient enough for it to matter in a twenty minute match? No, no, no.

Since both guys have one of the qualities, I still see Lesnar throwing Edge around like a rag doll in this match. There is no WAY that Edge can compete with Lesnars dominance.

Here comes the pain! My vote's for Brock.

That's better.

So, Edge has taken out Raven, the fan favorite, in ECW. He's also defeated Steamboat, and now Brock Lesnar.

In the next few rounds, just remember that after this match is over, Justin, myself, and RVDGurl (all in attendance), jumped the rail, and hit Edge in the knee with various hard metal objects. That should slow him down :glare:
Bullshit. Lesnar would destroy Edge. I know this will be used a lot, but think about Lesnar's strength. It would have left Edge helpless against him. Lesnar would throw Edge against the barbed wire and rip his flesh off. Easy.

So, Edge has taken out Raven, the fan favorite, in ECW. He's also defeated Steamboat, and now Brock Lesnar.

In the next few rounds, just remember that after this match is over, Justin, myself, and RVDGurl (all in attendance), jumped the rail, and hit Edge in the knee with various hard metal objects. That should slow him down :glare:

Unless you're planning on RVDgurl taking whatever object and device of destruction to turn against you with, I somehow doubt shes coming. SHE voted Edge!

And the right thing came from this. Outside of very few detractors, I've not even seen over half of the Lesnar-lovers come in here and debate why he should do anything more than get sent home, or to another Minnesota training camp tryout.

I didn't single-handedly carry Edge through this thing, because I couldn't vote 58 times. But I know I damn sure helped to prove to some people that Edge could defeat a 2 year Pro who was declining after his first year alone.

Edge wins! Edge wins!

:glare: Now I can't wait for all the random silly excuses to why he can't get passed the next round. Trust me, I'll be there, too, to prove exactly why he can!

In closing.. Edge did the one thing he does best.. won in the end, barely, but through opportunity. GO EDGE!
Unless you're planning on RVDgurl taking whatever object and device of destruction to turn against you with, I somehow doubt shes coming. SHE voted Edge!

She also voted Raven. So, I'm pretty sure that after Edge won, she'd help us jump in the ring, and start beating him with heavy metal objects. I'm not totally shocked that Edge won, because I knew he'd stand a chance. But, I don't see how the barbwire doesn't rip him to sheds, and have him crying for his mom.

So, while I'm not going to be as pissed as some people that Lesnar lost, I still think this should've gone the other way.
She also voted Raven. So, I'm pretty sure that after Edge won, she'd help us jump in the ring, and start beating him with heavy metal objects.

Uhm, she voted Edge in this match. If she wanted to do damage to him - don't you think it would've been through voting, and getting him eliminated? Not using some type of imagination beatdown on the guy? :lmao:

Now then, this is spiralling vastly off-topic, and post counts are ON in here - so let's stay on the subject of Edge/Lesnar, not RVDgurl and the Lesnar-lovers of the world trying to plot against Edge by giving the next round of excuses.

Here, I'll start them out.. Austin should win, because he's headlined more WM's, and he's totally hardcore, cause he's a brawler. I bet I encounter at least 5 debates with that very substance in it. :disappointed:

I'm not totally shocked that Edge won, because I knew he'd stand a chance. But, I don't see how the barbwire doesn't rip him to sheds, and have him crying for his mom.

Of course he had a chance. Seriously and honestly, I haven't just been rambling off the top of my head with all these posts and actual facts of what he's done - because I didn't think he could ever win.

But I did deal with the absurd amount of L3n@r's $+r0^g replies. Cause the Wrestling Gawd knows - power obviously = victory. :rolleyes:

So, while I'm not going to be as pissed as some people that Lesnar lost, I still think this should've gone the other way.

Once again, can't wait for the next round to see the lame excuses people give, just to vote against Edge.

Or better yet - no excuses at all. Such as well over half the Lesnar lovers did here. Shocky, NSL, and a handful of others.. my hat tips to all of you, for debating me and helping to push Lesnar.

As for everyone else who voted Lesnar, but was too scared to post why - grow a set, and prove it.
1. I am not a Lesnar lover.

You noted it yourself, with the post I made for Liger. I also voted against him in almost every match before the gimmick rounds. I never got his appeal, I just thought that he'd be the winner here.

2. I am not an Austin lover.

I've never viewed him as a good wrestler. His time with Pillman was good, but anyone can be good when they're teaming with him. His time in ECW was good, but it was mostly used to set up his WWE gimmick. I voted against him earlier, and I'll be voting Edge there.
I am an Austin lover. That being said...I have mixed feelings about the next round. I feel like the world has been deprived of a classic regional final. I also feel that Lesnar is a FAR better competitor than Edge, so this should be a more favorable matchup for Austin.

Lesnar would absolutely destroy Edge, regardless of his "Ultimate Opportunist"ic ways. Lesnar was a man-beast, and he would have likely caused Edge to wee in his Dockers before cowering in the corner.
I am an Austin lover. That being said...I have mixed feelings about the next round. I feel like the world has been deprived of a classic regional final. I also feel that Lesnar is a FAR better competitor than Edge, so this should be a more favorable matchup for Austin.

Lesnar would absolutely destroy Edge, regardless of his "Ultimate Opportunist"ic ways. Lesnar was a man-beast, and he would have likely caused Edge to wee in his Dockers before cowering in the corner.

Ricky, I've known you off here how long now? And how long have I viewed you as being a smart, reasonable individual, not truly capable of forming a bad thought.. until now.

With all due respect, because that is what I hold for you, respect, this statement - this post, by You, has got to be without question your worst - ever.

It's naive, simple-minded and just plain foolish to say, especially coming from You of all people. From Justin, I could see it. From anyone else, only trying to be one-sided for Lesnar, absolutely. But not from You. I truly thought you had better sense than this.

Lesnar was indeed a man-beast. I give him full credit in being every bit this strong individual everyone has been playing him off as. But with that being said, I also listed every bit of why his strength wasn't, would not, and ultimately DID NOT - win him, this match.

And what's with the stubborn, silly minded (I refuse to call You, Ricky, stupid) thought process of Lesnar being so "big and bad" that it'd cause Edge to.. (as you said) "wee in his dockers".

Did Lesnar have Edge running scared in England, when they met before? No. So under what exact circumstance would the situation have changed? Edge hasn't ran from people more powerful and more deadly than Lesnar, by the likes of Cena, Big Show, Kane and the Undertaker.. so why on earth - what power and force on earth - possessed you and made you foolishly come up with this absurd remark?

Let's get something straight, right here, right now. Yes, I am without question an Edge fan. Which at times can show my emotions and attitude shine through when debating and defending him. But the man, the soon to be one day Hall of Famer.. has without question left his mark in this Business as being one of THE greatest Wrestlers in today's industry.

Brock Lesnar contributed all of two years to this Company, (W.W.F) and in the end - he walked away, because of what? Scheduling issues? Because for as big and bad as he truly is, his poor little body couldn't take what Edge, and everyone else have strived and put up with for DECADES?!

So You tell me again how the hell Lesnar is this man-beast of a man, when guys much smaller than him, have been competing and doing this for a hell of a lot longer than him, without complaining the way he has.

No, no one was robbed of a great next round match-up. Because I'm still every bit of the guy backing Edge, pulling for Edge, and ready to prove at a moment's notice why he is, WITHOUT QUESION.. the guy who should win this entire Tournament.

So you go find yourself some Brock Lesnar fans - then you ask them why the hell they didn't push harder, debate further, harder, and more in-depth - to put him over in the end.

The right man one.. and the right man, is the guy I'm gonna push until the very end. Hopefully, that end.. is a Tournament victory overall.
I'm bored, that's the only reason I'm replying. You don't need to humour me with a reply.

Edge hasn't ran from people more powerful and more deadly than Lesnar, by the likes of Cena, Big Show, Kane and the Undertaker.. so why on earth - what power and force on earth - possessed you and made you foolishly come up with this absurd remark?

Ricky probably made that foolish remark because of all the backing off that Edge does. How many times has Edge gone running into Undertaker when they're face to face? That would be a stupid thing to do. Only a face would do that. Which is exactly what Edge was in 2002, a foolish face.

But the man, the soon to be one day Hall of Famer.. has without question left his mark in this Business as being one of THE greatest Wrestlers in today's industry.

If Lesnar becomes a massive MMA star, doesn't that reflect well on WWE and the business? So long as MMA remains more popular than wrestling it does. Like The Rock being a former wrestler, now a successful actor is beneficial to wrestling as a whole.

Brock Lesnar contributed all of two years to this Company, (W.W.F) and in the end - he walked away, because of what? Scheduling issues? Because for as big and bad as he truly is, his poor little body couldn't take what Edge, and everyone else have strived and put up with for DECADES?!

Lesnar left because he really wasn't that intrested in wrestling. You can't bash a man for wanting to do something else and being a success in two fields.

No, no one was robbed of a great next round match-up. Because I'm still every bit of the guy backing Edge, pulling for Edge, and ready to prove at a moment's notice why he is, WITHOUT QUESION.. the guy who should win this entire Tournament.

Edge won't beat Austin though. Good luck with that.

So you go find yourself some Brock Lesnar fans - then you ask them why the hell they didn't push harder, debate further, harder, and more in-depth - to put him over in the end.

If they had then wouldn't Lesnar have won? There was only one point in it. If I'd been intrested in the thread I might have debated a little. But when I saw it I though Lesnar had it easy. A Barbed Wire match. They're rubbish. It's just two people pushing, each trying to get the other wrapped in wire. Lesnar would easily maneuver Edge into the barbed wire. The same couldn't be said for Edge. Both charge at peaople, Edge misses more. It seemed so simple to me.

The right man one.. and the right man, is the guy I'm gonna push until the very end. Hopefully, that end.. is a Tournament victory overall.

That's why I posted. I couldn't let you sign out with that, sorry.

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