Well, damn. Ye verily, NorCal must come down off his throne for this one.
You get on WZ when you're in your bathroom, too? What are the odds.
Better pro wrestler?
Bret Hart, and there is no question whatsoever.
Is there no question because you
say there's no question, or because you're naive enough to think because you typed it - people will just assume what you say is good enough to be the only bit of truth ever known to man?
Just curious, because I'm pretty sure I could call you a liar for this statement, and you couldn't prove me wrong. You know this, right? I mean, if you can.. I invite you to do so..
The best in ring preformer EVER.
Opinionated statement that you're entitled to. Doesn't make it a fact. You think it does? Proof??
The best tag team preformer EVER.
Opinionated statement that you're entitled to. Doesn't make it a fact. You think it does? Proof??
See above statement by me.
Never injured an opponet.
Was in the best singles match of all time.
Opinionated statement that you're entitled to. Doesn't make it a fact. You think it does? Proof??
Wrestled in the best tag match of all time.
Ugh.. seriously, you just went on and on, didn't you.

Look, I'm getting tired of copying and pasting. Just understand every bit of what you said.. opinionated, not a fact.
Unless you have proof to show me otherwise.
Wrestled in the best 10 man tag of all time.
blah, blah, blah. Wait, I take that back.. this one I'll give him. I mean, because you and I
BOTH know he single handily carried 9 other Wrestlers in this match, right, right? Yeah.. honestly.. wow.
Its like you're trying to grasp straws in which to give Hart all the credit you can find. Whats next, you gonna say he was the greatest Wrestler to ever wear pink and make it look tough?
White hot heel heat, was way over as a face, and was a good, consistent high draw during the WWE's shittiiest of time, when there wasnt much going on outside of him.
Damn fine face promos, fucking GREAT heel promos.
Video proof? I'm not looking it up, if you say it.. back it up with something I can watch.
Bret's heel promos during 1997 are the stuff of fucking legend.
Are you saying this because he's now in the Hall of Fame, or are you still trying to ride that whole
I just blew my load on Bret Hart memories stick?
Nothing Edge has ever done promo wise can even touch them. Bret Hart, by far and away.

Yes, NorCal, because there is no way Edge could cut bland Face/Heel vs Face/Heel traditional old school style promo after promo. Watching Hart cut promos was like watching one and rewinding it to watch it over again. Its like the guy was reading from a book.. the same paragraph, from a book, that is.
Bret Hart wins big matches.
And yet he's still lost bigger ones. Amazing.
And yet he's still won bigger ones. Astounding.
Does Edge's way of going about things put him in a postion to go over Hart here? yea. Its an even draw for Edge at best. Its not though, is it? Bret wins the big ones. Edge loses them.
Except for when each guy reverses that theory of yours.
Does the match cater to either man?
yes it does, that being Bret Hart.
Mayhem 99
KOR 91
KOR 93
Bret Hart wins tournaments. Matter of fact, I havent seen Bret involved in aany tournament he DIDNT win.
Except for that whole Initial European Championship tournament, in which he lost to a guy that many would compare to Edge's style.
And several International Tournaments that've been won by a mix of guys better and worse than Bret. Clearly proving that he
isn't actually the best
He won two matches at WM 10, the first of which, being a grueling battle with his borther Owen.
Uhm, NorCal.. I respect the shit out of you. You know this, right? But your knowledge of Wrestling is pure crap.. I'm assuming you've never even actually
watched Wrestlemania X.. because if you did, you would've noticed Bret
DIDN'T actually win that first "grueling" match against his less talented brother, Owen. He lost it.
And of course, the Iron Man match.
Which didn't even happen at Wrestlemania X, and Hart once again, didn't win.
The one were HBK was on the verge of tapping like a bitch had the clock not saved him. We all know Bret had that thing locked up, after 60 minutes.
Its going on 6 in the morning, would you mind showing me the results of who won and lost that match? I'm sure you'll see a loss next to Hart's name. How and why are irrelevant. (unless of course you want to whine more about it)
Edge has a KOR to his name, yes, but doesnt have NEAR the resume of Bret Hart when it comes to working, and winning, multiple, or long matches in a night. Bret Hart.
Uhm, err, yeah.. no. In fact, I'm glad I re-read what you said, because I didn't fully get how misguided and wrong you were.
So, I originally thought you said Hart was the better technical wrestler, when in fact you said "professional wrestler". My bad. I was in agreement with Hart being the better technician, but definitely no where near the better overall Professional Wrestler.
Why? Well, thats rather easy.. allow me to explain..
What Makes a Wrestler, the "better" Professional Wrestler?
The initial thing I'm sure some would say, is how much that individual can carry and lead a Company. So let's review.
Bret Hart: Won the Heavyweight Championship from Ric Flair in 1992, and carried the Company for four months before dropping the title to a man who later (as in minutes, later) passed it back to Hulk Hogan. What's that show you? It shows you that the Company was more or less testing Hart, and he never got even a sniff of the title until a year later.
From this point, Hart won the title on the same night he lost to his Younger, less talented brother, and once again Carried the Company for roughly eight months. Before he dropped it to yet another aging wonder, in Bob Backlund, who passed the title off to Diesel, who proceeded to carry the Company for the next year when Hart was losing to Pirates, Ninjas and phony Kings w/ ugly Dentists.
Hart once again won the title, only to yet again become the transitional Champion a mere four months later in handing the title off to Shawn Michaels. What'd Hart do then? Walked away for the rest of the year, only to come back and try to once again be a leader.
By this point, Hart had successfully carried the Company for a collective full year. (this is of course pointing out that by Hart carrying the Company - I mean Main Eventing, which back then is what the Champion always did)
So, in 1997 Hart had his arguable best year. He lost the Rumble, but should've won. (should've, could've, would've - didn't, though, did he) He did win against Austin at Mania, but proceeded to lose the overall war to him in the end. He got put in a wheelchair (like Vickie) for about 2-3 months, then came back to fall back into another title reign, thanks to Shawn Michaels. (but hey, a win is a win and I'll give him that) At this point, Hart as the Champion wasn't even the main focus anymore - being over-shadowed by the Undertaker and H.B.K. And finally, Hart wrapped up his
arguable best year ever by refusing to job to Shawn Michaels, and still losing in the worst possible way, anyways. Nice.
So, let's for argument sake say Hart carried the Company for a good full 2 years.
He actually didn't, but I'll give him that outta the goodness of my heart. Get it, Hart - heart.. eh, anyways..
Edge: I'm definitely not repeating all that I've already said. Unless you really want me to - trust me, if you do, it'll only end worse for Hart fans. However, I will say very simply.. Edge carried Smackdown, collectively, for 3 years alone. That beats anything Hart's done..
Moving on, to the final piece of what many would argue makes the better Professional Wrestler.. Accolade's and Accomplishments.
Bret Hart: 7 time Heavyweight Champion, 4 time United States Champion, 3 time Tag Team Champion, 2 time Intercontinental Champion, one (untelevised) KOTR victory, and the official first-ever recognized KOTR victory. And finally, 1 Royal Rumble victory.
Nice.. now..
Edge: 9 time Heavyweight Champion, 14 time Tag Team Champion, 5 time Intercontinental Champion, 1 time United States Champion, 2 time MITB winner, and 1 KOTR victory.
With the exception of the Royal Rumble, and also excluding the fact Edge has won another very impressive tournament - I'd say Edge's victories out-weigh anything Hart's ever accomplished.
Oh, by the way.. your opinion of Hart being the better Tag team Wrestler - is vastly scoffed at. 2 times, to 14 times.. yeah, Hart's
wayyyy better, rightttt...
SO, in the end.. I once again highly respect you for your opinions. But if you even remotely had a thought that anything you said could be taken as a fact.. I completely, utterly, and highly invite you to prove it.