I have forty five minutes before I have to go up. Minus the time needed for a shower... yeah, I think I got enough time.
Up where? Up west? Up North?
No, the ability to get the crowd involved on a massive level was what made him great. And to criticise his promos as "repetitive" is ridiculous; it sounds like it's coming from someone who's never watched a wrestling show in his life.
But this is where Austin was lucky. You know who the best heels on the mic are? The ones with power, always have been. JBL, DiBiase, and most importantly, Vince McMahon, they get the crowd riled up. All you had to do was insult them a little and the crowd would be onside massively. Want proof? X-Pac was one of the most over people in the attitude era when he spoke.
The Rock is unquestionably the greatest person on the mic in wrestling history, yet he was also easily the most repetitive. He had the versatility of a Little Britain sketch.
Except, it wasn't was it. The Rock may have been catchphrase heavy, but all of his promos brought something a bit different to the table. Like Ali G, if you will. Austin did this to, but the raw charisma wasn't there in as much abundance.
Besides, it's an irrelevant argument.
I'm inclind to agree.
On what basis? I mean, I haven't seen every cage match this decade, but I saw that match on the Edge DVD and it was pretty meh. Cage matches as a whole generally aren't great though.
This is true.
Fake edit: No, wait. Edge/Angle was definitely better. Definitely this decade too.
Alright, great.
Edge has terrible, terrible chemistry with The Undertaker. The only good match they had was the TLC, and that was only because it was incredible how much shit had to happen for Taker to actually lose the match, which, coincidentally, consumed about ten minutes of the match.
Edge may have terrible chemisty, but that isn't a reason for him to lose, after all, he did still beat Taker. I thought their WrestleMania match was reasonably good, to be honest,and I enjoyed the Summerslam one. On the other hand, one has to consider that Austin at his best wasn't exactly five star matches week in week out, was it?
Edge/Taker at Summerslam was just spot after spot after spot - and Edge never came close to putting Taker down. The WrestleMania match is only just a notch above Orton/Triple H, and I sincerely mean that. I only liked it because of old school Undertaker.
I've addressed this, but it doesn't really matter.
That doesn't really explain why Edge's best matches - in his Rated R Superstar Era - are against Cena, and yet Cena's best matches aren't against Edge.
Because the batch of heels this decade have been unquestionably better than the face. Edge has been a heel pretty consistently, so he has had to face people like Batista, Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam. Austin was able to face everyone good in his era. Cena has been allowed to face people like Angle, who are evidently going to be more capable of putting on decent matches. Edge's feud with Shawn Michaels is possibly the best thing that HBK has done bar Jericho the first time around since his return, but it was buried on the undercard of a Royal Rumble.
All I know is that his WrestleMania main events take an absolute shit over Edge's, but he was never in as many matches with ridiculous stipulations, I'll give you that.
Really. A cage match against a 50 year old man isn't ridiculous? A two on one ladder match against non wrestlers isn't ridiculous? A six man hell in a cell isn't ridiculous? Because it is where I'm standing from.
Firstly, Edge's ECW record is 2-2.
Secondly, you undermined yourself in your previous post here. Austin was not in his prime in ECW. That Steve Austin is a shadow of the one Edge is facing in this match. The match is also conducted under WWE rules, not ECW ones. It's a non-factor.
Non factor, granted.
Edge was booked to be an incredible heel. Cena might have been booed, but he was still the WWE's only bona fide main eventer by a long shot. Edge was given a dream feud to capitalise on with Matt Hardy, and he didn't. It wasn't until Cena made him look like gold and until he started using the most ridiculous heel tactics known to mankind that he actually got over.
Right, so what your saying is that he had to find his niche. Shall we now remember that Steve Austin spent 5 years in bigtime promotions being a complete nobody before he found his?
How would you rate CM Punk?
CM Punk is more versatile than just a straight up brawler, and his kicks look better than Austin's which are so lame loooking that they wouldn't be out of place in a Layla El vs Kelly Kelly match.
Jeff Hardy's pussy-ass punches seem to knock Edge for six. All Jeff does is jump about and flail.
So Edge doing his job as best he can against an inferior worker is somehow counted against him. Austin got beaten up by Shane McMahon. That's all I need to say.
Why the fuck did CM Punk kick the fuck out of him then? Dude doesn't do anything but kick or punch these days. Well, there's the lift before he knees people in the face.
He does springboard moves and stuff too. Bulldog! Yes, he does a bulldog.
Stunner always works though. Not a problem.
Yes, if I recall Steve Austin is undefeated. Oh wait, no he isn't. Surely the stunner didn't work everytime then.
Yeah, but no he isn't. He beats the fuck out of people, but he's perfectly calm while doing.
Yes, because chasing the Undertaker around the arena with a shovel is the embodiment of calm isn't it? No it isn't, he wasn't calm at all.
I couldn't believe Edge could do it either, but here we are.
I have no idea what this is in reference to, but I reckon Edge could do it.
I really like Edge. I bought his DVD and one third of the reason I watch SmackDown is because of him. I just call it as I see it.
So am I, to be honest. Savage vs RVD vs HHH is the only match where I voted for my favourite rather than who I thought would actually win.
I'm not particularly bothered by Lesnar going out. True story. I would have liked him to have won, yeah, but I'm saying Austin would win here because Austin is leagues above Edge, no other reason.
When the world of wrestling comes to the end of the line, Steve Austin's name will be held in higher esteem than Edge's I imagine. However, that doesn't matter at all. Rey Mysterio's will be held in higher esteem than Great Khali, but it doesn't mean Khali wouldn't beat him.
Which most wrestlers do 75% of the time.
Really? I completely disagree.
Overall, your arguments are far-fetched and ridiculous. The vocabulary you use isn't fitting of a man that is barely capable of winning a third of his matches, and that's with him deploying some overly complex scheme.
This year's results alone would suggest that you are hyperbolic at best.
The video I provided was merely an example of the brutality Austin is capable of showing.
Ok. Edge brutalised Mick Foley when he was a commentator for no reason other than because he can. To say that Austin was at his prime as a heel is obviously wrong.
And this is supposed to give Edge an advantage how? Kane has lit people on fire and been lit on fire himself, yet Austin has been able to incapacitate him with a beating.
It's no less helpful than Austin's ability to beat a woman.
So unless your suggesting that we'll see a flaming table spot in this match, I think this argument is pretty stupid
I still don't see how Austin's ability with a chair is any more relevant.
If anything it shows how stupid he his, he's risking his own body on a spot that may have not only finished his opponent but him as well.
Or is itdisplaying a win at all costs mentality? You can look at it either way. I don't think either of these men has ever lost by being overly aggressive with a finisher.
And I fail to see how this makes Edge more sadistic than Stone Cold, like I said, if the match falls to the floor Austin will use anything and everything about his environment to inflict damage on Edge. The barriers, the stairs, the apron, the ringpost, hell Austin may even expose the concrete and give Edge a few slams on it.
Edge could and would be capable of all these things too.
It'll be all Edge can do but just survive.
It's what he does in a lot of his matches before pulling out an unlikely win.
this whole argument that Edge will do anything and everything it takes to win is ridiculous when Austin would be doing the same thing. The difference being that Edge will be looking for cheap shots, like eye poking, low blows, using the tights for leverage along with attempting to fight off Austin's constant barrage of attacks the entire match.
So, Austin will just be attacking and won't have to deal with Edge's barrage of heelish antics?
The fact of the matter is this: Austin was popular because he won against all odds against big mean McMahon. The reason that was important was because from losing the title in 1998 to WrestleMania XV, he was getting his arse handed to him on a weekly basis, with the odd minor victory peppered in.
This is one match against the man who along with Vickie has become the McMahon family of this generation, it stands to reason that while Austin may triumph in the end, he'd lose out here quite decisively.
Austin was in his prime in late 1998, and it was at that time when he was beaten in an important tournament by being screwed out of it. Edge wins matches by screwjobs, Austin lost a shitload of them by screwjobs, so it stands to reason that Austin would lose here.