I didn't say he didn't deserve to be here. I think he would have beaten Austin because Austin would have walked out rather than let someone like Edge go over. Still voted Austin, because I like him better.
I kinda like this. It's like you're trying to mask giving Edge some type of credit, yet you do it in a "He's still not worthy" type of way. So, let me get this straight.. you believe Edge is here for a reason. You even think its moderately deserved.
Yet only because you feel Austin would've walked out, instead of put him over. Well shit, does that make Edge
The Next Big Thing, or Austin
The Next Shitty Talent? Seriously now, walking out instead of helping the Company and the other Talent around you - by bitching out and walking out, whats that say? That you're immature and a lousy worker? I think so.
Edge, on the other hand - does every bit of what he can to help the Company succeed.
Just because your ego is out of this world, doesn't mean you are the judge of whether your posts are "OMFG" awesome. All you did was post your opinion.

I've never once thought of Myself, or my posts as any such thing. I have way too many people giving me credit for it, to even get the chance.
In all seriousness though, I'm truly sorry you approach me with jealousy, in thinking I believe I'm above you, or anyone else. I'm not, I assure you. I'm no more or less like you. The only difference is, I'll stand by my convictions, and I'll continue to strongly push my favorite - each and every time.
Each reply I give, I try to give at least a good enough reply, if not my best to what its regarding. And I jump on people, who reply like you do - in which they give an entitled-to opinion, but without any explanation with it.
How am I suppose to even take you seriously, or take anything you say as worth something, if you aren't backing up why you think the way you do?
Sorry if I came across as thinking I was better than everyone. Irony ain't it?
I think you need to look up the term "Irony", because it doesn't describe me, or anything remotely close to what you're replying to.
End of the day, Edge is pretty awesome, but he is not the best thing ever. Taker is. Joking, I was hoping for Kane to win the whole thing. You know, cause he can sit up. Okay again joking, I was pulling for Rock and Austin. Serious that time.
Well, Ronination, if I can be serious.. I think you can sum up this post, as well as the last one you made.. by merely ending it with saying "Joking", because I haven't taken anything out of either, as something more than one big joke.
When you finally get around to explaining your opinion, I'll respect You and possibly even debate you on it. Until then...
I will fight you day and night that Dennis Dixon never was injured and went on to win the Heisman Trophy and bring the NCAA Championship to Eugene in 2007. It happened, I tell you! It happened.
I'll counter this debate in saying Jake Delhomme didn't cost his team the Playoff game against the Arizona Cardinals, he was just color blind and thought each time he threw the ball.. those wearing Red, were actually wearing Black.
You're exactly right, though. Simply because someone has a history of winning against someone does not mean they will do it every time. The Red Sox have won every single game against the Yankees this year, but won't go undefeated against them this year.
I blame Ricky for us getting off topic on Wrestling, and on topic to every other sport that is irrelevant to this match-up.
I told someone his opinion was wrong the other day. So far, we seem to be agreeing.
I tell a lot of People their opinions are wrong. Whenever Ronination decides to give me his real one - I'll tell him, too. lol
Oh, and he we go, disagreeing again.
Well shit, I guess now I'm gonna have to type more.
Stop bringing up Lesnar, please. It hurts.
Hey, Don't blame me. I voted
against Lesnar.. wait, that doesn't work the same, does it? Sorry.
You're right, but the victories that Edge has experienced in this tournament have no bearing in real life. He hasn't beaten Brock Lesnar and he hasn't beaten Steve Austin. Besides, The Undertaker is pretty damn good if you ask me, so if he's already gone through two superstars better, then he's gotta have some wear and tear.
This is where I continue to get confused. Half the people voting take this tournament as a "real thing", whereas You along with the other half, see it as fantasy.
While it is indeed Fantasy, it's meant to be seen as "really happening". Which means Edge
did get those victories. And thus far, has been the (arguably) most impressive individual IN this tournament. Upsetting everyone, and shocking the world.. as only Edge knows how to do.
I wouldn't vote for a superstar based on popularity, though I could see an argument made. Typically, superstars that are over win big matches. John Cena, Chris Jericho, Triple H, and The Undertaker win matches because they get a reaction. Charlie Haas isn't wearing a belt right now. If indeed Edge's lead holds and he reaches the finals, I will back him against Bret Hart. I've never discounted Edge, but I've not put him over Lesnar, Austin, or Taker.
How is Edge not over? Furthermore, how has Edge not won big matches? Everyone you've named - Edge has beaten and defeated in one form or another. Cena, Jericho, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker..
Edge has
technically even defeated Lesnar, in the Tag Team Tournament that Smackdown held. Edge & Mysterio defeated Lesnar & Tajiri. Sure, I never used it in the Lesnar argument. (I'm not stupid lol) But a win is a win, as many have said.
You can't disprove a fact. In each of the King of the Ring tournaments since 1991, every single finals match has been a face against a heel. But, as you stated earlier in your post:
Nothing is black and white in wrestling. Anything can happen on any given show. John Cena is 0-5 against The Miz, but who says he can't beat him on Sunday?

I think you accidentally just proved why Edge can defeat the Undertaker. So I'll leave it at that.
But are we going to try and be logical bookers in this tournament? This is wear we choose the outcomes of the matches. There is no one saying that in order for this tournament to have a satisfying final, we have to have a face against a heel. This is a tournament to crown the greatest wrestler of all time. This isn't a "Let's see how logically we can book a King of the Ring" tournament.
Once again though, if it were a "Greatest Wrestler of All Time" Final, why is it being contested between Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, The Undertaker & Edge?
Hey, I
LOVE Edge, but wouldn't call him the Greatest. Hulk Hogan. Yes. Steve Austin. No. Shawn Michaels. Possibly getting there.
Regardless, no one involved is even remotely close to being considered "The Greatest". So that logic is no longer considerable, at least I don't think.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to get at. Are you trying to discount The Undertaker's drawing ability, or his ability to effectively work in storylines? Are you saying that he can't hold the crowd's attention for an extended period of time?
Well, lets be serious on Taker's ability to hold a crowd - in all seriousness. He can electrify with his Entrance and mind games. Once the match starts, you hardly ever hear a reaction from the Crowd though. And when Taker motions for the Chokeslam, or Tombstone - people give slight reaction, but nothing huge.
Edge, on the flip side. He won't get a huge reaction for a Flashy entrance, but he can hold attention through his matches. And when he signals for his Spear, people stand and give reaction just the same.
Again - I'm not saying Taker can't draw, he definitely can. But so can Edge, and anyone who claims Taker can draw more needs to tell me if this is the case - why Edge has carried the same brand they've been on, for a longer period of time.
I don't have SlyFox's pie charts, so I can't argue whether or not he is a draw. I can say that he can work in a storyline, though. What was the best storyline on Smackdown through late 2007 and 2008? The Undertaker against Edge. To who's credit is that? It's a matter of opinion. The same goes for holding the crowd's attention. His feuds have always held mine. Whether that is his doing or the superstar that he is working with is up to you and I. I'm of the opinion that both superstars have to carry the load. But, if you think that he's boring or not entertaining, remember that he was given a gimmick that was doomed to fail from the start, yet he's made it work for over 15 years. I'd say that he does quite well at keeping the crowd interested.
This is why I believe he's more of a
"Circus Attraction" than an overall Wrestling Superstar.
With the exception of his name, Edge has been more of an overall Superstar.. not an attraction focused on Super-natural features. Without the flashy gimmick, lights and fake abilities.. the Undertaker would be plain ol' Mark.
Edge, however,
IS practically everything his character is. He took an Ultimate Opportunity when the story broke that he was fucking Amy Dumas. How is that not Adam Copeland taking an real life Ultimate Opportunity to become a huge star?
He's won at least 2-3 Heavyweight Championships off taking advantages of being in the right place, at the right time - due to others being injured. I'm not saying he couldn't of won just the same, obviously it can be proved he could.. however once again, it's Adam Copeland being Edge the character.
No, of course not. The heel always tries to undo the turnbuckle, grab a chair, use the ropes, etc. More often then not, the face overcomes.
Sure, if its to end some type of feud. There isn't a feud here, it's just another Tournament match to advance Edge. If this were the final, it might be a bit different because unless it's once in a while, the heels dirty tactics don't normally work in the very end. Thankfully, this isn't the very end.
I wouldn't say that it doesn't mean anything. I mean, if you were to place $500 on a football game between USC and Oregon and you knew that USC was 4-2 against Oregon in the last six years, who are you more likely to place a bet on? The person or team that holds a winning record in a match up is more likely to win. Anything can happen, but the odds favor the party with the winning record.
I'd say Wrestling is a bit different though, just because it's scripted and booked. It's not legit-played out.
Also, there's a mental aspect. If I was beaten and beaten and beaten over and over by one person, then I'd begin to doubt myself.
Edge had seen the destruction the Undertaker delivered to everyone he'd ever faced in Hell in a Cell, yet Edge went into that match unlike any other Taker opponent.. and took the fight to the Undertaker.
If a mental game was to be played, I'd argue that Edge would have the upper hand.. not the Deadman.
Undertaker would be relevant all throughout the year, or at least when he's around. Because when he's around, he wins.
I'm gonna need actual proof of this. Shy of the year Shocky pointed out, which was like what 2002 or something like that, Taker has to my knowledge not really had an overall great win/loss record in yearly events.
Of course, I also count no-showing events as a loss. So take that into consideration. I mean, honestly now - how many months do you need a break?
I don't see why it matters what your finisher looks like. The Leg Drop was pure shit, but it put EVERYONE away.
Try explaining this to the people who're still in strong belief that Edge's spear (the same Spear that's beaten Taker before) isn't strong enough to beat him, again.
Luckily for The Undertaker, then, that this isn't to win a tournament. That's next round.
Isn't it to win a tournament, though? If you lose, you won't be winning. If you win, you still have a shot.
I don't think anyone is foolish enough to think that the early Deadman was his prime.
If I were trying to prove Taker to be the best, I'd certainly push that version. He continued to no-sell and constantly sat-the fuck-up. LOL
But now, he's compelling and is able to put on great storylines that carry for months.
Or.. weeks, with little to no interest what so ever. Poor Shelton Benjamin.
Edge's entrance isn't exactly bland. He's got very loud, explosive music and he's had pyro before. Taker is also fairly good in the ring. Snake eyes, Old School, his suicide dive... All those signature moves get pretty good reactions.
Old School is about all I'd give him. The Suicide dive isn't so much a shocking move by him, much more than Taker being a "big guy" doing a "little guy" move. But okay, I'll give him that one. You've convinced me to.
So, we have two (signature) moves, that get a reaction. Edge has several signature moves that get similar reactions. I'm losing base on where this part of the debate was going.
And are you actually convinced that Edge hasn't ever been afraid of Taker? During their whole feud, save for just before Summerslam, Edge was scared shitless of the Undertaker.
I don't actually think he ever was, no. In the lead-up to Wrestlemania, Edge was booked horribly - but never showed fear. Yes, he ran away when it was one-on-one, after Taker laid out Edge's twins.. but what heel wouldn't?
In the end though, NONE of the matches between them have shown Edge doing what other Taker opponents have done in the past - trying to tuck tail and run. Edge took the fight to Taker.
As for accomplishments, yes. Edge has more World Titles. Taker is a guy that involves himself in storylines that don't have to do with belts. He's above the title, I'd say. Besides, in order for Edge to have that many world titles, he had to lose more.
Only Cena's above the title. Or at least that's how they book him. Taker's only
above the title when he leaves for 5-6 months, then returns to Main Event a B-Show Pay per view against Mark Henry.
And yes, Edge has lost just as much as he's won, for World titles. But he continues to win them. Thats the point.
The Undertaker wins the vast majority of his matches aside from Mania as well, whereas Edge loses more than his fair share.
This could be argued. Fortunately, I'm tiring down and don't want to do research. I think in recent months, you'd be correct. Taker had that (way too fucking long) feud with the Big Show, in which Taker won like.. all the time. Whereas Edge just kept trading Championship reigns with Triple H and Jeff Hardy.
Still though, Edge = Main Event. Taker = meaningless undercard matches.
Well, shoot. Who's headlined more PPV's since Edge has become a main eventer, Hulk Hogan or Edge? It's been Edge. Who's main evented more PPV's in their career? Taker has.
Some day I'm actually going to check this out. While I'm not convinced (myself) that Edge has, I think he's come pretty close.. and in a much shorter time frame, too.
You can't hold that against him. Taker was once 37 or so and was there every week, like Edge.
But aren't most people basing Taker's prime on the Year's he was inactive for half of the time?
Edge hasn't beaten Triple H. Well, just kidding. He pinned him that one time his wife put him into the match after 20 minutes had passed.
Edge most certainly
HAS defeated Triple H, multiple times. Not just at Survivor Series, but on episodes of Raw and Smackdown as well. (Hey, a win is a win - thats what the morale of this round is apparently boiled down to.)
Yeah, well neither were Backlash, Judgment Day or SummerSlam. You see what I'm doing here, right?
Trying to further point out that this match-up isn't like any of the rest??? And thus, none of those matches should be relevant?
Sorry, maybe you should've just told me. I'm bouncing back and forth from who's trying to use what logic. Are you apart of the group who thinks Taker's 4-2 record over Edge
WILL mean he should win this.
Or are you apart of the group that believes just because he's won more, doesn't mean he'd win them all (including this one)? I'm lost.
You'd think Edge might be shaken up by the memory of those few months he spent in Hell.
It was likely a vacation when you consider he didn't have to spend 3 months trying to play off actually loving Vickie.
To be honest, I'm also befuddled why in a kayfabe tournament, a WrestleMania win is discounted just because it's The Undertaker.
Because people are discounting a "gimmick match" victory for Edge, and the Undertaker at Wrestlemania is like it's
only gimmick match. The guy has a streak that is now
beCOME a very large piece of Wrestlemania.
For him to win or lose, is now become a very big issue. Its the one time during the year, that the Undertaker is relevant for something.