WWE RAW 8/15/2011 - ¡Viva Mucho Tiempo Del Rio!

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
Diesel Blues for Punk

The WWE Universe wondered who would emerge the Undisputed WWE Champion at SummerSlam: CM Punk or John Cena. But Kevin Nash's surprise assault and Alberto Del Rio's Money in the Bank cash-in have changed everything. Del Rio is champion, and we have more questions than answers.

Six Man Thrillah is Fillah

As he prepares for the chance of a lifetime, Rey Mysterio soared in an impressive victory for himself, John Morrison & Kofi Kingston over R-Truth, Alberto Del Rio & The Miz at SummerSlam.

When Two Blondes Go to War

Though Beth Phoenix disparagingly referred to her as a "cute, perky" Diva, Kelly Kelly also earned the right to be called champion at SummerSlam, where she overcame the bigger and seriously badder Glamazon to retain her Divas Title.

It's a Mexican Stand-Off!

After one of the most contentious SummerSlam main events in WWE history, Rey Mysterio challenges Alberto Del Rio for his Undisputed WWE Title in his hometown of San Diego. Tune into Raw tonight at 9/8 CT on USA Network.

Tonight's RAW's Many Questions
Will it be Alberto Del Rio walking out the WWE Champion tonight?
Will we see a celebration to kick off the show?
Will Triple H admit he messed up?
Will Punk and/or Cena complain about last night?
Will we see Kevin Nash at some point?
Will (Little) Jimmy Hart manage R-Truth, or possibly get got?
Will JoMo's push be revived at all?
Will we get any questions get answered tonight?
And oh so much more...
Another question:

Will the first hour of the show be just Ricardo Rodriguez introducing Alberto Del Rio?


This should be an awesome raw tonight, looking forward to it! :)
I don't think that ADR has hired Kevin Nash as his bodyguard/enforcer. I think he had some other agenda, and ADR was just able to exploit the opportunity, as all other MITB guys have done.

Which begs the question. Will anyone care about ADR tonight and his match with Mysterio, or will people tune him out and focus more so on Cena, Punk, Nash, Triple H, Steph, Laurenitis, Vince, or whoever else is involved in this angle?
he certanly did make a mistake, he screwed cena, screwed punk and screwed everyone, damn you three initials damn you!

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