TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.17.11

You know, I'm beginning to wonder now if the Jeff Hardy thing wasn't the start of a work. All they offered was a 6 month trial membership to the online on demand thing which doesn't really cost them any money and it's something they can use as a ploy to get more hits on the website and maybe scrounge a few more viewers from. Sounds like a work to me.

Seems like every show is going to try to pass off some "legitimate" angle.

Oh, and Morgan's offense is one of the worst I've ever seen. It looks absolutely terrible. He barely touches them or moves his arm.

He's terrible, that's why. The only thing he's got for him is he's big, that's it.
Why? Honestly SD, you know I give you the benefit of the doubt more than most, but are you really so afraid of honesty? Today was a bad show, worse than usual. Those of us who are critical usually find positives to most shows and are vocal about that, but today was bad. So, Mozz, who is someone that usually is a pretty decent poster, shares his opinion, and since it was negative towards a bad show, you quickly try and make fun of him?

Better off just being real and knowing that some shows are hit and some are miss. This was a miss.

Don't pay him any attention. I do think that it was a pretty shit show tonight, but I'm extremely blunt about it in the LDs specifically just to get on Shattered's tits. Seeing him get butthurt about an opposing opinion never gets old.
Not to knock the guy too awful bad, I mean he does seem like a likable fella and all, decent personality and what not, but it just drives me bonkers to watch him take a swing that wouldn't tear tissue paper.
It's a TNA LD, man — what'd you expect? Users don't come here to talk positively about the show anymore. They're drowned out by the IBC (Incessant Bitching Crew) who come here every week to troll the thread by whining about the most irrelevant things possible at 30 second intervals. The ones who did come tend to show up for a minute or two before realizing the same whiney users are up to their usual hijinks before leaving to watch on their own where they can actually enjoy the product, myself included.

What about those that wait till the show is over then come in to complain about how bad it was?

Well, not over, but the match was over and having read the spoilers I knew they would waste the last 8 minutes on nothing.
It's a TNA LD, man — what'd you expect? Users don't come here to talk positively about the show anymore. They're drowned out by the IBC (Incessant Bitching Crew) who come here every week to troll the thread by whining about the most irrelevant things possible at 30 second intervals. The ones who did come tend to show up for a minute or two before realizing the same whiney users are up to their usual hijinks before leaving to watch on their own where they can actually enjoy the product, myself included.

Not my fault the show is filled with has-been's, and people I don't respect.

The whole show is just bad, I'm sorry. You like it, good for you.

I just can't understand how there can be a positive for 9 minutes of wrestling in a show called Total Nonstop Action.
So people like me are to blame for these LDs dying?

And people say I'm delusional.

Depends on your mood. If you're in a normal mood where you can actually compliment something done right once or twice a night, no, you're tolerable, but when you come in here like you just got done taking it in the ass the last four hours, yeah, you're exactly why these LD's are dying. Guys like Gelgarin, myself, Joe, Tiger, Sasha, etc. used to come in and actually have a decent time, but it's kind of hard to have a friendly discussion about a show we all enjoy when every one of ours posts are being padded between a dozen posts whining about the smallest possible notes about the program.

If you can't see that, you are delusional.

Understandable, but if I don't like something, I don't watch it.

Same. Do you see me in the RAW LD every week? No. Smack Down? Nope. Why? Because I don't watch either show. I dont' even record them. I haven't actually seen an episode of either in months and I have no future plans to, so why go into those threads just to whine and piss people off? Textbook trolling.

Truly is sad that indeed the LD does decrease enjoyment of the show.

See above.
What about those that wait till the show is over then come in to complain about how bad it was?

Well, not over, but the match was over and having read the spoilers I knew they would waste the last 8 minutes on nothing.

What people want to do to kill time or post here is up to them. I'm not even asking that they not come in here just to whine — I just find it hilarious and ironic that users who tout the same rhetoric week-after-week about how TNA and logic go together like milk and orange juice participate in a show they actively hate — something logic would tell you to simply stop watching.
Depends on your mood. If you're in a normal mood where you can actually compliment something done right once or twice a night, no, you're tolerable, but when you come in here like you just got done taking it in the ass the last four hours, yeah, you're exactly why these LD's are dying. Guys like Gelgarin, myself, Joe, Tiger, Sasha, etc. used to come in and actually have a decent time, but it's kind of hard to have a friendly discussion about a show we all enjoy when every one of ours posts are being padded between a dozen posts whining about the smallest possible notes about the program.

If you can't see that, you are delusional.

So, it couldn't have anything to do with the TNA fans such as Tiger, X, Norcal or anyone else like that saying the show isn't as good anymore as they've been saying? Couldn't be that right? I'm clearly just killing the mood in here and I'm killing it so much I have wrestling fans and diehard fans of this company saying they can't stand it anymore.

DAmn I'm more persuasive than I thought.
It's a TNA LD, man — what'd you expect? Users don't come here to talk positively about the show anymore. They're drowned out by the IBC (Incessant Bitching Crew) who come here every week to troll the thread by whining about the most irrelevant things possible at 30 second intervals. The ones who did come tend to show up for a minute or two before realizing the same whiney users are up to their usual hijinks before leaving to watch on their own where they can actually enjoy the product, myself included.

Maybe users don't talk positively about the product because TNA doesn't give a fucking thing positive to talk about
When Impact is good, and the whiners come out to type the exact same thing over the course of 12 post, it does take away the enjoyment of discussion between fans.
I think I'm done with TNA for the foreseeable future. I'm done with it until AJ, Roode, Storm, Joe, Pope (as a face) are full-time main eventers, and that's just the start. These "young stars" aren't too young anymore.
What people want to do to kill time or post here is up to them. I'm not even asking that they not come in here just to whine — I just find it hilarious and ironic that users who tout the same rhetoric week-after-week about how TNA and logic go together like milk and orange juice participate in a show they actively hate — something logic would tell you to simply stop watching.

You know I meant me right?
So, it couldn't have anything to do with the TNA fans such as Tiger, X, Norcal or anyone else like that saying the show isn't as good anymore as they've been saying? Couldn't be that right? I'm clearly just killing the mood in here and I'm killing it so much I have wrestling fans and diehard fans of this company saying they can't stand it anymore.

DAmn I'm more persuasive than I thought.

I never said they couldn't be right — I said it makes no sense for users who actively hate something to continue to watch week-after-week. Stick to the point if you're going to try floating your own boat.

Maybe users don't talk positively about the product because TNA doesn't give a fucking think positive to talk about

Then why do you watch? Glutton for punishment? Masochist? Logic—that thing people criticize TNA for never using—tells the average human being that if you are pained by something, you discontinue to do things that cause it, no?
In fairness to KB, his reviews usually give TNA the benefit of the doubt and actually get a somewhat positive grade. That's because there usually are solid parts of the broadcast. Today is the wrong day to pick a fight and question people's motives in the LD because today was a truly awful show.

Right now, defending the show are IDR and SD and to a lesser extent, JGKU. I'm an even keeled kind of guy, so I'd like for either of you to give us something specific that you liked about today's show. If you can, I will be fair and say that it's fine and if you enjoyed it, power to you. Fact is, this was a tough show to watch, and I'm here every week with you guys. Honest opinion, but this might be the worst I've seen. So please, give me something tangible that you liked THIS week and lets' see where we go from there.
In fairness to KB, his reviews usually give TNA the benefit of the doubt and actually get a somewhat positive grade. That's because there usually are solid parts of the broadcast. Today is the wrong day to pick a fight and question people's motives in the LD because today was a truly awful show.

Right now, defending the show are IDR and SD and to a lesser extent, JGKU. I'm an even keeled kind of guy, so I'd like for either of you to give us something specific that you liked about today's show. If you can, I will be fair and say that it's fine and if you enjoyed it, power to you. Fact is, this was a tough show to watch, and I'm here every week with you guys. Honest opinion, but this might be the worst I've seen. So please, give me something tangible that you liked THIS week and lets' see where we go from there.

Not true. Read everything I wrote — never once did I defend this show. I simply do not understand why anyone would willingly continue watching a show they tout as the completely awful. Makes about as much sense to me as Abyss winning the TV title only to forfeit it without ever even defending it (see what I did there?).
I never said they couldn't be right — I said it makes no sense for users who actively hate something to continue to watch week-after-week. Stick to the point if you're going to try floating your own boat.

Well first and foremost I'm stuck watching it due to the assholes at 411 that won't let me switch and also won't let me do any special features on there because I'm too emotional in my writing, despite that being why they picked me to do reviews in the first place.

Second, that means it's you, Joe and SD defending them. You're all blind marks so I'm going to take my word over yours.
Well first and foremost I'm stuck watching it due to the assholes at 411 that won't let me switch and also won't let me do any special features on there because I'm too emotional in my writing, despite that being why they picked me to do reviews in the first place.

Second, that means it's you, Joe and SD defending them. You're all blind marks so I'm going to take my word over yours.

Again, none of this has anything to do with the question that you continue to avoid. You might have an excuse because you write reviews, but it's a cop-out, as your reviews do not require that you actively participate in a live discussion of the product. Your review is just as effective (or ineffective) posted on it's own after-the-fact without you whining in here week-after-week as it is were you not to.

Same goes for xfear, or anyone else doing the same.
You can call us blind marks but at least we back up what we say. Me and IDR do not like WWE and we do not watch. Joe likes both and watches both.

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