TNA iMPACT! LD for 04.14.11

You can see the flaw in gauntlet matches here: the guys that lose look like they can lose in about 2 minutes.

well that and the other members of immortal wrestled earlier.. Abyss, Hardy, etc..

Bubba can beat Anderson here.. Asshole vs Bully!!! GO!!

Good six man tag here with Angle and Jarrett. Yes, I'm still behind by quite a bit.

Are you keeping track of the match times KB? I think we've seen more in-ring time on tonight's show than the last month's worth of shows combined. I like.
Yeah, I agree as well.

Xfear and IDR were talking about submission finishers earlier... what's being a bigger asshole in pro wrestling (or MMA, for that matter) than for someone to hold on to a submission finisher even after the person tapped out to it?

Anderson should use the crossface chickenwing or a modified version of it. It's simple and effective, and no one is using it right now in pro wrestling.

I was thinking like the rings of saturn or something .. but yeah chicken wing could work too but I hear that hurts a lot of people legit.. I remember Bret Hart saying that everytime backlaud put him in it he was in pain.
Jarrett running off from Angle during the six-man was delicious. Jarrett is such a great heel. When he's not being babyface father of the year that is.

Seriously, what the FUCK was the deal with those Disney World vignettes back at Victory Road? I'm still baffled by why they made Jarrett look like the most awesome, loving father ever when he's supposed to be an evil, cowardly heel. Makes even less sense because of the vignettes they aired months back with him and Karen having dinner with the kids and he was being a total dick to his and Angle's kids.
Damn! I thought for a second there Hogan was going to take the bump through the table. How awesome would that have been?
I was almost in tears when Jarrett drove off without Karen. De-fucking-licious.

So I give it about 6 months max until Hogan is wrestling again in TNA.

X did you hear what the stipulations to Angle Jarrett were?

Nah, what are they? I assume the 3rd fall is a cage match obviously.
So let me get this straight, we were suppose to beleive that Hogan, a man who can not even walk without a back brace, is going to lift up a 240 lbs. man and powerbomb him? Christ TNA how stupid do you think your fans really are?
LOL at the guys in the front row doing air-guitar solos when Sting's music hit during the Sting/RVD/Hogan/Bischoff segment.
Yo homies, sorry I wasn't here tonight or on MSN, watching TNA at gf's house. Damn fine go-home show if you ask me.

And that 2/3 falls JJ/Angle match is gonna be fucking sick. Later.

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