TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.17.11

Most non-sheep like anderson (I am not saying JJ is in the flock)

Better not be! Truth is, I've never liked the guy, from his WWE tenure to now. I remember when people touted him as the next Austin and MVP as the next Rock and I laughed at both. I still stand behind finding Anderson overrated and certainly his recent stuff has been painful.

We don't need to get into this more, but I just don't like him. What I will tell you is that he'll be TNA champ soon and remember tonight's finish. RVD got a "pin" on him though none of us saw an arm on him. This will be more fodder for Anderson's "woe is me" campaign, and gives him one more reason to join Immortal (to avoid crap like that going against him).
Wow, I've read a lot of bullshit in this thread. So thinking TNA sucks right now and hating TNA are the same? It's not the same, not even close. That's what marks say when someone doesn't love what they love.

This show was pretty bad. Usually, I don't get pissy over the amount of actual wrestling a television show has, if the storyline/promo segments are of high quality. Tonight, outside of Bubba, the promo's sucked. The building of storylines stunk. Ken Anderson ruined the opening segment, again, with his over-the-top bullshit.

The promos, as usual, wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so overbooked. They say way more than needed to get the main point across. Rambling on and on hurts the angle. It happens with Hogan, Bischoff, Anderson, all of the women, Pope, etc. It's a common thing lately, and it stinks.

All of that being said, I don't mind Bully Ray in the main event picture, for the moment at least. He has a good character. I never hated Bubba as a singles competitor as much as I hated Bubba/Devon feuding. The ending was a bit overdone, but not bad either.
Why the hell is there a random shot of Brooke Hogan when they're putting AJ on the stretcher? And no mention? Cheap plug much?
Probably to cover up a quick fuckup or something. Someone dropped AJ or something and they cut to her to fill? I don't know how they think
I'd just like to throw in what I thought of the show now that I got to watch the whole thing.

It started off really well, I quite enjoyed the first segment.

Jesus fuck I I did not think the Morgan/Hernandez street fight would be topped in it's awfulness tonight but that three way for the TV title achieved what it shouldn't have been able to.

Jarrett/Angle: lulz. thumbs up.

KO stuff: not good. at all.

Loved the Pope in-ring thing, fit his street hustling preacher gimmick as a heel.

...Then the torture came and it turned awful.

The Mainevent was actually going ok until the always present TNA brand of dusty finishes, the double _______.

Ray was, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, pretty fucking believable in his promo delivery tonight and while I'm glad TNA sold the hell out of that sick powerbomb they really did overdo it on replays and watching Styles get wheeled off. When it happened to RVD the meds got him out faster! It did however give Ray some sorely needed credibility after his awful match with Dreamer on Sunday.

The issue I have with Ray being put into this higher position is he hasn't beaten anyone important, ever. He got pinned by a fucking blowup doll on Sunday, how am I supposed to buy him being able to beat RVD.Styles, and Anderson? Simply put, I can't, which hurt the ME for me.
But not one person in this LD has claimed to hate TNA.

This week, maybe. That doesn't make that statement true for many others, however.

I've seen shows that I enjoyed, though. Two weeks ago 3/3 was a good show, until the end. 3/10 wasn't a bad show. Victory Road was awful, and today's show was awful.

You don't think people have a legitimate reason to complain when 9 out of 120 minutes of a wrestling show contained wrestling? This is where I begin to question your logic, and start dismissing you as a deluded mark, because you pretend that people have nothing to complain about.

Once again, this is not about the idea of people complaining about particular aspects of the show that are failures. This is about people coming in here week-after-week to bitch and moan about the most trivial aspects of the show at 30-second intervals. It's about people coming in here with a fuckin' stop watch to time the amount of actual wrestling bell-to-bell there is on the program only to denote how improper it is. It's about people coming in here, actively talking about how they do not watch TNA because they hate it (like Doc, for example) only to shit on what they're "allowing" themselves to watch again. It's about people coming in here only to poke fun at the "Blind TNA Marks" who continue to support the show. It's about people coming in here to do nothing but post sarcastically negative comments about the state of things since Hogan and Bischoff have joined despite having "given up" on TNA weeks earlier. You catching my drift here yet, son? Noticing a bit of a trend?

Once again: this is about people coming in here week-after-week, of their own accord, despite not being paid or forced to do so in any sense of either example, to do nothing but bitch at the highest clip possible because they know their buddies will be in here doing the same exact thing. It's textbook trolling, and I got warned for doing it earlier in my time here when I did the same thing to the RAW LD's. I was told, "If you hate WWE so much, don't watch it you blind TNA mark". So guess, what? I stopped watching. Gotta say, too, my time spent in front of a television has been a helluva lot more entertaining since.

For the last time, logic tells you that if you do not enjoy something, you do not continue to subscribe to it for the sake of salvage. If something is "terrible", or you have "given up", or you actively wish a product "would die, already", you are at the absolute pinacle of frustration, which logic again states would require that you actually stop watching so as not to continue to put yourself through that pain. This is the definition of masochism. Look it up.

Frankly, I'm tired of having this discussion. I stopped actively participating in these LD's a while back because of this nonsense and I won't return until it stops, which isn't likely for some time, so don't expect to see me here week-after-week headcharging some TNA Defense League. I do enough defending of my own personal tastes as it is and I have no reason to justify why I enjoy something to any of you, nor am I stupid enough to think I have to. I simply choose not to put myself through unnecessary (keyword) annoyance and misery by participating in a live discussion that's filled with negativity and sarcasm about a show I personally enjoy. Simple as that.

Case in point: WWE programming IMO has reached the point where the majority of the show is simply unwatchable to me. I find no interest in 90% of their characters or story lines and feel they're simply riding off their own coattails and that without the legacy of their brand name they'd be in a place just as "poor" as TNA. Because of this, the logical side of my brain tells me "Stop watching this. You get nothing out of it but misery and annoyance. Continuing to watch will just further the misery and annoyance. If you stop watching, you can avoid feeling said misery and annoyance." — so what did I do? Take a wild guess.
I like how they shoehorned the Jeff Hardy situation into kayfabe. I like the action in the main event. I like the prospect of an uppercard feud between Bubba and AJ. I like Rob Van Dam getting time to speak in backstage situations. I don't like overlong stretcher jobs, weak dusty finishes, and three people I have no emotional investment in competing over the top midcard belt. I fast fowarded through everything else. Will watch again next week.

So, what the fuck happened in this mess of a thread?
Brilliant IDR post. I guess the issue is that to still be a WWE mark you have to have damage to the part of your brain that tells you the same disappointing thing that always happens is going to happen. Makes a certain amount of sense.
Brilliant IDR post. I guess the issue is that to still be a WWE mark you have to have damage to the part of your brain that tells you the same disappointing thing that always happens is going to happen. Makes a certain amount of sense.

Roughly translated: WWE is the devil and TNA should be respected more even when they put crap on TV.

Christ, are you capable of changing your tune at all?
Brilliant IDR post. I guess the issue is that to still be a WWE mark you have to have damage to the part of your brain that tells you the same disappointing thing that always happens is going to happen. Makes a certain amount of sense.

See, therein lies the difference and that's something a lot of us can't and shouldn't have to tolerate.

There are a number of us that are wrestling marks more than anything. This means that, despite all sorts of stupidity telling us otherwise, we refuse to ONLY like one wrestling show. We like most wrestling we see and don't subscribe to "Team Raw" or "Team Impact ". I swear, it's like ya'll treat this like fucking Twilight!

Anyway, those of us who watch at least 3 if not more days of wrestling each week, we like to talk about the product we are watching while we are watching it. Though subconsciously there is some sort of comparative analysis going on, we (and I can only speak for myself but I know others are fair about this too) speak only about what we are currently watching.

The problem we run into is that if any sort of negative commentary begins, the first and only thing the TNA defense crew does, and it even happens beforehand too, is to try and take shots at the WWE. I suppose this is done to get us all to like TNA more. It's like the high school bully saying "that guy's a pansy, you shouldn't hang out with him, you should hang out with us".

I can tell you that, for me, that is the weakest argument that can be made. Actually, it's the only thing I'm fighting to rectify. If anything ruins these LDs for me, it's the incessant and non-stop shots at WWE in TNA forums. I come to talk TNA but it's the TNA marks that talk about WWE more than anything! The funny part is that IDR says he doesn't watch WWE. I believe him, but I wish that he'd keep his opinions about the product to himself if that's the case. Hard to judge a product you aren't watching, especially given the recent string of success that particular program has been having (it is Wrestlemania season after all).

Still, despite it being Wrestlemania season, I come in on Thursday nights to talk TNA and not think about WWE. That can never happen, as anything that any of us finds substandard on that particular program is defended with some anti-WWE rhetoric.

I'm sorry for picking on you, SD, by picking your comment to launch this defense, but it had to be done. If IDR gets his time to defend why he struggles with these LDs, I think I deserve mine as well. If we really want to solve the issues, part of that has to include the TNA defense forces lightening up on taking shots at WWE for no reason during TNA LDs. We get it, you decided to choose one brand over the other. While I don't and probably never will understand this ideal, I will respect it as long as you keep it to yourself and focus on the product at hand.

That's all I ask. I really don't think it's a lot. The point is that it's oxymoronic and I do have to pick on IDR a little here. He said he doesn't complain about WWE in Raw LDs, but he did take a couple of shots in his post and spoke as though he knew the product TODAY. That's not fair considering it was preceded by "I don't watch it". I love ya, IDR, but if you don't watch it, you've kind of lost your right to judge the thing. That said, you are the TNA moderator and a good one, so let's set the example and talk about TNA, not WWE. Keep the focus and keep it TNA. Let's not make this TNA vs. WWE because honestly, it's annoying.
Good fucking lord, I've come to the conclusion that you guys can't seriously think this way, you just blindly defend TNA like this just stir up shit with everyone else, you just want a debate and you know this is the easiest way to get one these days

I liked Bully Ray, I like AJ & the rest of Fortune, I think Pope can be good, as well as Joe, Hernandez can be good in the ring but for the love of fuck keep him away from the mic, Kurt/Jarrett feud just needs to end so both can move on to better things, Gunner might be good or decent at least, time will tell, TNA has some good things going for it, I promise I'll bitch less if they spend more time wrestling and less time talking
There are a number of us that are wrestling marks more than anything. This means that, despite all sorts of stupidity telling us otherwise, we refuse to ONLY like one wrestling show. We like most wrestling we see and don't subscribe to "Team Raw" or "Team Impact ". I swear, it's like ya'll treat this like fucking Twilight!

Anyway, those of us who watch at least 3 if not more days of wrestling each week, we like to talk about the product we are watching while we are watching it. Though subconsciously there is some sort of comparative analysis going on, we (and I can only speak for myself but I know others are fair about this too) speak only about what we are currently watching.

The problem we run into is that if any sort of negative commentary begins, the first and only thing the TNA defense crew does, and it even happens beforehand too, is to try and take shots at the WWE. I suppose this is done to get us all to like TNA more. It's like the high school bully saying "that guy's a pansy, you shouldn't hang out with him, you should hang out with us".

A nice idea; but it's complete crap. I do this LD every week, and what you're talking about simply doesn't happen.

I'm the most vocal TNA defender in these things, and I sure as hell do not simply bring up the WWE as a counterpoint when people bitch. I haven't watched a complete episode of RAW or Smackdown in well over a year so I wouldn't know where to start.

What you actually get in these things is exactly what IDR says, people sitting there doing nothing more that looking for things to complain about. We have no problem with the neutral fan simply not enjoying the show, it's the people with no intention or aspiration of enjoying the show showing up week on week so that they can troll the LD that we're rallying against.

I'm starting to lose count of how many worthwhile contributers to these live discussions I've seen give up showing up because of the trolling, IDR is just the most recent. Can't say I blame anyone for not wanting to put up with this crap anyway. Not a LD goes by without obsessive comments like this;

I can tell you that, for me, that is the weakest argument that can be made. Actually, it's the only thing I'm fighting to rectify. If anything ruins these LDs for me, it's the incessant and non-stop shots at WWE in TNA forums. I come to talk TNA but it's the TNA marks that talk about WWE more than anything! The funny part is that IDR says he doesn't watch WWE. I believe him, but I wish that he'd keep his opinions about the product to himself if that's the case. Hard to judge a product you aren't watching, especially given the recent string of success that particular program has been having (it is Wrestlemania season after all).

TNA marks.
TNA marks.
TNA marks.

I'm a TNA mark, so IDR, and not a LD goes by without our special collection of trolls telling us, directly or indirectly, that we are morons. That we are blind jingoists and fanatics with bad taste and low standards. All for enjoying the fucking show.
I swear, a hate to throw the word 'literally' around to much, but I literally cannot remember the last time one of these live discussions passed without at least one of you launching an demeaning tirade against those of us who happen to like the fucking show we're watching.

If something you don't like happens then you can bet your ass we'll get fifteen rounds of "I can't wait to see the TNA marks try to defend this" before a single person actually speaks up for the promotion. Similarly; if something enjoyable happens then you can bet your boots that it will be ignored. I refuse to accept the notion that nothing good happens, because if you continually watch two hours of television you enjoy nothing about then you are ******ed. Or a troll. I know where my money is placed.

The justification for the trolling? For the most part it's shattered dreams. Apparently he can be taken as a representation of the TNA fan base. Obviously this is crap, but even I realize that trying to talk anybody round on that issue is going to go nowhere.

Still, despite it being Wrestlemania season, I come in on Thursday nights to talk TNA and not think about WWE. That can never happen, as anything that any of us finds substandard on that particular program is defended with some anti-WWE rhetoric.

Again; bullshit. I've done hundreds of these bloody things and that simply doesn't happen. I think what you might be referring to is that it is hard to criticize TNA in a live discussion aimed at TNA fans without a TNA fan defending it. No shit.
Then again, as I've said before, the most vocal TNA defender in these LDs for the past few months has been me, and I'm undoubtedly a top tier poster, so lets not pretend that the quality of debate in these things is being dragged down by the TNA marks.

The TNA LDs are not full of people talking about the WWE. That simply is not true. Nor are the TNA LDs stuffed full of fanatical TNA marks, I wish they were, but almost all of them have left after being repeatedly insulted for the serial crime of enjoying a television show.

I'm throwing my hat in with IDR in a completely symbolic and ineffectual gesture.
I've always enjoyed TNA more than WWE. I love the mic work of heels like Hogan, Bischoff, and Ray then the likes of Punk. The lack of wrestling would bother me more in the WWE since they have more programming. Smackdown has regressed for me in the last few months and Cole and Lawler are the only reasons I watch Raw nowadays.
IDR's post made me wet. WWE always irks me these days. Simply put, they can a hell of a lot more than what they are currently doing. And I'm not talking about going Attitude.
Having often read the first few pages of this thing before deciding on whether to post or not, I can attest to the fact that a lot of what IDR says about people coming in to pinpoint exact negatives about the show has deterred me from partaking in these things on more than one occasion.
If you watch the show and don't like it, your a hater, or the normal, if you don't like it, don't watch it. If you don't watch it because it's embarrassing to watch, you should'nt comment on it, becuase you don't know what you commenting on. It's just dullard's running away from having a real debate.

See, it's possible for the WWE mark's to find stuff negative with the product. But a TNA mark find's not one thing wrong with the product. Hogan can pull hit pant's down and shove his dick in the camera and the TNA defender's will be like "ratings!" I can negatively comment on the WWE product, but if I negatively comment on the TNA product, I'm not allowed to becuase I'm a wrestling fan. Which makes no sense.

I'm sorry, the show just wasn't good, at all. It's my honest opinion. If RAW wasn't good, I would say it wasn't good. It'll be the same for Smackdown!.

But, holy crap, somebody bashed TNA! No! We have to defend it. It's better than the show I don't even watch anymore. Atleast TNA have blood! That's how you TNA defender's act like.

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