TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 12.09.10

I don't know, remembering the horror that was Reverend D-Von. Bubba has a point about covering for D-Von. Yet, D-Von covers for Bubba too.
i know you were, and I know Hervey is the guy producing this stuff, but it was funny as they portrayed him as the bully on Wonder Years, but his brother completely overshot him. That always amused me.

Definitely was amusing and I figured you knew but milenko thought I was being a smart ass. Where would he ever get an idea like that?
Those douches that shit on this show without ever watching it don't know what they are missing.

I didn't read much hate when I was in this thread earlier, but it was notch or two below Bound For Glory's fallout show... However it was much better than Turning Point's fallout show. Decent stuff all around.
The best parts about iMPACT! last night were the RVD video package, the True Grit commercials, and the Mickie James related woody I had. Not their best effort.
From the few highlights of last night's IMPACT I saw, it was amazing to see Daffney get the most cheers out of the knockouts Tag Team match. Then if she wasn't in it, you could hear crickets chirping basically.

The Velvet Sky Xmas online shop promo was freaking hilarious. :lmao:

Then the cage match bits I saw, Mickie and Tara, looks pretty good, can't wait to see the rest of it tonight.

Matt Morgan with a pipe it looked like?? I'm surprised Hardy didn't try to put something in it and light it up.

And Ric Flair bleeding...again, that man has more 'times of the month' than a locker room full of hormonal women.

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