TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.17.11

Not true. Read everything I wrote — never once did I defend this show. I simply do not understand why anyone would willingly continue watching a show they tout as the completely awful. Makes about as much sense to me as Abyss winning the TV title only to forfeit it without ever even defending it (see what I did there?).

I'm guessing at this point that these comments aren't directed so much at someone like me as it is possibly at others. That said, some of us are wrestling nuts that will watch wrestling in hopes of seeing a great promo, great match, something that we liked and would hate to have missed. This week provided none of that. I sincerely hope that next week does because the latest taste in our mouths of TNA is a pathetic title match that shouldn't have even happened, TWO #1 contenders matches that ended without a #1 contender, and a bunch of segments tonight that had no wrestling and basically weren't exciting. Things need to turn around quickly, but if it doesn't, at least you can be happy that some of the so called "trolls" you don't like will probably give up for good.
In fairness to KB, his reviews usually give TNA the benefit of the doubt and actually get a somewhat positive grade. That's because there usually are solid parts of the broadcast. Today is the wrong day to pick a fight and question people's motives in the LD because today was a truly awful show.

Right now, defending the show are IDR and SD and to a lesser extent, JGKU. I'm an even keeled kind of guy, so I'd like for either of you to give us something specific that you liked about today's show. If you can, I will be fair and say that it's fine and if you enjoyed it, power to you. Fact is, this was a tough show to watch, and I'm here every week with you guys. Honest opinion, but this might be the worst I've seen. So please, give me something tangible that you liked THIS week and lets' see where we go from there.

I thought most of the segments were good but I wish there was more wrestling
Not true. Read everything I wrote — never once did I defend this show. I simply do not understand why anyone would willingly continue watching a show they tout as the completely awful. Makes about as much sense to me as Abyss winning the TV title only to forfeit it without ever even defending it (see what I did there?).

For the most part, we are all fans of Professional Wrestling. I'll watch just about anything in hopes of seeing some things that I enjoy. Sometimes in TNA, they will show a match or a promo that I thoroughly enjoy. Even though most of the time I find the program to be absolute garbage, those one or 2 glimmers of respectable programming is enough for me to tune in.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm slowly drifting away. So maybe they'll be one less person here to "ruin your enjoyment." But unless TNA puts half a fucking thought into their programming for a change, they'll be 10 more that replace me.
Again, none of this has anything to do with the question that you continue to avoid. You might have an excuse because you write reviews, but it's a cop-out, as your reviews do not require that you actively participate in a live discussion of the product. Your review is just as effective (or ineffective) posted on it's own after-the-fact without you whining in here week-after-week as it is were you not to.

What the hell are you asking you hockey loving nutball named Sally?
IDR, it's like you refuse to accept that there are people in this world that ACTUALLY didn't like the show, and that they're here specifically to bitch about it for the sole purpose of ruining YOUR enjoyment. I know your go-to phrase is, "if you don't like it, then don't watch it," but it's a wrestling show. If there's a discussion available, I'm going to discuss it, because I'm a fan of wrestling (sorry to snatch X's point).

Which leaves you with two options, if you think the LD is ruining your enjoyment:

A) Don't participate in the LDs, or
B) Make a separate LD for positive comments only.

If you don't like it, then it's just something you're going to have to deal with. I really, really don't care enough about you to come in to this LD specifically to "ruin your enjoyment" of the show, and I sincerely doubt the other people who don't like it do either.

It's like you and Shattered are in this little bubble together, refusing to believe that there are people in the world who are ACTUALLY dissatisfied with a TNA show, and that the people who are complain about it are just trolling.

Lighten up. This is a live discussion. Not a live TNA praising. If you don't like it, you don't have to discuss it.
I'm guessing at this point that these comments aren't directed so much at someone like me as it is possibly at others. That said, some of us are wrestling nuts that will watch wrestling in hopes of seeing a great promo, great match, something that we liked and would hate to have missed. This week provided none of that. I sincerely hope that next week does because the latest taste in our mouths of TNA is a pathetic title match that shouldn't have even happened, TWO #1 contenders matches that ended without a #1 contender, and a bunch of segments tonight that had no wrestling and basically weren't exciting. Things need to turn around quickly, but if it doesn't, at least you can be happy that some of the so called "trolls" you don't like will probably give up for good.

You're the most objective guy I know — I rarely have issue with what you write here, Yanks. You were not, nor were you ever really the target of criticism here, but you do still fall under the same category of 'if it annoys you that much, why watch?'.

But you're the only one yet who's given me anything even close to being recognized as an acceptable answer up there, so thanks for that, but I don't buy the idea of "hope" when the comments read as doom-and-gloom as "I can't wait until this company folds" each week. Hard to justify "hope" in there.
Average show. Some funny stuff, some decent build in stories and interesting ending. TV title stuff was pretty crappy although Gunner has potential. I do not watch with a stopwatch.
For the most part, we are all fans of Professional Wrestling. I'll watch just about anything in hopes of seeing some things that I enjoy. Sometimes in TNA, they will show a match or a promo that I thoroughly enjoy. Even though most of the time I find the program to be absolute garbage, those one or 2 glimmers of respectable programming is enough for me to tune in.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm slowly drifting away. So maybe they'll be one less person here to "ruin your enjoyment." But unless TNA puts half a fucking thought into their programming for a change, they'll be 10 more that replace me.

Yes. I agree with everything you just posted.

That's how I feel. I watch TNA just to watch it. If it's good, it's good. If it's bad (as it usually is) I bash it.

I'm a wrestling fan, I watch wrestling to watch it. But I can't enjoy seeing Hogan's face, of Matt Hardy on my fuckin' TV. It's not my fault I hate them, it's their's.
I thought most of the segments were good but I wish there was more wrestling

I believe you and you are noticeably more positive about all wrestling than most. It's a fantastic attitude and I commend you for it. I do wish I could watch that way, but it's becoming tougher and tougher.

Then again, I get paid to be a little critical (though it cost me media credentials) so who knows how I should think anymore?
Yeah, I didn't get to see the tv title thing cuz I had some things I had to do away from the telly, but from what I understand they took 3 random people from Immortal and threw them into a match for the belt. Am I understanding that correctly?
What the hell are you asking you hockey loving nutball named Sally?

Well, at least you got half of that statement right. :)

IDR, it's like you refuse to accept that there are people in this world that ACTUALLY didn't like the show, and that they're here specifically to bitch about it for the sole purpose of ruining YOUR enjoyment. I know your go-to phrase is, "if you don't like it, then don't watch it," but it's a wrestling show. If there's a discussion available, I'm going to discuss it, because I'm a fan of wrestling (sorry to snatch X's point).

Which leaves you with two options, if you think the LD is ruining your enjoyment:

A) Don't participate in the LDs, or
B) Make a separate LD for positive comments only.

If you don't like it, then it's just something you're going to have to deal with. I really, really don't care enough about you to come in to this LD specifically to "ruin your enjoyment" of the show, and I sincerely doubt the other people who don't like it do either.

It's like you and Shattered are in this little bubble together, refusing to believe that there are people in the world who are ACTUALLY dissatisfied with a TNA show, and that the people who are complain about it are just trolling.

Lighten up. This is a live discussion. Not a live TNA praising. If you don't like it, you don't have to discuss it.

1. I rarely participate in LD's, specifically because I watch the show to enjoy it, not read about people who don't — I have to do enough of that throughout the week moderating the section.

2. You being wrestling fans is irrelevant — you can't have your cake and eat it too. It makes no sense, logistically speaking, for someone to continue to watch something they are not forced or paid to watch that they actively hate. None. No one here has made a convincing argument otherwise to date.

You can tout all you like about the "hope" of a good show, but the bottom line is that it makes no sense to continue entertaining something you legitimately do not enjoy. Simple as that.
It's not "ruining your enjoyment."

It's called people posting opinion's on a television show.

Stop throwing a hissy-fit, and actually state why it was good.

Is this what happen's every show? People bash the show, and IDR and SD come on and defend it.

The show tonight just wasn't very good. Way to much promo's, a double pin (:banghead:) and a 10 minute recovery for an injured wrestler.
The part I have never understood is that kb has openly admitted he is biased yet he continues to watch in hopes of liking it or whatever. How does that make any sense?
You're the most objective guy I know — I rarely have issue with what you write here, Yanks. You were not, nor were you ever really the target of criticism here, but you do still fall under the same category of 'if it annoys you that much, why watch?'.

But you're the only one yet who's given me anything even close to being recognized as an acceptable answer up there, so thanks for that, but I don't buy the idea of "hope" when the comments read as doom-and-gloom as "I can't wait until this company folds" each week. Hard to justify "hope" in there.

As I just replied, I also watch every week because part of my job is to do so. I write, recruit, and run the wrestling section on and I recruit for all other sports as well, but wrestling is my baby because obviously, I'm a huge fan and have been my whole life. Thus, I need to be objective based on what I feel as I watch the show when I talk about.

I actually enjoy coming here for TNA shows because it's interesting to see both sides. When I watch Raw, I do so with my buddies (it's our tradition) so I don't do an LD. For Impact, I'm alone so I want to be talking wrestling with other wrestling fans. If I have something positive or witty to say, I do so. If it's negative, I'm still going to say it. That's the fun of it and why we come here, to bullshit about wrestling. I quite enjoy doing this with you guys and I plan to continue to do so.

I've never once wished ill will on TNA and have hoped it will fold. In fact, quite the opposite. The more good wrestling per week I get to watch, the better. That's why I might be critical. I guess it's like the father of a kid with an athletic body but no skills. It's like, you see potential for the kid to be a great athlete but something is missing and holding it back. You continue to hope that one day the kid just "gets it" but it doesn't seem likely. That's how I've come to see TNA, but I do hold out hope.

Granted, I do think the product was WAY better before Hogoff, I still hold out hope. I like some of the roster additions (not all), and I like the new ring and set (and I will REALLY like if Impact goes on the road for good) so I know some positive has come from it, but the booking has been downright awful at times in this regime. I hope it gets better and that's why I tune in every week.

You know, that and that pesky making a living thing!
2. You being wrestling fans is irrelevant — you can't have your cake and eat it too. It makes no sense, logistically speaking, for someone to continue to watch something they are not forced or paid to watch that they actively hate. None. No one here has made a convincing argument otherwise to date.

But not one person in this LD has claimed to hate TNA.

You can tout all you like about the "hope" of a good show, but the bottom line is that it makes no sense to continue entertaining something you legitimately do not enjoy. Simple as that.

I've seen shows that I enjoyed, though. Two weeks ago 3/3 was a good show, until the end. 3/10 wasn't a bad show. Victory Road was awful, and today's show was awful.

You don't think people have a legitimate reason to complain when 9 out of 120 minutes of a wrestling show contained wrestling? This is where I begin to question your logic, and start dismissing you as a deluded mark, because you pretend that people have nothing to complain about.
The part I have never understood is that kb has openly admitted he is biased yet he continues to watch in hopes of liking it or whatever. How does that make any sense?

Yep, I'm biased. I find the show to be substandard to WWE. Substandard does not mean that it's terrible. Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to think both shows are good and not support only one.

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