TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.17.11

Is this what happen's every show? People bash the show, and IDR and SD come on and defend it.

As a matter of fact, we end up having this conversation every single Thursday. Someone doesn't like something TNA does, and the TNA Defence Force comes in and gloriously dogpiles, throwing out catchphrases like, "DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T WATCH IT," or "BLIND WWE MARK," or something.
Did you say you interviewed Shatter, JJ?

Very short interview. The long one was with Shannon Moore because at the time, Shatter wasn't anyone of note. This was December of 09. Moore had been in TNA and WWE before so he had some name credibility and was the interview I wanted since I was refused either Hardy brother.

In case you haven't figured out, my source was a friend who works for The Hardy Show. Thus, I got Moore and we did about 45 minutes and Shatter is a forgotten piece. Nowadays, I wouldn't mind getting a little time with him. If that makes me a little bit of a prick, so be it. My site is for WWE and TNA content. I don't cover indy stuff so until guys make TV, they aren't on my radar for media appearances. We'll see what the future brings, maybe I will get to talk to him more moving forward.
Yep, I'm biased. I find the show to be substandard to WWE. Substandard does not mean that it's terrible. Contrary to popular belief, it's possible to think both shows are good and not support only one.

Whenever you get busted for having double standards you claim you never said you were objective or whatever. It isn't about liking one show over the other. It is about if you truly have any desire to enjoy something why would you view it with different standards than the thing you actually enjoy? Makes absolutely no sense.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was impressed as fuck by Ray tonight, his program with AJ might not suck

Shattered, what did you think of Big Poppa Frump tonight?
It still amazes me that there is a significant chunk of the IWC that claims Ray has horrible mic skills. Absolutely mindblowing.


Sorry, I had to do it!

Where has anyone said that though? I don't remember that. I remember people talking about not caring about his feud with Devon, which is fair, but not about his mic skills.
Shattered, what did you think of Big Poppa Frump tonight?

Pope's lady? Provided biggest laugh of the night for me. Anyone else find it quite funny when Ray clocked Hebner?

JJ, too lazy to look it up but it seems to come up in basically any thread he is involved in. I have a hard time taking anyone seriously that thinks he doesn't have at least above average mic skills. Personally, I think he might be the most underrated mic worker ever.
By the way, just throwing this prediction out there:

Mr. Anderson joins Immortal at Lockdown. Hogan said either do things his way or get out and he's been whining about title shots. How do you get your way? Play by someone else's rules. He's going to do it. We'll get a triple threat, it's all faces and one turns heel. Sound familiar? Well, it's going to happen again.
I think the potbellied scootlenuts are increasingly improving their abilities to circumvent the arctic cheese globe and thusly ratify further vectoral pungency all across the board. If they can keep that up, I don't see why they couldn't punctuate the scurvy lime slug and preempt the cornucopious limburger cumquat instabilities.
Mozz go back and read his posts. He isn't taking issue with criticism. He made that abundantly clear.

So? He determined on his own that people hated TNA based on their criticisms of the show, and wondered why they were ruining his and your enjoyment of the show because of it. But nobody here hates TNA. My point is, it's okay to criticize a product you like. I just happened scrutinize TNA more than WWE because I like the WWE more, as well as fans' insistence on comparing it to the WWE.

Now, if you ask me why I say, "it's shit," or "this is fucking ******ed," it's because you get butthurt about it, and that makes me laugh.
Anderson joining immortal is almost too likely/obvious at this point. That is the only reason I would would question it happening. Crowd on the road did not seem to care too much that he beat up Sting. They will likely still cheer for him.
Anderson joining immortal is almost too likely/obvious at this point. That is the only reason I would would question it happening. Crowd on the road did not seem to care too much that he beat up Sting. They will likely still cheer for him.

They still cheered for Hardy. Then again, it was NC. Honestly, crowd reaction is a tough thing to go on these days. Immortal needs a champ, so it's either Anderson, Matt Hardy, or Bully Ray. Your pick.
I'd rather not.

I'm with you, but you know it's coming. Maybe joining Immortal will stop Anderson from whining and even talking for the most part. Jeff Hardy didn't have to do all that much when he was Immortal's champ. It's a win on every level except keeping Eric Bischoff on TV and thus continuing to float his undeserved ego.

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