TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.17.11

Why did Fortune show up after the damage had been done? And why is this taking up so much time? They could have done this during a commercial and showed him getting carted off as a recap. That way we get more time for matches, or in TNA's case promos, and not have to see AJ get secured on a cart for five minutes.
So now the first or second face is doing an injury angle? Great. Even MORE talented guys that won't be wrestling for awhile.

Maybe his other real injury didn't heal right. He really hasn't been wrestling much since he rushed back.

Not sure if it was the reaction style shooting but that seemed a million times more real than these segments usually do.
It's TNA.

You have to throw logic out the window.

Russo is the king of "what the hell?"

Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric and more rhetoric.

You have any original opinions of your own, or do you make a living just regurgitating the same sentences dozens of others have spoken before you?
Why did Fortune show up after the damage had been done? And why is this taking up so much time? They could have done this during a commercial and showed him getting carted off as a recap. That way we get more time for matches, or in TNA's case promos, and not have to see AJ get secured on a cart for five minutes.

It's TNA's sad, pathetic way to fill up time.

The show's a slowly sinking ship after tonight, enjoy it while it last.
Kaz going to get a main event face push? I like it.

Bully Ray is the MVP of tonight's show by far. I never though I'd say that.
I get that they are selling the injury as serious, but did it need the last 15 minutes of airtime? Couldn't that match have been 5-10 minutes longer?
That was shit. All of it. I tuned out for like 10 minutes after the Pope segment so my head wouldn't explode, but I doubt I missed much.
Rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric, rhetoric and more rhetoric.

You have any original opinions of your own, or do you make a living just regurgitating the same sentences dozens of others have spoken before you?

What do you mean?

TNA is like taking logic and putting it in a paper shredder and hitting shred.

Why didn't Fortune help Bully Ray after the power bomb, or after the match when he was fitting with Ray.

That's like Wade Barret getting beat down by Cena last year, and Nexus not coming to help.

On a side note, no Matt Hardy tonight! :)
Certainly not your "contributions."

Why? Honestly SD, you know I give you the benefit of the doubt more than most, but are you really so afraid of honesty? Today was a bad show, worse than usual. Those of us who are critical usually find positives to most shows and are vocal about that, but today was bad. So, Mozz, who is someone that usually is a pretty decent poster, shares his opinion, and since it was negative towards a bad show, you quickly try and make fun of him?

Better off just being real and knowing that some shows are hit and some are miss. This was a miss.
Now I know why this was the first TNA I've taken part in. I also know why I only keep up with TNA through reading the results. I have wasted a night. Tonight's show started with a lot of potential, but it went downhill. Fast.
You've done nothing for the last two hours but complain.

But that's par for the course on here.

It's a TNA LD, man — what'd you expect? Users don't come here to talk positively about the show anymore. They're drowned out by the IBC (Incessant Bitching Crew) who come here every week to troll the thread by whining about the most irrelevant things possible at 30 second intervals. The ones who did come tend to show up for a minute or two before realizing the same whiney users are up to their usual hijinks before leaving to watch on their own where they can actually enjoy the product, myself included.
that's because Super Mario 2 was NOT Super Mario after Super Mario 2 was released in Japan, it was decided by Nintendo that it was too hard for American gamers, so they repackaged a game by the name of Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic, and presented it as Super Mario 2, although the actual Super Mario 2 was released in America as Super Mario: The Lost Levels.
You know, I'm beginning to wonder now if the Jeff Hardy thing wasn't the start of a work. All they offered was a 6 month trial membership to the online on demand thing which doesn't really cost them any money and it's something they can use as a ploy to get more hits on the website and maybe scrounge a few more viewers from. Sounds like a work to me.

Seems like every show is going to try to pass off some "legitimate" angle.

Oh, and Morgan's offense is one of the worst I've ever seen. It looks absolutely terrible. He barely touches them or moves his arm.
It's a TNA LD, man — what'd you expect? Users don't come here to talk positively about the show anymore. They're drowned out by the IBC (Incessant Bitching Crew) who come here every week to troll the thread by whining about the most irrelevant things possible at 30 second intervals. The ones who did come tend to show up for a minute or two before realizing the same whiney users are up to their usual hijinks before leaving to watch on their own where they can actually enjoy the product, myself included.

So people like me are to blame for these LDs dying?

And people say I'm delusional.
It's a TNA LD, man — what'd you expect? Users don't come here to talk positively about the show anymore. They're drowned out by the IBC (Incessant Bitching Crew) who come here every week to troll the thread by whining about the most irrelevant things possible at 30 second intervals. The ones who did come tend to show up for a minute or two before realizing the same whiney users are up to their usual hijinks before leaving to watch on their own where they can actually enjoy the product, myself included.

Understandable, but if I don't like something, I don't watch it.

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