TNA iMPACT! LD for 04.14.11

I gotta admit.. Winter's entrance music is kinda creepy in a good way.

man Angelina looks Zombish!
Throwback heel. The "cowboy" gimmick simply works for him because his accent and his look fits the part perfectly. As a face I'm not too big of a fan of his, but as a heel his work is great. Solid catch-phrase, solid ring-work, solid personality, solid gimmick.

See, I find Roode to be the throwback. From Storm, I've seen a comedy guy who gets drunk a lot. I've never seen him take anything seriously. If that's his "gimmick" then it's not a good one. When he did that has a heel, how can you take him any more seriously than Eric Young? I've tried to like him because others have spoken highly of him, but if Beer Money broke up, Roode would be the break out guy and Storm I couldn't even begin to fathom seeing any type of success. Maybe I just don't see it, but in fairness, I have tried. I'm sorry.
what types of things occur in asian pronz?

You don't even want to fucking know dude. The stuff of your nightmares. When "*******" is basically softcore in your country, your porn is fucked up.

Ferbian got mad that I showed him a pic of my new cleats instead of a "Cute soccer chick" so I googled that

Half of the pictures didn't involve soccer. or clothes.


A good hit off of this Gravitron will buckle your knees and gravity will go right out the window. Buddy of mine once straight up passed out from the thing. Then again he doesn't smoke much.

Decent little Kaz/Matt Hardy match with a bit of a sloppy finish. **1/2 worthy.

What's this about Angle/Jarrett being made into 3 Stages of Hell? Awesome. What are the other stips? I wonder if it'll be as good as the 3 Stages of Hell Angle had against Wolfe a few years back.

I really, really wish Wolfe would get healthy. He SHOULD have been in the spot Jeff Hardy was in inside Immortal. Far, far more talented and blows Jeff away on the mic so badly it's not even funny.

Snooze time. This Velvet/Winter/Love shit is mo-fuckin-ronic.

It's even more moronic too since Winter is easily the best female worker they've got, and they totally waste her with this nonsense. She should be in Madison Rayne's spot. Her and Mickie could have some good matches.
Show any good?
I overslept.

Pretty solid so far. No stupid segments so far, some decent wrestling. Only thing I haven't liked so far was OJ and EY going over the British Invasion clean, but besides that, good show so far.
Anderson needs another finisher.. the mic check doesn't have that type of bad ass impact one would expect from a bad ass.. I mean its okay and all..but I would love for him to have another finisher to go along with it.
Anderson needs another finisher.. the mic check doesn't have that type of bad ass impact one would expect from a bad ass.. I mean its okay and all..but I would love for him to have another finisher to go along with it.

Plus it's such an overused move. Fucking EVERYBODY does a reverse STO, from the Knockouts and beyond. And they don't even use it as a finisher either, so when Anderson uses it, it just looks weak as hell.

Shit R-Truth used it twice on RAW this week.
Show any good?
I overslept.

Solid build. It's the go-home show to Lockdown so they're basically just tying up loose ends, but IMO it's been a great show.

See, I find Roode to be the throwback. From Storm, I've seen a comedy guy who gets drunk a lot. I've never seen him take anything seriously. If that's his "gimmick" then it's not a good one. When he did that has a heel, how can you take him any more seriously than Eric Young? I've tried to like him because others have spoken highly of him, but if Beer Money broke up, Roode would be the break out guy and Storm I couldn't even begin to fathom seeing any type of success. Maybe I just don't see it, but in fairness, I have tried. I'm sorry.

Understandable, but that's just your opinion on the matter. Storm had relative success when AMW broke up when he went on a singles run with Jacqueline. Wasn't main-event stuff, but I still thought he did a great job in the role.

Roode is certainly the greater of the two, but this isn't a Michaels/Jannetty type scenario with Beer Money like it was with AMW.
Plus it's such an overused move. Fucking EVERYBODY does a reverse STO, from the Knockouts and beyond. And they don't even use it as a finisher either, so when Anderson uses it, it just looks weak as hell.

Shit R-Truth used it twice on RAW this week.

Agree'd 100% I mean if Matt hardy can change his finisher then Anderson might want to think about changing his since he wants to be a badass character he needs the moveset to compliment the persona.. the mic check just looks weak to me..
What is the deal with Gunner having the TV title dangling from his mouth? And why wasn't Matt Hardy made champion?
It's even more moronic too since Winter is easily the best female worker they've got, and they totally waste her with this nonsense. She should be in Madison Rayne's spot. Her and Mickie could have some good matches.

I wouldn't call her their best worker, but she's certainly one of their better ones who'd certainly benefit from working a better angle than this shit.

I fuckin' hate "magic" stories. All of them.
Murphy's gotten better :) I like seeing people grow in the ring :) too bad at this stage he is better than Rob Terry LOL
Solid build. It's the go-home show to Lockdown so they're basically just tying up loose ends, but IMO it's been a great show.

Understandable, but that's just your opinion on the matter. Storm had relative success when AMW broke up when he went on a singles run with Jacqueline. Wasn't main-event stuff, but I still thought he did a great job in the role.

Roode is certainly the greater of the two, but this isn't a Michaels/Jannetty type scenario with Beer Money like it was with AMW.

I absolutely know it's my opinion. I remember that time period and thought Roode got a raw deal since he was doing quite well as a heel. Putting him back into a tag team halted all that and despite the tag team being quite good, I often wonder what could have been. I've tried to see something in Storm but I just don't see it. We all have our preferences I guess.
I said it before, but it's worth noting again. Finally getting a set of tights did wonders for Murphy/Gunner.

Still fodder, but much more acceptable fodder.
Agree'd 100% I mean if Matt hardy can change his finisher then Anderson might want to think about changing his since he wants to be a badass character he needs the moveset to compliment the persona.. the mic check just looks weak to me..

Yeah, I agree as well.

Xfear and IDR were talking about submission finishers earlier... what's being a bigger asshole in pro wrestling (or MMA, for that matter) than for someone to hold on to a submission finisher even after the person tapped out to it?

Anderson should use the crossface chickenwing or a modified version of it. It's simple and effective, and no one is using it right now in pro wrestling.

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