TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.24.11


Was Immortal/Fortune confirmed as well? I know they issued the challenge, but I wasn't sure if they actually confirmed it or not.
I hated the Dusty finish, I really hate the way they're raping this asshole thing, and I hated the intro. Other than that, decent show.
The latest PPV, United We Stand, which was taped right after the two live i-PPVs in January. Just finished it, my review will be up momentarily.

Ok sweet. I've tried reviewing DGUSA shows, but my God they're exhausting.

But if Impact is like tonight every night, they have a pretty decent shot and turning this around. It wasn't anything spectacular, but it was a good solid two hour show.
LAX 2.0 has potential, they just need a manger or someone that can actually talk for them, to bad Steiner is Latino, also wouldn't mind seeing Homicide return, but not getting my hopes up
She's going to be in a match at WM dude.

At ringside. The match has Laycool and her boy Dolph. She is not actually IN the match. However, the firing was a storyline thing and she and Dolph now are on Raw as she got a contract to Raw by beating Trish Stratus, obviously due to interference (which in turn set up the Wrestlemania match).

She would be a perfect fit here, but she's a heat magnet in the other company so I doubt she's going anywhere.
Nope. My time is spent in the moderator's section viewing reported posts, the TNA section moderating and sporadically in other sections, but I don't watch WWE programming at all, so I have no reason to view those threads.

Last I left she was managing Ziggler, but I don't know much beyond that.
Fuck sake people I know Vickie isn't coming to TNA, just saying it would be a good fit for both her and LAX2.0 if it could happen
No, but he's there. If he's going to be there, high as a kite and still sucking ass, he can at least spare us the dreads, no?

Come on, it wouldn't be a TNA show without a non-sober Hardy would it? Matty boy is just picking up the slack in his brother's absence!

Ok, that was a joke, but in all honesty, I hope Jeff is getting help somewhere. He needs it and is clearly an addict. Matt does some shit too but his worst trait is that he's an enabler and is in Jeff's head to tell him he's still awesome. If Matt had some testicles, he'd cut the shit out he's doing, look his brother in the eyes, and get him help before he loses him. That's all I'm saying.

Oh yea, there was a show. I didn't see it. Too busy watching my Gators and Wildcats WIN!!!!

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