TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.03.11

Good show for whatever of it I watched. "They" may be a blessing in disguise provided its not screwed up.

This is a TNA LD so the rules of the internet state I have to bash TNA after complimenting them though;

With 1 Impact to Against All Odds we only have 3 matches on the card; Mickie/Maddie, Battle of the Forgotten Storylines and Tag Team split number 329. Are they pulling a WWE on us with these PPV buildups?
Good show tonight.

Mr. Anderson just annoys the piss out of me. Hopefully with this face turn AJ can get another run with the title.

Gonna be difficult to set up right away seeing as he just helped him retain, and unless AJ is a tweener, having a face/face feud would be a mistake.

It'll be months before AJ gets a legit shot, I'd imagine, unless they develop a three or four-way bout at an upcoming PPV. At least in a match like that AJ could win without really having to have a direct feud with another face.
Good show for whatever of it I watched. "They" may be a blessing in disguise provided its not screwed up.

This is a TNA LD so the rules of the internet state I have to bash TNA after complimenting them though;

With 1 Impact to Against All Odds we only have 3 matches on the card; Mickie/Maddie, Battle of the Forgotten Storylines and Tag Team split number 329. Are they pulling a WWE on us with these PPV buildups?

Was Mickie/Madison actually announced? I fast-forwarded through the match.
In all honesty, the only thing TNA is annoying me with right now, is marking my calendar for taped dates...I start to get excited for things only to remember to avoid all spoiler possible posts. Now, it's March 3rd.
I enjoyed the ending tonight of the show. I prefer Fortune turning against Immortal instead of MEM. AJ was in rare form tonight. I wish Fortune were faces right off the bat, but I'm glad we got to enjoy the ride. It is odd though that they joined Immortal only 3 months ago to turn on them. I guess we will have to wait for further explanations. AJ did a great job of covering the groundwork.
They said it during the match several times.

As for AJ and the title. If built well, BFG: AJ Styles vs Mr. Anderson.
TNA managed to pull it together with this one. I tip my hat to them. The fortune turn was well played and actually got me a bit excited. I loved the beginning and I loved the end, I liked some stuff in between. I was worried, however, when I saw...

Jeff and Karen shit. Come the fuck on already. I almost quit watching if I hadn't wanted to watch and see who "they" were (I refrained from peeking at spoilers). They even pulled the kids into this shitty ass angle (no pun intended). And what the hell did it prove? I didn't see Kurt address it at all. Maybe it's being saved or "built up" but the shit is not remotely interesting. It sucks, it's idiotic, and I'm sure even though Kurt's being professional about it all there's got to be something in the back of his brain picking about something. If they would get rid of this shit entirely they could have a ten times better product IMO.

Same thing with "Bully" Ray and Devon. Now, I like Devon and all, but I hope they put this to rest at the ppv already. This is also some fat that needs trimmed (pun intended that time). And all of a sudden they throw Pope and Joe together w/them when they've got their separate program anyway? It just screamed jumbled together for space w/no apparent rhyme or reason.

All in all, I wasn't too upset w/Impact this week. I still like the knockouts matches even though there's a botch or two in there. They put a lot of work into their stuff and I still enjoy watching them for more than even the obvious reasons.

I liked the beginning segment, I think Bischoff's even got a little better in the past couple weeks than usual. I also liked the end. I liked Eric Young's bit at the announce booth. Always nice to see EY doing some comedy stuff. I could have done w/out 3D's presence and Pope and Joe did nothing to help the spot.

The thing I can't wait for them to snuff is the damn Jarrett shit. Send Karen and the kids back to the house and leave them off of television already. She's bat-shit annoying anyway, the kids don't need to be there, and Jarrett's always sucked. I'd love for Jarrett to just get the hell off of the tv and stay off. I'd even put up w/watching Bischoff every week w/a smile on my face, cheering, and drinking a toast to him every Thursday if Jeff was gone.
For the love of God keep Fourtune away from Ric Flair. That old bastard needs to go away and let these guys shine.

This smells like a 3 way brewing for Lockdown, ala Uncensored 97.

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