TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.31.11

BRITISH INVASION IS THE 4TH TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exclamations for emphasis!
Oh joy. The British Invasion. See, keep this as a lesson people: NEVER steal the spotlight and tear the house down for a midcard title while getting the fans behind you or you might be thrown into the British Invasion with the allegedly interesting and talented Magnus. More typical TNA here.
I honestly thought tonights show would never end. It drug on, and on, and on. Anderson/Hebner was absolutely awful, Velvet was as annoying as she always is, Rob Terry is officially a Chris Masters-style jobber, Taz continues to sound terribly unintelligent, three guys from Immortal totally destroyed five top stars, the EY/Orlando Jordan thing is beyond offensive, the Buck Brothers cut two of the worst promos in wrestling history, Sting continues to wrestle with a shirt on, and the show ends with Anderson unsurprisingly screaming all over the place.
:glare: Rant over.

However, Scott Steiner did go on a verbal rampage. Solid stuff right there.
I honestly thought tonights show would never end. It drug on, and on, and on. Anderson/Hebner was absolutely awful, Velvet was as annoying as she always is, Rob Terry is officially a Chris Masters-style jobber, Taz continues to sound terribly unintelligent, three guys from Immortal totally destroyed five top stars, the EY/Orlando Jordan thing is beyond offensive, the Buck Brothers cut two of the worst promos in wrestling history, Sting continues to wrestle with a shirt on, and the show ends with Anderson unsurprisingly screaming all over the place.
:glare: Rant over.

However, Scott Steiner did go on a verbal rampage. Solid stuff right there.
Damn forum maintenance cut our fun short. I also fell asleep. I was that damn tired. Daniels' music woke me up.
I just didn't like the constant backstage promos. The TNA cameramen are worse then the paparazzi at this point. Anderson had more skits then anyone. The show was enjoyable compared to the last few weeks. Daniels is back and is in Fortune so that is always a plus.

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