TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.31.11

So Angle wrestled a match for the custody of his kids and lost. Yet since then almost every single broadcast features him with one of his kids.
NY Islanders 4, NY Rangers 1, early in the third period. Should bring IDR back to the LD earlier than he had hoped.
You know, Anderson's character now reminds me way more of Bret Hart before he turned heel than Steve Austin. Hart at that time thought the world was against him and that everyone was screwing him. The difference is that Hart was limited in mic time which makes him infinitely less annoying than Anderson.
Speaking of Montreal, this Anderson character reminds me of Bret circa late 1996. He thought the world was against him and started complaining about everything. The difference is that Hart was limited in mic time, which makes him infinitely better than Anderson as a result.
Where the fuck was security when Hener was getting his ass kicked??

oh snap RVD!

LOL they are both pretty lol
I don't get it. Why are we suppose to cheer for Anderson?

You aren't. I mean, they want you to, because they're trying to build Anderson as this big tweener/babyface like Austin was, only they never have him do anything remotely babyface-like. Fuck, even Austin would occasionally do some babyface stuff but not Anderson here. He spends the entire show giving you more reasons to dislike and boo him. His booking is horrendous.

It's a good show besides that though. Sort of.

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