TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.24.11

I wish they would drop the ball on him. Nothing about him seems particularly interesting or gripping. I'd rather see Hernandez in that big-muscle-guy babyface spot.

I'd rather see Hernandez join the rest of the drab personality dolts and fuck off, right out of TNA.
Those guys didn't even look like they were giving an effort at getting Terry off Steiner. In fact, Terry was just taking his sweet ass time punching Steiner with security all over the place.
Terry has actually improved. Still can't sell a fuckin' clothesline worth a damn, but his mic work has certainly picked up quite a bit. He actually had a bit of a personality there.

Take note, Hernandez.
Why do the cameramen backstage refuse to keep the camera still? Shaky cam doesn't increase the drama. It's just a stupid cliche that's been way overused in Hollywood that serves only to annoy people and make people seasick.

There's no reason why the camera should look like it's running if it's standing there watching two guys talk while calmly getting ready for a match.

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