TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.24.11

The fans generally don't have the first fucking clue what they want. Anybody writing anything beyond a small indy show why spends large amounts of time trying to decipher what the audience wants is a fool.

Use history. Gater information. Make informed and logical decisions... but for the love of God don't listen to the fans.
The hype behind 2/21/11 was never about Sting - It was about the possibility of a dream match and a legend who has never worked for the WWE debuting.

You can say this is a parody, but it's not - It's TNA misaiming their marketing. They think people want Sting when really people wanted Sting in WWE, in order to get the one match people thought they would never see (and now probably never will).
The fans generally don't have the first fucking clue what they want. Anybody writing anything beyond a small indy show why spends large amounts of time trying to decipher what the audience wants is a fool.

Use history. Gater information. Make informed and logical decisions... but for the love of God don't listen to the fans.

Uh....what the hell are you talking about?

If the fans don't watch or don't come to the shows and don't buy the PPVs, it likely means they don't like what you're presenting. You go with what the fans respond to. Look at Hogan and Austin. The fans loved them and they were pushed. Prosperity was had by all and millions of dollars were made. You can have the best show in the world but if the fans don't like it, it means nothing. Same with any form of entertainment.
God forbid I talk about wrestling on a wrestling form, in a wrestling-related thread. I forgot, not allowed to talk about TNA in front of you unless I'm praising it.

You're such a tool, IDR.

Says the troll, trolling a thread for a show he admittedly doesn't watch just to whine about it.

Go back to your cardboard home under the bridge already.
Anyone who doesn't like what I like is a troll.



Take off the fucking blindfold.
Good god IDR and Shattered calm the fuck down, why do you get so strung-out and butthurt every week when iMPACT! get's shit on? You can like the show all you want, but the rest of us aren't going to pretend that what we're watching isn't usually utter dogshit. I don't see why you get so upset because other people don't share your enthusiasm for TNA anymore.

Now to get the bad taste of iMPACT! out of my mouth I'm off to finish reviewing the 1/30 New Japan show. Come on Kojima/Makabe, gimme something good.
Oh, I'm calm — I'm laughing, actually. I think it's hilarious to watch whiney WWE marks squirm because they didn't get their way. :lmao:
I do not think either of us have cared about it in a while. It is just funny to annoy people as much as they did back when we made the mistake of giving a fuck what they thought.

How long until we have threads about how no good company should book a major story around an old guy like sting?
Also, the promo isn't a shot at WWE. It's a shot at US, the FANS, for wanting Sting to go to WWE.

Great job, TNA, in your haste to try and take another stupid, meaningless shot at WWE, you actually alienate the fans. Great work.

It has nothing to do with whining, or being a fan of WWE. It has everything to do with TNA just not realizing WHY there was hype behind 2/21/11.
Oh, I'm calm — I'm laughing, actually. I think it's hilarious to watch whiney WWE marks squirm because they didn't get their way. :lmao:

I sincerely hope that wasn't in reference to myself. Because I'm hardly a WWE mark. I was quite critical of RAW this week while the marks were fapping over a mediocre show. I call it as I see it, I owe no allegiances to any promotion. Well maybe PWG, but only because I fucking adore that company and it's many talented employees.
Oh, I'm calm — I'm laughing, actually. I think it's hilarious to watch whiney WWE marks squirm because they didn't get their way. :lmao:

I'm almost convinced YOU thought it was ******ed, but are too narcissistic to admit the show you idolize like it's the second coming, future of television did something crappy.

And get right the fuck off your high horse, dick. I shat all over Raw this week. It just annoys you that I have original opinions.
I'm rarely even in LD's. I don't care if people shit on it. They're gonna shit on it regardless. By all means — free speech and all that.

I just think it's hilarious that all the little scrubs are coming out of the woodwork to whine, bitch and cry over this. I'm literally laughing out loud.
Uh....what the hell are you talking about?

If the fans don't watch or don't come to the shows and don't buy the PPVs, it likely means they don't like what you're presenting. You go with what the fans respond to. Look at Hogan and Austin. The fans loved them and they were pushed. Prosperity was had by all and millions of dollars were made. You can have the best show in the world but if the fans don't like it, it means nothing. Same with any form of entertainment.

Like I said, collect information. If an individual is consistently generating a strong response to the point where it becomes obvious then run with them. But you can't let the fans run your business because people aren't very good judges of what they want.

You talk almost any wrestling fan and they'll tell you that they don't much like screwjob finishes. They piss people off. They've always pissed people off, dating all the way back to the pioneer era. Crowds have always disliked them, but the fact of the matter is that they work, and getting rid of them does nothing but hurt the product.

You say let the fans tell you who to push; I say let important numbers do that. If you try to listen to the fans then what you get is Desmond Wolfe as TNA champion, which is (as much as I love the guy) a business decision that makes no sense. Fans are very vocal about what they like, but in any group of more than a few thousand people it is exceptionally difficult to ascertain any kind of majority verdict. Let fans vote with their wallets, and if it's appropriate then go with that.
I sincerely hope that wasn't in reference to myself. Because I'm hardly a WWE mark. I was quite critical of RAW this week while the marks were fapping over a mediocre show. I call it as I see it, I owe no allegiances to any promotion. Well maybe PWG, but only because I fucking adore that company and it's many talented employees.

Actually, it wasn't. You should know I tend to be direct about my criticisms, just like I criticized you earlier for complaining. If I was calling you out, I'd have called you out. You're just a wrestling fanatic, not a WWE mark.
I'm almost convinced YOU thought it was ******ed, but are too narcissistic to admit the show you idolize like it's the second coming, future of television did something crappy.

And get right the fuck off your high horse, dick. I shat all over Raw this week. It just annoys you that I have original opinions.

Not at all. I loved it. I laughed out loud and immediately wrote up a non-SPAM thread to discuss it. Believe me, son, I enjoyed it throughly, just like I will when Sting comes home.
Actually, it wasn't. You should know I tend to be direct about my criticisms, just like I criticized you earlier for complaining. If I was calling you out, I'd have called you out. You're just a wrestling fanatic, not a WWE mark.

And that's why I respect your opinion, although it's usually misguided in my eyes. You're straight forward, even if I truly can't understand some of the things you defend.

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