TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.24.11

As for the 3-3-11 thing, first off the whole thing about the WWE fans being disappointed over Sting is idiotic. There was NEVER anything from Sting, Vince, WWE or any official source saying that Sting was coming to WWE. That was what the internet wanted to believe and they believed it. It was never going to be Sting and that's all there is to it. No sympathy for them at all.

As for TNA, they're trying to play off that by saying "We do what WWE doesn't", not realizing that every fan no on a message board or the internet probably never once thought of Sting so they're pandering to a tiny fraction of the WWE audience.
Jesus, IDR, I thought you were above calling people marks. I'm...disappointed, really.

Not at all. I loved it. I laughed out loud and immediately wrote up a non-SPAM thread to discuss it. Believe me, son, I enjoyed it throughly, just like I will when Sting comes home.
Sting is going back to WCW??? MTFO!!!!!
BTW Doc, your argument is stupid. Yes, people wanted to see Sting in WWE. However, that does not make it bad for TNA to hype him up while his name is hot. Bad for you maybe but beyond that not so much.
Not at all. I loved it. I laughed out loud and immediately wrote up a non-SPAM thread to discuss it. Believe me, son, I enjoyed it throughly, just like I will when Sting comes home.

Last I checked TNA wasn't in Atlanta.

I really hope you don't think Sting's stint in TNA is even half as meaningful or important to him or the wrestling industry as his time spent in WCW.
And that's why I respect your opinion, although it's usually misguided in my eyes. You're straight forward, even if I truly can't understand some of the things you defend.

I've already admitted a number of times, and I have no issue doing so again, that a large reason for my "blind" support of TNA is because I grew up a WCW fan, not a WWE/F fan. I have hated Vince for more than a decade. I loathe the man and his ideals, and I loathe his product to boot.

I have no issue admitting to the fact that hating WWE is part of why I love TNA. None.

It's not entirely the reason I love TNA, but it's certainly a good portion of it. Aside from that, I actually enjoy the majority of what I see on the program — hard as it may be to understand.
Like I said, collect information. If an individual is consistently generating a strong response to the point where it becomes obvious then run with them. But you can't let the fans run your business because people aren't very good judges of what they want.

You talk almost any wrestling fan and they'll tell you that they don't much like screwjob finishes. They piss people off. They've always pissed people off, dating all the way back to the pioneer era. Crowds have always disliked them, but the fact of the matter is that they work, and getting rid of them does nothing but hurt the product.

You say let the fans tell you who to push; I say let important numbers do that. If you try to listen to the fans then what you get is Desmond Wolfe as TNA champion, which is (as much as I love the guy) a business decision that makes no sense. Fans are very vocal about what they like, but in any group of more than a few thousand people it is exceptionally difficult to ascertain any kind of majority verdict. Let fans vote with their wallets, and if it's appropriate then go with that.

Isn't that what I said about buying PPVs and merchandise and going to shows?

As for the Wolfe analogy, if he's getting cheered to high heaven and back everywhere he goes, hell yes you push him. It's what the NWA did with Sid back in the day and he made them money. He was terrible in the ring and made Scott Steiner sound like a Rhodes Scholar but he was money for the company and he was pushed as a result. Why do you think Santino was a tag champion for a few months? he was getting the loudest pops on the show. The fans reactions are the studies you're talking about.
BTW Doc, your argument is stupid. Yes, people wanted to see Sting in WWE. However, that does not make it bad for TNA to hype him up while his name is hot. Bad for you maybe but beyond that not so much.

I will admit that promoting Sting's name is a good thing, but this way? Petty, stupid, against the fans and totally missing the point of WHY Sting's name was so hot.
Not saying it's good or bad either way, but what does it say when in 2011 the major draws for TNA are Sting and Hogan returning?
It says BUILD SOME NEW FUCKING STARS ALREADY TNA! In a loud, rude voice.
Not saying it's good or bad either way, but what does it say when in 2011 the major draws for TNA are Sting and Hogan returning?

Says there can actually be a close to the Immortal story line while guys like AJ and the rest of Fortune re-solidify their position at the top along the way. :)
Isn't that what I said about buying PPVs and merchandise and going to shows?

As for the Wolfe analogy, if he's getting cheered to high heaven and back everywhere he goes, hell yes you push him. It's what the NWA did with Sid back in the day and he made them money. He was terrible in the ring and made Scott Steiner sound like a Rhodes Scholar but he was money for the company and he was pushed as a result. Why do you think Santino was a tag champion for a few months? he was getting the loudest pops on the show. The fans reactions are the studies you're talking about.

And you end up with a world champion who has a fan base smaller then the promotion he's working for, who will attract no new fans to the product, who isn't known to anybody not already aware of TNA and who's fans are fanatics who are probably going to promote and follow him immaterial of his position on the card.

The Impact zone will love him, but that's not really significant. The internet will be over the moon, and droves of them will queue up to steal the next PPV. Unless it's part of a story arc (see AJ Styles winning the title) it simply makes business sense to have the strap on someone who was a big star. Ask the audience and thousands will complain about 'relying on WWE rejects', but common sense should take priority.

Hell, you're the one constantly bitching about stuff 'being given away for free on TV'. What is that if not listening to the fans at your own detriment (although a much smaller detriment than you think)? The fans want a match, you give it to them. It would make better business sense to hold off on it for a while, tease it, build it, throw a couple of bait and switches and then make people pay for it. It's the same reason why the Rock wasn't on RAW this week despite the massive audience tuning in to see him. Much like common sense, business sense should take priority.

And finally, as much fun as it is to throw examples around like Rock and Hogan, as I have said before, it is almost impossible to realistically gauge what a group of over 1,000,000 people thinks. You just can't do it. Nor can you really predict consumer behavior from that large a group of people. For every person who says one thing there's a person saying the opposite. The internet simply presents a very tidy microcosm of this. The smallest minority always shout the loudest, and the largest majorities seldom bother shouting at all.

I was being slightly glib before, attention should be paid to the fains, but never, ever, at the expense of common sense, business logic or people who know better what the audience wants.
It says BUILD SOME NEW FUCKING STARS ALREADY TNA! In a loud, rude voice.

...and this is the most frustrating thing about TNA (for me anyway) they have the talent to do that sitting on the roster already, just begging for the opportunity to finally be able to break through, yet TNA for what ever stupid fucking reason just refuses to let them do so
And you end up with a world champion who has a fan base smaller then the promotion he's working for, who will attract no new fans to the product, who isn't known to anybody not already aware of TNA and who's fans are fanatics who are probably going to promote and follow him immaterial of his position on the card.

The Impact zone will love him, but that's not really significant. The internet will be over the moon, and droves of them will queue up to steal the next PPV. Unless it's part of a story arc (see AJ Styles winning the title) it simply makes business sense to have the strap on someone who was a big star. Ask the audience and thousands will complain about 'relying on WWE rejects', but common sense should take priority.

Hell, you're the one constantly bitching about stuff 'being given away for free on TV'. What is that if not listening to the fans at your own detriment (although a much smaller detriment than you think)? The fans want a match, you give it to them. It would make better business sense to hold off on it for a while, tease it, build it, throw a couple of bait and switches and then make people pay for it. It's the same reason why the Rock wasn't on RAW this week despite the massive audience tuning in to see him. Much like common sense, business sense should take priority.

And finally, as much fun as it is to throw examples around like Rock and Hogan, as I have said before, it is almost impossible to realistically gauge what a group of over 1,000,000 people thinks. You just can't do it. Nor can you really predict consumer behavior from that large a group of people. For every person who says one thing there's a person saying the opposite. The internet simply presents a very tidy microcosm of this. The smallest minority always shout the loudest, and the largest majorities seldom bother shouting at all.

I was being slightly glib before, attention should be paid to the fains, but never, ever, at the expense of common sense, business logic or people who know better what the audience wants.

What you're saying is the exact reason why TNA will never go anywhere while they're stuck in the Impact Zone. Also, that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I said it matters when the fans hve to pay money to see someone. You don't pay to get into Impact as you know so the fans aren't paying anything to see these people. It's the difference between WWE and TNA. TNA has to do more but since the higher ups can point at the Impact Zone fans and say they're cheering, Dixie Carter listens and keeps putting the same crap on there which is why TNA hasn't grown substantially in years. You listen to the fans that pay, not the morons in Orlando.
...and this is the most frustrating thing about TNA (for me anyway) they have the talent to do that sitting on the roster already, just begging for the opportunity to finally be able to break through, yet TNA for what ever stupid fucking reason just refuses to let them do so

Don't worry they'll figure out who deserve the big pushes, usually about a year or two too late usually. They waited too long to give Joe the title, they waited too long to give Styles his second title reign, and they never gave guys like Daniels, Aries, Homicide, and lately Joe fair shots. They've had SO MUCH great young talent pass through their doors only to ignore them time and time again. Atleast they realized AJ was their franchise guy about a year or two ago, that was probably the last great decision I've seen in the TNA main event scene. The booking of guys like Joe and Desmond Wolfe are just baffling. They totally bungled Wolfe/McGuinness, had him built up excellently with that great opening feud with Kurt Angle when he joined the company, only to become a complete and total jobber by springtime and disappear of the face of the planet. McGuinness is everything the WWE WISHES they had in Wade Barrett, and then some. Incredible worker and promo man and still fairly young. Just too many injuries I guess.
Don't worry they'll figure out who deserve the big pushes, usually about a year or two too late usually. They waited too long to give Joe the title, they waited too long to give Styles his second title reign, and they never gave guys like Daniels, Aries, Homicide, and lately Joe fair shots. They've had SO MUCH great young talent pass through their doors only to ignore them time and time again. Atleast they realized AJ was their franchise guy about a year or two ago, that was probably the last great decision I've seen in the TNA main event scene. The booking of guys like Joe and Desmond Wolfe are just baffling. They totally bungled Wolfe/McGuinness, had him built up excellently with that great opening feud with Kurt Angle when he joined the company, only to become a complete and total jobber by springtime and disappear of the face of the planet. McGuinness is everything the WWE WISHES they had in Wade Barrett, and then some. Incredible worker and promo man and still fairly young. Just too many injuries I guess.

You mean Hogan and Bischoff's regime is pushing mainly old guys or guys that have already had their big push? That's NEVER been done before has it?

This is what I was saying was coming when Hogan signed. This is what was always destined to happen and I tried to warn you. But then again, what would old KB know about wrestling history right?
Am I the only one that cares about Anderson? You guys suck.

Anderson has just been...strange in TNA. I'm glad he got a World title win, even if it was short-lived, so I really am not worried about his career. TNA always gives a good push to the ex-WWE guys. Look at how they treated Angle, Christian, and now Anderson. Hey he just won that triple threat tonight so I don't see what you have to be worried about Tiger brah.
What you're saying is the exact reason why TNA will never go anywhere while they're stuck in the Impact Zone. Also, that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I said it matters when the fans hve to pay money to see someone. You don't pay to get into Impact as you know so the fans aren't paying anything to see these people. It's the difference between WWE and TNA. TNA has to do more but since the higher ups can point at the Impact Zone fans and say they're cheering, Dixie Carter listens and keeps putting the same crap on there which is why TNA hasn't grown substantially in years. You listen to the fans that pay, not the morons in Orlando.

I really hope you were being comically literal when you said TNA won't go anywhere if they stay in Orlando. That would be legitimately funny instead of just silly.

Outside of the UK TNA struggle to draw a crowd of 2,000 people. TNA's television audience is well up in the millions. Firstly, get out of Orlando and you'll still just get smark crowds, you'll just get ones who haven't been desensatised to a lot of the big names, which will make it even harder to get legends over as heels.

Secondly, a few thousand hardcore wrestling fans cannot be taken an representative of a million plus TV audience and more than the Impact zone can.

Thirdly, leaving the Impact zone full time is an absolutely horrible idea, as I have explained why countless times.

Gut your roster of all legends who are there because of the lighter schedule. Shell out a fortune because you have to have all your production equipment on the road the whole time, which from everything I've read costs a lot of money. Almost no benefit. TNA already gets the feedback of crowds from all across the US through house shows, which don't hurt the company and generate revenue instead of massively increasing the overheads during a global recession.

What TNA have at the moment is working fine. If you listen to the internet they'd tell the company to go on the road tomorrow, but the internet on the whole doesn't know how to think before it speaks. Doing what TNA is doing right now, experimenting with the house show schedule, the occasional PPV from around the country and now the odd Impact from outside Orlando makes reasonable business sense. Another example where you should do what makes sense rather than what the fans tell you to do.

As for growing substantially... there is no point arguing that with you any more because you are simply never going to understand what I'm saying, but I am curious about one thing. If TNA did everything that you think they should, and all of it worked, and nothing went wrong, exactly how much should the company be able to grow in twelve months? Seriously, give me an estimate.
Can we quit pretending ALL wrestling companies do not use legends to promote big shows?

Will people ever realize that Wolfe's issues were probably not entirely out of the blue and were likely a big part of them not pushing him?
Poor Wolfe, last year I went to a TNA house show, and he was there, they had him get squashed by fucking Rob Terry....Fucking Rob motherfucking Terry:disappointed:

If Jarretts autograph line wasn't so damn long, I woulda walked up and slapped the stupidity out of him... ok maybe not, but I sure as fuck wanted to
I really hope you were being comically literal when you said TNA won't go anywhere if they stay in Orlando. That would be legitimately funny instead of just silly.

Outside of the UK TNA struggle to draw a crowd of 2,000 people. TNA's television audience is well up in the millions. Firstly, get out of Orlando and you'll still just get smark crowds, you'll just get ones who haven't been desensatised to a lot of the big names, which will make it even harder to get legends over as heels.

Secondly, a few thousand hardcore wrestling fans cannot be taken an representative of a million plus TV audience and more than the Impact zone can.

Thirdly, leaving the Impact zone full time is an absolutely horrible idea, as I have explained why countless times.

Gut your roster of all legends who are there because of the lighter schedule. Shell out a fortune because you have to have all your production equipment on the road the whole time, which from everything I've read costs a lot of money. Almost no benefit. TNA already gets the feedback of crowds from all across the US through house shows, which don't hurt the company and generate revenue instead of massively increasing the overheads during a global recession.

What TNA have at the moment is working fine. If you listen to the internet they'd tell the company to go on the road tomorrow, but the internet on the whole doesn't know how to think before it speaks. Doing what TNA is doing right now, experimenting with the house show schedule, the occasional PPV from around the country and now the odd Impact from outside Orlando makes reasonable business sense. Another example where you should do what makes sense rather than what the fans tell you to do.

As for growing substantially... there is no point arguing that with you any more because you are simply never going to understand what I'm saying, but I am curious about one thing. If TNA did everything that you think they should, and all of it worked, and nothing went wrong, exactly how much should the company be able to grow in twelve months? Seriously, give me an estimate.

I never once said take them out of Orlando permanently. Show me where I said that. That's right I didn't genius.

Second, what you're saying is do the same thing they've been doing (for the most part, not entirely). Here's the thing: that hasn't gotten them ahead as far as people watching. It's gotten us Hogan, Bischoff and other stuff that only old school people like you and TNA marks like Shattered Dreams want. This company is a damn joke with moronic fans. Going to North Carolina is going to do wonders for them, but then their booking is going to fuck the whole thing up all over again, because that's what TNA does. If you want to be delusional enough to sit here and say it's good, I'm sorry but you're an idiot.

And in answer to your question, they wouldn't grow much for the dozens of other problems those morons in TNA have.

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