TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.24.11

Anderson has just been...strange in TNA. I'm glad he got a World title win, even if it was short-lived, so I really am not worried about his career. TNA always gives a good push to the ex-WWE guys. Look at how they treated Angle, Christian, and now Anderson. Hey he just won that triple threat tonight so I don't see what you have to be worried about Tiger brah.

Besides Anderson getting the worst title run since Sheamus's you mean.

When he had the title he played third fiddle to Immortal/Fortune and Jarrett/Angle, now that he's lost the title he is playing third fiddle to Angle/Jarrett, Immortal/Dixie. I guarantee Anderson doesn't get his title shot till they drain him of all credibility, make him look as irrelevant/supplementary as possible, and no one in the universe cares if he wins it anymore.
You mean Hogan and Bischoff's regime is pushing mainly old guys or guys that have already had their big push? That's NEVER been done before has it?

This is what I was saying was coming when Hogan signed. This is what was always destined to happen and I tried to warn you. But then again, what would old KB know about wrestling history right?

Oh shush you, stop bragging.
Ok, so I couldn't get my damn computer working today to participate in the LD but it looks like I missed a fun one!

So, the big news is Sting huh? Done exactly the way WWE promoted Undertaker when a few internet marks thought it was Sting and even thought so after seeing Undertaker's face in the promo? Ok then.

I'll point out something that no one has said yet. Sting would conceivably come back to a big pop as a face, joining Anderson, Angle, Steiner, RVD, Crimson, Morgan, AJ, Beer Money, Kazarian as faces opposing Immortal. Immortal has like 4 guys, of which maybe two have credibility (the Hardy brothers). The part that bothers me is that the list of credible heels in the company (wrestler-wise) includes the Hardys and then........Bully Ray? Pope? That end is severely lacking.

EDIT: Jeff Jarrett is up there as well. I know I'd get shit on if I didn't mention him. Never been a fan of his (except he was sorta funny back in 1995 when he was rocking the strut), but he is in a top program and people hate him so he counts. Still, the heel roster is not very strong.
And Gelgarin I know you won't read this before you reply but I'm sorry for calling you an idiot. You're not as you know.
Gelgarin has been replying for 12 minutes. This is going to hurt.

And I mean that actually. He can be spot on with a lot of what he says.
Told you that if anything, TNA should be commended for taking Jericho's own announcement surprise and using it to their advantage.

This wouldn't have been as bad had TNA not said this a million times already. Not to mention, Sting has been gone what, 4 months? That's hardly an earth shattering return.
I never once said take them out of Orlando permanently. Show me where I said that. That's right I didn't genius.

Second, what you're saying is do the same thing they've been doing (for the most part, not entirely). Here's the thing: that hasn't gotten them ahead as far as people watching. It's gotten us Hogan, Bischoff and other stuff that only old school people like you and TNA marks like Shattered Dreams want. This company is a damn joke with moronic fans. Going to North Carolina is going to do wonders for them, but then their booking is going to fuck the whole thing up all over again, because that's what TNA does. If you want to be delusional enough to sit here and say it's good, I'm sorry but you're an idiot.

And in answer to your question, they wouldn't grow much for the dozens of other problems those morons in TNA have.

Wow. Avoiding a direct question, repeatedly insulting me and not even bothering to dress it up with a quality post like most people would. You questioned a few weeks back why I didn't want to enter into a debate with you.

Yes, what I'm saying is do more or less the same thing as they've been doing, because anyone who pays attention can see that ITS WORKING. You can whine and sulk and call me delusional to your hearts content, but the only people in this debate who are delusional are the ones who think that there is some separate, ethereal concept of "good" and "bad" television.

You can talk about a car, a mop, a sports team or a television show; something is good when it does what it is supposed to do. TNA is supposed to draw and maintain an audience in line with the networks expectation. It does that. TNA is supposed to make money. It does that. TNA is probably supposed to help Panda Energy avoid tax. I'm given to understand that it does that.

TNA was not founded to topple the WWE, it was not founded to take the artistry of professional wrestling to new heights, and it was not founded to please you.

Wrestling companies are not in existence to measure up to some phantom standard, they're financial enterprises. I know you know this. I've seen Sly educate you on the subject often enough.

TNA is already achieving what it wants to achieve and maintaining consistent growth whilst doing it. You bitch about the booking, but you've been doom-saying for years and TNA is in a stronger position now than it's ever been. You'll carry on doom-saying regardless because you won't recognize success unless it supports what you already believe. I dare say in a few years TNA will be drawing a slightly higher TV rating and be in a slightly stronger financial position, and you'll still be spouting the exact same lines in total defiance of the evidence. By that time it will probably have fallen to somebody else to waste time constructing an informative dialog you have no interest in.

Retaining your audience for over five years says that you have a solid idea of what your fan base wants. Of course, we TNA fans are morons according to you, but I don't think TNA cares, we're morons watch the show, which is better than appealing to an intelligencer who don't.

Finally, I know it's an old card, but I'm mister old school so I'm going to play it again. You say that I'm an idiot for sitting here saying I enjoy TNA week after week. What exactly does that make you, somebody who watches even more religiously than I do, but doesn't even have the excuse of enjoying it? The correct answer is probably a liar, but people seem to take that far more personally then being called an 'even bigger idiot than Gelgarin', so I'll go with that.

Oh, and I watch TNA because I'm a TNA mark like Shattered Dreams, not for any kind of old school reason.

PPS: I'm going to ask my question again. We assume that you're right about everything. You have total control to get rid of every last piece of shit in TNA. In reality you'd crash the company, but if didn't and could, for arguments sake, run a program superior in the eyes of the majority to the WWE, how much do you think TNA could grow in twelve months?
I ask only for the sake of a chuckle.

I look forward to more of your mediocre disrespect and fully recognize the irony.

EDIT: PxS (where x equals the correct number of p's at this point) Stop stalking me whilst I write my novel, it's off putting. And nothing taken personaly in any way, it's the internet.
If you like; I'd rather you go read about Verne Gagne in the wrestlezone tournament, that's actually interesting and goes some way beyond be recycling Slyfox's greatest hits and shooting some banter with KB.
Who gives a flying fuck about the ratings if you don't enjoy the product personally? They've hired a lot of big names over the last year to explain that ever so slight increase in ratings. It's not like their shit is blowing up now with these guys or like they've ever even sniffed the 2.0 territory. Ratings have been fundamentally the same for many years now. Until of course they got slaughtered going head-to-head with Raw.

I cannot understand why you'd want to defend TNA's atrocious job at booking over the last year. They are a shell of their former selves creatively.
Because I enjoy it? All the evidence suggests that the majority of their fan base do as well?

For some reason people who watch TV they hate are pretty unusual.
Wow. Avoiding a direct question, repeatedly insulting me and not even bothering to dress it up with a quality post like most people would. You questioned a few weeks back why I didn't want to enter into a debate with you.

And then you left like a little kid. I'll apologize for calling you an idiot but not for that.

Yes, what I'm saying is do more or less the same thing as they've been doing, because anyone who pays attention can see that ITS WORKING. You can whine and sulk and call me delusional to your hearts content, but the only people in this debate who are delusional are the ones who think that there is some separate, ethereal concept of "good" and "bad" television.

Then why have they not seemed to grow at all recently, why are they paying Hogan and Bischoff and Flair the likely high prices for the same ratings that AJ and Daniels and Joe were getting while being the laughingstock of the wrestling world this side of CZW, why are they parodying/stealing/redoing WWE ideas from the same year? If that's what you call success you be my guest. I'd rather have them expand (to a point where it's noticeable) than stay the same but that's just me.

You can talk about a car, a mop, a sports team or a television show; something is good when it does what it is supposed to do. TNA is supposed to draw and maintain an audience in line with the networks expectation. It does that. TNA is supposed to make money. It does that. TNA is probably supposed to help Panda Energy avoid tax. I'm given to understand that it does that.

Draw? No. It's not drawing an audience. It did at one point but it's not now. It is however maintaining one. The bold part is the crux of this. TNA does indeed make money from the sources and reports that I've heard, true. I would call that a success. What I wouldn't call a success though is not living up to the potential that it has, which is where TNA is a failure.

TNA was not founded to topple the WWE, it was not founded to take the artistry of professional wrestling to new heights, and it was not founded to please you.

See, actually it was. I'm a wrestling fan with money that I could spend on TNA. If TNA, an entertainment company, isn't convincing me to spend my money on them then they're not doing their job. If a studio makes a movie and no one goes to see it, it could be the best put together, best acted best written film of all time. But if it doesn't sell a ticket, it's got nothing to say.

Wrestling companies are not in existence to measure up to some phantom standard, they're financial enterprises. I know you know this. I've seen Sly educate you on the subject often enough.

No, they're in business to make money. TNA does this but not as well as they could.

TNA is already achieving what it wants to achieve

I highly doubt this is the level they want to be at.

and maintaining consistent growth whilst doing it.

What growth? There's no way you can prove that they're growing or that I can prove they're not growing. For all we know they're doing more buys on PPV than WWE. We can't know that though. There's no way to prove whether or not they're growing other than with the information we have, meaning TV ratings and audience, which has been in the same range for years.

You bitch about the booking, but you've been doom-saying for years and TNA is in a stronger position now than it's ever been.

Again, you can't prove that. You have no idea how much money they make and neither do I.[/quote]

You'll carry on doom-saying regardless because you won't recognize success unless it supports what you already believe.

Yes, because this company annoys me and I come to a public forum to speak my mind about it.

I dare say in a few years TNA will be drawing a slightly higher TV rating

Let's say that's two years. That's a few no? In two years' time (2008-2010) their TV ratings went from an average of 1.05 (08) to 1.17 (09) and back to 1.05 (10). Their ratings have never been higher thant hey were in 09. In other words, the current regime has taken them from the best they've ever gotten down to back where they started, not counting the additional salaries brought on by Hogan, Bischoff and Flair. In other words, a slightly higher rating has already been done. How can it be considered growth if it's already been done?

and be in a slightly stronger financial position,

Which you won't be able to prove barring them going public.

and you'll still be spouting the exact same lines in total defiance of the evidence.

You have hearsay, not evidence.

By that time it will probably have fallen to somebody else to waste time constructing an informative dialog you have no interest in.

On the contrary. Every 1000 posts these LD reaches means my salary goes up 5%.

Retaining your audience for over five years says that you have a solid idea of what your fan base wants.

Retaining an audience isn't growing. And they haven't over the last five years. Over the last year they've lost some of it, as shown earlier.

Of course, we TNA fans are morons according to you,

Well I am smarter than all of you. I'm an internet reviewer. We're all geniuses after all.

but I don't think TNA cares,

That's true. They're after my money, like any business is.

we're morons watch the show,

Your words, not mine.

which is better than appealing to an intelligencer who don't.

If you pay them they couldn't care less if you write your name in creamed corn every morning.

Finally, I know it's an old card, but I'm mister old school

Pretty sure I took that title from the South American Champion in Rio De Janiero back in 79.

so I'm going to play it again. You say that I'm an idiot for sitting here saying I enjoy TNA week after week.

Because the show is badly put together and badly written. Then again I still watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so take my opinion with a grain of pepper.[/quote]

What exactly does that make you, somebody who watches even more religiously than I do, but doesn't even have the excuse of enjoying it?

As I said before to IDR, why would you think I'm a rational person? I can assure you I'm not.

The correct answer is probably a liar, but people seem to take that far more personally then being called an 'even bigger idiot than Gelgarin', so I'll go with that.

For the 8675309th time, I enjoy watching TNA. Their idiocy makes me hate myself for watching it, but it's a guilty pleasure.

Oh, and I watch TNA because I'm a TNA mark like Shattered Dreams, not for any kind of old school reason.

No no no. You're far from it. You're a TNA mark like IDR. As in the kind that is knowledgeable and fun to hear the opinions of.

PPS: I'm going to answer my question again. We assume that you're right about everything.

There's a shocking idea.

You have total control to get rid of every last piece of shit in TNA.

Can't it be the piss instead?

In reality you'd crash the company

Yeah I mean it's not like I've had any success financially or anything like that.....

, but if didn't and could, for arguments sake, run a program superior in the eyes of the majority to the WWE

The key term there is argument's sake as the vast majority of the fans will still think of it as inferior to WWE because of the past of TNA and the brand being damaged already.

how much do you think TNA could grow in twelve months?

Very difficult to say. As I said, there are far more issues with TNA than the on screen product. Not many people know about TNA and there's little advertising for what's upcoming. The main problems I see are in the philosophy of the booking. Take for instance last week with RVD vs. Hardy. That match was fine for a TV or even PPV main event. It's a big match that if given time and letting the fans know the history, could draw a nice rating or buyrate.

Instead we were given two hours notice so if you didn't see the show, you had no idea it was coming. The same can be said for a bunch of TNA matches, like Anderson vs. Hardy at Genesis. Knowing that Hardy could lose would be something people would want to see, but instead it was added on as a surprise, keeping potential buyers and therefore money away. That's the main thing I would change.

That and stop saying you're going to have a match and then not have it. Take AJ vs. Flair tonight. That was publicized last week and again tonight. This is a common practice in TNA and was in WCW as well. It's fine once in awhile but eventually it catches up to you, ala Starrcade 97. The reason TNA gets on my nerves is I see the little things like that which add up and ultimately catch up to you. I'd give the fans something to chew on once in awhile rather than false finishes, 10 minutes of wrestling before the 15 minute main event, and less building to one show only to say oh well it's actually the NEXT show you want to see to get some resolution.

In short, respect the fans more.

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