TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.24.11

I'm not telling anyone not to watch the show. I'm telling them they're a moron if they continue to watch despite finding the entire product terrible. Most rational folk would consider that masochism.

I was joking, bud. Don't get all testy with me. I don't think any of us think the entire product is shit, but it can't be denied that as a whole the company needs a serious overhaul on the creative team.
I was joking, bud. Don't get all testy with me. I don't think any of us think the entire product is shit, but it can't be denied that as a whole the company needs a serious overhaul on the creative team.

Sure it can; all you need is a few numbers and a basic knowledge of television.
You think so, huh?

Well, we'll have to wait 6-8 months from now, but I seriously doubt that.

Save this post and come back to me around late August/September/October.

Difference is, when I hate something, I stop watching it. I don't watch just to complain.

You see me in WWE LD's week-after-week talking about how fuckin' boring John Morrison is? Nope. I have better things to do than put myself through that misery by choice.

Earth to IDR, people like KB and myself are obsessed with wrestling if you haven't figured that out yet. If you put a weekly wrestling show on television, we're going to watch it and share our thoughts on it, good or bad.

That, plus TNA actually used to be a company that I loved and prided myself on watching every week. Until the Hogan/Bischoff show came to town and ruined all of that of course.

I honestly don't know how the fuck you can defend this show anymore. The occasional great match once or twice a month with the same four or five guys just doesn't make up for the joke of a show they put on each week anymore.

I seem to remember you being a big critic of mine, saying people weren't coming in here because of my bitching. I kept saying the show would be ok for a few months and then Hogan and Bischoff's leadership would bring it crashing down, and now you agree with me. I love being right.

I just wanted to give Hogan and Bischoff a chance KB while you weren't really willing to. Of course in due time they ruined that chance, as they always do. Anyone could have seen it coming, but I wanted to have faith that maybe, just MAYBE they wouldn't completely fuck up TNA in less than a year's time. Clearly I expected too much out of them.
Ok, prime example right here. You have a wrestling program with more than 3 segments featuring JEFF JARRETT! If that's not a sign that the creative team in TNA sucks, then you are clueless.
Elaborate, son.

Easy. TNA's mission brief is not to achieve some ethereal level of quality television; it's to make money. Money is made through retaining and expanding your audience and growing the company.

Putting aside the disaster that was the Monday night move TNA has retained or expanded its audience year on year since its inception. They've been on Spike for years now in a time period where TV shows are canned on a regular basis, clearly the network is happy with what they're pulling. The company is continuing to grow and expand into new territory, both geographically and in a business sense. We're told the company makes money, and since we have no reason to assume it's a lie I'm going to buy it.
The company is doing fine. Ergo; a creative shake up is not necessary.
Easy. TNA's mission brief is not to achieve some ethereal level of quality television; it's to make money. Money is made through retaining and expanding your audience and growing the company.

Putting aside the disaster that was the Monday night move TNA has retained or expanded its audience year on year since its inception. They've been on Spike for years now in a time period where TV shows are canned on a regular basis, clearly the network is happy with what they're pulling. The company is continuing to grow and expand into new territory, both geographically and in a business sense. We're told the company makes money, and since we have no reason to assume it's a lie I'm going to buy it.
The company is doing fine. Ergo; a creative shake up is not necessary.

All sarcastic shit aside, well done. I actually learned something from this.


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