TNA iMPACT! LD for 02.24.11

You ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe the reason people like KB, X, and every other self respecting wrestling fan bitches when they watch this crap is because it really is that damn terrible?
I dunno about that, dude — you've come in here with a tree trunk up your ass some weeks. :lmao:

It's the honest truth: I have never complained for the sake of complaining. Everything I've said in here is either something I find stupid, annoying, not thought out well enough or lazy. I might add some complaining to it but it's always been an actual complaint of mine.
You ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe the reason people like KB, X, and every other self respecting wrestling fan bitches when they watch this crap is because it really is that damn terrible?

Ever stop to think how moronic it is to watch something you find "terrible" week-after-week?
It's the honest truth: I have never complained for the sake of complaining. Everything I've said in here is either something I find stupid, annoying, not thought out well enough or lazy. I might add some complaining to it but it's always been an actual complaint of mine.

Clearly, if you find anything wrong with TNA at all, you're just a WWE mark who is bitching just to get a rise out of TNA fans.
xfear has officially usurped KB as official TNA LD whiner.

It's what happens when your product is a pathetic fucking joke of a show.

Funny too, because I used to be the one always defending TNA in these LDs against KB. Until this past year, in which they've turned into the biggest shit sandwich in all of professional wrestling.

I can already see IDR's future. 6-8 months from now he's going to be right where I am, tired of always being let down by TNA after giving them 12 million chances to get their shit together.
It's the honest truth: I have never complained for the sake of complaining. Everything I've said in here is either something I find stupid, annoying, not thought out well enough or lazy. I might add some complaining to it but it's always been an actual complaint of mine.

Well at least you admit that ou add the complaining to it. :D

All for effect, right? ;)
It's what happens when your product is a pathetic fucking joke of a show.

Funny too, because I used to be the one always defending TNA in these LDs against KB. Until this past year, in which they've turned into the biggest shit sandwich in all of professional wrestling.

I can already see IDR's future. 6-8 months from now he's going to be right where I am, tired of always being let down by TNA after giving them 12 million chances to get their shit together.

You think so, huh?

Well, we'll have to wait 6-8 months from now, but I seriously doubt that.

Save this post and come back to me around late August/September/October.

Difference is, when I hate something, I stop watching it. I don't watch just to complain.

You see me in WWE LD's week-after-week talking about how fuckin' boring John Morrison is? Nope. I have better things to do than put myself through that misery by choice.
Well at least you admit that ou add the complaining to it. :D

All for effect, right? ;)

And to get people talking in here. It's not like the product is going to do it.

It's what happens when your product is a pathetic fucking joke of a show.

Funny too, because I used to be the one always defending TNA in these LDs against KB. Until this past year, in which they've turned into the biggest shit sandwich in all of professional wrestling.

I can already see IDR's future. 6-8 months from now he's going to be right where I am, tired of always being let down by TNA after giving them 12 million chances to get their shit together.

I seem to remember you being a big critic of mine, saying people weren't coming in here because of my bitching. I kept saying the show would be ok for a few months and then Hogan and Bischoff's leadership would bring it crashing down, and now you agree with me. I love being right.
Ever stop to think how moronic it is to watch something you find "terrible" week-after-week?

I useally only get home in time to watch the Main Event, and they write reviews, really can't write a very good review if you don't watch the show now can you?;)

Also there's always that tiny shred of hope that maybe just maybe somebody high up in TNA has finally pulled their head out of their ass, and they start producing a product that isn't utter shit

...oh and I can't watch guys like Roode, AJ, Storm, MCMGs, Lethal and a few others in WWE, at least not...
Don't start telling people not to watch now. If the 5 people in this thread who hate TNA stop watching, well that's at least an 8th of the viewership down the drain.

I'm not telling anyone not to watch the show. I'm telling them they're a moron if they continue to watch despite finding the entire product terrible. Most rational folk would consider that masochism.
For everything TNA does right, there are a million things it does oh so wrong. It's why I just don't watch it anymore. Not even for Winter. And I love Winter.

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