The Complaint Thread

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You posted a link to watch something on another website. If it's not a stream then it's advertising. You're not getting an apology as you broke the rules.
Yeah, can someone please tell me when it becomes a banable offense to ask a god damned question around here? I remember the days when if you asked a question, people would answer it rather than banning you because they lack an answer or do not with to take the time to say Yes or friggin No. So can somebody please riddle me this, if you have the time?
You posted a link to watch something on another website. If it's not a stream then it's advertising. You're not getting an apology as you broke the rules.
LOL? What?

So, if you post a youtube link its advertsing? Oh My God. "Sapo Vídeos" is a portuguese website of videos, just like YouTube! For Christ's Sake, look it up if you want to, go to the my last post and see the link that I posted and you'll see it's not even a stream neither is advertsing, I don't win anything at all with it.

So, yes, I'm demanding an apology, because I did NOT brake the rules! I did NOT posted a Stream! It's not a stream! It's a video! It's a WWE Uk Pre-Show that at that time had already aired on TV! It is so hard to understand?

And my complaint is also about NO ONE answering my email that I sent to the "Contact Us" thing you have on the bottom of the page. In one week you did not have time to answer me? I tried to explain myself the same way I'm doing right now, but no one cared about it.
Is there a complaint in there somewhere or just whining about the rules?

It's a compliant. mainly because the person who jumped the gun decided they are too good to answer the question and said to take it to the complaint thread. It would be whining if a rule had actually been broken. But asking someone if spoilers from the webpage are considered to still be spoilers isn't breaking a rule and actually should not even been reacted on. It's called a YES or NO question. Rather simple if you ask me.

I believe it was a simple mistake that should be rectified. But here's a question.

How come people suddenly become incredibly rude when they get the mod nod?

First of all, "The Crazy One"

This site allows you to use vb code to post youtube links. By simply taking the youtube id code (it appears on the google search or the video on the site) and surrounding it with [youtube] code here [/yoUtube] you are able to post any Youtube video you want without issues (barring porn). Bear in mind, I capitalized the "U" in the code to disable it so you could see it - it should all be lower case. For more information on vB code, please check here:

Otherwise, posting links to other websites in an LD is technically a violation of the rules. I can certainly understand you being upset, and I am sorry you feel this way, but simply posting links to an outside site is a violation of the advertising rule. Perhaps a single infraction rather than a ban would have been appropriate in your case, but the precedent for the 1-week ban was set before you or I ever arrived here.

Now I am an admin here, and I received no message from you at all. In the future, PM me, and I will give any issue you present to me due dilligence.

I also feel your intentions were good, and for that, I thank you for trying to contribute. That's just one of those things you're best off not doing.


Spawn, you and I are handling your matter through PM. I am not sure what you are referring to as far as asking a questions being bannable - link me via PM to an example so I understand it. But I am still looking in to your matter. No need to make a stink in here, unless you have a separate complaint.

Thanks to everyone from bringing this issues up in the right place and in a mature way, rather than the usual "you guyz fukin suk i got banned for noez reazon 'cuz I said Czena sux." I will give both of your issues due attention.

It's a compliant. mainly because the person who jumped the gun decided they are too good to answer the question and said to take it to the complaint thread. It would be whining if a rule had actually been broken. But asking someone if spoilers from the webpage are considered to still be spoilers isn't breaking a rule and actually should not even been reacted on. It's called a YES or NO question. Rather simple if you ask me.

I believe it was a simple mistake that should be rectified. But here's a question.

How come people suddenly become incredibly rude when they get the mod nod?

As opposed to being continuously rude like you are? You can't expect a polite response when you come in here and aren't polite to the staff in the first place.

As for Lee thinking he's 'too good to answer the question' I've seen the PMs you exchanged, in which he answered the question for you.
Spawn, I've already said that to me the question on spoiler sounded like a justification for you posting the RVD spoiler (and I have no idea where you got this killer kowalski thing from). At the time it seemed like that, and I even spoke to other moderators before taking action.

And regarding rudeness, you're the rudest person on this forum, so it's quite a bit of a joke coming from you is it not?
Everybody stop. Even other mods. If the bitchfest continues, I will infract people. Mods included.

Crazy One, the "Contact Us" at the bottom of the forum is for technical issues and goes to the site owners. They don't care about your infraction. Best to handle that stuff with me or another mod. Check the "View Forum Leaders" link to see who they are.
Ok, then, thanks anyway. I did not wanted to go against the rules. Because, in fact the justification I had for the ban was: "Stream", and I did not posted a stream, so I would thank admins or mods or who gives bans next time to say something like: "You posted a direct link and it's against the rules", if they said so earlier, I would not came here to complain about it.

It was not a stream so I didn't understand why did I got banned, now, I understand. But, I don't think its quite fair to me to receive a banning for something that could be easily edited and then by private message you could alert about it and of course I would not repeat it.

Ok, then, thanks anyway. I did not wanted to go against the rules. Because, in fact the justification I had for the ban was: "Stream", and I did not posted a stream, so I would thank admins or mods or who gives bans next time to say something like: "You posted a direct link and it's against the rules", if they said so earlier, I would not came here to complain about it.

It was not a stream so I didn't understand why did I got banned, now, I understand. But, I don't think its quite fair to me to receive a banning for something that could be easily edited and then by private message you could alert about it and of course I would not repeat it.


I will follow up with you via private message. Again, thank you for hashing this out with me. You're obviously a pretty bright guy, I'd hate to see you turned off to the forum because of one incident.
Why did I get banned? For posting a stream? That's completely false. I know its easy for you to ban people without asking anything, but damn.

I posted a link just before Royal Rumble to watch "WWE Pre-Show" in 3 links just like YouTube! I don't see any of the users of this board getting banned for doing the same thing with matches! It's just a TV Show that doesn't even air on USA! I posted it to everyone outside the UK could see it.

But no, you banned me for a stream that for christ sake I didn't post! I send an email to the admin of the board, and nothing, you just don't answer any question....

I demand an apologie for being banned for something that is definitely NOT a stream!
I believe the problem was this. You gave links for people to watch the preview show. Generally, the preview show starts 30 minutes before the PPV. You posted those links 30 minutes before the PPV, and thus, it was thought that you were posting a stream. After all, you were posting those links, telling people they could watch the preview show there...while the preview show was going on. Hopefully, you can understand that.

I could be wrong, but that would be my guess, just looking over things.

As far as sending the e-mail goes, hopefully Irish's answer satisfies you.
I received a warning just a bit ago. I do not agree that my post was spam in the slightest. If you read the thread, multiple people asked why I included the Legends title, and when I post why, I get a warning. Makes no sense to me. If posting an explanation is considered spam here then the rules are quite rediculous.

TheOneBigWill said:
Dear Original Sin,

You have received a warning at WrestleZone Forums.


This is just a warning. Your post added absolutely nothing to the on-topic post. All you did was seemingly reply to someone that you could've easily done through PMs or the rep system. Please make sure that when you reply in threads, you add opinions and statements that are enough to warrant debating with. Thank You.

Original Post:
Jeez, I was only mentioning it because if I didn't I'm sure someone would ask why I didn't mention it. :p

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums
I received a warning just a bit ago. I do not agree that my post was spam in the slightest. If you read the thread, multiple people asked why I included the Legends title, and when I post why, I get a warning. Makes no sense to me. If posting an explanation is considered spam here then the rules are quite rediculous.
While I certainly understand your complaint, allow me to refer you to the rules.

WZ Rules said:
A. Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on Spamming at Wrestlezone Forums are somewhat different than that of most other forums. We require that you give an opinion on a subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion. What we want to know is why you feel the way you do about a certain subject, to allow other posters to debate your opinion. We do not require an essay for every post, we simply require that you contribute to the topic. Spamming is allowed in the “Live Discussion & Spam Zone” Forum and the Bar Room, but not in any other Forums.

While I certainly understand your point about trying to explain something, hopefully you will understand our point in your warning. While I know it may seem redundant to post something again, just so you can give your explanation, it still needs to be done.

While I don't necessarily expect you to be satisfied with my answer, I will point out that this was only a warning. A warning serves no real purpose, other than a "we're watching" type thing. If you were to get a million warnings from us, it wouldn't mean a thing. An "infraction" is when you begin to receive punishment (after receiving three infractions), so don't worry much, as it's only a warning. So, even if you're not satisfied with my answer about your "spam", at least be satisfied that nothing of import really happened to you.
I have a question. I cant view the 2008 avatar collection for some reason whats going on?
Ok, everyone, you're starting to put questions in the complaints threat. Questions may be started as threads in this forum, and to make it even easier, I will sticky an "ask a forum question" thread.

To answer, moving sigs slow down people's computers and cause all sorts of issues. There is no need to have a moving sig - it adds little, if anything, to your posts or your persona. Just not worth it.
Yep, he and I worked it out. All is peaceful. With him anyway.

And yet it has been 4 days and not a peep about my problem? I mean you SAY you don't want to turn anybody away from the forums, but does that count for everybody? I mean I might be a bit rude at times, but I do try to follow the rules and all and yet since I've stopped being a bar regular I get treated like a second class citizen when it comes to concerns? I mean dude, 4 days with one singular incident when old dude, stuff was handled within an hour. I know you are busy, but 4 days without even as much as a peep, or a word, or anything about my concern when I pm'ed you 4 days ago?

And before anybody complaint about my complaint, but yourself in my shoes and ask yourself how much patience should you have when other incident are getting handled quickly and quietly and you send a pm that isn't even answered back.
And yet it has been 4 days and not a peep about my problem? I mean you SAY you don't want to turn anybody away from the forums, but does that count for everybody? I mean I might be a bit rude at times, but I do try to follow the rules and all and yet since I've stopped being a bar regular I get treated like a second class citizen when it comes to concerns? I mean dude, 4 days with one singular incident when old dude, stuff was handled within an hour. I know you are busy, but 4 days without even as much as a peep, or a word, or anything about my concern when I pm'ed you 4 days ago?

And before anybody complaint about my complaint, but yourself in my shoes and ask yourself how much patience should you have when other incident are getting handled quickly and quietly and you send a pm that isn't even answered back.

His incident was EASY. Very minor thing. Yours is a little more complex. And since you've decided to call me out on it in the complaint thread, it'll keep waiting. I've got better things to worry about, and since you're no longer banned, you could be doing other things as well. Sorry if you feel you've been slighted.
His incident was EASY. Very minor thing. Yours is a little more complex. And since you've decided to call me out on it in the complaint thread, it'll keep waiting. I've got better things to worry about, and since you're no longer banned, you could be doing other things as well. Sorry if you feel you've been slighted.

I called it out here because I sent you a PM 3 days ago asking nicely what the verdict was. A simple " still working on it" or even a "fuck off I'm busy" would have sufficed. But not even a peep? Like I said, I know you are busy, but a quick heads up easily avoids misunderstandings and ill feelings.
I called it out here because I sent you a PM 3 days ago asking nicely what the verdict was. A simple " still working on it" or even a "fuck off I'm busy" would have sufficed. But not even a peep? Like I said, I know you are busy, but a quick heads up easily avoids misunderstandings and ill feelings.

You're simply asking me what the verdict was PM was sent yesterday at 12:31 AM. I know because as Admin I save all of the important PM's on cases I am working on.

And if you would shut your mouth for a second, you'd see I PM'd you with a verdict. But now, since you're being an incomparable ball breaker and spamming up the complaint thread...


I don't know what you and IC wound up figuring out, but I must ask. What exactly are you wanting? For purely argument's sake, let's say your banning for a week was a mistake. It's not like you can get that time back.

I understand being upset, but there is really nothing that can be done, whether you were wrong or wronged.
i am posting this to apologise because i copied some of the topics on here to post them on another forum.

i would like to tell everyone on here that i am sorry about this and i will never be able to apologise enough to make up for what i did.

so i hope you can forgive me.:icon_cry:
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